HomeMy WebLinkAbout941037 MINERAL QUITCLAIM DEED AND ASSIGNMENT OF OIL AND GAS LEASES 000582 Frank A. Mau, Grantor, for and in consideration of Ten and No/IOO Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does by these presents, effective as of the date hereto, convey and quitclaim unto Bryan A. Mau, Grantee, whose mailing address is 7437 Dallas Drive, Austin, Texas 78729, all of Grantor's right, title, interest, property, possession, claim and demand, as the Grantor has or ought to have, in and to all of the minerals and mineral rights, including, but not limited to, all coal, oil, gas, geothermal, brine and steam rights, and all other mineral rights now known to exist or hereafter discovered, associated with, and in, under or upon the following described real property situate in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, to-wit: The real property described on Exhibit "A", Pages I through 3, attached hereto, and by this reference made a part hereof. And further hereby granting, assigning and quitclaiming to the Grantee herein all right, title and interest of the Grantor in and to any and all presently existing oil, gas, coal, geothermal, brine, steam and other mineral leases, pooling or unit agreements, and tlìe like, covering the above-described property, including, but not limited to, the right to receive any and all annual and other lease rentals and royalties, including bonuses and damages, and all other payments which may be hereafter paid by any lessees relative to the above-described property thereunder, including, but not limited to, all right, title and interest of the Grantor in and to those oil and gas leases listed on attached Exhibit "A". Hereby granting and quitclaiming unto the Grantee, his heirs, successors and assigns, all of Grantor's rights to explore, drill and mine on said land and to remove products therefrom, and the right of possession as may be required therefor, including Grantor's interest in the right to erect and maintain thereon and remove therefrom all necessary or proper structures and equipment as needed for producing, storing and marketing such products, including the right to pull casing from wells and to install and maintain thereon and remove therefrom all tanks and other means of storage and all pipes and other means of transportation, and also all rights of the Grantor of ingress and egress for ànY of said purposes. . , . TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all such right, title and interest in and to said oil, gas and other mineral rights associated with and in, under or upon the above-described premises unto the said Grantee and his heirs, successors and assigns forever, so that neither Grantor nor any other person in Grantor's name or behalf, shall or will hereafter claim or demand any right or title to any of the oil, gas and other mineral interests being conveyed hereby or any part hereof, but they and every one of them shall by these presents be excluded and forever barred. . It is expressly understood and agreed that this instrument is to be construed as a conveyance in fee simple of all of the Grantor's interest in all of the oil, gas and other minerals in, under and upon the above-described tract of land, together with all rights of the Gratitor hi and to any and all existing oil, gas and other mineral leases, pooling and unit agreements and the like, insofar as they affect said property. .; This conveyance shall expressly include any and all after acquired title of Grantor in said mineral estate and any and all interests in any way connected therewith. RECEIVED 8/5/2008 at 2:27 PM RECEIVING # 941037 BOOK: 701 PAGE: 582 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY . ,. , . - I - úOû5S3 s- IN \)tTNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has executed this instrument