HomeMy WebLinkAbout941587 VU, -La' iWVVU va. va .1.'l'1.Il. .L"V' uu""....,,'" .1.'ÁVC u~u~ VVllO~~U~~~Vll "EdVVV"':I:.1 VVVU 06/18/2006 12:46 FAX 3078856767 LOWER VALLEY ENERGY III 004 WORK ORDER #65217&65218 SEC. 11, T32N, R119W DISTRIBUTION EASEMENT 000144 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT: That the undersigned, KEM C. GARDNER FAlv.IILY PARTNERSHIP, LTD, a Utah limlùd partnership, an undivided one-half Interest; AND cmL HOLDINGS, LLC, a Utah ltmited JlabUll:y company, an undivided one-half Interest; as Tenants In CODUDUn, ("Grantor") for a good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant, oonvey and warrant un':o Lower Valley Energy, a Cooperative Coxporation, of Aft-on and Jackson, Wyoming and to its suooessors ar.d assigns, ("Grantees"), a perpetual easement and right of way for the consl:n1ction and continu(,d maintenanoe, repair, alteration and replacement of the electric distribution circuits, lines and equipment ,)f the Grantee to be constructed and maintained under, upon and across the preIIlises of Grantor in Lineol n County, State of Wyoming, along a line described as foHows, to wit: BEING a portion of the SWI/4SWI/4 of Section 11, T32N, R1l9W, Lincoln County, Wyoming mo"e particularly described as fonows: C01\1lv.lENClNG at a point being theNW comer of the SW1I4SWl/4, running thenoe SIDE, 371 feet to Hn existing junotion vault location, and tnIe point of beginning. Thence S 57°E, 183 :feet; thence S 18°E, 7J 7 feet; thenoe S 13°W, IS feet to a transformer location. EASENJENT to include 10 feet on each side of described line, together with all necessary and reasonable rights of ingress and egress Bnd to excavate and refill ditches Bnd trenches for the location and repair of said facilities and to cut, trim, spray herbicides, or remove trees, shrubbery, undergrowth or other obstructions interfering with the repair and maintenance of the faci1ities. The Grantor aoknowledges that Electric and Magnetic Fields (EMF) are naturally occurring in the transmission or distribution of electricity, and that the Grantee has here notified GrantOl' that EMF testing and information is available upon request iTom tbe Grantee. This Easement by Grantor is intended to include so much space as is neoessary or appropriate to the presence of EMF and reasonable operation :>f the Grantee's distribution lines. Grantor agrees that all poles, wires and other facilities. installed on or under the described lands shun remain the property of the Grantee removable in the sole discretion of the Grantee at the Grantee's expenEe. The rights, conditions and provisions of this easement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon t:"le parties. their heirs, executors, adn1inistrators, successors and assigns. Grantor shall compensate Grantee for any damages to Grantee's facilities caused by Grantor. including payment of' Grantee's attorney fees if action is undertalcen by Grantee to enforce the commitments described in this easement. Grantor reserves the right to improve. occupy and use this easement for all purposes not inconsistent with the easement grant. Baoh party shan have the rexnedy of specific perf'onnance regarding this easement. The rights and obligations described in this easement shan nm with the land. This easement is not exclusive, and Gran10r retains all rights not specifically granted by thU; easement. This is the entiM agreem.ent of the parti es regarding this ease.ntent, except as may be set Carth in writing after the date of this easement and signed :>y the parties, Grantor hereby 1'"Cleaöes and waives all rights by virtue or the Homestead Exemption Laws of Wyoming. . e Hand of the Grantor. this ~ day of~ 4-\.';A.... ~'~~ ,.0 ~ ~rr- RONA'LD A. ~~i( W('.o\-\~~\ ~. t '"" '-"^S ~ \Jfe...h } COUNTY OF So-H- Lo..)Ce} ~....'-~.. ~. {>l-........~"Œ.. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by R9PMd..B ,~. l"IeR.IUJ:<l, affirmIDMro¡:.er authority as Manager of CIEL HOLDINGS, LLC, a Utab lilnited Uablllty cUIDPauy, this i cay of A\5 -l£.. f 2008. (Seal) ~T~ciaJ_l otary Publ1c My commission expires: ~ - "2 z.. - "l.. RECEIVED 8/26/2008 at 12:45 PM RECEIVING # 941587 BOOK: 703 PAGE: 144 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY 1 OIl/.Lð/,ZUUð ~":411 }<'A.