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File No.:
Dwayne Hand Jr. and Jean F. Hand, Husband and Wife as joint tenants grantor(s) of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, for and
in consideration of Ten Dollars and Otha- Good and Valuable Consideration (-$10.00-), in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby
acknowloogoo, hereby Convey(s) and Quitc1aim(s) To
Dwayne Hand Jr, Keli Lynn Hand, and Dwayne K. Hand, as Joint Tenants grantee(s),
whose address is: 11822 South 5ls1 Street, Phoenix, Az. 85044 , all interest in the following describoo real property, situate in
Lincoln County and State of Wyoming, to wit:
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:;;;::Hereby releasing and waiving all rights unda- and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming.
That portion of the Northwest Quarta- of Section 30, Township 35 North, Range 118 West,
of the 6th principal ma-idian, County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, as describoo as
Schooule "A" attachoo hereto and made a part ha-eof.
State of Wyoming )
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County of Lincoln )
The foregoing instrument was acknowloogoo before me this 01 t day of A--u-~ ' 20 of? . by O~ ÞJ~~ .
Witness my hand and official seal.
My commission expires: b.;2 ()- ;¡).. 0 II
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N PublIc
RECEIVED 8/27/2008 at 12:07 PM
RECEIVING # 941637
BOOK: 703 PAGE: 286
Page 1 of6
~ StreamLine Deed· Quit Claim WY (Q Rev. 8/26/2008
SCFÅ’DULE "11.11 attachment
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'rhat port,:í.on, of' the Northwest Qllart~n' of' Section 30, 'row':nship 35 North, Hange 118
Y'[est, of the 6th pr:Lncipal merid.:i.anj County' of Lincoln, State of Ì'Tyoming, described
as 1'0110\,[8:
.Beginning at the NortheaElt CO:t:'nl~r of the Northì-vest Quarter of said Sec-Úon 30,
said po:int also. being co:¡::ner No. .)+ of Homestead JI:ntr;v Survey No. 128; thence South
,00"'23 I Jj,6~:. East .9.1ong the 'East liIie of af''or'esaid Northw.;!st Quarter., 876.21 feet j
thence North 89°5791.~7" ,.¥lqst, parallel to the: South line of' aforement.ioned
Homestead Entry Survey ·No. 128, 990.17 feet; thence North 00°02113" East,
99.31 feel.:;; thence North :20035106".West, 230.~28 feet·; thenoe North 69°2415L~1f East,
53.86.' feet ~ . thence tanger!t to the last named 'beari'ng, curving to the right, along
a CU:r:ve h:::niing a rudil1.f:3 cÜ' 20.00 teet thI'U a central 8.ng1l9 of' 74~OOI,OO",'an arc
chstance of 25·83 feet,,; '.'~hence North 53°21.~954'" }j;ast, 40. 0.9 ',feet; thence North
36°35'.06" Heat, 5)+.74 ':fee[tj thence due East, 149.51 feet; thènce North ~(6°1212/
East) )+12.15 fee·t;j thence; South TOo05 '06" Eaßt, ~·O.OO feetj thence tangent to
a "bearing of North 19°54'154"; East, cl1.rving to the left along a curVE! Ìlav:ing a
ro.diùs of 95.00 feet thrU; a central' angle of' 1~r(054"51~ ", an arc dtstance of ~{9. 45
feet. to a point, a ra,dj,al bearing to said poÚrl:; ,bears North 62QOO'.00" Eastj '~hel1ce
North 22,°52'32" East, 3461.]6 feet to a point on the North line 0:[: the aforesaid
Nor:t,hHes.-l; Quarter of Sect:i.on 30; thence due East along said North line, 2'T5.4·2 feet
to' the 'point of oegil1lÜng!. .
, . COllostning 13.6082 OcreB Lore 01: lea B . 0 ~ .::11 j
u ~,0CC-> J;$f
,J '.. . Timber :t'iè;hts, and
TOGETHER "\01;1 th 411 Seller /\11.' 8,nt or I S Mineral rights J ffJ¡ít¡¡q};~)~f~¡¡~J;4~lf/lqtrftt~¡~¡¡írìiW4~;!;t all 'Water
cla.iins or rights to 'water ¡ in or ur;¡,der the hereinabove described. rea.l property.
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