HomeMy WebLinkAbout941727 -7 \;, J I CONTRACTOR'S LllN STATEMENT I ST ATE OF WYOMING ) ) ss. ) (;:00475 COUNTY OF TETON Thomas M. Campbell of Biota Research & Cons6lting, Inc., a Wyoming Corporation, of P.O. Box 8578, Jackson WY 83002, the lien claimant Herein, does hereby depose and say: 1. [ have personal knowledge of the 4atters set forth herein and am dnly anthorized to execute this Lien Statement. \ (1 2. Biota Research & Consulting, Inc. performed services and constructed improvements on the real property described in th~ Quitclaim Deed attached hereto as Exhibit 1. 3. The work performed by Biota Åesearch & Consulting, Inc. was furnished pursuant to a written contract ("the Contract") be~ween Biota Research & Consulting, Inc. and __Frank Savage, of PO Box 283 Moran, Wyoming $3013, as agent for SVlOO, LLC, a Wyoming limited liability company of PO Box 283 Moranj Wyoming 83013. A copy of the Contract is attached hereto as Exhibit 2. I I 4. The work performed for said imþrovements on the land described above is described in the Contract attached as Exhibit 2 hereto, and in the unpaid invoice attached hereto as Exhibit 3 which were delivered to Frank Savag~ and to SV 100 LLC, but which have not been paid., I ' 5. With all just credit being given, as bf July 1, 2008 Biota Research & Consulting, Inc. was owed a total sum of Seven Thousand, Eight Hundred Ninety-Seven and 57/100 Dollars ($7,897.57) under the Contract, which amount has since July 1,2008 accrued interest under the Contract at 21 % per annum, for a total amount du~ as of August 18, 2008 of $8,121.01, with per diem interest accrual equal to $4.56. In addition I the Contract provides that Biota Research & Consulting, Inc. is entitled to recover all costs ot collection, including attorney's fees with or without formal proceedings. As of August 18, 2@08, said costs equal $935.00. The total owed under the Contract is therefore $9,056.01 as of August 18,2008. 6. The last day that work was peIformld under the contract was May 15,2008. I 7. The name and address of the own, of the above-described land upon which the services were furnished and work peIformed is SV 100, LLC, a Wyoming limited liability company, of P.O. Box 283 Moran, Wyoming 83013. ~'1 RECEIVED 8/29/2008 at 10:11 AM RECEIVING # 941727 BOOK: 703 PAGE: 475 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY (:00476 NOW THEREFORE, Biota Research & Consulting, Inc. claims the benefits of the Wyoming Statutes relating to contractor's and materialman's liens on the real estate and improvements thereon, said real estate being herein above described to the extent of the amount of property allowed by the laws of the State of Wyoming, for the payment of Nine Thousand, Fifty-six and 0I/100 Dollars ($9,056.01), plus accruing interest at $4.56 per day since August 18, 2008, plus such additional costs of collection as may be incurred by the lien claimant. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Claimant has hereunto set his hand this 19th day of August, 2008. Biota Research & Consulting, Inc. By: ~r~ I HEREBY CERTIFY that before me, the Subscriber, a Notary Public for the State and County aforesaid, personally appeared Thomas M. Campbell and made oath in due form of law that he is an officer of Biota Research & Consulting, Inc., duly authorized to execute any and all corporate documents, and that (s)he has acknowledged the foregoing Statement of Lien as the act and deed of the corporate entity. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I set my hand and notarial seal this 19th day of August, 2008. SEAL ~ Notary Public B. BREWER - NOTARY PUBLIC County of .. State of Teton Wyoming My Commission Expires: 09 - 02 - 2009 ........ ' ~1/l~/Lööö l~;ll j..,:)UfO,· I."J..LU.... --.... .................... .............~,.. ---" -. aOOTC.~~~RPAOB 53? QUITCLAIM DEEú ECG[I'r~o. IJr1\~::'L'; CC1UNTY CLEn!, F I ?7:J ~-</$ I I''''' 'd) " :r): f' I,. " ranl( G. Savage and Anne T. SÐ~'1'2 j1f;~and and wife,Ulin~ I~e~lA'" ..... úOû477 Schwantz, a single man, G.RANTORS, of Lincoln County, Wyoming,,-~~;.#.trJJ~'1 'I~:~:'~,~:~:~¡:,~ . 1..[r:."'