HomeMy WebLinkAbout942080 .,...."'.... v....1.# .." "',-"""""'- -... I"'.' _ , "'.1 RECEIVING # 942080 BOOK: 704 PAGE: 409 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY AFFIDAVIT TERMINATING JOINT TENANCY STATE OF WYOMING ) )SS ) 000409 COUNTY OF LINCOLN I, Catherine T. Jackson, being of lawful age and du1y sworn according to law, upon oath depose and say: 1. Richard D. Jackson was my spouse; 2. That by a certain Warranty Deed, filed on June 12, 1980 in Book 166 PR, Page 94, and a Warranty Deed filed on October 5, 1978, in Book 149 PR, Page 601, with the Exceptions of the descriptions in the Warranty Deed filed on November 28, 1979 in Book 162 PR, Page 34 and the Warranty Deed filed on June 12, 1980, in Book 166 PR, Page 93, Richard D. Jackson and Catherine T. Jackson became owners as Tenants by the Entireties, of certain property described as follows: See Exhibit "A" 3. Title thereto vested in them continuously from that date of the conveyance as described in the above mentioned Warranty Deeds to the date of death of the said Richard D. Jackson, which occurred on Ju1y 2, 2006; 'J( .l 4. That by reason of and on the date of death of the said Richard D. Jackson, Catherine T. Jackson became the sole owner of said property; and 5. A copy of the official Certificate of Death of the said decedent having been certified by a public authority is hereby attached and made a part hereof as Exhibit "B". AFFIANT SAITH NOT FURTHER. DATED this Ay of ~~ev-, 2008. (I aduu0--r-~~ CATHERINE T. JACK N, ' AFFIDAVIT TERMINATING JOINT TENANCY Richard D. Jackson and Catherine T. Jackson Page 1 of2 (;~O\J41. 0 SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO bef0'i!'e, a NO~ and fur ilie State and County above-mentIOned, on this ~ ~ay of- ~ , 2008, personally by Catherine T. Jackson. WITNESS my hand and official seal. ~~þ- ~V#/ rr / AFFIDAVIT TERMINATING JOINT TENANCY Richard D. Jackson and Catherine T. Jackson Page 2 of2 úOö41.,1 BEGINNING at a point which is 13 rods East of the Southeast Corner of the SEl/4NW1/4 of Section 5, T30N, R118W, 6th P.M., Wyoming, and 31 rods North of the South boundary line of the SWl/4NEl/4 of said Section 5, and running thence North 23 rods, more or less, to the South boundary line of the Paul H. Crowley tract; thence West, along said South boundary line, 8 rods, more or less, to an East boundary line of the tract heretofore owned by Walter Fischetti and presently owned by the grantee herein; thence South, along said East boundary line, 23 rods, more or less, to a point 31 rods North of the South boundary line of said SWl/4NEl/4; thence East, along a line parallel to said South boundary line, 8 rods, more or less, to the point of beginning, together with water rights and improvements. And further hereby granting and quitclaiming unto the grantees all rights of the grantor's in and to the one-half (1/2) rod east-west right-of-way easement over, across, and along a strip ofland 31 rods North of the South boundary line of said SWl/4NEl/4 and SEl/4NWl/4, more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point 31 rods North and 75 rods West of the Southeast Corner of the SWl/4NEl/4 of Section 5, T30N, Rl18W, 6th P.M., Wyoming, measured West on a line parallel to the South boundary line of said SW1/4NEl/4, and running thence West 25 rods, more or less, along a line parallel to the South boundary line of said SWl/4NEl/4 to the East property line of the Leron Hunsaker lands; thence North l/2 rod; thence East 25 rods, more or less, to grantors ' West property boundary line; thence South along grantors' West property boundary line; one-half (1/2) rod, more or less, to the point of beginning. AND ALSO: BEGINNING at the Southeast Corner of the SEl/4NWl/4 of Section 5, T30N, Rl18W, of the 6th P.M., Wyoming, and running thence East 20 rods; thence North 31 rods; thence West 15 rods; thence North 23 rods; thence West 25 rods; thence South 54 rods; thence East 20 rods, more or less, to the point of beginning, together with water rights, mineral rights and improvements, and containing 11.3437 acres, more or less, subject to all easements and reservations of sight or record. EXCEPTING: BEGINNING at the Southeast corner of the SEl/4NWl/4 of Section 5, T30N, Rl18W of the 6th P.M., Wyoming, and running thence East 13 rods; thence North 12.5 rods; thence West 13 rods; thence South 12.5 rods to the point of beginning. (Continue on next page) EXHIBIT "A" ûO\ì412 ALSO EXCEPTING: BEGINNING at a point which is 13 rods East of the Southeast Comer of the SEl/4NWl/4, Section 5, T30N, Rl18W, 6th P.M., Wyoming, and rwming thence North 31 rods; thence East 7 rods, more or less, to the West boundary line of the Michel L. Call tract; thence South 31 rods, more or less, to the South boundary line of the SWl/4NEl/4 of said Section 5; thence West, along said South boundary line, 7 rods, more or less, to the point of beginning, together with water rights and improvements. EXHIBIT "A" (:,Oû41.3 EXHIBIT "B" .... IF.. .-~...".,~".-..a.:.-"',~ ..-....... STATEFILE NUMBER 30. DATE OF DEATH (Il1o" Day, Yr,} July 2, 2006