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SINCE 1904
Briscoe Roberts and Brenda Roberts being first duly sworn upon oath,
depose and say as follows:
1. On July 21,2008 we each signed an Affidavit Affecting Title
which instrument was recorded in the office of the County Clerk of Lincoln
County Wyoming on July ~, 2008 in Book 700 ,page 606
2. That affidavit was made pursuant to Wyoming Statute 34-11-101
for the purpose of affecting title to that real property described as:
See Exhibit A attached hereto.
3. The purpose of the Affidavit Affecting Title was to preserve our
security interest in the subject real property until the signed original of the
Mortgage instrument was received and recorded with the Lincoln County
Clerk. The Mortgage instrument has now been received and recorded and we
herby rescind that Affidavit Affecting Title as recorded above.
WITNESS our hands this ék/ day of July, 2008.
,JJ~~.-i'--- Y¿~-Z;ZJ
Briscoe Roberts
_ ,;Q 7.JJ / .i/.---
)(¿/'U:4{~4. .~ t/Ít..-C"¡.J!.L
Brenda Roberts
) ss.
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this! day of July,
2008 by Briscoe Roberts and Brenda Roberts.
RECEIVED 7/31/2008 at 10:46 AM
RECEIVING # 940918
BOOK: 701 PAGE: 240
WITNESS my hand and official seal.
Notary Public ;D, ~'L--
My Commission Expires: 10 1/ ( / dO i(
.......... .1111111... II.... .11. 1.111."
: D. Fénlon· olary PUbllç :
. -
:: County of 9tole 01 æ
:: Unooln Wyoming ::
- -
- -
: My Comml..lon expires 1 0/11/2011 :
:BIT "A"
Descriptio!:\! ~berts 153-556 Remaining
A portion of the Ro:berts property, 11.8 referred. to in the
Deed recorded ~ith poaument No, 521548, !n Book 153PR, On
Page 558, with the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County,
Wyoming, ~ithlQ the Nl/2 of Section 3, T3SN, k119W, o~ the
QtII P.JoI.,Lincoln County, N}roming-, the meets, bounds and
encumbrances being mare particularly des~ribed 4a fol1o~s;
8BGINNING atB4~r ßngineera PE/LS 698, 1979 location for
the Northwest Corner of the NWl/4 of Section 2, of øaid
T35N, RU9W'¡
thence Sl°3BI23n~, along the West line of said NWl/4,
1,065.n feet;
thence N86°21'37wW' 729.16 feet to a POint that ia the
NOrtherly prolcmgation of the West Une Of the RobeJ:'ts
property, aa referred to in the Deed reoorded with Document
Ro. 521549, in Book l53PR, On Page SS9, with said Offioe;
thence Sl015'271'W, to and dong West line of last said
RQberts property, 469.01 feet to a point in the North line
of the Edmiston property, as referred to in the Deeds
recorded with DOCument No. 776626, in Beok 343PR, on Page
220, and with Dooument No, 776627, in Book 343PR, on Page
222, w~th s~id Office,
thence N88°50122nW, along said ~orth line, 1,228.40 feet to
the Norl;.!¡welJt corner thereOf;
thence S2°34'34"W, along t!¡e West li~e of said Edmiston
property, 94S.55 feet;
th$Dce NS8D39f07"K l,G75.26 feElt;
thence S87034'34uH 197.21 feet to a Þøint in the Center
Line of ROberts - Wolfley County Road 12-109 Right~ofMway,
as ~efer.red to and recorded with Doaqment No. 632981, in
BOok 225PR, on Page IB4, with said Offioe, being a Point i~
a 1,614.00 feet Radius Curve to the' Right, from which the
Radius Point bears N8ga13'120E:
thenoe Northerly, along said Center Line, the following.
Northeasterly, along said Curve to the Right, through a
Central Ang.1,e of 4°36'05"", an arQ length ot: 129.62 feet,
sAid curve having a ohord of N1~3¡·lS.2 129,59 feet,
N3049'17"B 541,7~ feet to the beginning of a 1,640.00 feet
Radius Curve to the Right,
~orthea~terly, along said Curve to the Right, through a
Central Angle of 12°37117., An arc length of 361.27 feet,
said cu.ro.;e ba.ving a chord of NIoo07'S6"E HO.54 fèet,
N16°26'35"E 53.14 feet to the beginning of a 1115.00 feet.
Radiu~ Curve to the tett,
Northeasterly. along said Curve to the Left through a
Ceht::r:al Angle of 17°49'06", an arc lelI\gth o~ 2$3.45 fe.et,
said CUrve having a cnord of N7·J2'02.~ 252.43 teat,
Nlo22'Jl"W 73.33 feet to the beginning of a 4,2B6.00 feet
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R4dius Curve to the Right,
Northeasterly, alQng s~ld Curve to the Right, th~cug~ a
Central Angle of 3"54'59", an arc length of 293.10 feet,
s~id curve haYing a chord of Noo34'58~E 293.05 faet,
N2°32'28"E 403.17 feet to the beginning of a 487.00 feet
Radius Curve to the Left
NOrth~eÐterly, along said Curve to the Left, througb a
C~ntral Angle of 29°27'¡2~, ~ arc length of 2~O.3S feet,
ea1d curve haYing á chord of N12°11'OS.W 247.60 teet.
N26"54'44-W 82.51 feet to the beginning of ð 630.00 feet
RadiuB CUrve to the Right, and
NOrthwe8te:r;ly, along said Curve to trhe Right, through a
Cent~l Angle of S·22'~0', an aro length of 59.13 feet,
said Ourve h4vi~ 4 ohor~ at ~24°13'24wW 59.11 feet, to a
Point in the South line of the SW1/4 of Be~tion 34, TJ~,
Rl19N, from which the Radius Point bears ~~8"2"56.E;
thenoe B89904'27.g, along said South line, 1,194.28 feet to
the Scott A. SCherbel PLS 3889, 1990 location £o~ the
Southwest Corner of the SB1/4 of said Seotion 34,
thenoe 589"08'49"2, along the South 1:I.né of à<l.:l.d SEl/4,
2662.14 feet, to the Point of Be9i~1ng, BncompaSBing
163.41! Acres of land.
SUBJ~Cr TOI ~hat POrtion of land lying w~thin the bounds of
U. S. Highway 89 r along the Bast line of the above desoX'ibl¡d
P~erey. .
S'UBJJ;¡CT 'r0; The Right-o.t;"-Nay for Lower Valley Power and
Light Inc., as referred to and recQrded in BOok 5 of Mixed.
Records, on Page ~31 with sdd Office.
TOGBTHER I9I:rH and SUBJECT TOI 1'he Bassment 1\gr-e!'ements anc1
Basement, for the R&W Sprinkler Company, ~B ref6rred to,
and recorded with Dooumont NUmbers 408909 thru 409913, in
Book 83PR. on Page$ 181 th~ 196, with sa!d Offioe.
SUBJECT TO: ~e Right-gf-Way Easement, for Roberts _
WOlfley County RO"d 12-109, along the West line of the
above described property, aa referred to and reoorded with
Document No. 632981, in Bock 225pn. OU Page 184, with said
'l'OG~THSR WITH and SUEJI3Cl' TO: ALL Sltsements I Sxoeptions,
Reatrict~ons, Reservations, Rights-of_Way, Improvements and
Conditions 01 sight and or reoorð.
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