HomeMy WebLinkAbout941036 6010816901 ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGE 000581. FOR VALUE RECENED, the 1 stBANK. a State Banking Corporation, organized and existing under THE LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, the mortgagee named in that certain mortgage hereinafter described, does hereby transfer, assign, set over and convey all right, title and interest in and to said mortgage, which was given to said mortgagee by DANIEL RARNES. A MARRIED MAN. '7011 of mortgages, beginning on Page 6(ß B , in LINCOLN County, Wyoming, and which covers And appears recorded in Book the office of the County Clerk of property described as follows: 16 J ,.. I "i;- t, / BEGINNING at a point which is 20 rods East of the Southwest Corner or the Northwest Quarter of Section·S, Township 30 North Range 118 West of the 6th PM, Lincoln County, Wyoming; and, running thence North, 16 rods; thence East 10 rods; thence South 16 rods; 'thence West, 10 rods; to the PLACE OF BEGINNING. Together with the note or notes secured thereby, to the WYOMING COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Its successors and assigns, subject however, to all of the agreements, conditions, covenants and stipulations therein contained, as well as all rights of redemption provided by law. Dated this 4TH 'day of J\UGUST RECEIVED 8/5/2008 at 2:27 PM RECEIVING # 941036 BOOK: 701 PAGE: 581 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY ,20~. ¡ \ STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF Lincoln ) ) SS ) The foregoinj instrument was,acknowledged before me by Roxie Jenkins J0u:J!-- ~ ~OQ/y) ~ dF/5~ ~ 4TH day of AUGUST J, 20 08 WHITNESS BY HA. AND FICIÁL SEAL. SEAL: ~~a./#.~ Notary Public Signature My Commission Expires: 9 - /.5 - J J WCDA FORM NUMBER 203 ~ NOTARY PUBLIC )'~.Jl State of Wyoming· MYC, . ommlssion Ex Pires Septemb er 15, 2011 GLORIA K. BYERS ,-.. "'....... vounty of .~. Lincoln