the day of Lkt-I!J}· ,2008. . ~ ......... J. IL '}vc-- Frank A. Mau The State of Wyoming ) County of Sweetwater ) : ss. The forego~instrument was acknowledged before me by Frank A. Mau this $" day of ~'''''.6f , 2008. Witness my hand and official seal. ()"'ð"'''' ~ c20él ~iii1blic¿l ~ My commission expires: """~---..pq 'FI ~ t..4~ ~ . l IWWIW..... THEDAA. PORTER - NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF & STATE OF SWEE1WATER. WYOMING MY COMMISSION EXPIRES AUGUST " 2009 - 2 - . . " "I . war ..,M. 110. I "(fC~fvr DATe .. v osm ".;, , .1 (6I1ISU :,,' .;' , . , \.,:,. . .'.f.'" .:,' . :. 1,.. I ~!':: I . . 1 . '. "~ '. . V 05'24 :I (6/1151) '. . . 4 . 1, , ',r .,' ,'1: \ '... . .:: . ' . v 711'73 'C6III1U ' ". . t V4mv (6I1I$U .. v ""71 C4IIIS'J V 0$'25 ("Inn . . . ·V717n .' i6/11SU ( EXHIBIT "A" (Page 1) riDËRAL.bIL AND GAS ,l'~SEt teN Hot Lev UtI rr 1 I' " LAND ~nF8IPH~ ' . , . I . . . Town.h'p ZZ Kort~, ling' 112 v..t, 6~h P,H. Itollon f, . 1/2 LI..ln COU'tty, VyQII'ng . ConC.'n'ne JlO.OO eet.., lOr'" or I,.. . " Townthlp ZZ Korth, II....' 112 v..t, 6th ·P,N. 'fOt'on IS, .' yz '1/2, IV 114 IV 1/4 hetlon 22. AU Itot'on 26, ICI 0,1/4 .&.fnooln,ç~ty, ~I", ConC"n;'" '~GOO ac~'" IIOf't or ·a... T"'""'.p·II··....Ch, IInt_'l1Z "'It, 6th·,.M. ,~"Of\~' 101 114 "" 1/4 Llneo'n CN'1cy, IIVDIlnt ~t.tnl~ 4~ ~t... iøt.. or a... TOM1IItI~ ì~ *ort~, '.q, 112 'fe." 6th '.N. . s.:·~ . 'tCtlon:ZO,: ':. '~It III 1/4" II 1/4 IN II', . IIZ IV 1/4, II 1/4 _tct1~ ~h IV 1/4 IN 1/~, ,IN 1/4 IV 1/4 Llneo"ln ,.CM1tyf.·.~fn.t Cont.ln'tt.i,·.4~ H'..,........ 'fl' ~. T....Mp ZZ ICorth, II.".. 112 Un" 6.1ft P"'. -..Uon 2',' JIll 1/4 W 1/4 Llnc~tn ~'r, ~"I", 'ConCt'fi'I1I"4'O lor". 1IOt.. Of' a,.. .. . ,". . '."~ :,' '~hlp 22 .orth, lent. 112 N..., 6th P.H. lectlon 26. "1/2/. 112 .1 114, IN 1/4 Ie 1/4 ItCt'on za, I I/¡, I 1/2 V 1/,z,1V 1/4 NV 1/41 V 'Ii IV 1/4 Uncoln.COC,h.y.. w.'", C"OI'I..ln'", 1,~0 terti, IlilH't Of' atl. '~'P 2Z '0f'1~, ~., 112 Vtle, .th '.fN. Itct fon 10, . IIZ" . :; . 'fOUOl'l 20, " 11"" :l/i, ., 114 ICW 1/41 '. 1/2 If. 1/4 'fC"0I'I21. . 1/2'. '1/2 ' Llnoo,an CMlr, ~'fII ConC.ln'nt760 Hr'" IIQt. ". a,.. / 000584 ... ., : ,':It . ~! ..-......... "'- JowC9""ttC I'"' . f . . . . DM~ ..... ; j' I , j I , , I , i " (Page 2) ftJN~.AL '.'~K~.;. LOCArJoø OO()5RS '~hlp II North, Rtnt' 1" V,.t. 'th '.H. , '~hlp 24 North, Rtnt' 116 v..t, 6th r.N_ ",Inooin CMlr, WoIII", CtnCtlnl", '.156.71",", IIOf't or "" "- . --....---. . ...... , NwtNEi or Section J, T 23 N, R J 16 W, and Lot 4 In Sec~ion Z, T 23 N, R JJ C, W,6th P. M., '. Wyomlns, contalßlng approxlmat'ely 64. 34 acre.. '. . '_0- . .. --... . ··~Town.hlp. 23 and 24 NQrth, Range II~ Welt, 6th P. Mr, WyO,;' ~. Tract No·. 3'1 in Seçtton 35, T 24 N, R 116 Wand Section 1 "-'nd 2, . :'T 23 N, R 1J6.W·. .... . ... ....,. <to -.. _.". eo .. .. -. ~. , . 6tb P M \V . ... :.. ,. for '. Section 35, . .""',. .. 'MInIft.p 21 North, IInft tiS V,.t, '''' P.N. I Llno.'n COWIty. ttrM.", 'Cont.ln'ng 47. ter'" IIOrt or '"' - .--... . --....---.---;---... -"- . Lots· 1, 2, 3, 4,. 5 and 6 and the B/2SW/4 and the NW/4SE/4 of Seotion ·6, Township 20 North, Ranc¡e 115 West of the 6th P.M., and That part of the 8/2 of Seotion 34 whioh 1iel and is situAted iouth of the'Oreqon Short Line Railroad" (now Union Paoifio Railroad) right-of-way and the 'SE/4NW/4' of Seotion 34, all in TOWOlhip 21 North, RAnge 115 West of the 6th P.M. ,'. EXHIBIT "A" (Page 3) . , , "... , '~,..(¡. Ðn.,~ J.~t.AlI' f:..·.~fM. .t.' . " I I-(F.(cnw, ~ II , ,.. .. . .œ&I. b,I:ØI, ·...1 t ' . , ". " "LANO' Qrr~~:J.'''at . If·' .:.., . . -7 .. . ~ I ,. ·.mw~· ". tlAn".1 , ¡t. .I~. . . ... 1ft''' IIIfU ~ . '.'P " ~..... ~... "a IIftt. 'felt '.N_ ...u.. 12, AU , . ....."".., (I '/2) MIl L~'nc.1.n CV '/ZI CN'I"n. Vrwr'''' Ctn','n,n¡ 640 lOrn, .1 If' I... ...."'- 000586 '>. .. ..