HomeMy WebLinkAbout942084 STATE OF WYOMING IN THE DISTRICT COURT ûOv420 Defendant: JanetS. Si viI ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Third JUDICIAL DISTRICT COUNTY OF T,; nrnl n Plaintiff: C e c i 1 R . S i; vi 1 Civil Case No. rv -?OOR-60-DC vs. F1LEU JL-~ BY . ,~ SEP S 2Ômr DECREE OF DIVORCE (No minor children) KENNETH D. ROBERTS CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT ~I(] Jð5,CIML: Ùlv i r(JL; I LINCOLN COUNTY, STATE OF WYOMING This matter came before the Court by: o Default, (and Entry of Default has been issued) D Stipulation/agreement of the parties (Both parties have signed the document) o Trial JURISDICTION: 1. GJ The Plaintiff lived in Wyoming sixty (60) days before filing the Complaint for Divorce. 2. GJ The Defendant was served (check one): Q Personally on the following date L\ 11(~J11 S t 7 . 200 Sin the following state: Wynm; '1bi . o By publication. (Copy of A ldavit of Publication must be filed) o Defendant accepted service (Acknowledgement and Acceptance of Service filed and Defendant's signature must be notarized). B By Registered or Certified Mail (return receipt must be filed and Clerk must have entered certificate of service). \ ¡'''< ~. .¿ 3. GJ At least twenty (20) days have passed since the Complaintfor Divorce was filed. RECEIVED 9/9/2008 at 10:32 AM RECEIVING # 942084 4. Defendant filed BOOK: 704 PAGE: 420 D an Answer JEANNE WAGNER GJ an Answer and Counterclaim LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY D no response (default must'be entered, unless there is a waiver of right to answer) o no response but both parties have signed and agreed to the entry of this Decree of Divorce. f.l DNCP 26 Decree of Divorce (No minor children) Revised July 2007 Page 1 of8 ",...DocuIÞInt.. ~ 1Jr '~"d ..... Rooky Mountain TititiW....., of LinCOln County 1.8 COURTESY on~y .' Shall be acknowleøged in that the plaintiff is~~'Ov421 requested to give 24 hour notice to defendant of removal of vehicles through Sheriff's Office and to be escorted by sheriff, for defendants safety. Any thing left over 30 days of the Judges signature, will deemed property of defendant to be disposed;=of at her descretion! ',:. .. J ':" -:'.~.: Þ.~:·' -.~·:~::· ~ DNCP26 DecreeofDivorce Page 20f 8 5. [X] The parties were married to each other on the 5th day of 000422 .Tll1y 1986 , in the County of c;lr'Jrk , State of (month) (year) N~vr'Jcìr'J 6. The irreconcilable differences include: Abandonment & Abuse (Also explain the irreconcilable differences in the Affidavit for Divorce). 7. PREGNANCY: [X] The wife is NOT pregnant. [NOTE: If the wife is pregnant, you may have to wait until the child is born to finalize the divorce]. 8. PROPERTYIDEBTS: GJ The parties acquired property and debts during the marriage and the division set forth below in this Decree is just and equitable. OR ' D The parties did not acquire any property or debts during the marriage. 9. ALIMONY: GJ Neither party shall pay the other alimony/spousal support. OR D The wife shall pay to the husband reasonable alimony/spousal support as set forth in this Decree. OR D The husband shall pay to the wife reasonable alimony/spousal support as set forth in this Decree. 10. WIFE'S FORMER NAME: D The wife does not desire to have her fonner name restored; OR Q The wife wants her fonner name restored to: Rprk OR D Not applicable. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED: 1. MARRIAGE DISSOLVED: The marriage of the parties is dissolved and the parties are restored to the legal status of single persons. 