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UCC FINANCING STATEMENT FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS (front and back) CAREFULLY A. NAME &. PHONE OF CONTACT AT FILER (optional) COO1.94 B. SEND ACKNOWLEDGMENT TO: ¡Name and Address) ~ER VALLEY ENERGY R.U.S. REVOLVING LOAN FUND PO BOX 188 AFTON, WY 83110 ---, RECEIVED 7/30/2008 at 10:43 AM RECEIVING # 940899 BOOK: 101 PAGE: 194 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY L -.J THE ABOVE SPACE IS FOR FILING OFFICE USE ONLY 1. DEBTOR'S EXACT FULL LEGAL NAME· insert only one debtor name (la or lb . do not abbreviate or combine names - 10. ORGANIZATION'S NAME OR ANIMAL HUMANE ASSOCIATION OF STAR VALLEY, INC. lb. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME SUFFIX 1c. MAILING ADORESS CITY STATE rOSTAL CODE COUNTRY PO BOX 654 THAYNE WY 83127 1d. TAX ID #; SSN OR EIN I ADD'L INFO RE 11e. TYPE OF ORGANIZATION 11. JURISDICTION OF ORGANIZATION 19. ORGANIZATIONAL ID #, if any ORGANIZATION I DEBTOR I CORPORATION I WY !XI NONE 2. ADDITIONAL DEBTOR'S EXACT FULL LEGAL NAME· insert only one debtor name (2a or 2b) . do not abbreviate or combine names - 2a. ORGANIZATlON'S NAME OR lb. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME SUFFIX 2c. MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE rOSTAL CODE COUNTRY 2d. TAX ID #; SSN OR EIN ADD'L INFO RE, 12e. TYPE OF ORGANIZATION 2f. JURISDICTION OF ORGANIZATION 2g. ORGANIZATIONAL ID #, if any ORGANIZATION I I DEBTOR I o NONE 3. SECURED PARTY'S NAME lor NAME of TOTAL ASSIGNEE of ASSIGNOR S/P)- insert only 2!J!secured party name (3a or 3bJ 3a. ORGANIZATION'S NAME OR LOWER VALLEY ENERGY R.U.S, REVOLVING LOAN FUND 3b. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME SUFFIX 3c. MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE rOSTAL CODE COUNTRY PO BOX 188 AFTON WY 83110 4. This FINANCING STATEMENT covers the following collateral; J ~i \. c¡ r tp. :..,f SEE ATTACHED ADDENDUM 5. ALTERNATIVE DESIGNATION (if applicable); 0 LESSEE/LESSOR 0 CONSIGNEE/CONSIGNOR 0 BAILEE/BAILOR 0 SELLER/BUYER 0 AG. LIEN 0 NON-UCC FILING 6. [j é~~Ä+~~~E~Ro~TATE~fa~h ~dtge~~~~d (for record I (or recorded! ia ~he ~cEa~\-eJ 7. fA~ßhVò~'À~lJ,lU SEARCH REPORTlg!t?;n~11btor(')D All Debtors 0 Debtor 10 Debtor 2 . OPTIONAL FILER REFERENCE DATA Bankers Systems, Inc., St. Cloud, MN Form UCC-1·LAZ 5/30/2001 FILING OFFICE COPY - NATIONAL UCC FINANCING STATEMENT FORM UCC11 (REV. 07l29/9BI INSTRUCTIONS 1. Remove Secured Party and Debtor copies and send other 3 copies to the filing ollicer. 2. At the time of the original filing. filing officer will return the third 13rd copy as an acknowledgment. 3. When filling out this form be sure to indicate state name in appropriate space. 4. Be sure to file this fOlm with original financing statement. 000195 ADDENDUM TO UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE FINANCING STATEMENTS STATE OF.. ..WYQMING................ .................................................. . TOTAL NUMBER OF SHEETS.. .3.............. ........... ..... .......... ..... The Financing Statement to which this addendum is attached covers the types (and items) of property indicated below that Debtor owns or has sufficient rights in which to transfer an interest, now 01 in the future, wherever the property is 01 will be located, and all proceeds and products of the ploperty lincluding, but not limited to, all parts, accessories, repairs, replacements, improvements, and accessions to the property): D Accounts and Other Rights to Payment: All rights to payment, whether or not earned by performance, including, but not limited to, payment for property or services sold, leased, rented, licensed, or assigned. This includes any rights and interests (including all liensl which Debtor may have by law or agreement against any account debtor or obligor of Debtor. D Inventory: All inventory held for ultimate sale or lease, or which has been or will be supplied under contracts of service, or which are raw materials, work in process,or materials used or consumed in Debtor's business. 00 Equipment: All equipment including, but not limited to, machinery, vehicles, furniture, fixtures, manufacturing equipment, farm machinery and equipment, shop equipment, office and record keeping equipment, parts, and tools. The property includes any equipment described in a list or schedule Debtor gives to Secured Party, but such a list is not necessary to create or perfect a valid security interest in all of Debtor's equipment. D Instruments and Chattel Paper: All instruments, including negotiable instruments and promissory notes and any other writings or records that evidence the right to payment of a monetary obligation, and tangible and electronic chattel paper. D General Intangibles: All general intangibles including, but not limited to, tax refunds, patents and applications for patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, goodwill, trade names, customer lists, permits and franchises, payment intangibles. computer