ìr.f1'~t . , ",,,I \J con.sideration of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable conside1'ation, in hand P(1jd, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, CONVEY and QUITCLAIM: to SV 100, LLC, a Wyoming lirnited liability company, GRANTEE, whose add.ress i.s 4400 Acacia, Bellaire¡ Texas 77401, the following described real e9tat~, situate in the COUflty of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, hereby waiving and releasing all r.ights under a,nd by vLthte of the homesæad exemption laws of the State of Wyoming, to-wit: Township 34 North, fumge 119 West, 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming: Section 3: SEJ./4SW1/4, Sl12.NEl/4SWt/4 Section 10: NE1/4NVv'1/4 Together with and including all it'nprovements thereon and all appurtenances and hereditaments thereunto belonging. Subject to all covenants, conditions,restrictions, easements, e¡1cu.mbraI1ces, reservations,· and rights-of-way of sight and/or record. ~NESS our hands this _ day of Ma~, 2.001. ~d,~ ' Frahl< G. Savage Anne T. Say e [~ ç. STATE OF TEXAS ) ) S5. COUNTY OF. HARRIS ) The foregoing instrument was acki19wledged before me this ~4 day of March, 2001, by Fra.nk G. Savage a.n,d An11e T, Sava.ge, husband and wife. WITNESS my hand and official seal. fJ~CI iÞ~) Notary Public (/ () " My Commission Expires: .J:...::::.d. 7 - ;;¡.ðcJ ¡ , em DONNAJBAASA ¡~ NOTARY PUBLIC .JI\~ State of Texas i8!Qf'''~ Qomm. ""p. 09-:;¡9-2001 -- STATE OF 1·~C{'.:s COUNTY OF J..I<Ã(ýi~ ) ) S8. ) The foregoing ihstrument Wa.5 acJ~I\owledged befo¡;e roe this _ day of March, 2001, by Kevin Schwantz. WITNESS my hand and official seal. ~_ Q 1JJw~ Notary Pu.blic (j .ÇJ Q rtÒ My Commission Expires: ["~c.J..-I'-d-- / '..-.--' EXHIBIT 1 , · · · · '". \:.:.'2'"'' B-· ~ ..~a n c. 000478 P. O. Box 8578, Jackson, Wyoming 83002; voice: (307) 733-4216 . fax: (307) 733-1245 P. O. Box 880·73 N. Main, Suite 3, Victor, ID 83455; voice: (208) 787-4215 . fax: (208) 787-4217 Friday, June 15,2007 Frank Savage 5356 Sugar Hill Houston, TX 77656 Sent via email onlyto:fsavage@houston.rr.com Dear Mr. Savage: Thank you for meeting with us last weekend to assess habitat enhancement potential and learn of your long-term property management objectives. As we discussed, there are considerable opportunities to enhance aquatic habitat features on your property in order to provide high quality lentic and lotic aquatic habitat for various trout species and increase to value and marketability of the future tracts. Per your request, I am providing you with a breakdown of projects, associated tasks, and estimated costs for the prioritized items we discussed last weekend. The Salt River side channel project provides excellent potential to improve in-stream trout habitat and utilization, in addition to increased channel function and dynamics. Such potential is clearly not fully utilized in the current enhancement design you provided us for review. With several decades of experience designing, permitting, and constructing this type of project, Biota is confident that we can develop an enhancement and restoration plan that will utilize the full potential of the side channel. This work will, however, require the collection of topographic and flow data in order to facilitate hydrologic modeling of the proposed treatments and to ensure the long-term stability and maintenance of created features. Biota's thorough and professional methodologies have been recognized by the Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) and we have a long- standing history of completing projects in a timely fashion with the full cooperation of the ACOE and the Wyoming Game and Fish Department. EXHIBIT 2 The water feature creation and enhancement projects that we discussed also provide great opportunities to increase fish and wildlife habitat while simultaneously providing excellent aesthetic and recreational values to the property. I do not anticipate any difficulty obtaining necessary permits for the wetland crossings necessary in order to provide access to the northwestern portion of your property. The attached scope of work (Exhibit A) and estimated costs (Exhibit B) should provide you with a clear understanding of what will be necessary in terms of data collection, design, construction, and costs in order to complete the projects that you prioritized during our meeting. Biota is very interested in providing our environmental consulting services to you. We are prepared to begin data collection and preliminary design immediately upon receiving your approval. If you have any questions or would like to discuss your project, please do not hesitate contacting me. I look forward to working with you on this project. Please execute the consulting agreement and return to me (fax is OK). Sincerely, 000479 ~C~f,...