HomeMy WebLinkAbout941018 00051.6 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT IN AND FOR LINCOLN COUNTY, STATE OF WYOMING In The Matter Of the Estate Of Deceased. ) ) ) ) ) ) PR-2008-17-DC RECEIVED 8/5/2008 at 10:43 AM RECEIVING # 941018 BOOK: 701 PAGE: 516 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY MARVEL 1. SEAY, PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE'S DEED WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Richard R. Christensen as Personal Representative of the Estate of Marvel 1. Seay, Deceased, has heretofore been authorized by Order Admitting Foreign Probate Proceedings and Order Distributing Property by the District Court of the Third Judicial District of the State of Wyoming in and for Lincoln County, PR-2008-17-DC, a certified copy of which is attached hereto, to make the conveyance described and effected herein, and pursuant to Wyoming law has the power to make the herein, NOW, THEREFORE, Richard R. Christensen, Personal Representative of the Estate of Marvel 1. Seay, Deceased, Grantor, pursuant to and in consideration of the aforesaid has granted, bargained, sold, conveyed, and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell and convey unto Richard R. Christensen, Trustee of the Marvel 1. Seay Revocable Trust under agreement dated November 8 1996, Grantee, and their assigns forever, all the right, title, interest and estate of Marvel 1. Seay, Deceased, at the time of her death, and also all the right, title and interest that the said estate, by operation of law or otherwise, may have acquired, other than or in addition to that of the said deceased at the time of his/her death, in and to all that certain real property situated in Lincoln County, Wyoming, and particularly described as follows, to-wit: That property more particularly described on the Affidavit of Survivorship recorded as Document No. 829792 in Book 391PR, Page 69 in the Lincoln County Clerk's Office, Kemmerer, Wyoming, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit A. together with the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances whatsoever to the same belonging or in anywise appertaining; To have and to hold, all and singular, the above-mentioned and described premises, together with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantees, their heirs and assigns forever. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MARVEL L. SEAY PR-2008-17-DC PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE'S DEED PAGE 1 OF 2 000517 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Personal Representative as aforesaid has hereunto set his hand and seal this .J.L day of July, 2008. ~~ N.~:!<y1 ~to/- Ri ard R. Christen en, Personal Representative of the Estate of Marvel L. Seay, Deceased STATE OF WYOMING ) ) SS COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) ACKNOWLEDGED before me by Richard R. Christensen, Personal Representative of the Estate of Marvel L. Seay this1.L day of July, 2008. WITNESS my hand and official seal. d~b.(jþ NOTARY PUBLIC My commission expires: Jew.. \ B "W (0 \ IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MARVEL L. SEAY PR-2008-17-DC PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE'S DEED PAGE20F2 00051.8 " . I ' I I I I '$\0(.0 R.ecorded..~_QI.J I ~d9.9L, '" h In Book ~s..\.è~ ' : . .. ë;aat........Q(.\.I~. . .r..\...,M N " ag~·.....·I.l~.....I<emmerGiJ WY P............_....~QO~Q~~ t'" !I' " ' , .'CJça-·r~.·.....lylðrshn MoG. ¡C/IZ/' < ' I '".J / . y AF~IDAVIT OF SURVIVORSHIP ./ " I, Marvel Seay, being fi~st Quly sworn under oath 'do hereby declare as follows: 1. On or about the 8th day of February, 1995, Everette' H. Seay, a/k/a Everett H. Seay, a/k/a Ever'ette Seay, died, as is evidenced by the official certificate of death attached hereto and incorporat~d herein 'by this :ref2renoe. 2. At the time of his death he jointly owned an interest in ce~tain real property with me, said real property being located in the County of Lincoln, state of Wyoming, and is more par~icularly described as follows: Lot No. 8 of the Alpine Resort Subdivision, Unit #I, located in Section 20, Township 37 North, Range 118 West, 6th P. M., Lincoln County, wyoming 'I AND An undivided one-half (1/2) interest in and, to the South one- half (1/2) of Lot #24 and the South one-half (1/2) of Lot #25 of the Alpine Resort SUbdivision, Unit II" as surveyed, platted, and recorded in the Offioe of the county Clerk and Ex- Officio Re.gister of Deeds in and for Lincoln County, Wyoming. 3. Said real property was originally conveyed to Everett H. Seay and Mårvel Seay, husband and wife, as joint tenants wit.h rights of survivorshipþ by Warranty Deed dated December 24, 196'6, and reoorded March 7, 1~67, in Book 77PR at Page 364, in the Office, of the Lincoln county Clerk and Ex-Officio Register of Deeds; and , , to Everette ard Mar~el Seay, husband and wife, and Richard and' Darlene'Chr1s~ensen, husband and wife, by Warranty Deed dated June: I , 1 25, 1972, and reoorded October 18, 1~72, in Book lOlP~ at Page 461, a. . Uw'v~"uur ~~.