HomeMy WebLinkAbout941685 RELEASE OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE (By CQrpQratiQn) ÒOv400 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That 1 st Bank A cQrpQratiQn, Qfthe CQunty Qf Lincoln and State Qf Wyoming , dQes hereby .fy h . b . d h 11 th d fApril A D 2007 certl t at a certam mQrtgage, earmg ate t e ay 1'1 , . . d d t d bAron L Fromm and Stephanie R Fromm ma e an execu e y 1 st Bank as mQrtgage -----' tQ . . 1 h· . -----:-fì h f$450,000.00 as mQrtgagee, CQnveymg certam rea estate t erem me.ntloné<I as security fQr the payment 1'1 , as therein states, which mQrtgage was recQrded in the Qffice Qfthe CQunty Clerk and Ex-OfficiQ Register QfDeeds Qf Lincoln . 13th CQunty, State Qf WYQmmg, Qn the 342 QfMQrtgages, at page d fApril ay 1'1 2007 . " k 654 mnQQ , and mQrtgaging the fQIlQwing described real estate in said CQunty, tQ wit: All lands described in said mortgage. RECEIVED 8/28/2008 at 11 :07 AM RECEIVING # 941685 BOOK: 703 PAGE: 400 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY is, with a nQte secured thereby, and the afQrementiQned debt, fully paid, satisfied, released, and discharged and in cQnsideratiQn thereof the said mQrtgagee dQes hereby release and quitclaim unto the said mQrtgagor the premises thereby cQnveyed and mortgaged. fN WITNESS WHEREOF, the 1 st Bank has caused these Presents tQ be signed by its and its cQrpQrate seal tQ be affixed, this 27th Branch President d fAugust ay 1'1 , A. D. 2008 ~ BY. ~ '" ~ran Pre äent NQte: cashier. ands in space therefQr, insert the fQIlQwing: "All lands described in said mQrtgage. THE STATE OF WYOMfNG CQunty Qf Lincoln } ss. O h· 27th n t IS Penny Jones d fAugust ay 1'1 08 , 20_, befQre me persQnally appeared tQ me personally known, who, being by me duly sworn, did say that he is the 1 st Bank Branch President of and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the cQrpQrate seal of said corporation, and that said instrument was signed and sealed on behalf of said . b h· f· B d f . ·d she corporatu)n y aut Qnty 1'1 Its Qar 1'1 DlrectQrs and sal C ct and deed of said cQrporatiQn. SUE E. G~FFIN NOTARY PUBLIc:: . 27th August 2008 couNTŸ8~n U.h~Wla eal this day Qf. _ fð~.' . " LINCOLN WYOMING ~ (yY)cEtJ ~ MYCOMMISSIONDPIRESOCTOB 19,2011 NQtary Public "-- h day Qf October . A. D. 2011 THE STATE OF WYOMING, CQunty of } ss. This instrument was filed fQr recQrd at A. D. 20 , and duly recQrded in BQQk Q'clQck _M., Qn the on Page day Qf County Clerk and Ex-OfficiQ Register Qf Deeds No. Fees, $ By Deputy Clerk