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V L..LI' "V"",-"'UV a\ I u.uv nlVI RECEIVING # 940894 f-J() -of BOOK: 101 PAGE: 183 JEANNE WAGNER TRUSTEE'S DEED LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY WHEREAS, on June 7, 2001, Norman Aloyious Getler conveyed by Warranty Deed to Norman Aloyious Getler, Trustee of the Norman Aloyious Getler Living Trust under Agreement dated June 7, 2001 for the benefit of Norman Aloyious Getler and his heirs, and to his successors in trust, certain real estate, as hereinafter described, with said Warranty Deed being recorded on July 11, 2001 in Book 468 at Page 382 as Receiving No. 874476 in the Lincoln County Clerk's Office, Kemmerer, Wyoming; and WHEREAS, Norman Aloyious Getler appointed Mark Hunter and Linda Hunter, to serve as Successor Co-Trustees of the Norman Aloyious Getler Living Trust upon the death of Norman Aloyious Getler, and WHEREAS, Norman Aloyious Getler died on January 29, 2008, and as a result of the death of Norman Aloyious Getler, Mark Hunter and Linda Hunter became Successor Co- Trustees of the Norman Aloyious Getler Living Trust. Attached is a copy of Norman Aloyious Getler's official Death Certificate certified to by the Vital Records Services, Department of Health, the State of Wyoming, the public authority with which the original Death Certificate is of record according to law; and WHEREAS, the Norman Aloyious Getler Living Trust provides that "the home, including all contents, and the lot located at 190 East 6th Avenue, Afton, WY be distributed to Linda Hunter" upon the death of Norman Aloyious Getler. NOW, THEREFORE, Mark Hunter and Linda Hunter, as Successor Co-Trustees of the Norman Aloyious Getler Living Trust under agreement dated June 7, 2001 for the benefit of Norman Aloyious Getler and his heirs, and to his successors in trust, whose address is PO Box 54, Fairview, WY 83119, Grantors, for and in consideration of the sum often dollars ($10) and other valuable consideration to them in hand paid, the receipt whereof being hereby acknowledged, does, by these presents, grant, bargain, sell, and convey unto Linda Hunter, all of said Trust and Trustee's right, title, and interest in and to the following described real estate in Lincoln County, Wyoming located at 190 East 6th Avenue, Afton, WY and legally described as: Lot A of Block 34 of Glen Kennington Et al Addition to the Afton, Wyoming Townsite as described on the official plat thereof. Hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantors have hereunto signed their name, this 2. 'i tÅ. day of July, 2008. NORMAN ALOYIOUS GETLER LIVING TRUST, DATED JUNE 7, 2001 By: By: }/Wf¡¡ c¡j¿¡)I/-Jt;v LINDA HUNTER, SUCCESSOR CO-TRUSTEE '" STATE OF WYOMING ) ) SS COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Mark Hunter and Linda Hunter as Successor Co-Trustees of the Norman Aloyious Getler Living Trust this )" 8'-t!. day of July, 2008. C COREY R. MILES - NOTARY PUBLIC County of Lincoln State of Wyoming tL~ NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires October, 2011 y COmmISSIOn expIres: TRUSTEE'S DEED NORMAN ALOYIOUS GETLER LIVING TRUST I . ~ ~ i t ( ~ i ~ ~ ~ i ~ J ~ ~ ~ þ ~ " ~ I þ þ " I þ ¡; " I ! ~ r, ! [)Í!:PÂRTßlENT OFHEÀL;fH\ ' .... .." .... .... ...". '"' --, . .. (;Qí>lS4 . --.. . . . ,...,'.... DececJent: Name: 'Gender:': .: "\ /DateotBirth:, QE4T, H·CE~TJFIG.l\Tq ','., .... ..". " .. ",.... . .. .. '... .... ,,-. ¡.,.,., . .. .. .. ... ", .,. '.' State File NÙmber: 20ö8-000545 \ "'\ SociarSeçÚrity ~Ütnb~t:. .... ..' Age átJbe Tin.:Úro.fOeatn: 82 Yëar~ Normán A GeUer 'Malë. .\/{ 'JanUå.ry 30;192$. f': D~te··and···Plaqe of··Qeath:..,. ,., ,i· :....,..,." .,.". .........'.,..., .{'.,',',.......,...:.. ...".'" Datø ofDeàth~Jåhuary29; 1bO$ ActÚàl .rcdl.mty ofDêath: Lincolh ,,', CitY of Dei:Íth : Afton .. ·,'·"i}· . ;-: .".. .. ..:. ............ .... .",¡.. ..../' .....:.,......., ,.., Location: Ippatient,SfarValley Medica/Center POBox 579 '..:. .,AddifionaiDJceð~nt .Ibfor~~t¡~n~,',i.., .:,,'., Place of Birth: . Philadelphia,Penn~ylvaríia Residence; ·....·.Afton, VV)lcming:,'" ' ~r~i~~~~~~~~:'~t~oVie~./:,..';\" Name of Father: Thomas GeUer: ,; Maiden Name of Mother: Anna Beatty Informant: ,'Mark Hunter ~ ," ....: Dtsposition: .'......., Me.thodJof þi$þosjtiOþ: Place ofDispositiòn: /' Funeral Home or Facility: ." , , , " , Facility: I " Schwab Mortuary, Afton, Wyo.ming Cause Of Death:.",.. """ The immeE!iate cause is listed on the first line followed by any underlying causes. .. ¡aj Aspiration Pneumonia ' b Hip Fracture .... c Osteoporosis :OthetSign¡fic~ntPöndi~i9ns:Qømør1ti¡¡j,ti8S/} .... .. ........... .. ... . Manner of Death:.. Açcident··.·. .·,,:Time.pfQeatb: .1?:2QAçtual ...'. ..... '"." .., '". . ... Interval: \ ..' Not Recorded " Injury Information: " Date of Injury: December 24, 2007 Actual Timeoflrijury:Carinot be determined .Loœation: .... "i > 6th Ave, Af :orl, VVyQrniQ9.: .......... ........ ........ ./"":i}' ...... .....\ i .. )Descriptiol"lofH~ývlnjutY Occûrred~~Øtie;r.t ~~9à fall W.~ile@.t Ijbni13thatresultèp in ç¡ hip ftactur~ '" "') ,. Certifier: Nåme:., '.. Address:' .. ...". Date Filed; . ,Ò6nald .k¡~kM:b.· "., ....../ .;, 110 HO$PITA0-n/Aftgn;wyomlng (lJeb{yary 2~,2098': .. I I