~~ J...;JtJ rot 1..;J....- ."-. L 11'll,ULI'I I..,;UUI'II Y .. ':.~K ~/:Il~t:. 11:¿¡ 11.:i . " :.;~ 000519 ' 70 in the Offioe ~f the Lihcoln County Clerk and EX-Officio Register 'I , I of Deeds, resp~ctively.¡ 4. ay 'reason ~f kverette H~ Seay's deatb, Marvel Seay, as I survivin<i SpOUse ,of Ev;erette H. Seay, is entitled to the sole own~rship o'f<~~e~~ preV¡ioUS1Y held j oint interests in and to the abovè':'describéd' "r:eal pr.bparty. ;': I ~ / ,DATED this ~ {) i day of iltf:1L... I 'I I . , 1996. ~~ 0'~ EL SEAY 1~ , . Ta:E STATE OF UTAH, , , , COUNTY OF ~ ¡ ) ) ss ) , " SUBSCRIBED AND S~ORN to and acknowledged before me this 2D~ day of ÙQ~mlJ"~. , 1996, by Marvel Seay. al seal. H r;T' ~~. 11.A'7¿" .' ;J1~ J7 Notary PUblJ.c My 7 ~ tJ/-()Ò .. ' 2 , : C00520 ~2r].'''-I..DL1QO~~,~,- ~, JUL 2 8 C""ìn ,:"Uij¡) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT y,o,,~NNETH D, ROBERTS IN AND FOR LINCOLN COUNTY, STATE OF WYOMli~b:ERK OF DISTRICT COURT 3rd JUDICIAL DISTRiCT LINCOLN COUNTY, STATE OF WYOMING In The Matter Of the Estate Of Deceased. ) ) ) ) ) ) . PR-2008-17-DC MARVELL. SEAY, ORDER ADMITTING FOREIGN PROBATE PROCEEDINGS AND ORDER DISTRIBUTING PROPERTY THIS MATTER, having come before the Court upon the Petition for Adoption of Foreign Probate in the Matter of the Estate of Marvel L. Seay, Deceased, filed by Richard R. Christensen, Personal Representative of the Estate of Marvel L. Seay, Deceased, and the Court having reviewed the pleadings filed herein and no objections having been lodged against said Petition and the Court being fully advised, finds as follows: 1. Notice of this hearing was given as required by law and this Court has jurisdiction of the subject matter. 2. The assets of Marvel L. Seay, deceased, located in Wyoming have a value not exceeding $150,000 and an adoption of Foreign Probate is appropriate under W.S. § 2-11-201. 3. Said Decedent, at the time of her death, was the owner of Real PropeI1y located in Lincoln County, Wyoming more particularly described on the affidavit of survivorship recorded as Document No. 829792 in Book 391PR, Page 69 in the Lincoln County Clerk's Office, Kemmerer, Wyoming, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit A (the "Property"). 4. Said deceased left no other property, real, personal or mixed, requiring probate in the state of Wyoming. 5. Under the Last Will and Testament of Marvel L. Seay, the sole beneficiary of the Wyoming estate is as follows: The Marvel L. Seay Revocable Trust, dated November 8, 1996 (the "Trust"). 6. The Estate of Marvel L. Seay, Deceased, having been duly probated and settled/concluded in all material respects in the State of Utah by a proceeding in the District Court of Utah, County of Salt Lake, Probate No. 063901742, the Probate of said Estate may be allowed and recorded in the State of Wyoming pursuant to law. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MARVEL L. SEAY PR-2008-17-DC ORDER ADMITTING FOREIGN PROBATE PROCEEDINGS AND ORDER DISTRIBUTING PROPERTY PAGEIOF2 000521. WHEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that: 1. The certified copies filed herein of the proceedings probating said Estate in the State of Utah be, and are hereby admitted to record in this Court and they shall be considered and treated from this time as original proceedings in this Court for the probate of a domestic will and they shall have the same force and effect as the original probate of a domestic will, and shall be conclusive evidence of the facts shown therein; and, 2. The Property is hereby distributed in accordance with the Will of Marvel L. Seay, deceased, to Richard R. Christensen, Trustee of the Marvel L. Seay Revocable Trust under agreement dated November 8, 1996. 3. The Personal Representative, Richard R. Christensen, shall execute and deliver a Personal Representative's Deed to Richard R. Christensen, Trustee of the Marvel L. Seay Revocable Trust under agreement dated November 8 1996, transferring all of the Estate's, right, title and interest in the Property to the Trust. 4. This Order shall be recorded in the Lincoln County Clerk's Office. IT IS SO ORDERED. -(~ DATED: thi~ day of STATE OF WYOMING'} COUNTY OF LINCOLN I, Kenneth D. Roberts, Clerk of the T r Judicia! District Court wtthìn and for ai NNIS L. S DERSON county and in the State of foresai , dCDISTRICT COURT JUDGE hereby certify the for'¡;G~o¡ng to be a full, true, and completL1 c~O\-;;y. ) SIGNEDiB~$:n-~f'~:RTrF'rCATE OF SERVICE The undersigned hereby certifies that a true and correct copy of the fOregOing~ delivered to the following individual(s) by the method indicated on the ~hday of 1 2008. Jack D. Edwards ] U.S. mail (z: LUTHI & VOYLES, LLC [ ] fed ex PO Box 820 [ ] fax Thayne, WY 83127 [ ] hand delivered . \' ' GÞJ~[2L~~) - Þf"lil( IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MARVEL L. SEAY PR-2008-17-DC ORDER ADMITTING FOREIGN PROBATE PROCEEDINGS AND ORDER DISTRIBUTING PROPERTY PAGE 2 OF 2