HomeMy WebLinkAbout941652 RECEIVED 8/27/2008 at 3:30 PM RECEIVING # 941652 BOOK: 703 PAGE: 337 JEANNE WAGNER JNCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY THIS WELLBORE ASSIGNMENT (the "Assignment"), dated effective 12:01 a.m. local time July 30, 2007 (the "Effective Time"), is from BP America Production Company, a Delaware corporation, whose mailing address is P.O. Box 3092, Houston, Texas 77253-3092 ("Assignor") to EOG Resources, Inc., a Delaware corporation, whose address is 600 Seventeenth Street, Suite 1000N, Denver, Colorado 80202 ("Assignee"). WELLBORE ASSIGNMENT 00&337 For good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, Assignor hereby sells, assigns, transfers, grants, bargains, and conveys to Assignee the real and personal property interests described below, located in Lincoln County, Wyoming (the "Wellbore Interests"): 1. Seventy percent (70%) of Assignor's right, title and interest in and to the wellbore for the Whiskey Buttes Unit 284-17E Well, located in the SENE of Section 17, T21N, R112W, 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, at a surface location 2,509 feet from the North line, and 272 feet from the East line of said Section 17, and all associated equipment and personal property (the "Wellbore"), together with such interest of the Assignor derived from the oil and gas leases described on Exhibit A hereto (the "Leases"), insofar and only insofar as the Leases cover the lands described on Exhibit A (the "Lands") under the Whiskey Buttes Unit and the Unit Operating Agreement for the Whiskey Buttes Unit, No. WYW 109754X, from the surface of the earth to 100 feet below the base of the Frontier formation, defined as the base of the coarsening upward sequence as depicted by well log gamma ray curve occurring at a measured depth of 11,807 measured depth feet in the BP America Production Company CHAMPLIN 186 I #2 (API No. 4904120840), located in Section 13, T18N, R113W, Uinta County, Wyoming (the "Assigned Depths"), as is necessary to vest in Assignee ownership of 70% of Assignor's right, title and interest in the Wellbore and the production therefrom, limited to the Assigned Depths, including specifically the interest that is attributable to Assignor in the Wellbore as may be derived from the Whiskey Buttes Unit and the Unit Operating Agreement for the Whiskey Buttes Unit. 2. Rights in and to all existing and effective unitization, pooling and communitization agreements, and other contracts, agreements and instruments to the extent only that they relate to or affect the Wellbore Interests. 3. Concurrent rights of ingress and egress to the Lands, and in and to surface use agreements, rights-of-way, easements, surface leases and other surface rights held by Assignor in connection with ownership or operation of the Leases and Lands. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the Wellbore Interests unto Assignee and its successors and assigns forever. This Assignment is made and accepted expressly subject to the following terms and conditions: A. THIS ASSIGNMENT IS MADE WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY EXCEPT THAT ASSIGNOR WARRANTS THAT TITLE TO THE WELLBORE INTERESTS IS FREE AND CLEAR OF ANY LIENS AND ENCUMBRANCES CREATED BY, THROUGH OR UNDER ASSIGNOR WITH THE EXCEPTION OF ROYALTY, OVERRIDING ROYALTY AND OTHER BURDENS ON PRODUCTION OF RECORD ON JULY 31, 2003. B. This Assignment is subject to the terms and provisions of the BP-EOG Moxa Arch Farmout Agreement dated July 31, 2003, between Assignor and Assignee (the "Farmout Agreement"). If there is a conflict between the terms of this Assignment and the Farmout Agreement, the terms of the