~ Thomas M. Campbell III President Email: tcampbell@biotaresearch.com Savage Letter - June 15, 2007 Page 2 Biota, P.O. Box 8578, Jackson, WY 83002 EXHIBIT A Scope of Work Habitat Enhancement and Restoration Project, Savage Property, Lincoln County, Wyoming ù00480 ',.,mh \:.::2".' B~~ J 0. c. P. O. Box 8578, Jackson, Wyoming 83002; voice: (307) 733-4216 . fax: (307) 733-1245 P. O. Box 880·73 N. Main, Suite 3, Victor, ID 83455; voice: (208) 787-4215· fax: (208) 787-4217 SALT RIVER SIDE CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT PROJECT Task 1 Site Assessments Document existing creek conditions (hydrological, biological, structural) a) Habitat Inventory - An accepted fish habitat inventory procedure will be used to survey sample areas and measure existing conditions. Data recorded for each habitat unit (run, glide, riffle, cascade, pool, etc.) within each sample area would characterize physical parameters (length, width, average depth), maximum and crest depths of slow water habitats, number of pocket and step pools, percent surface fines, bank characteristics, channel shape, stream bank vegetation, number and size of large woody debris pieces, substrate composition, and general observations. b) Hydrologic Analysis - Characterize and quantify the flow regimes within the project area. Instantaneous flow measurements collected through the project area at varying flow levels will facilitate analysis and collection of flow information. Observed discharge levels will be precisely quantified and the hydrograph will be characterized. c) Topographic Survey - A topographic survey will precisely characterize current morphologic conditions in the project area and will facilitate hydrologic modeling of both current and proposed conditions. d) Site Analysis - Characterization of site condition and identification of project goals based on analysis of all data collected in Task 1 (e.g., lack of in-stream fish cover habitat, lack of spawning habitat, large accumulation of sediments, low flow velocities, over-widened sections of stream). Task 2 Conceptual Design Phase Develop conceptual design that addresses and remedies problems identified in Task 1. Present treatment methodologies and general design that will enhance fish habitat, channel function, and riparian condition in the watercourse while maximizing recreational fishing opportunities and trout Exhibit A - June 15, 2007 Page 3 Biota, P.O. Box 8578, Jackson, WY 83002 spawning, over-winter, and cover habitat. Enhancement techniques wi'l focus on improving the aesthetic quality of surface water features while providing function and utility throughout the project area. Biota will ensure that the design addresses identified goals and objectives in the project area while not adversely affecting adjacent fish habitat. Task 3 Final Design Phase Develop a detailed fish habitat enhancement plan, incorporating all generated information. Final design will include all treatments and will quantify materials and activities. Design will be modeled using the Army Corps of Engineers' HEC-RAS software to ensure that flows and channel design function symbiotically in order to fully utilize opportunities to enhance habitat and function throughout the system. Final design will be prepared and presented in a final form that is understandable to the client and suitable for submittal to regulatory agencies for review and permitting requirements. c.Oû4S1. Task 4 Permitting Acquire authorization from the US Army Corps of Engineers and the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality in order to implement the fish