HomeMy WebLinkAbout940835 AFFIDAVIT FOR DISTRIBUTION BY AFFIDAVIT AND SUMMARY PROCEDURE PURSUANT TO WYOMING STATUTE § 2-1-201 THE STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF Ll (\C () \ h ) ) ) 'I 000871. - .4 AFFIDAVIT OF Ç>Qme.Úx_ ~ V\.Stl!~''f.r--.Jqn~ of person signing affidavit) Name of Deceased Person: _~ Cl~ u'f.:..- /-fu _ VI Stlker ~ ~ Y\ V\ ~ t-kt,-Y\.SQl¿-e ~/" I, P Qh"\~kL, ~JV\SQ~'tr..j,~~i~first duly sworn upon my oath, deposes aind states as follows: ' P U I... A' ~ - rr"-I'\S<1.¡u:.-- ~ 1. That JY\o.; ~ L~..~j-\tl/\~k'f'(-(name of deceased) died on the date of (ç 1;;-1 J f) f ~ . Ll.{nY\ P HClJ'1&tter dhA- 'Ie¡ 107 I I 2. That I am the, dO.1Á ~ k:t Å ~ (relationship to deceased) of I ,~ ,Uk- ~~¡¿~~(nameofdeceased). T L--"{V\\f\. P. t-tu.-'Y'\..Sct t<..e r- 3. That the value of the estate, wherever located, less liens and encumbrances, of t. (th~ deceas.ed) does not exceed $150,000. « 'f L..'i n n p, '~~'€-r 4. That thirty (30) days have elapsed since the death <?f (name of deceased). ~ fY\.C(~ Ufe~ ~¡- L( Y) '" f\ ·l·+.vv,3Q {é.. 'f í 5. That no application for appointment of a personal representative is pending or has been granted in any jurisdiction concerning Q. L (name of the deceased). L'1 n Y) ? '~Y\3ClJ>eí \ (~ 6. ntitled to payment or delivery of the ame of the deceased) are as Name of Distributee Relationship to Deceased ~a yY\,<,JC\ t-\-Lt,Vl~~ r::0oY\es d,Q, u. 9lt-e r ( *U5~e.- ) 7· The above listed distributees are entitled to the payment and delivery of any and all personal property including accounts held with any and all financial institutions. 8. That pursuant to Wyoming Statute § 2-1-201, this affidavit has been filed with the County Clerk, for and in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming. Page 1 of2 RECEIVED 7/28/2008 at 12:31 PM RECEIVING # 940835 BOOK: 700 PAGE: 871 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY (-00872 .... ()"., 4- ~ 9· That pursuant to this affidavit and W.S. § 2-1-201, that the business and/or financia)..¡nstitution o~ '<>ÍlJ!. ~, ~¡J;..¡..js hereby directed to payto~¥)'\.'e- \Q. _~"':>e( ~(\ICH~ (name of distribute(s) to receive payment) any and all accounts held in the name of ~ l~ ~(.,~~r(name of deceased). L~ V1 h p. Htvt)saJ¿ty 10. Pursuant to W.S. § 2-1-201, upon presentation of this affidavit, any bank, savings and loan institution, credit union, or any other like depository, held in the name of the deceased, shall pay together with interest and dividends therein, to the distributee or distributees as set forth in this affidavit. DATED this lL. day of '"-) \.,\. ( ) ðDOO. G_'~ff>'#c;~~ STATE OF WYOMING ) ) SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) 'J . The!;¿egOing, instrument was ,acknowledged bef7!)e by !4h1ifL .' 4U!Ah", thlS-Ldayof /~ WITNESS my hand and official seal. ·200;- . My commission expires: fft:J ~ 2tJJJ.f ANJI TAVLOR NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF ~ STATE OF LINCOLN ~ WYOMING MY COMMISSION EXPIRES AUG 3, 2GGa Page 2 of2 ....~ ";,~~m¡m.¡im¡i¡iillm"¡¡¡i¡¡!!.mmmll¡lI"jm¡i¡'j¡ì¡i¡¡¡!'