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06-30-'08 14:24 FROM-Land Title - Alpine
T-805 P14/19 U-923
P.O. Box 184
Grover, WY 83122
BMM A.. LOUISE HA Yl.EY, U single Woman, Mortgagor of Los Angeles. County ofLincoln. State of California,
hereby mortgage to BRISCOB ROBERTS and BRENDA ROBERTS, þllSbR{ld and wife, as tenanlS by the entireties,
Mol't8B8eoofP.O. Bc>x 184, G""'cr, WY 83122 Ibrthe swn of One Million One Hundred Fifty Four Thc>usB{ld
Two Hundred Fifty dollars and Zero cents ($/,154.250.00) the foJlowÌl1! described tract of land In Lincoln County,
State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtlle of the homestead exoPlption laws of
the State, to wit;
See "Exhibit A" attached hereto
This tnortgege is g!VM to secure the following Indebtedness: one note of even dato herewith for S 1,154,250.00 made
payable at !.he times ami place and at the rate speclfled In the aote
This monatie is inlGndcd to cover ,he IWIIS and profits of said property, and consent Is hereby 8/VOI! after dc:faul~ for tbe
appoinlment of a receiver by any co/tp~enl court and Ihe rccetver Is her.bYaulhorlzed to ront Ihe said propel'l)' and apply Ihc
proceeds on this obllQalion,
The Mortp:o~ lIlT" 10 kup Ihe buildings now on said prorni... or hereafter ereeled Ihereon !idly insured agalnslloss by tire
in some flre Insurance company appro~ed by Ihe morllllee. wllh loss, If any pa)'JbJo 10 rn0rllllU, during the life of this
mortgage. .
The Mortgagors alSll agree to pay alllaxq and assessmentS 01\ Slid premises, including any assessmeJItslhat may be levied on
walcr riJ:hts or :'hares of stocle used in connoçtion herewith, or held as coUaI,,",1 with the above ntle; also any tax Ibat may bc
asseS$Cd by reason of this mortaa¡c or tho debt secured ¡¡'erd>y. and ~n.ble attorney's fees In case of fereclosure, or the
commencemàJt'ofany legal proceedings for foreclosuro of tho _. and said altorney's f..s Shall be added to Ihe BIIIOIII1t due on
this mortgage, and made a lien on the premise. dcocribed heroin. In case of de1llull in the paymenl of any sum covenanted to be
paid, cUller dIe prinoipal or intereS! when the S.l11e shall become due and pl,Yable, or in case of delàult in the pcrfonnance ohny
covenant herein coatained, the whole amount. ofthi. indebtedn""" secured herein may be immediately declared due and payable,
and to bear InleRSl at Ihe nlte of 10 percent per annum from the dJIo of such defuul~ and this, mortgage foreclosed at the option
of the Iqal holder. In the even! of defaul~ MortKt&Ors .&<1IIIt to MO"32ßel$ a Power of Sale to Ibreclose on and sell Said
properly as public auction pllrsuan. to 344-101 et aeq, Wyo. Stal, 1977, or Its Sbttessor.
Mortp¡e. Bu)'tr Ind
pege I of2
RECEIVED 7/31/2008 at 10:48 AM
RECEIVING # 940919
BOOK: 701 PAGE: 244
06-30-'08 14:24 FROM-Land Title - Alpine
T-B05 P15/19 U-923
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tltlloripU0l11 !Iobtrtll 151-&&8 Relllaihi,g i '. . '" ,
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A portion of the Robert. property;"at"~ed 1:0 in tit.
Doled røc:oaiud with Ðoownent 110. '>21848, in !!Dok lS3PR. on
l'e.ge II~'. with the OfUoe of tbe Clelc of Lilleoln CcUrtty,
lryIxn!ug, with.i.n tho .1/2 of Seation 3, T3S!l, IUl!111, of the
," P.M., LÙloo1n COllnl>y. I!ygcaibg', the _ta, bounc1a IU1d
IOtIclIIIÐral10".. ""'ill!! ~ part>ic:u1ady da.o:rdbat;t as follo".,
B2GINNcrBG at>Baker Bnginecrs PB/LS &98, 1979 100ation for
tha ðort~.t Co~e.. of the Nw¡/( of Seatl~ 2, Of 8ald:
nsN', JU~9W;
thenoe Bl'38123'W, Blob' tbe West line Of ..a1t1 NW1/4,
1,.&6.71 he'-,
tbadO. N88°21'37'w 729.16 r..a to II fOlnt that t. the
lI"ortbarly p¥"longatioll of tile Waat line of the Roberta
propo,rty, all refer.r:ed 1:0 in the Deed raQOrd.ed ¥11:h eocn-nt
No, 521!4.9, in Book lB31>R., .on Page 659, wll:b Hld Offioa,
~Doe Bl°1B127'W, to aud along Woet lina of last ..id
Robarta prope"I:V, 4'9.01 feet to ;¡ POUlt ln the IIlOrl:h lUle
Of thai I!dmilltOl1 p¡ooparty. IUI referre\!. 1:0 in ~he !)eeda
~eccrd$d with ~ooum.nt No. 77662'. in Book 3~JPR. On IIage
~;¡o, and "J.1:11 Do~nc No. 771i6%7, 111 Book "UPIt, on II.."e
222, wlth odd Of tic a;
thenoe N8S010'32"If, 1I10n9 edd: Nortl1lintt, 1,338.40 hec to
the lIorthweet COl:7Ier tbereof,
th""-"e 112"]4 '3'"W, .long the !reet lilla at' .a1d: EdoIi.ton
propltrty, g'/'II.55 teet,
I:h4Il1"e NU'3s' 07'11' 1,675. 2Ii feet,
I:hellCe 887"34 '3t"1I' 3.97, U t.et to a Point in \:be Center
ü.1n. of Roboo:r;ts - Wolfley County Ro.ad 12-109 Right":of-IIIIY,
liS ~f.rr.d to and: reoo~ed with Daoumenl: No. 632981, in
Bgolc 22511R. em l/a911 18<\, with aaid ottioe, .booJ,ng II. Polnt in
... 1, ISH, 00 f....t ~ad111B CU........ to the' lUght. f~ wh.I.c:h the
Radiua Point. bear. Nep"l] '12'B,
tbena. Northerly, "10119' .aiø. Cente.. Idne, ~ following:
Northe..t8rly, along aa!d eur.r. to tho Right. th>:'OUgh a
Ç~c.nl I\.I1g1. 0: 4']6'08", an Uç length of 12.9,6<1 feet.