habitat enhancement plan. Submit the fish habitat enhancement plan and permit application(s) to the appropriate regulatory agencies; at a minimum, permits and/or project concurrence from the ACOE, DEQ, and the Wyoming Game and Fish Department (WGFD) will be required. Respond to requests from regulatory agencies concerning the fish habitat enhancement plan and provide any additional information regarding site conditions, construction plans, etc. Task 5 Construction Construct the approved and permitted fish habitat enhancement plan in a timely fashion. An experienced and qualified contractor will be contracted to perform all permitted creek work using heavy equipment (tracked excavators, front-end loaders, haul trucks, etc.). Task 6 Construction Supervision Supervise construction of the approved habitat enhancement plan. Construction supervision will be performed by Biota to ensure the contractor fully implements the enhancement plan and complies with all permit conditions. RECREATIONAL POND DESIGN Task 1 Site Assessment & Data Collection The current topographic, hydrologic, vegetative; and aesthetic conditions of the identified pond creation site will be assessed. Topographic data collected by Biota will facilitate design of the pond feature including inlet and outlet structures, pond perimeter, internal characteristics, and downstream in-channel flow conditions. Task 2 Design Develop conceptual design for pond that provides recreational opportunities and aesthetic value while providing fish habitat, wildlife habitat, and wetland development. The pond will be designed to function properly with the hydrologic support provided by the existing channel under the assumption that flows will increase as the result of varied upstream practices and water management techniques. Aeration and subsequent water quality treatments will be presented in an Exhibit A - June 15, 2007 Page 4 Biota, P.O. Box 8578, Jackson, WY 83002 effort to develop a long-term pond maintenance strategy that will ensure that the water feature provides high quality habitat, recreational opportunities, and aesthetic value into the future. Task 3 Permitting It is assumed that some minor permitting through the Army Corps of Engineers will be necessary in conjunction with this pond creation project. Biota will assess the wetland delineation report and ACOE determination in order to determine whether permitting is, in fact, necessary. Water rights permitting for the pond will be required and Surveyor Scherbel is capable of providing these serVIces. ('Oû482 Task 4 Construction A qualified contractor will be hired to construct the water feature per the design specification and requirements of issued permits or regulatory agencies. Meetings with the contractor may be necessary and construction supervision may be required to some degree in order to ensure that the water feature is constructed in a proper fashion and according to the design. Task 5 Revegetation Optional revegetation techniques, areas, and treatments will be presented in conjunction with the pond design and construction outline. Revegetation treatments will be discussed and proposed in order to provide the most economical and timely advantages in terms of water feature aesthetic values, function, wildlife and wetland habitat, and construction reclamation. EXISTING FISH POND ENHANCEMENT Task 1 Site Assessment & Data Collection The current topographic, functional, and vegetative conditions of the existing fish pond will be assessed. General topographic data collected by Biota will facilitate design of habitat enhancement treatments that will increase functionality of the pond by providing productive aquatic wetland habitat while developing shoreline and shallow water habitat of critical value to closed fishery systems. Task 2 Design Develop conceptual design for pond enhancement that provides recreational opportunities and aesthetic value while maximizing fish habitat, wildlife habitat, and wetland development. The pond enhancement treatments will be designed to function properly with the hydrologic support provided, will function with existing vegetation, will improve and increase productive wetland