HomeMy WebLinkAbout940756 Affidavit of Survivor Trustee (,'00659 I. Stephen Bret Bushnell, being of lawful age and duly sworn according to law, upon my oath, depose and state: That under the date September 23, 2004, George J. Bushnell and Nancy Lynn Bushnell Ericksen, Co-Trustees of The George J. Bushnell Trust, dated May 4, 1990. by deed of that date, which deed was duly filed of record in the Office of the Lincoln County Clerk, on October 8, 2004, in Book 569 of Photostatic Records on Page 505, conveyed to George J. Bushnell Trust dated May 4, 1990, George J. Bushnell and Stephen Bret Bushnell, Co-Trustees, the following described property situate in Lincoln County, Wyoming, to-wit: Part of Section 32, Township 34 North, R118 West of the 61h P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point which is 20 rods West from the Northeast corner of said Section 32 and running thence South 40 rods; thence West 20 rods; thence North 40 rods; thence East 20 rods to the point of beginning That by reason of said conveyance aforesaid, George J. Bushnell and Stephen Bret Bushnell, Co-trustees of the George J. Bushnell Trust dated May 4, 1990, became the owners of the above described land, and title thereto vested continuously in said co-trustees from the date of conveyance described in said deed to the date of death of George J. Bushnell on the 19th day of December, 2005, That by reason of and upon the death of George J. Bushnell, and pursuant to the Administrative Provisions of the Trust, title to the above described real property vested in Stephen Bret Bushnell, as the trustee. Affiant avers and certifies that George J. Bushnell is the identical party named as co- trustee in the aforementioned deed, whose death terminated his interest, title and estate in said real property; and Affiant attaches hereto and makes a part of this affidavit, a copy of the Official Certificate of Death of said decedent, duly certified by the public authority in which said death certificate is a matter of record. Dated this £day of ..JdL 'I ,2008. State of Wr0fY}/lvq County of LJrVc-oW )55. Subscribed and sworn to before me, a notary public in and for said County and State, by Stephen Bret Bushnell, this ...LfL day of ~ U'-1 ' 2008, WITNESS my hand and official seal. My Commission Expires: NO Y Î, / 2009 RECEIVED 7/23/2008 at 2:30 PM RECEIVING # 940756 BOOK: 700 PAGE: 659 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY STATE OF WYOMING DEPA'3-TMENT OF J::iEALTH \, ¿:ð0660 ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~; ~ " 1. ~.' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i. ~ (¡0~ LOCAL FilE NUMBER STAt~OF WYOMING} DEPARTMENT OF HÉALTH , CERTIFICATE OF DEATH· 200s-nn3blQ i STATE FILE NUMBER \ George J. Bushnell <I. sotw. SECURity..· 'MAER IF DEATH OCCURRED IN AHOSPITAL 01 DlIeni dtR¡'Qu1 lkint ;;. aI '011: ~~ ~u ~W 'O!!: ..0 ;;..J ã.< Ell: oW UZ ..::J all¿. ¡2 3204 Strawber Creek Road . BIRTHPlACE (CIty.1'd _llIle or foreign counlry I Meadow; Utah 11 EVER IN U.5. ARMED FORCES? nY!!s i I1\NO 12d. SìREETANDNUMß~R i1NO ij~ io ø ~ ~ ~ t 'f¡ " ~ ~ þ ~ " I I ~ ¡ , I ! ! I " . " .. :',- -'.-. .-" ". :-: ::-: '::. ...... <,..:.' ":- ....CÀUSE o~ DEATH' ........) \ <. '.. PART I. Em« IhCJ elmln oievUnts _ ¡;11t.tlnses. 1$00& 01' wn'lpllctltlcm!; -"¡,.,;¡rdlredly täl;~f!d the:oemti:,'"OO ,NOT cnt"r tèt!;'IIr1al avooIS:_~UC11 þs cnrdliffi . IIITASI, rs,plrølory orrell. Of Vtlnlriwk'1i' ribrMIBlIOrI whtmvl ,IKlWirlQ the etl%y'/. DO NOT ABBREVIATE" EnlM ooïIy ano_caulÙ ,tm" IItl8; ;Add IIddflioool Ilnllll Ifnl'lC8S1ory. . AII '>ro'<¡';'lIlølnlorval OnSflllod'.lDlh ~' IMMEDIArt CAUSE Flrial dblealøDr cnndlliDn talulllng "id8F1th) .. ,ç.2r11P!,:~~i.C!Q_~Eb¥~i¡¡S_ DUE TO (or.,o:, IJ ~n&~"Ii~ nfJ': . :::': .,::":.,.':,.., -----'.-:.~:;~..... 7'······~·/·,.~..:..·- .......-:.; ..:._..~__,;,,_.~~,,'" '.....n....__... .. .[11!D_Ú.~e_~._.___ S~llailylb1lcoridlt\on$,I;-iiñy;· Ioudlng 10 the ceu,,, Il5led on line a. Enter lhe UNDERLYING CAUSE {diseeSlt or Intury thai InItløled Ihe eventll1Jlulbng Ind88If\)~ST,:: '-'>. b.' _.. ...__.....;:-.......:... __._ :.,~.oo..;...;,'-'-......:....~o-'-. _____..__..___ _"._._,_._-:.~___...,.;.:._,...-,~::'- DUe TO (\.5 FI consequence 01): .._.__...___..-'............._.__0.__..__ >. aI ~II: -W ig; Et- 00: uw o .. aI ~ o YES \ f1NO :.!!I.1f" Fr~~¡\LE' tI.Gi:'a IO-~ C1N1J1ptN;."o"i....rtl""~tyeilr o Pregl\llllllJ1 limo or dnth o Not pregnDnt, but pregmlf'lt withln"2 days of denlh 30. DATE OF INJURY ('-401OeyNr 12/19/2005 293521 This is a true certification of the document on file In the office of Vital Records Services, Cheyenne, Wyoming, ------ DATE I.SSUED: JAN 200n q~~~ Lucinda Mccaffre; / Deputy State Registrer Thiscop~ is not valid unless prepared on paper with an engraved border displaying the date, seal and signature of the Deputy State Registrar.