\. 3U1ð~':Hi'1ð" LUYVI:U( VALLb;X b;1"~!<üX i&lUU" WORK ORDER. # 65217 &. 65218 SEC. 11, T32N, R119W DISTRIBUTION EASEMENT 0001.45 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT: That the undersigned, KEM C. GARDNER FAl'nLY PARTNERSHIP, LTD, a Utah II.mltnd partnership, an IIDdlvlded one-half interest; AND CIEL HOLDINGS, LLC, a Utah limited liability cOJDpany,an undivided one-half interest; all Tenants In Common, ("Grantor") for II good and valua\: Ie consideration, the TCCeipt of' which is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant, convey and warrant Lmto Lower Valley Energy, a Cooperative Corporation, of Afton and Jackson, Wyonúng and to its successors and assigns, ("Grantees"), a perpetual eBSeIIlent and right of way for the construction and continu.,d maintenance, repair, alteration and replacement of the electric distribution circuits, lines and equipment of' the Grantee to be constructed and maintained under, upon and across the premises of Grantor in Lincoln County, State ofWyomlng, along a line desoribed as foUows, to wit: BEING a portion of the: SW1I4SW1I4 of Section II, T32N, Rl19W, Lincoln County, Wyoming mere particularly described as follows: COMl\ŒNClNG at a point being theNW cornel- of the SW1I4SWl/4. running thence SloE, 371 feet to im existing jW'1ction vault location. and true point of beginning. Thenoe S 57°E, 183 feet; thence S IBDE, 717 feet; thence S 13°W, 15 feet to a transformer location. EASEMENT to include 10 feet on each side of described line, together with all necessary and reasonable rights of ingress and egress and to excavate and refill ditches and trenohes for the location and repaÜ' of 52 id faoilities and to out, trim, spray herbicides, or remove trees, shrubbery, undergrowth or other obstruotions interfering with the repair and maintenance oftbe facilities. The Grantor acknowledges that El~tric and Magnetio Fields (EMF) are naturally occurring in the tmnsnùssion or distribution of electricity, and tl1at the Grantee has here notified Grantor that EMF testbg and information is available upon request nom the Grantee. This Easement by Grantor is intended to include so much space as is necessary or appropriate to the presence of EMF and reasonable operation of the Grantee's distribution lines. Gnmtor agrees that all poles, wires and other facilities. installed on or under the described lands sh all remain the property of the Grantee removable in the sole discretion of the Grantee at the Grantee's expenue. The righta. conditions and provisions of this easement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties, their heirs. executors, administrators. successors and Dssigns. Orantor shall compen,sate Grantee for any datnages to Grantee's facilities caused by Grantor, including payment of Grantee's attomey fees if action is undertaken by Grantee to enforce the comnùttnents described in this easement. Grantor resen. es the right to improve. occupy and use this C8se.rnent for all purposes not inoonsistent with the easement gn":1t. Each party shall have the remedy of specific performanoe regarding this easement. The rights and obligations described in tJ:ùs easClUent shall run with the land. This eaSCJI1ent is not exclusive, and Granl:or retnina all rights not speçifically granted by thís easement. This is the entire agreCJI1ent of the part: es regarding this easement, except as may be set fort}¡ in writing after the date of this easement and signed by the parties. GTantor hereby releases and waives all rigbts by virtue of the Homestead Exemption Laws of Wyonùng. the Hand of the Grantor, this Bday of ,~ KEM STATE OF rJft;\h } COUNTY OF ~ t} La.kù ~"''''¿J .~ M... :. . qs. WCA...~-"-:.~ r ~ ()l~_~ The foregoing instrument was aolmowledged before me by KEM C. GARDNER, afftrming pro);ler authority as Mana~e~ of KEM C. GARDNER FAMILY PARTNERSHIP, LTD, a Utah Limited partnership, this ì f day of 4 ¡J çt- 2008. (Seal) Wi my My commission expires: ~- Z Z - I Z 1