~mm.m,,, r CERTIFICATE OF DEATH State File Number: 2008007542 Martha Uta Hunsaker 000Q74 / DECEDENT INFORMAT,ON Date of Death: June 27, 2008 City of Death: Salt Lake City Age: 84 Place of Birth: Afton, Wyoming Armed Services: No Spouse's Name: Industry/Business: Residence: Mother's Name: Facility or Address: Time of Death: County of15eath: Date of Birth: Sex: Marital Status: / Usual Occupation: Education: Father's Name: Facility Type: 18:20 Salt Lake May 11, 1924 Female Wido~ed Homemaker 8th Grade or ~ess FranklinBurton Steed Hospital Inpatient \ ' , \. Own Home Smoot, Wyoming Pearl Debra Lehmburg University of Utah Hospital INFORMANTlNFORMATION. . ..,.,.i ....,. "...". '..".'., ...'. "'. (g¡i1~ Name: Pam Jones.trd"';'".:' t t Rel¡;¡tionship: :, ";rD~l!ghter Mailing Address: 468 North ,3950 Ëast, RigÞY,ldabo83M2" . ..,. i: ;,;'~f ',)' --"~,'"., ,.',:..;- ," , ,;r.-·'· "-,, I,.,. .... ," .~;'::;::~~~;;'.':~.' ,'.:;~'" ~'·..,d:,-." '" *' (.. -- "'::'", . .\,.' '~.. ,"',;';;" , Date,of,Disposition,;JUiy 2:~~OÖ~~,~ "':'::';;'...-;.1.-1'., DISPOSITION INFORMATION ,"i'f Method of Disposition: BuriaIÎR~möVal,i', "",,,,.,, Place of Disposition: S~99t ç,~ITIt;!t~'Xr$ÌT1oot, ,vyyoìTtin~ '~j-:¡jF~~:: .,', '. ~"::'" '<::: ;"~(,;,,.. ·-';:.i:~~?~~ ~-i~".'·- ,.,.., '·"'-:"C, .\ \_-..~.,.\;'fl~~:·-.'·~-L' ,__ ..~.' '.~ FUNERAL HOME INFORM. ATION,,, ,... , .. ,'... '. ,.,.t';".' :.J\l?;j;.,[:,/:'¡:""\':, '; Funeral Home: \'f3offMoptua,rY,;", ,"""",; .;..... :'>;L '.. .', ',j."': Address: "8090,South State, Mid..,.ale, .utah 840,47;,,.' .' ",¡:,r:,{.'> Funeral Director:;j,¡pel B~lIaqj '"',,,..:::'" :', "éc..i\' ";:'i""';:">:?") ,.·t<;,::~\'~, ;'1', M~~~;i~~:~:li~:;: TI;p.N ~j~'~¡~~~.Nirula;~D/5Ó·~·~rtr L~~i~;~~t~\0t:h 841~2 C~~~~~:c~~~~njUry Id~se"~5 J¡,yS] . ,:~,iJ!:'(;ì¡!Yt¥l'~,' ,<!i Ground Level Fall [Onset;.5Daysl,;:,'C,':"'{:t Tobacco Use: ''Nön-user'::;'\X:!,,;;: . '. ;;;, ' . . ,'.'..' ;i::' ·.S;'¿"{ Medical Examiner Contactêd';Y;ê~~~toPsy Pèrigrmåd:' ~q":;,ly1anr:)er.oF6~àth:'ðcèident;iïß, :,.'.;"",:'" '_ :,:'J:'" .;'. ,.'.... '" ',. . ,.',,' '" "':.'-~_ ..;\..(:.... ,,:..'; '" -\;, .,-'...... ;". " ..",-: t '__;:," ::.\::~:~.;:~; '".""j '~,':~. "_-'<~;'i ,:.":';, ':j~ <~>.;,:,:;:,~~;~~, "t." -::::,:::', . ._.:,1,,-,; ;;< "~": --" ~" ,.'..' ..~.,:,' ;.":-i;¡.,'f.:'; " INJURY INFORMATION Date of Injury: Injury at Work: Location of Injury: How Injury Occurred: Motor Vehicle Accident: ';:,,-.:!, 'i.'i!--~-;' June22,:iÒÓ8 ~ ' , ;:.'.'.\,' No ';:',,~.{/{ '<'>~ 77480 U',9Hwy 89, Srr1Öot;yyyoming Fell and struck head on kitchenfloor"., No .,,, ."', -;",'" " Time óf Injury: ," .." 16:Qg ;",,,,i,'; Place of Injury:,~ iU Deèe'de¡nt's!¡gêsidEmce ,..:; .,;;~.' -"'." 1I,~~i· ',..~ 'iW.' '",.;. '~', :-,.:., " ;¡ê/;', ::;t ;i~JY \ July 1, 2008 / This Is an exact reproduction of the document registered In the State Office. of Vital Statistics. Security features oOhls official document include: Intaglio Border, V & R Images In top cyclolds, ultra violet fibers and hologram image of the Utah State Seal,over the words "State of Utah". This document displays the date, seal and signature of the State Registrar and the CountylDlstrlct Health Officer. ( ~êH Barry E. Nangle, State ~eglstrar Office oflVltal S,tatlstlcs 1IIIIIIIíWIII~~I' ,'~.:~ * 0 6 ~ 6 ~ 5 7 7 3 * Dlrector/Health Officer CountylDlstrict Health Department ./ / ,JL