HomeMy WebLinkAbout941453 WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: Wygen Investments, L.P. PO Box 359 Santa Ynez, CA 93460 000725 QUIT CLAIM DEED CHRISTINE D. BURTNESS, A MARRIED WOMAN AS HER SOLE AND SEPARATE PROPERTY GRANTORS of Santa Barbara County, State of California, hereby QUIT CLAIMS to WYGEN INVESTMENTS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, a Wyoming limited partnership GRANTEE of Santa Barbara County, State of California, for the sum often dollars and other good and valuable consideration, the following described tract of land in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the Homestead Exemption Laws of the State of Wyoming, to wit: Tract 3 of that part of the NE Y4 SE Y4 of Section 10 T35N R119W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, being part of that tract of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 454 of Photostatic Records on page 181, described as: SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO WITNESS, the hands o.fsaid grantors this ISth day, of August, 200S. t!A.,~/<.--~:t!;lIl/ -' Ij, I~{,t_'í.i',r,. __. _ '_.. Christine D. Burtness STATE OF WYOMING LINCOLN COUNTY The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this Lth day of August 2008, by Christine D. Burtness, the signer of the within' ent, who duly acknowledged to me that they executed the same. ESS MY ND FFICIAL SEAL. ,.,e"" Residing: lJ,t\~\Y\. Expires: d....L\.~ CHERYl A. JONES ~ NOTARY PUBLIC County of Slate of Lincoln Wyoming My Commission Expires F¡¡:,b. 4, 2009 " ( M D ..._......_~ RECEIVED 8/20/2008 at 3:55 PM RECEIVING # 941453 BOOK: 702 PAGE: 725 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER. WY EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTION FOR ROBERT L. SANDERSON AND SHARON SANDERSON T~\CT 3 To-wit: - - That pan oflhc NE~:'SEY. of SectÎon 10. TJ5N R 119W. Lincoln ('oul1ly. Wyoming. being pan of thaI tract of record in 'the orncc of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Bol'k 454 of Photostatic Records on .page 181. described as foUows: BEGINNING at the southeast spike of saidtrael. NOOO-[)7'-54"W. 918.34 feel. lì:om the southeast corner of said NEY.SEY.; IhcI1CC S89°·44' ·OO"W. 230,17 feet, along the southlinc of said tracl, to a point; thence N02°·18'-58"E. 198.~3 fect, along an existing fem:.: line, 10 a poim on the north line of said tract; thence N89~-42'-OO"E, 221,68 feet. along Ihe north lincof s,lJd Iract, to the nørtheast spike thereof, on the cast line of said NEY4SEY~; thence SOO°·[)T-54"E. 19856 fcet. along said eastlinc, to the SPIKE OF BEGINNING: ENCOMPASSING an area of un acres, more l'r less; the BASE BEARING for this survey is Ihe east line of the SE'/. or S~c,lil1l1 10, TJ5N R ¡ 19W ,heing NOO" -()7' .54"W; SUBJECT to an casement for tLS. Highway 8').: SUBJECT to AND TOGETHER with ¡¡ perpe1Ua! righl or ingrcss and egress and utilities over. under and across that sixty «(¡O) {iJOt access cascment depiclcd on the below ret~renced plat; each "corner" fOllnd as described in the COl11er Record filcdor to beliled in the OllIe.: or Ihe Clerk of Lincoln COunty; e¡¡ch "point" marked hy a 5/8" x 24" steel reintorcing rod with a r .alulll,inul11 cup IIIscribed. "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD AFTON WY PIS 5368"'. wÍlh appropna\\: delails; each "spjke" marked by a 3/8" x I;!" sICel spike rctcrenced hy a 5/8" x 24" sleel reinforcing rod with 2" aluminum cap inscribed. "SURVE'YOR SCHERBEL l.TD AFTOr-; WYPLS 5Jó8", with appropriate details; all in accordance with thc pla( prcparcdto be liIed ÌlI. Ihc Ortiec oflhe Clerk of Lincoln County titled, "ROBERT L. SANDERSON Ar-; ) SliARON SANDERSON RUSSEll, MOTZKUS AND MICHEl.! ,E M()TZKUS PLAT OF TRACTS. COMMON EASEMENT AND BOUNDAR'i' ADJUSTMENT WITHIN THE NE!/.SE'l4 SECT tON 10 TJ5N R)\J<)V;' LINCOLN COUNTY. WYOMING". duted 5 Seplcmbcr 100S, as revised. " , ''7;..~..~ú~··,_-~: /~(' !, t / - -. ., ;t;l/~ÜIf-( '" .. ; IV? March 2006 . / ;-' l '.... .... ~'.!~.,-)¥ . , 'MOOI-hcátiCr. I:"". Jny '~,av ú! !!~_6' :(.L((J~~u:·~.9 J~SGf\pt .;r :ë=nn~ln~tes ¡ldOlli:y 9" :;e s...·. .:.;' ,...,. (;00726