HomeMy WebLinkAbout941547 Warranty Deed The City of Kemmerer A Wyoming Municipality Grantor, for and in consideration of TEN ($10.00) DOLLARS and other Good and Valuable Considerations in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, CONVEY AND wARRANT TO: (. Oô048 Lincoln County School District #1 Grantee, whose mailing address is PO Box 335, Diamondville, WY 83116, the following described real estate situate in Lincoln County and State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and .waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State to-wit: ' ' ' See attached description and map prepared by Crank Companies, Inc. Subject to any easements, reservations, restrictions or right-of-ways of record, of sight or in use. ,WITNESS our hand this rot: day of htL-$.J- ,2008. G City of Kemmerer, Wyoming IifL aM-- David A. Fagnant Mayor L' L' Attest: ~un~-17 City Clerk . (seal) County of Lincoln ) ) ss. ) State of Wyoming The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me, a notary public in and for said County and State, by David A. Fagnant, Mayor of The City of Kemmerer, ~./-?~. Young, City Clerk of the City of Kemmerer, this .;¡a day of ,2008. Witness my hand and official seal. ~ 7n",{'&Ü..L/ Notary Public My Commission Expires: -{)9 C COON1Ya' STAlEOf UNCWI WYa.!m My Commission Expires c¡ -13-Ç1} RECEIVED 8/25/2008 at 1 :09 PM RECEIVING # 941547 BOOK: 703 PAGE: 48 IEANNE WAGNER , ,. .__... "'.........'TV 1"1 ¡::QJ( J(FMMERER. WY 1 COú049 (Revised 1-11-08) Lee;al Description-City of Kemmerer to Lincoln County School District No.1 A parcel of land being in an unplatted portion of the City of Kemmerer, Wyoming and being part of Tract 53, Section 23 of the resurvey ofT. 21N., R. 116W, of the 6th P.M., City of Kemmerer, Lincoln County, Wyoming and being part of the northerly portion of that particular parcel of land conveyed to the City of Kemmerer, Wyoming as described and recorded in book 216 PR on page 253 and book 211 PR on page 801 on file in the Lincoln County Clerk's office. Said parcel herein after referred to as the Kemmerer Recreation Center site (originally known as City Hall site). Beginning at the northwest comer of the parcel recorded in Lincoln County Clerk and Recorder's Office, Book 183 PR, page 596, herein after referred to as the Kemmerer Middle School parcel, which is also the point of beginning of the Kemmerer Recreation Center site; Thence S 0° 00'48"E, (S 0° OO'OO"E record) along the west line of said Kemmerer Middle School parcel and the east line of said Kemmerer Recreation Center site 279.89 feet; Thence S 89° 42'25"W, 271.92 feet to a point on the west boundary line of said Kemmerer Recreation Center site parcel and the east boundary line of Del Rio Drive; Thence N 0° 00'27"W (N 0° 00'45"E record), 360.53 feet along said common boundary line of the Kemmerer Recreation Center site parcel and Del Rio Drive; Thence N 89° 42'25" E, 23.81 feet; Thence N 26° 47' 04"E, 3 5.48 feet to a point on the common boundary line of said Kemmerer Recreation Center site parcel and the south boundary line of Antelope Street; Thence S 62° 28'45"E (S 63°00'OO"E record) 156.41 feet along said common boundary line of the Kemmerer Recreation Center site and Antelope Street; Thence S 67° 27' 50"E, 1 0 1.08 feet (S 67° 19' 3 8"E, 1 0 1.17 feet record) to the point of beginning. Said parcel contains 2.11 acres more or less. Water Line Easement Reservation: The Grantor of above identified parcel hereby reserves a water line easement through the above identified parcel. Said water line easement being the westerly 25.00 feet of said parcel and being more particularly described as follows. A water line easement being 25.00 feet wide and being bounded on its west side by the common west boundary line of the above described parcel and the east boundary line of Del Rio Drive and being bounded on its east side by a line 25.00 feet offset east and parallel to said westerly boundary line. The east boundary line of said easement shall extend or truncate at the north and south boundary lines of said grantee's parcel. C:OûOe::1;' REVISED ì 22 08 W/ RESERVED WATER LINE EASEMENT N. I o 50' 100' '-' / f2 (t:ì Ie = 116°14'32° R = 20,00 ' L = 40.58 ' CL = 33,97 ' ... CH = N 58°06'53° E ~ ~ (R = 20.00') ~ (Cl = 34,11 ') . (CH = N 58'30'02° D u- ,\), , y<' ~" C, \ if.~~ "í;-' ~'v ~\) ,c, ~ ~ -III ~.f:i ~o~ ,~~O ~I:J~ "''' ~o (,<,,"',,0 (R = 25,00 ') (Cl = 17.78 ') (CH = S 20'37'34° VI) Ie = 41°09'24° R = 25.00 ' L = 17.96 ' CL = 17.57 ' CH = S 20°37'34' 'W ~ i!! ~ (R = 20,00 ') (Cl = 31.14 ') (CH = N 87'13'35' 'vi) Ie = 102°14'49° R = 20,00 ' L = 35.69 ' CL = 31.14 ' CH = N 87°31'55' 1.,/ I ~ ; ~ .j ~ t ~ ~ ~ @ z ~ ~ 1 '" j ~ '" ~ " "~I INDICA TES ORIGINAL CITY OF - KEMMERER TOWN HALL PARCEL, - BK 211 PR, PC 801 BK 216 PR, PG 253 .. . .. .... . . . . .. INDICA TES PARCEL TO BE TRANSFERRED FROM CITY OF KEMMERER TO LINCOLN COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT # 1 .. ... .. . . . . . . . . " . . . .. . . .. .. . . · . . '" . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . ... . · . . ..... . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . '" . . . · " . . '" . . . . .. . . . . . .... . . . . . . . I 200' · . . . . . . . .. . . . . . ..... VJ ru . (oS' '. ,', r¡;tfJ'oo. . . . .'. ...\" '6¿>'. .', :;~) , ' I. . . ' . . .. , '/ .s:~<?S'-1. . . 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M ... í\/ M . . . . , . , , . , , S' 89'42"25' 10.,/- . . . . . . , , . , ~ LL O / 271.92' ~ Of:' '!' / SOO Iff:' II? o ~ / ~ SOOI( 'I( '<11 <.: t111f1; g - / ~ '<lS,of? ~t?L" g /, g ,of?',oc:; <.:I? ~ / ~ 'f:JQ 80 1 ~ / . <5,J / f1 1.86 ACRES /~ /~ /~ / / / / / ru ~ " VI o::tJ ~- ~a .þ. U1 .c) ~::tJ - ~~ ru w ANTELOPE STREET POINT OF BEGINNING (f) 0 I 0 OJ 0 0J r ìJ ;:u ìJ C) U1 to 0) ~ W -,0 (,"'.1 470.00. ') 470.01 ' S 00°01'11' 'W 81.46 ' (S 00·18'20' D <81.39 ') TRACT 53 MAP OF LAND TRANSFER CITY OF KEMMERER TO LINCOLN COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1 PART OF RECREATION CENTER PARCEL (BK 216 PR, PG 253) BEING PART OF TRACT 53, SECTION 23, OF THE RESURVEY OF T21 N, R116W, CllY OF KEMMERER, LINCOLN COUN7Y, WYOMING. SHEET 1 DF 1