HomeMy WebLinkAbout940947 000288 Ii~dï~de ~C9mpðny SINCE 1904 ! POWé.m OF l\'l"l'OHNJ~Y Special KNOW 1\LII J.1Er-t BY TfIESE PRBSENTS: 'l'ha t. I,~es A. f"~ltl --- ,tho undersigneù (jointly and severally if morc than one, hereinafter collectively ~principal~), hereby make, oon3titute and appoint Ei1)~ It ~~1TrYt 6~ Principal's true and laWful al:tQrnoy to Çlct for principal und in principal's nama, plaoe and stGad and for prinøipal's UBe am1 bone! i 1.:: __Y11 If (Zllt --..-..-- ~ f~PoS"e Lo 6f\\l::.-o )'\-\ \ ~ q g~tz,,?, o-F -n+e- gfrLe ð F PKiJPéì2-Tlj - W , Y\'\ ( /.-L e:. (t:-GL¡;-, ALP (tje; I w~tyYt\¡J6, PrincipaJ. h4'll"oby grants to saiù attorney in fact full powsr anù authority to do and perform each and every act and thing which may be necessary, or convenient, in connection wi th ðl'1Y of tho foregoing, as fully, to all intents ùnd purposes, as pr.J.ncipal might or could do if personally [)res~nt, h()J."oby J~""tifyil1g ùnd confirming all tha.t our said «ttornc;¡y iu .cact shall l,¡wfully ùo or c«use to bo dona by ðuthorl·ty hørcof. Wherever the context ~.IO r.equires, tho sin<Jular nUI1\bot' inolud0a the plur..ll. Wrl'NESS my hand this ?3rd doy of ~t-, --=:: ,J:'r;2/Jl)S /<~/~' ~: ~.~ - 1-/~.3/PJ' "' 12.3 /O'ß ST~TE OF il::' .'(/1-L/U?( ~ S~. COUN'fY OF . ~ ,D(rZ... Ou thlG_ c~ 3 ('¿,{ _ d(l; 01' ~ {.1 (7 l' , in the year --*9¿<293 \.¡eror~ ]lIe~ ~he \U1Ù rðignad, a Notai'{; Publio in and for add state, perflonally nlJpearod '/h.'./,  . ,.~ L., if.. Œ!2d IJ1aÆl. Gl__ (~. ~ ì /)<L4 ) PEl 1'6 on 1y known tt"fn~ 01' p:\'oveù to I,iõon the b"ñii'š of aatisf&otory evidòiíce) . to be the þeraon t- whose nallle__ Bubscl'll,)où to tho within ius bI'UJllen t, and aoknowled«ed to IlIe t.hul; _ he ~ axeouteû it, tt~: h~d; ffizt; ~~ ~, 'l1î~ànd fO;·..'! Bta'o.--- USA A. GUSTAFSON· NOTARY PUBUO County of State of Uncaln rf.'IOmi",! My Commission expires , . 11 . . Ò /¡J COURTESY RECORDING This document is being recorded solely as a courtesy and accommodation to the parties therei(a. Land Titie Co. Hereby expressly disclaims any . responsibility or liability for the accuracy content thereof. RECEIVED 8/1/2008 at 12:23 PM RECEIVING # 940947 BOOK: 101 PAGE: 288 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY c~sc{) ú30- 2_qt~ M v uJJ lP ,,:>"L( - Zq12-