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RECEIVING # 940948
BOOK: 701 PAGE: 289
i@d l1tle
SINCE 1904 .
Name: GUfJÚ~Z~~
Address: i
KNOW ALL MEV BY THESE PRESENTS, that I/We hereby make, constitute and
appoint nll(tnå. FUßt:<Z2; 1ànu.s as my true and lawful attorney in fact with full
power and authority in my name and in my stead and on my behalf: ~ çu.tjá.Z 2 i
1. The Powcr to perform any and all acts nee<:ssary to purchase, sell, convey, transfer title,
deliver deeds. bargain, encumber, or contract for the sale or purchase of certain real property
described as follows:
Jet --t1-u pÞ-À~ o~ '-\h ~~ D~
I f/l 0. vffÌ.-1f Cuccj~, D.JpUI..L¡ lÙJ- B'3I213
2, To execute and deliver a Warranty Deed or Quit Claim Deed conveying said real property to a third
3. To exeçute a promissory note or notes creating and evjdencing an obJigation as therein set forth, and
to execute a Deed of Trost enoumbering the above de$èribed real proporty and seouring the
repayment of the obligations described in said promissory note, and to ex.ecute _11 assignments of
reDts7 financing statements, and security agreements in addition to the Doed of Trust to secure:
repayment oftbe obligations set forth in said promissory note,
4, To sign on my behalf settlement statements, disclosure statements, acceptance statements. affidavits
concerning mec;:hanic's liens, assignment of security depo~;it$, extensions of the contract for
purchase and sale, and any and all other docutnE:nts and Înstruments required as pJU't of the closing
function pertinent hereto,
File Numberl 61750
Land Title Company
Power of AIJoTlJeY
Pille t 0(2
This document is being recorded
solely as a courtesy and
accommodation to the parties
therein, Land Title Co. Hereby
expressly disclaims any
responsibility or liability for
the accuracy content thereof.
\., ..
S. To disburse, receive, manace and control mODeY, fQnds, and c:redlts pertaining to said d081ng
AND in general I give my said attorney in fact full pOwer to handle aJl my business affairs in such
manner and with such authority as myself might exercise, including the power to make, execute, and
acknowledge instruments of every kind which may be proper or requisite to effeotuate an or any of the
I hereby ratify, confirm and approve each and every act of my said attorney heretofore and hereafter
taken in conformity with this power of attorney.
THIS power of attomey shaIl be effective until revoked by me in writing, such revocation to be delivered
tQ the attorney in fact above named, Everyone dea1ing with my said attorney 1n fact shall be entitled to
rely upon the certificate of such attorney in fact to the effect that hislher power is in effect and has not
been. revoked.
THIS power of attorney shall not be affected by the disabUity of the principal.
THIS power of attorney shalJ automatically expire by its own term* apon completion of the limited
purpose set forth abové.,
h~S WHEREOF, ¡ bave set my Ìtand on this I ::L+l day of .~~
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STATE OF ~:\," &W\J., ~, )
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COUNTY OF ,c1\A..C· L k...--- )
"- day of
ission expires.5./ '1· ,~ 0 I ('),
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USA';' GUSTAFSON -1'tVW'n' at
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File NUlJ1ber: 61750
Lond TiUt: Comp~oy
P01W!f of Attorney