habitat, and will include increasing the water surface elevation via development of a natural appearing impoundment structure. Task 3 Permitting Permitting through the Army Corps of Engineers mayor may not be necessary in conjunction with this pond enhancement project. Biota will assess previously issued permits, the wetland delineation report, and the ACOE determination in order to determine whether permitting will be necessary. If permitting is required, Biota will complete such permitting in a timely fashion in order that enhancement construction can occur in conjunction with other projects on the property. Task 4 Construction Exhibit A - June 15,2007 Page 5 Biota, P.O. Box 8578, Jackson, WY 83002 A qualified contractor will be hired to construct the water feature enhancements per the design specification and requirements of any issued permits or regulatory agencies. Meetings with the contractor may be necessary and construction supervision may be required to some degree in order to ensure that the water feature is constructed in a proper fashion and according to the design. Task 5 Revegetation Optional revegetation techniques, areas, and treatments will be presented in conjunction with the pond enhancement design and construction outline. Revegetation treatments will be discussed and proposed in order to provide the most economical and timely advantages in terms of water feature aesthetic values, function, wildlife and wetland habitat, and construction reclamation. (;Oû4S3 WETLAND CROSSINGS Task 1 Site Assessment Site assessment will identify wetland crossing needs, existing topography, wetland characteristics, and wetland impacts. These assessments and data collection will facilitate the development of a submittal to the Army Corps of Engineers. Task 2 Permitting Biota will develop a plan and submit to the Army Corps of Engineers in order to obtain permits necessary for developing the wetland crossing. The submittal will be completed in a timely fashion in order that construction associated with the crossing could occur relatively soon in order to provide access to the western portion of the property. Exhibit A - June 15,2007 Page 6 Biota, P.O. Box 8578, Jackson, WY 83002 EXHIBIT B Estimated Costs Habitat Enhancement and Restoration Project, Savage Property, Lincoln County, Wyoming 000484 · · · · · · ." \:.:. "2' "" B~~ P. O. Box 8578, Jackson, Wyoming 83002; voice: (307) 733-4216· fax: (307) 733-1245 P. O. Box 880 . 73 N. Main, Suite 3, Victor, lD 83455; voice: (208) 787-4215 . fax: (208) 787-4217 n c SALT RIVER SIDE CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT PROJECT (-1,275 LINEAL FT) Task Description Task 1 - Site AssessmentlData Collection · Habitat inventory ($1,000) · Hydrologic analysis ($2,500) · Topographic survey by professional surveyor · Site analysis ($2,000) Task 2 - Conceptual Design Phase ($1/1ineal ft x 1,275 ft) Task 3 - Final Design Phase ($3/1ineal ft x 1,275 ft) Task 4 - Regulatory Permit Acquisition . ACOE Permitting ($2,000) Task 5* - Estimated Construction · Professional Contractor (~$15-$20/lineal ft x 1,275 ft) Task 6 - Construction Supervision ($5/1ineal ft x 1,275 ft) Miscellaneous Consulting - not associated with the above (Exhibit C) Reimbursable Expenses - e.g., mileage, government fees, etc. (Exhibit C) Travel- (per single person round trip = $210) Salt River Side Channel Enhancement Project Subtotals Totals $5,500.00 Unknown $1,275.00 $3,825.00 $2,000.00 Unknown $6,375.00 Time & Material Cost Cost $18,975.00 * Note: Task 5 costs are estimated based upon recent experience with contractor costs. Actual costs may vary. Exhibit B - June 15,2007 Page 7 Biota, P.O. Box 8578, Jackson, WY 83002 RECREATIONAL POND PROJECT êOû485 Task Description Task 1 - Site AssessmentlData Collection · Site analysis & topographic survey by Biota Task 2 - Design Task 3* - Permitting (as necessary) · Water rights pennitting to be completed by surveyor/engineer · Anny Corps of Engineers Task 4* - Estimated Construction Unknown · Professional Contractor (~$3/cu yd x -15,000 cy) · Biota meetings with contractor and/or construction supervision (T&M) Task 5 - Optional Revegetation Time & Material · Wetland sod ($3.50/sq ft) · Seeding (Time & Material) Miscellaneous Consulting - not associated with the above (Exhibit C) Reimbursable Expenses - e.g., mileage, government fees, etc. (Exhibit C) Travel- (per single person round trip = $210) Subtotals $1,000.00 Totals $3,000.00 Unknown Time & Material Cost Cost Recreational Pond Project * Note: Costs of identified tasks are estimated based upon recent experience. Actual costs may vary. $4,000.00 EXISTING FISH POND ENHANCEMENT PROJECT Task Description Task 1 - Site Assessment · Site analysis & topographic data collection Task 2 - Design $1,000.00 Task 3 - Permitting (as necessary) Unknown · ACOE pennitting completed by Biota Task 4* - Estimated Construction Unknown · Professional Contractor (~$3/cu yd x ~ 100 cy) Task 5 - Optional Revegetation Unknown · Wetland Sod ($3.50/sq ft) · Seeding (Time & Material) Miscellaneous Consulting - not associated with the above (Exhibit C) Reimbursable Expenses - e.g., mileage, government fees, etc. (Exhibit C) Subtotals Totals $800.00 Time & Material Cost Exhibit B - June 15,2007 Page 8 Biota, P.O. Box 8578, Jackson, WY 83002 Travel- (per single person round trip = $210) úOû4S6 Cost Existing Fish Pond Enhancement Project * Note: Costs of identified tasks are estimated based upon recent experience. Actual costs may vary. WETLAND CROSSING PROJECT Task Descriotion Task 1 - Site Assessment . Site analysis & data collection Task 2 - Permitting · ACOE permitting completed by Biota Miscellaneous Consulting - not associated with the above (Exhibit C) Reimbursable Expenses - e.g., mileage, government fees, etc. (Exhibit C) Travel- (per single person round trip = $210) Subtotals $800.00 $800.00 Wetland Crossing Project * Note: Costs of identified tasks are estimated based upon recent experience. Actual costs may vary. Exhibit B - June 15,2007 $1,800.00 Totals Time & Material Cost Cost $1,600.00 Page 9 Biota, P.O. Box 8578, Jackson, WY 83002 EXHIBIT C RATE SCHEDULE , · . · .. , "" · <.. ";1." " .. . .,,~ B~a n, c. (:00487 P. O. Box 8578, Jackson, Wyoming 83002; voice: (307) 733-4216' fax: (307) 733-1245 P. O. Box 880 . 73 N. Main, Suite 3, Victor, ID 83455; voice: (208) 787-4215 . fax: (208) 787-4217 January 1,2006 LABOR Emplovee Project Manager/Principal Consultant Certified Wildlife Biologist Biologist/Ecologist Fishery Biologist Wetland Scientist Hydro logist/Geomorpho logist GIS Specialist NEP A Specialist Technician - Level I Technician - Level 2 Technician - Level 3 Desktop Publisher Clerical SUPPLEMENTAL BILLINGS Meal Per Diem - $50 per day per person Vehicle Expenses - 50¢ per mile Vehicle Rental- $50/day Resource-grade Trimble GPS Unit - $200/day Travel Trailer Rental ($25/day) A TV Rental ($25/day) REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES Black and White Prints and Photocopies - $0.15 Color Prints and Photocopies - $ 1 .00 Color Plots (f4x36) - $20 Color Plots (36x48) - $40 B&W Plots (74x36) - $10 B&W Plots (36x48) - $20 Communication - $20-50/month Postage/Over Night Delivery - Cost + 15% Fees paid on client's behalf-Cost + 15% Miscellaneous Field Equipment (e.g., wetland flags, maps, aerial photographs) - Cost Exhibit C - June 15, 2007 Page 10 Biota, P.O. Box 8578, Jackson, WY 83002 Hourlv Rate $ 125.00 $100.00 $85.00 $85.00 $85.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $65.00 $55.00 $30.00 $60.00 $45.00 , EXHIBIT D CONSUL TING AGREEMENT FOR SERVICES (;Oû4SB '....'"" .\.::~ B~a n c P. O. Box 8578, Jackson, Wyoming 83002; voice: (307) 733-4216 . fax: (307) 733-1245 P. O. Box 880·73 N. Main, Suite 3, Victor, ID 83455; voice: (208) 787-4215· fax: (208) 787-4217 This Agreement is entered into on this day of by and between Biota Research and Consulting, Inc. (BIOTA), P.O. Box 8578, 140 E. Broadway Ste. 23, Jackson, WY 83002 and (CLIENT) having a mailing address at 1. Property Description: The CLIENT agrees to retain BIOTA to provide environmental consulting services described in this agreement on the property described below: Star Valley property consisting of2 parcels totaling about 112 acres owned by SVIOO LLC T34N, R119W, Section 3, portions ofNE1I4 & SE1I4 & SWII4 T34N, R119W, Section 10, portions ofNE1I4, NW1I4 BlOT A agrees to provide such services on the terms and conditions set forth in the Agreement. 