2. SPOUSAL SUPPORT/ALIMONY: A. [XI Neither party shall pay spousal support/alimony to the other party, DNCP 26 Decree of Divorce (No minor children) Revised July 2007 Page 3 of8 OR 1;;,Oû423 B. 0 Wife OR 0 Husband is ordered to pay the other spouse the sum of $ per month spousal support/alimony BEGINNING THE FIRST DAY OF THE MONTH after this Decree has been entered and continuing to be paid on the same day each month until the receiving party IS: Dremarried or Ddeceased or Duntil ( date) Payments made shall be included in receiving spouse's taxable income and are tax deductible from the paying spouse's income as required by law. C. Q OTHER TERMS: (may include alte tennination date or event): T fendant Q¡:¡fgr,,", ,1. In rompenåàte tor d;:¡ffi;:¡geß! 3. PROPERTYIDEBT DIVISION: A. IX] DIVISION OF PROPERTY -The wife shall have as her sole and separate property, free and clear of any and all claims thereto by the husband, but subject to any indebtedness thereon, all of the property in her possession (list any vehicles by description and include Vehicle Identificatiqn Number VIN) in table below. B. Q The husband shall have as his sole and separate property, free and clear of any and all claims thereto by the wife, but subject to any indebtedness thereon, all of the property in his possession (list any vehicles by description and include Vehicle Identification Number VIN) in table below. ~s 0 Aug7, plaintiff has no personal property in home s,court ordered. C. Q Ìhere 0 specific property to be divided. OR D. IX] There is specific property the parties would like to mention, it is described as follows: 't d =h ' " . 1 h 11 . As reques e ~ at~~~ anlma s s a remaln in wifes possession, on the premisiss, wbe~ they were_ ~bandon, on thp r.....çperly d.llê! 1n LIlt:: ¡'ufù':=, creserted by thp r1:¡¡¡iFltiII. All gun~leR priðr t~ filil~ belonging to defendant will b~ :",,"r"Q~ in a6 ~ weapons by planCi,f[ d.Ilêl~ +v Mary SlVll. ' DNCP 26 Decree o/Divorce (No minor children) Revised July 2007 Page 4 0/8 ÜOÔ'424 JI.. .f DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY(include AWARDED TO: wife or husband VIN numbers of vehicles and joint bank account numbers) 1'1\11ì n 7\ 1\11< llc 11 1'>1' ,<.; 1'>1'1' V WIFE HUSBAND 2~IFE TO PAY HER BILLS X WIFE HUSBAND 3. UT1Ct:>1l1\1Tì 'T'1ì PllY ~Tf ¡Q1'Grc: WIFE X. HUSBAND 4. 94 DIESEL TRUCK LOAN OUT OF WIFE N;:,mp X HUSBAND 5. M~+- ')/lv/l/l(t- "'ìn,n/lc::,¡:;) WIFE -'i HUSBAND 6. Hamsforkview,subdivision 10 WIFE X HUSBAND 7. ASDenSprinqsTRPCL, T21Rl15S8 X WIFE HUSBAND 8. Fleetwood24x60 (tag#Ol-0091) X WIFE HUSBAND 9.AspensprlngsTRPCL35PT, T21Rll ~ WIFE HUSBAND 10. WIFE HUSBAND 11. All vehicles and vin# attad d WIFE HUSBAND 12. Page 1&2 WIFE HUSBAND 13. WIFE HUSBAND 14. WIFE HUSBAND (ifmore space is needed attach a separate sheet of paper) 4. DMSION OF DEBTS - Each arty shall pay such debt as they have accumulated since the separation. The partie shall pay the following debts acquired prior to separation: If further am utation of hand should deem neccessary Husband caused,should e husband aid this time! Type of Debt Who it is 0 ed to Amount owed Paid By: Wife/Husband (include Ac ount # 1. wife to 1 of her bills! HUSBAND pay a 2. Husband to pa all his bills! HUSBAND 3. HUSBAND 4. HUSBAND 5. HUSBAND 6. HUSBAND 7. HUSBAND 8. HUSBAND DNCP 26 Decree of Divorce (No minor children) Revised July 2007 Page 5 of8 (;,0,,425 19. DWIFE 0 HUSBAND I A. UNKNOWN DEBTS Husband is ordered to pay all debts incurred by him and unknown to wife, AND wife is ordered to pay all debts incurred by her and unknown to husband. B. SEPARATE DEBTS Each party is ordered to pay his or her debts from the following date (usually date of separation): February 13, 700R Each party is assigned his or her separate property and wife must pay her separate debt, and husband must pay his separate debt. 5. TITLE TRANSFER: This Decree can be used as a transfer of title and can be recorded. Parties shall sign all documents necessary to complete all transfers of title ordered in this Decree, such as motor vehicles, houses, and bank accounts. If the party required to transfer the property has not transferred the property to the party entitled to receive the property within 60-days of the date of this Decree, the party entitled to receive the property is entitled upon application to a Writ of Execution to be issued by the Clerk of the Court commanding the sheriff to put him or her in possession of the property. 