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. Chrt{1\TOW AI ,T '.¡~"..i:r:..Nn' BY THESE.J>RESENTS1· That _fñ?::~~~!-~~_~_~!_~b_~'__~~!3j;_e_e__~f_tt~_______
l~tIñå~aITr~š~rta Aru1~rreuo Revocao eL~v g Trust. dated 2/9190
____________, assignoL_, of _~~_.9Þ_~~~t!:!]~_~_~~ºº_J,j_vJ..1),g_Tru.s.:l..d.ated_219¡$L-_--for and in
consideration of the sum of One, Dollar ($1.00) and other valuable considerations; to __,~_____in hand paid
lij11ria.tin~_ Anh. ..Errebo~_ ~teQ- __ ___ __ ~_ __ _ _ _ of ~~f~~J.!l.?:. _~ - ~~Þ.9..: Jl~YºQª,Þl..~J¿iiYit).g._
". Trust. Dated 10/1/04
hereinafter designated assignee, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do___ hereby SELL, ASSIGN, SET
OVER, TRANSFER and CONVEY unto said assignee__~:::__~__heirs, successors and assigns,alL_______
9fgti1tf.iÀièl&hd interest in, of and to __~~~::!_~~~_~~~~~y!__~~~~~~j;_L._~LQf ~Ltl1l!ª____ ~) of all the
oil, gas and other hydrocarbon substances produced and saved from the following described lands situated
in _~~~~:!::t_.9_o_~~;r_______________ County, Wyoming, To-wit:
Townshi 26th P.M Recorded in Book 314PR. page 6 .>,
Section 19: 4
This assignment is made subject to all the terms, conditions and provisions of
that certain Communitization Agreement NCR 390 dated October 5, 1981.
Said overriding royalty shall be free and clear of any and all costs and expense
~t~:s~e~~o~:n;~~c~i~~a~~~~e;~~~~Of, excepting taxes applicable to said
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RECEIVED 9/8/2008 at 11 :29 AM
RECEIVING # 942030
BOOK: 704 PAGE: 307
and embracing __1.5.8...56__ acres, more or less, according to the survey thereof.
This is an OVER-RIDING royalty conveyed by assignor ___ and accepted by assigneen_ subject to the
terms of the lease, leases, orerating agreement and operating agreements now held by assignor -- - cover-
ing said lands; and this conveyance shall be and remain in force and effect under any and all re,newals and
extensions of, or substituted for, the operating rights of assignor ___ under which this assignment is made.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said royalty interest unto said assigneen_, heirs, successors and assigI;ls as
above set forth; the said oil, gas and other hydrocarbon substances so produced and saved from said land
to be delivered free of cost to assignee_n, ________ ____ successors or assigns, in the pipe line or pipe lines
serving said premises or into tanks erected for the purpose of storing said products, together with the
rights, privileges and benefits derived therefrom. Assignor ___ covenanL__ and agrees that ________n_
has lawful right to se!l and convey said royalty, and that __n_ will warrant and defend the title to the same.
The assignor hereby reserve,s the right (and the same is agreed to by assignee) to sell and dispose of
the royalty oil and gas to the, purchaser or purchasers of assignor's own oil and gas, subject to proper
accounting and payment to assignee, ____n________ successors and assigns.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, ___n_______ haYt~· h€reunto get ______________ hand___ '&;ud seaL__ thi5
_______day of ________n____________n.' 19_____.
, Signed in presence of
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STATE OF...J}~~~~.................................................} 8S: AC~OIWLJ~:)G:W~NT
COUNTY OF.....!x.\~Y..~!..Q.!t.i?f..................................... mg e or arrle
On this......'1..:......day of........~~.ª..~................................................, ~.~.~ before me personally appeared
to me known to be the perl~on (or persons) described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that
he (or she or they) executed the same as J¥s (or her 01' their) free act and U(ling th release and waiver of the
right of homestead. y I ¡., ,..
" Glveal!ftJA~drlìl th~·Íla near m s
NOTr:~b~~ÃlgÕ~~~ONA ....................................c:~~
.. My Commission Expires - -
y omml:s~~~u:xP~~s 2~~ 1 e.........!.'!.........day of.....~.6J$.~..~~.........~:;................ A. D. ~...a:ø \1
Notary Public.
:::::::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::1 ss:
Single or Married
On this....................day of.........................................................-..................................., 194........, before me personally appeared
to me known to be the person (or persons) described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that
he (or she or they) executed the same as his (or her or their) free act and deed, including the release and waiver of the
right of homestead.
Given under my hand and seal the day and year in the certificate first above written.
Notary Public.
My Commission expires on the........................day of......................u......................................., A. D. 19...........
THE STATE 0 F..................................................................}
COUNTY OF..........................................................................
BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public,............................................................................................,...........................:....
in and for said County and State, 011 this day personally appeared......................................................................................................
known to me to be the ·person and officer whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me
that the same was the act of the said..............................................................................................................................................................
a corporation, and that he executed the same as the act of such corporation for the purposes and co¡{sideration therein
. expressed, and in the capacity therein stated.
Given under my hand and seal of office this........................day of........................................................................, A. D. 19...........
(L. S.)
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