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v File No.: 6010817055 WARRANTY DEED OOû902 Kelly Lee Peavler, a single person, grantor(s) of Afton, State of Wyoming, for and in consideration of Ten Dollars and Other Good and Valuable Consideration, in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do(es) Convey and Warrant To Monica L. Weston, An Unmarried Woman, grantee(s), whose address is: 3198 S 300 E Apt 7 Salt Lake City, UT, 84115 the following described real estate, situate in Lincoln County and State of Wyoming, to wit: t Parcell: Part of Lot 1 of Block 29 of the Afton Townsite, Lincoln County, Wyoming, described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Lot 1 and running thence East 66 feet; thence South 125 feet; thence West 66 feet; thence North 125 feet to the Point of Beginning. Parcel 2: Part of Lot 2 of Block 29 of the Afton Townsite, Lincoln County, Wyoming, described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of said Lot 2 and running thence West 10 feet; thence South 125 feet; thence East 10 feet; thence North 125 feet to the Point of Beginning. Hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming. day of /~c1A/(þ6 o ,2008. State of Wyoming County of Lincoln This Instrument was acknowledged before me on cfi9 day of ~fid By Kelly Lee Peavler. ,2008 ~~~~~~\ot.::~-":_~~"<:rJ,t;~,:.,:,.~t:P~':"'!1o~_r:t-.,',j"~1'","."'~""%.,"'w¡r~ ','. ._~ r, I.....,"')\'~" \',.'(".' /.'1/ I " ~ ~ ' ,'u (,'.~, ..., I -J',JdLI(; ':b 'I COUlltv ur ..', , ' ~¡ ,c, . .., ~)[a,e of ~ Ji LinCOl1l '\^. , . i r^ J~/Olììn~':: « . , '4 ^" ~ . 'ß ;~ IVi\! C,crWì1¡~:'."('L .. ';~ '~"~~·~~~:~;rf~J~~:~"';\r;";'~:~.¡:I:-"j .,~" .. - ~", ''.t;'';~\:~~~I).~::,,~~:~~¡;~:;·:~~,,1''î~,~1 ~hLd~ (Signa re of Not anal Officer) My Commission Expires: 6 . :J 0 ·-rfjo t; RECEIVED 9/2/2008 at 3:57 PM RECEIVING # 941917 BOOK: 703 PAGE: 902 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER. WY ~i';\t::¡ SlreamLine Deed - WalTallty WY © Rev. 8/27/2008