6. FILING INCOME TAX [If Decree entered between January 1st and April1Sth] 8.A. D For previous calendar years, pursuant to IRS rules and regulations, the parties will file joint federal and state income tax returns and hold the other harmless (meaning other party won't be responsible) from half of all additional income taxes, if any, and other costs, and each will share equally in any refunds, OR 8.B. Ii] Separate federal and state income tax returns. OR 8.C. D Other, explain: For this calendar year and continuing thereafter, each party will file separate federal and state income tax returns. 7. RESTORATION OF NAME: (This is wife's sole decision). W The wife's former name is restored to: ,Tç.n€'t c: geck ; or D The wife does not desire to have her name changed. DNCP 26 Decree of Divorce (No minor children) Revised July 2007 Page 60f8 00û426 8. DEFAULT: In the event that either party hereto shall fail to perform, in whole or in part, any obligation or duty imposed by the terms of this Decree, such defaulting party shall be responsible for the payment of all reasonable attorney's fees, costs, and expenses incurred by the other party as a result of such failure or default. 9. EXECUTION OF INSTRUMENTS: Each party shall promptly execute and deliver to the other party or any nominee(s) of the other party, all instruments that may be necessary, convenient, or appropriate to carry into effect, fully and fairly, all of the terms of this Decree, and the parties shall also be free to revoke any special or general powers of attorney heretofore given the other or given to any agent or nominee of the other. 10. LIMITED REPRESENTATION: Following Rule 1.2(c) of the Wyoming Rules of Professional Conduct, any attorney who has entered a limited appearance for the purpose of obtaining a divorce decree is now discharged. STATE OF WYOMING 1.. / /If COUNTY OF LH\jCOL~RrNE tlì6; ~ day 0 I, Kenneth D. Rol,3vtS, Ck"'v\ of the Third Judicial District Court ¡i;Ü/in and foresaid county and in the?t,;c of foresaid, do hereby certiIy l:l(','~~\' '., -,¡n,.g t~ Ii a. full, true~~~~~~;~~~~,;;~~'§, I certify that I have read the foregoing Decree of Divorce and that I agree to the terms and agree to entry of the Decree of Divorce. Plaintiff's signature Defendant's signature If default has been entered and the Defendant did not respond: The above is true and accurate and I want the court to approve: Signature of Plaintiff If a court hearing was held: APPROVED AS TO FORM: / oc rt ~l ,1, " ;/ l.-..I{t.¡¿ct. q;t/íl.{ DNCP 21 \ Decree of Divorce (No minor children) Revised July 2007 Page 70f8 Plaintiff's signature Defendant's signature eOü427 I certify that I have read the foregoing Decree of Divorce and that I understand and agree to the tenns and agree to the entry of this Decree. STATE OF Plaintiff's Signature ) ) ss ) COUNTY OF Subscribed and sworn to before me by this day of Witness my hand and official seal. Notary Public My Commission Expires: I certify that I have read the foregoing Decree of Divorce and that I understand and agree to the terms and agree to the entry of this Decree. dt/;I d ~ ~ . D'Hendant'S sIgnature STATE OF O~l~~ COUNTY OF 1 \ (\ urt.x'\ . ) ) ss ) :To.-vuJ- S. 5, 'v; J , .;()o%' . Subscribed and sworn to before me by this ~ð~ daYOf~u~+ Witness my hand and official seal: ~ 0-kwoJ No ary Public / Court Clerk My Commission Expire~ .;x;D1 DNCP 26 Decree of Divorce (No minor children) Revised July 2007 Page 8 of8 (;0&428 No,. C) r 7· ~r , d\~k~ , l)p--$,ð fe, p1,'p », . , , , V,i~, , , ,Da~e " II CJv9~ýolBt w~¡{¡e f[~tW 1(tl~k IGCEK {H H6BJ 1~7¿JkZ H¿!.:7 b eÝýðl7ec fOc-eJ.d I ell ton ¿;t,.C~ Ge- } ¡{US o Œhevro{ef/ tD u)d2~Jt CEf5.soÞJ251ff3 iU.5 --r:= ~ ~ I Cec!ll l 1 ()ld.::iYnoö¡ Ie þ/vle 1dr - -- 3N~9 R9¡(/9~fI'¡( ú)fß___ ~ C 11€v'TC! le-{ 7L1 u. e 'ð;tß 1- 1rueJ f (7 c.. r(f.. 24- K !jJE 133 85 '1 fi ¡¡:; 6 )' ( Q <ù ~<) aJ: i :g t e~~ -Ii. ¡( dresS -x 1F4- 8'<f3'i5 . :fhld 6'4- (;1.{'5 b .3 h'1ewrL): C'>ðn'Rr;,¡¡Jôj 1c1r. ;iQ"ß-' .ifY/E:t1n71./ !VsÞ¡{felf2b q PuS 6 1 CJt~vrolet G07c/6fOf,Vn d/e6eJ Iton % /GCf-fk:34F5RKlg~1r¡jo HusL ~ Chevrolet 8/cté-k Jilørt--¡;'úd /GC£K1J./(!)f.fj3QQ31 ttuSb r4 ¿SU'f-uk/ tl2ed 5r'deJ(r'~ J5::/í[)a:3VfeR.4f0.3553 w;fe '11 G1V! C 13tr).