2. Services: The services to be provided by Biota under this Agreement are · Provide consulting services outlined in Exhibit A (scope of work) on a per-item cost basis as outlined in Exhibit B (estimated costs) and Exhibit C (rate schedule). Services will include (but are not limited to) project tasks associated with the Salt River side channel enhancement, recreational pond design, existing fish pond enhancement, wetland crossings. 3. Compensation: In consideration for the services described above, CLIENT agrees to pay BlOT A for miscellaneous consulting services and reimbursable expenses using the Rate Schedule provided in Exhibit A. 4. Payment: The CLIENT agrees to pay BlOT A in periodic payments billed on a monthly basis. Exhibit 0 - June 15,2007 Page 11 Biota, P.O. Box 8578, Jackson, WY 83002 . The CLIENT agrees to pay BIOTA within 30 days of each invoice date. A finance charge of 1.75% per month, 21% per annum will be charged on any unpaid and overdue balance. ÚOû489 . 5. Terms: The term of this Agreement shall be the earlier of completion of the services described herein or termination by either CLIENT or BIOTA. Either party may terminate this Agreement upon seven (7) days advanced, written notice to the other. 6. Independent Contractor: BIOTA acknowledges that it is acting as an independent contractor for the services agreed to under this Agreement. 7 Liens - Failure to Pay For Service Rendered NOTICE TO OWNER FAILURE OF THIS PRIME CONTRACTOR OR SUBCONTRACTOR TO PAY THOSE PERSONS SUPPL YING MATERIALS OR SERVICES TO COMPLETE THIS CONTRACT CAN RESULT IN THE FILING OF A MECHANIC'S LIEN ON THE PROPERTY WHICH IS THE SUBJECT OF THIS CONTRACT PURSUANT TO § W.S. 29-2-10 I THROUGH 29-2-110. TO AVOID THIS RESULT, WHEN PAYING FOR LABOR AND MATERIALS YOU MAY ASK THIS PRIME CONTRACTOR OR SUBCONTRACTOR FOR "LIEN WAIVERS" FROM ALL PERSONS SUPPLYING MATERIALS OR SERVICES FOR THE WORK DESCRIBED IN THIS CONTRACT. FAILURE TO SECURE LIEN WAIVERS MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING FOR LABOR AND MATERIALS TWICE. 8. Work Product: All data, drawings, maps, specifications, reports, and other documents and electronic data furnished by BIOTA to CLIENT under this Agreement ("Work Product") are deemed to be instruments of service and BlOT A shall retain the ownership and property interests therein, including the copyrights thereto until BIOTA receives CLIENT'S payment in full for all Work performed under the Agreement. 9. BIOTA Conveys Work Product To CLIENT Upon Payment in Full: Contingent upon CLIENT'S payment in full for all Work performed under the Agreement, BIOTA conveys all rights, title, and interest to the Work Product to CLIENT, conditioned on CLIENT'S express understanding that its use of the Work Product is at CLIENT'S sole risk and without liability or legal exposure to BIOTA or anyone working by and through BIOTA, including those retained by BIOTA (collectively the "Indemnified Parties"). In addition, BIOTA retains a limited license to use the Work Product for reasonable uses. 10. CLIENT'S Ownership of Work Product Upon BIOTA'S Default: If this Agreement IS terminated by CLIENT and (i) it is determined that BIOTA was in default, and (ii) CLIENT has fully satisfied all of its obligations under this Agreement, BIOTA conveys to CLIENT all rights, title, and interest to the Work Product in connection with CLIENT'S completion, occupancy, or sale of the Project. This conveyance of ownership is conditioned on CLIENT'S express understanding that use of Work Product is at CLIENT'S sole risk and without liability or legal exposure to any Indemnified Party. Exhibit D - June 15,2007 Page 12 Biota, P.O. Box 8578, Jackson, WY 83002 ¡ j úOû490 11. CL NttS Indemnifi~tion for Use of Work Product: If CLIENT uses the Work Product unde any of the circumstances identifìed in this Article 11, except for the circumstances described in A ides 9 and 10 above, CLIENT shall defend, indemnitY and hoJd harmless the Indemnified Parti s from and against any and all claims, damages, liabilities, losses and expenses, including atto eys fees, arising out of or resulting from the use of the Work Product. 