programs and all supporting information provided in connection with a transaction relating to computer proglams, and the right to use Debtor's name. D Documents: All documents of title including, but not limited to, bills of lading, dock warrants and receipts, and warehouse receipts. D Farm Products and Supplies: All farm products including, but not limited to, all poultry and livestock and their young, along with their produce, products, and replacements; all crops, annual or perennial, and all products of the crops; and all feed, seed, fertilizer, medicines, and other supplies used or produced in Debtor's farming operations. D Government Payments and Programs: All payments, accounts, general intangibles, and benefits including, but not limited to, payments in kind, deficiency payments, letters of entitlement, warehouse receipts, storage payments, emergency assistance and diversion payments, production flexibility contracts, and conservation reserve payments under any preexisting, current, or future federal or state government program. D Investment Property: All investment property including, but not limited to, certificated securities, uncertificated securities, securities entitlements, securities accounts, commodity contracts, commodity accounts, and financial assets. D Deposit Accounts: All deposit accounts including, but not limited to, demand, time, savings, passbook, and similar accounts. ANIMAl HIIMANF ASSOCIATION OF STAR VAil FY INC DEBTOR I OWFR VAil FY FNFRrìY R II S RFVOI VINrì lOAN FIINO SECURED PARTY 7 SHEET No. (1) FILING OFFICER COPY - ALPHABETICAL ~ ©19a9. 2000 Bankers Systems.lne.. St. Cloud, MN Form UCC·ADD-LAZ 1/23/2001 (pego r of rl (;001.9& UCC FINANCING STATEMENT ADDENDUM FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS Ifront and back) CAREFULLY 9. NAME OF FIRST DEBTOR (la or lb ON RELATED FINANCING STATEMENT 90. ORGANIZATION S NAME OR ANIMAL HUMANE ASSOCIATION OF STAR VALLEY, INC. 9b. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME I FIRST NAME 10. MISCELLANEOUS: I MIDDLE NAME,SUFFIX - THE ABOVE SPACE IS FOR FILING OFFICE USE ONLY 11. ADDITIONAL DEBTOR'S EXACT FULL LEGAL NAME - insert only one name (11a or 11 b - do not abbreviate or combine names 110. ORGANIZATION'S NAME OR lIb. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME SUFFIX llc. MAILING ADDRESS CITY lId. TAX 10 #: SSN OR EIN /¡ADD'l INFO RE 11 Ie. TYPE OF ORGANIZATION ORGANIZATION " ' I DEBTOR 12. ADDITIONAL SECURED PARTY'S or n ASSIGNOR SIP'S NAME - insert only one name (12a or 12b) 120. ORGANIZATION'S NAME 111. JURISDICTION OF ORGANIZATION STATE I POSTAL CODE llg. ORGANIZATIONALlD #, if any COUNTRY , [Xl NONE OR 12b. INDIVIDUAl'S LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME SUFFIX 12c. MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE I POST Al CODE COUNTRY 13. This FINANCING STATEMENT covers 0 timber to be cut or 0 as-extracted 16. Additional collateral description: collateral, or is filed as a [X) fixture filing. 14. Description of real estate: LUCKY'S PLACE ANIMAL SHELTER LOCA TED WITHIN THE THA YNE LANDFILL PROPERTY. SEE EXHIBIT A ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF FOR LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY. - ~ 15. Name and address of a RECORD OWNER of above·described real estate (if Debtor does not have a record interestl: LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING 925 SAGE A VENUE KEMMERER WY 83101 17. Check.2dY if applicable and check.2dY one box. Debtor is a 0 Trust or 0 Trustee acting with respect to property held in trust or 0 Decedent's Estate 18. Check.2dY if applicable and check.2dY one box. o Debtor is a TRANSMITTING UTILITY o Filed in connection with a Manufactured-Home Transaction -- effective 30 years o Filed in connection with a Public-Finance Transaction -- effective 30 years FILING OFFICE COPY h NATIONAL UCC FINANCING ,STATEMENT ADDENDUM (FORM UCC lAdl (REV. 07/29/981 Bankers Systems, Inc.. 51. Cloud. MN Form UCC·1ADD-LAZ 6/30/2001 "'..., ,. "'. .',::':.".::'. " " 'f , , . , " ~ . .. ..... . . . EXHIBIT A -" ,-.'. '-'" .'. ..,.. .... 0001.97' . ''',- .....'~ ..'~.' ...... LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR THE ANIMA,L SHELTER P ARC.EL WITHIN THE T:HA YNE LANDFILL PROPERTY A PARCEL OF LAND wíthìn the SE1/4NB1/4 of.Section 36, Township 34 North, RangE) 119 West, LincoJn County, Wyoming, with boundaries IDOíe sp~oifi~IIy desoribed as funows: BEGINNING çn the ea5t line of said section 36, at a point bearing S 0°30'30" W a distance of537,37 feet ti'om th~ North 1/16 section comer rooo.Um~t on the said east line; and running THENCE S 0°30'30" W, ~dQn,g section line, a distanoe of85.00 f'e«; THENCE N 7(;io44 'II H W a distance of 102.52 feet; TIiENCE N 83°59'1 G" W a distance of 200.90 fe.!C!:t; THENCE N 0°30'30" E a distance of 48,00 feet; THENCE S 88°33'19".E B distance Qf300.00 feet to the point ofbe,ginn1ng; ENCLOSING a,o, ðrea of 0.43 acrØ$, mOte or 1e.ss. Ross M. Tumer wyomina P6&LS 35/4 lanullty 7, 2008