~ fjíL TJ lGK7Jr5'L~M252.01-/ Hush X'D' bl!Xl3P ~ 1)) IÁ e "01. h,pd !t %Ityl&). . J íJ7 FP2 Jj.CJšFP 111176 ¡¿]¡' f~ ~~_ ;;;v,.~kf. 73r(J .j"-fO ~ ~>Nj., -rD,f>p-r IG (' D7ítfR 'í?G 2/2. 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H-u5 b I :fll .L I)f 'f) nUrI7ero7../5 LiuY'l J¿- ~ar5f r_ru~k:."'Ç. vCJ-'rz;sc.ra,p me tQ Wit/?/ I I I 7fj 0;fe- uJr'!e cJ/-Pe~_ }f ~.:sb w)'fe .!I\ l~l¡":e . f _ Husb uJ/fe ¿ù/ß I I I I I I I I . I I I I I I I I I I I I '!I. ~ nECORDED ... ,l:l~X, .~~,! ..~~,~U ,?~ ,M IN "''''''K274PR '''Goo')?.. r'"''''I~''' ""'0 I.I'VV ..... '," '.~' ,.,'\ ~. . .he. ;'.~'¡oI¡;:'I' I..:.K, VJ I, , ,7.0 26.8,6, ,ELIZII!3ETH C, WAD~, CLEA~ KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That DUNCAN MCCELLAND, Grantor, of the County of Teton, state of Wyoming, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten and No/IOO Dollars ($10.00) and, other valuable consideration in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has hereby remised, released and forever quitclaimed unto the said SIVIL INVESTMENTS, a Wyoming partnership, with its principal place of business in Kemmerer, Lincoln County, Wyoming, its heirs and assigns forever, all such right, title, interest, property, possession, claim and demand as it may have or ought to have in or to all the following described property, to- wit: ûOô430 . " ASPEN SPRINGS TRACTS, Parcels #3 and #5, more particularly described as follows: Parcel #3 being a parcel of land located in the N/2N/2 of Section 8 of the Resurvey of T21N, Rl15W, 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, to-wit: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Section 8: thence S 62°17'40" E, 1383.54 feet to the true point of beginning: thence N 85°35'35" E, 2413.24 feet to a point: thence S 14°44'31" W, 891.45 feet to a point: thence S 89°52'34" W, 771.16 feet to a point: thence S 89055'31" W, 1317.5 feet to a point: thence N 07°35'22" W, 686.06 feet to the true point of beginning, containing 39.63 acres, more or less. Parcel #5 being a parcel of land located in the N/2N/2 of Section 8, and in a portion of the S/2S/2 of Section 5 of the Resurvey of T21N, Rl15W, 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, to- wit: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Section 8: thence N aSC'43'05" E, 1131.11 feet to the true point of beginning; thence N 72°51'12" E, 283.43 feet to a point on a centerline having a 30 foot easement running parallel and to the right; thence along said easement line 149.16 feet along a curve to the right having a radius of 1145.92 feet and a long chord bearing N 76°34'56" E, 149.04 feet to a point; thence along said easement line N 80°18'41" E, 326.54 feet to a point: thence along said easement line 206.33 feet along a curve to the left having a radius of 1145.91 feet and a long chord bearing N 75°09'11" E, 206.06 feet to a point; thence along said easement line N 69°59'40" E, 421.35 feet to a point; thence along said easement line 317.79 feet along a Curve to the left having a radius of 272.18 feet and a long chord bearing S 33°03'02" E, 300.04 feet to a point: thence along said easement line S 66°29'57" E, 149.43 feet to a point; thence leaving said easement line S 85~,57'59" E, 892.97 feet to a point: thence S 02°14'58" W, 538.84 feet to a point; thence S 85°35'35" W, 2413.24 feet to a point: thence N 70 35'22" W, 734.13 feet to the true point of beginnirig, containing 42.85 acres, more or less. {¡;:J:.~ ~:~ ,¿;~~ \ r;'" \ ' ,oJ ,. f? r' ~ .... -..- . . : ;~. /J THE: STATE ;', ... U8 UG .;~: ~'; '+~, C~B~TY "OF ",f - }IIN~Y ,'{\' " .:'~~y ~ . ,. , HEREBY releasing and waiving all rights under and by , ;: ;:(,~~"1'''e of t:::s:;a:a::e::::o~s d:: :e N:;~t:9::. Wyoming. L~/ D~AN 'McC L D OF WYOMING TETON The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this of May, 1989 by DUNCAN McCELLAND. WITNESS my hand and official seal. My Commission Expires: /~ ~ ' <1C _ ~T Y PUB' ,. C5 ¿ -;}-9 (