6a1d ourve having . çho~ Of N¡'31'lS"t 129.S' teet,
NJ"49'17"O ~41,79 teet to th.. Þeglnning of a 1,840.00 :e.t
Radius ClJxve to 1:1uI Right,
Northaaaterly, .10"9' øa1d Cu.;ow to tho Right, throush a
Central Angle of 12']7'17', an arç lanqth of 3'1,27 feet,
said ,,~ h.v1ng . çho~ of N10·07'5f'¡ 360.54 feet,
NlI'26'35'B 93.14 f.et tc the baginniAg of .. 1115.00 r...t
IIadiW!l Curve to t:.b.e t.aft,
NO:r1lhau1;erly, .loag lIald CUrve to;> tba Ltft t!u:ough ..
~entral Angl. Qt 17°49'06", an ~c la.nøth of 263.~S feat,
IIdd curve ~v!I1S1' a chord o;>f N703:!'02'¡ 2S;¡,U re.t,
N1022'31'" 73.33 f..t 1:0 the ~!nn:l.n" of. 4,288.0. feel:
'.,' ~ .~::., .
.' ~.~.' ::: <"~;'.,'
, ,
. .
06-30-'08 14:25 FROM-Land Title - Alpine
:',.;;';; ':':::.:.::::;
. .;.' ~. ....
T-805 PiG/19 U-923
b41.ua CUrve to the .lUght,
Northaa.terly, IIlong llaic¡ eurv.. to the light. 1:h=ugh II
Centnl AlIlle of 3954'59', an ara length 01: 293.10 feet,
"atd gUX'Ve han!!g II abonl of 11'0934'58'. a93.05 fut.
!r."32'2S'B 403,17 feat to the b.øinzlJ,ug of II 487.00 feat
ItsdJ.UIf C!urIr. to the Left
Ncort;hwe."arly, 1Ù.C1D9 ae1d Cu~ to the x.ett, thwllQh II
Central Angle of 29927'12', ~ ara leDgth of 2~a,35 feet,
aatd au~ baYing II cham of 1Il2911IOS"" 241.'0 feet..
~·54·44·W 82.51 reet to the beg1no1n¡ of II f30.ao feet
lI.ad:!,us CW;ve 1:0 the IUght, and
NOZ1:hwest.nly, Blang elÙd Çunoe to ~htt Right, through Ii
c.ntral Angle of 5"22'40-, an ua leDgth of 59,13 feet,
.aid a~e haTing. chord of R24°1J'24"W 59.11 f..t, to II
Point .ill the South Una of the SIu/4 of Section 34., T3d!r,
IU.19W, 1'>;'0lIl whil;lh the bdiuø Point httva IiU0:!,' 550":
thenae 88s004'27"]I. alollg ..aid South lLn., 1,114.28 r.."t 1;0
t:ha SOOCI: A. Bebet-hel PItS JBSP, 19JO l""at1,on fot" th..
soUthweSt Corner of the SDl/4 of .aid Seotion 34,
thene. SS9"Oe' 4'"B, alobg the Soueh ltn.. Of ..aiel 821{4,
~562,14 ~....t, to the POint ot Bei1nnine, BnCompasaini
153 .41.t Acr.. of land.
SUB.n:cT TO, '1'hat portion of land. lying wit}¡in eh. boUnds of
U.S. High....y 89, OI1ong the lIase line of the ~ d"..,l"1hllld.
PI:Ope>:'ty. .
SUllüJ!:C'1' '10, '1'he R.1Shu-Of-Nay tOr Lower Valley Power 8%J4
Light Inc., All r.fer~d to ilnd xecordold in !look 5 of HLxtod
lle"oZ'ds, em PAgI!! 231, w.1 th said orUet.
TOa8TRER I9n'B and !II.I!hnrcT TO I The ea......"t Ag7;eelll."tll and.
e..."Ul1t, for Chð a"" SPr:tbk1"r Ccotp;u¡y, "a r$f.t:ro", to,
alld recorded with Doc_nt 1'III!IIb.."" 'OUn ehru 408913, 1",
Baok SJPJI, on Pag,o.. 18L thzu 184, wLeb ..1d O:l:f10...
SUIJ£C't' '1'0. The lI.1iht~ol~Wet Ba.ø~nt, for I«>bart.. _
WcUlay !:oltJlty RO~ U-109, alDIIØ tbe Wasil line of the
abo1no deeCribed p:roparty, all raferrllld, Co and Xeoorded ,dth
IJoCU1llt\l11: No. na981. in lIook 22an, 011 '-ge 184, with .aid
'roœi'1'IœR IfIm and BUIIJBcr TO. ALL Bu"l1Ieutl, BxOèptiOllø,
R.atl:'.ltltionø, )\a"_t1011.11, IUghta-of_lIlay, r",,;¡:oayamenta and
C:cindit.1ona of B.leht iIIId or 1'&çord.
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