Farmout Agreement shall control and not be deemed to have merged into the terms of this Assignment. C. This Assignment is subject to the terms, provisions and covenants of the Leases, all Lease burdens of record on July 31, 2003, all existing and effective pooling, communitization and 1 1L (:'00338 unitizatian agreements and all ather cantracts, agreements and instruments related to. the Wellbare Interests to. the extent the same are af recard an July 31, 2003 ar identified in the Farmaut Agreement. D. Assignee agrees to. perform all abligatians, express ar implied, af Assignar under the Leases insafar as such abligatians are applicable to. the Wellbare Interests. E. To. the extent permitted by law, Assignee shall be subragated to. Assignar's rights, to. the extent af the Wellbare Interests, in and to. representatians, warranties and cavenants given with respect to. the Leases. Assignar grants and transfers to. Assignee, its successars and assigns, to. the extent sa transferable and permitted by law, the benefit af and the right to. enfarce the cavenants, representatians and warranties, if any, which Assignar is entitled to enfarce with respect to. the Leases, but anly to. the extent nat enfarced by Assignar. F. The references herein to. liens, encumbrances, burdens, defects and ather matters shall nat be deemed to. ratify ar create any rights in third parties ar merge with, madify ar limit the rights af Assignar ar Assignee as between themselves, as set farth in the Farmaut Agreement. G. Unless pravided atherwise, all recarding references in Exhibit A hereto. are to. the afficial real praperty recards af the caunty in which the Lands are located. H. Separate gavernmental farms af assignment af the Wellbare Interests may be executed an afficially appraved farms by Assignar to. Assignee, in sufficient caunterparts to. satisfy applicable statutary and regulatary requirements. Thase assignments shall be deemed to. cantain all af the exceptians, reservatians, warranties, rights, titles, pawer and privileges set farth herein as fully as thaugh they were set farth in each such assignment. The interests canveyed by such separate assignments are the same, and nat in additian to., the Well bare Interests canveyed herein. I. This Assignment binds and inures to. the benefit af Assignar and Assignee and their respective successars and assigns. J. This Assignment may be executed in caunterparts, each af which shall be deemed to. be an ariginal instrument, but all af which tagether shall canstitute but ane instrument. EXECUTED an the dates cantained in the acknawledgments af this Assignment, to. be effective far all purpases as af the Effective Time. ASSIGNOR: BP AMERI CTION COMPANY Stacey J. Garvin Attornev in Fact OIM 2 Acknowledaements (:00339 STATE OF TEXAS ) ) ss. COUNTY OF HARRIS ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ..J..E2.. day of - t "~I. , 200-Z- by Stacey J. Garvin, as Attorney in Fact for BP America Production ~ Delaware corporation. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: ", =-"~..,......-'= e TERRI L. SUKEY NOTARY PUSl.IC, STATE OP TEXAs MY COMMISSION EXPIRES APR. 30, 2009 ~..oQ.r"~,.e..ø.......__ STATE OF COLORADO ) ) ss. CITY AND COUNTY OF DENVER) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this (q"1 h day of A ~ (,1 st_, 200L by J. Michael SChween, as Agent and Attorney in Fact of EOG Resource, Inc., a Delaware corporation. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: Ol/IO/ZO/O :l c. ýY7Cr~~ 3 (;00340 EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED TO AND MADE A PART OF THAT CERTAIN WELLBORE ASSIGNMENT BY AND BETWEEN BP AMERICA PRODUCTION COMPANY, AS ASSIGNOR AND EOG RESOURCES, INC., AS ASSIGNEE Lincoln County. Wyominq: "LANDS" Township 20 North. Ranqe 112 West. 6th P.M. Section 4: Lots 2-4, SENW Township 20 North. Ranqe 113 West. 6th P.M. Section 1: Lots 3, 4 Section 2: Lots 1-3 Township 21 North, Ranqe 111 West. 6th P.M. Section 6: Lot 14, SESW Section 7: Lots 1-4, E2W2 Township 21 North. Ranqe 112 West. 6th P.M. Section 1: Lots 3, 4, SWNE, S2NW, S2 Section 2: Lots 5-8, S2N2, S2 Section 3: Lots 1-4, S2N2, S2 Section 4: SENE, SESW, SE Section 8: SENE, SESW, SE Section 9: ALL Section 10: ALL Section 11: ALL Section 12: ALL Section 13: ALL Section 14: ALL Section 15: ALL Section 16: ALL Section 17: ALL Section 18: SENE, E2SE Section 19: E2E2 Section 20: ALL Section 21: ALL Section 22: ALL Section 23: ALL Section 24: ALL Section 25: ALL Section 26: ALL Section 27: ALL Section 28: ALL Section 29: ALL Section 32: ALL Section 33: ALL Section 34: N2NE, NW, NWSW Section 35: NE, N2NW, SENW, N2SE, SESE Section 36: ALL Sweetwater County. Township 21 North. Ranqe 111 West Wyominq: Section 7: NWNE, S2NE, SE 4 (;Ov341. EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED TO AND MADE A PART OF THAT CERTAIN WELLBORE ASSIGNMENT BY AND BETWEEN BP AMERICA PRODUCTION COMPANY, AS ASSIGNOR AND EOG RESOURCES, INC., AS ASSIGNEE "LEASES" Lease Number Lessor 11 WYW 0310645 USA Township 21 North. Ranoe 112 West 1,600.00 L-608024 See 8: SE, SESW See 10: ALL See 14: ALL See 22: N2NE, SENE 12 WYW 0310646 USA Township 21 North. Ranoe 112 West 1,160.00 L-656799 See 22: SWNE, W2, SE See 26: ALL 13 WYW 0310647 USA Township 21 North. Ranoe 112 West 910.32 L-656798 See 2: Lots 5-8, S2N2, S2 See 4: SENE, SE, SESW See 8: SENE 16 WYW 0311096 USA Township 21 North. Ranoe 112 West 640.00 L-608025 See 20: ALL 23 WYW 0315714 USA Township 20 North. Ram:¡e 113 West 45.96 L-601608 See 2: Lot 1 43 WYW 0322061 USA Township 21 North. Ranoe 112 West 120.00 L-672902 Sec18:SENE,NESE,SESE 70 WYW 038884 USA Township 20 North. Ranoe 112 West 40.00 L-656800 See 4: SENW 77 ST - 64-9261 State of Wyoming Township 21 North. Ranoe 112 West 320.00 L-608028 Sec 36: S2 5 (;Oû342 EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED TO AND MADE A PART OF THAT CERTAIN WELLBORE ASSIGNMENT BY AND BETWEEN I BP AMERICA PRODUCTION COMPANY, AS ASSIGNOR AND EOG RESOURCES, INC., AS ASSIGNEE "LEASES" Lease Number Lessor Thomas S. and Lillian 83 FEE E. Harrower, et al Township 21 North, Ranqe 112 West Joe S. & Valeria Marland See 32: W2SW, SESW Albert W. & Margaret Fay Marland Township 20 North, Ranqe 113 West Graee Elizabeth Marland See 2: Lots 2, 3 Erie Innis & Janette Clifford Alfred Eugene & Joanne Marland Harry Russell & Elaine A. Marland 120.00 L-601587-A L-601587-B 91.74 L-601587-C L-601587-D L-601587-E L-601587-F L-601587-G Champlin Petroleum 84 FEE Company Township 21 North. Ranqe 111 West 491.84 L-600242 See 7: Lots 1-4, E2W2, SE Champlin Petroleum FEE Company Township 21 North, Ranqe 112 West 4,311.35 L-600228 See 1: Lots 3, 4, S2, S2NW See 3: Lots 3, 4, S2, S2NW See 9: W2, SE See 11: W2, SE See 13: W2, SE See 15: W2, SE See 21: W2, SE See 23: W2, SE See 27: W2, SE Champlin Petroleum FEE Company Township 20 North. Range 113 West 94.20 L-600289 See 1: Lots 3, 4 6 EXHIBIT "A" Ü00343 ATTACHED TO AND MADE A PART OF THAT CERTAIN WELLBORE ASSIGNMENT BY AND BETWEEN BP AMERICA PRODUCTION COMPANY, AS ASSIGNOR AND EOG RESOURCES, INC., AS ASSIGNEE "LEASES" Lease Number Lessor Champlin Petroleum FEE Company Township 21 North. RanQe 112 West Sec 17: W2, SE Sec 19: E2SE Sec 29: W2, SE Sec 33: W2, SE Sec 35: N2NW, SENW, N2SE, SESE 1,760.00 L-600289 FEE Champlin Petroleum Company Township 21 North. Ranoe 112 West Sec 25: NW, S2 480.00 L-600242 7