HomeMy WebLinkAbout941071 RECEIVED 8/7/2008 at 10:11 AM RECEIVING # 941071 BOOK: 701 PAGE: 668 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY 000668 STA'IE OF WYOMING 'IOWN/CDUNTY: LINCOLN Loan No.4 76751 PREPARED BY SECURITY cx::NNECI'ICN'S mc. WHEN RECORDED MAIL 'ID: SJJD:JRXIY ~ J::R:. 595 ~ .az:iv.D. :rJ:JAIÐ FAI.i!ß, ID 83401 BH:(208)528-9895 ATr: KARLEl!N MAIX1HAN 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 RELEASE OF DEED THE 1..U1dersigned, being the present legal owner and holder of the indebtedness secured by that certain Deed of Trust described below, in acknowledgerœnt of payrrent in full of all sums described in and secured by said Deed of Trust, / l\ does hereby release and reconvey to the persons legally entitled thereto, "I all of its right, title, and interest in and to the real estate described in said Deed of Trust, forever dischaIging the lien f:rcxn said Deed of Trust. BEXl:r:NN1N1 AT THE SOOTHWEST CORNER OF THE SCUI'HEAST QUA1m!:R SCUI'HEAST QUA1m!:R OF SIirI'ICN 7, 'I'CMNSHIP 34 N:Rl'H, RANGE 118 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., LINCOLN COUNI'Y, WYCMJ:N1, .AND R1JNNI1iK; EAST 165 PEEr; THENCE NCRI'H 528 PEEr; THENCE WEST 165 PEEr; THENCE SOOTH 528 PEEr ro THE POINl' OF BEXl:r:NN1N1. Trustee: Recorded in VolUITE 581 at Page 0015 , Instrument No. 907099 , Parcel ID No. of the record of Ivbrtgages for LINCOLN County, WYOMING and TIDre particularly described on said Deed of Trust refe:rred to herein. Cert. # : Bor:rower:RICHARD L. JOHNSON AND LORI A. JOHNSON, HUSBAND AND WIFE Property Address: 777 LOST CREEK RD, THAYNE, WY 83127 Lender: MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS , INC. Lender's address: G-4318 MILLER RD, FLINT, MI 48507 Date of Ivbrtgage: MARCH 15, 2005 J=WC8100107RE.018233 MIN 100030200010086013 MmS IH:NE: 1-888-679-6377 (RDOl) 000669 IN WI'INESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has caused these presents to be executed on AUGUST 4, 2008 lI:CRlGAGE EC..1!X:J.RCNIC Rl!CISmATICN SYSTDJS, IN:. ~i?/ t~~ ME. 'SSA H LY ~ .A'3SISI:ANr SE.'CRE.mRY .z;œ LI1iN p1i'!1'.rm.gæ STATE OF IDAHO ss COUN'IY OFBONNEVILLE On this AUGUST 4, 2008 ,before rœ, the undersigned, a Notary Public in said State, personally appearedMELISSA HIVELY and personally known to rœ (or proved. to rœ on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the persons who executed the within instrurrent as .A'3SISmNI' SEX::RETARY .z;œ LI1iN REL1!'..lISES and respectively, on behalf of MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. G-4318 MILLER RD, FLINT, MI 48507 and acknowledged to rœ, that they, as such officers, being authorized so to do, executed the foregoing instrurrent for the purposes therein contained and that such Corporation executed the within instrurrent pursuant to its by-laws or a resolution of its Board of Directors. WI'INESS My hand and official seal. ~ KRYSTAL ~SSICN EXP. 11-14-2011) NOTARY PUBLIC ¡1J>.~~" n................. --," - ........ .... _. KRYSTAL HALL NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF IDAHO J=WC8100107RE. 018233M1N 100030200010086013 MERS PH:NE: 1-888-679-6377 (RD02)