12. Nott" : . All notices which either party hereto may be required or may wish to give to the other in I connection with this Agreement shall be given b)' addressing them to the person and I addresses set forth below (or at such other addresses as may be designated by written notice I I given in the manner designated herein), and be delivering such notice by either: (~) personal delivery (via courier or otherwise), (r) teJefax (provided confinnation of delivery date and time is obtained), ( ) depositing such notices first class postage prepaid, certified maiJ-return receipt requested, in the United States mail, or (~) deJivering them toll free or other charges prepaid to a cable company or overnight J All :::û::i:a::-: :::: :::~:: MO (2) business days after ~e po,un~ed daæ I of mailing of same, or in the case of personal delivery upon actual receipt thereof (or if 1- ~:i:~::::~:: ::~~~::~:~:e~:-~iS Agreeownt uoûl further notice ore as I foHows: I I CLIENT BIOTA : oS V /..,,, L L '- Thomas M. Campbell III i F I~ A ~ r-:. S Au AG ~ Biota Research and Consulting, Inc. i -S"':1Sb ..5vóAa.. /-Itll P.O. Box 8578 i /~..... J;7,.J .7.x 77oS'6 140 East Broadway Suite 23 r ! Jackson, Wyoming 83002-8578 14. ChO~ce of Law & Fonnn This contract shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the I Stat, of Wyoming, excepting Wyoming's law regarding choice of law. The parties agree that the CouF of the State of Wyoming and the Federal Courts of the United States located in the State of Wyqming shall have soJe and exclusive jurisdiction over any dispute, claim, or controversy which I may¡arise involving this agreement or its subject matter. The parties itTevocably submit and consent to 5th jurisdiction and waive any fight they may have to seek a change of jurisdiction or venue. I Exhibit{> t June 1S,2007 Page: 13 Biota. P.O. 8o ( 8S78, Jackson, WY 83002 I ¡ I r-A\.::II:. tH (;Oû491 15. Atto eys Fees: In the event that any party shall become in default or breach of any of the terms of this greemen~ such defaulting or brea.ching party shall pay all reasonable attomei s fees and other expe ses which the non-defaulting OJ' non-breaching party may incur in enforcing this Agreement with r without formal proceedings. This provision sha1l not limit any other remedies to which the pa~i s may otherwise be entitled. 16.0th r: CLIENT hereby a.grees to save, hold harmless and indemnify BIOTA from any and all third p liability or claims arising from the performance of the services set forth above, except such liabi~ity or claims arising or resulting solely from the negligence of BIOTA, its agents or employees. CLlEN~ Name I x (Please sign here) Date: 5.¡/ /ù¡> 6 6... S¡4-1/A¿~ ¿¿ C printed E¡¡;hibit D June 15, :2007 Page J 4 BiQta, P.O. BQII 8578, Jaçkso{ , WY 83002 Client Frank Savage SV 100, LLC 5356 Sugar Hill Houston, TX 77656 Date June 1,2008 nvoice # 07024.09 SV 100 LLC Enhancement Project Date Labor T. Campbell 5-May email, proj mgmt, staff 6-May proj mgmt 7-May proj mgmt, meet wi staff 8-May wgfd meeting R. Coyler 6-May phone w/ wgfd, savage, contractors 7-May contractor communication 8-May wgfd meeting, phone w/ acoe, contractor, frank 9-May site visit 12-May phone w/ frank, construction supervision 13-May construction supervision 15-May project update to frank Expenses Phone/Fax/E-mail Mileage ATV rental Wetland seed mix Upland seed mix Contractor supplies Contractor Expense-Construction (cost + 15%) Current Invoice Total Past Due Amount Finance Charge Total Amount Due ....,." (2"" B~-:- P.Q, Bo. 8578, 140 Eut Broadwoy Sulto 23 Jackoon Holt, Wyoming 83002·8578 PhOI1t: 307-133-4216 Fax: 307-133-1245 Hours 0.50 0.50 0.75 0.75 2.50 1.50 0.50 1.25 2.00 6.00 15.00 0.25 26.50 Units I 280 2 I I 1 1 Rate $130.00 $90.00 Rate $25.00 $0.70 $50.00 $375.00 $50.00 $13.13 $3,780.63 Amount due is payable within 15 days upon receipt of invoice. Past due amounts will be charged an annual interest rate of 21 % per annum. 11 C . (;Oô492 Costs $325.00 $2,385.00 Costs $25.00 $196.00 $115.00 $431.25 $57.50 $15.10 $4,347.72 $7,897.57 $0.00 $0.00 $7,897.57 EXHIBIT 3