HomeMy WebLinkAbout942157 Prepared by, recording requested by and return to: Name: Jesse J. Cancelmo Company: Howe-Baker Engineers, Ltd. Address: 2 Riverway City: Houston State: Texas Zip: 77056 Phone: (713) 375-8000 Fax: (713) 375-8005 RECEIVED 9/10/2008 at 12:59 PM RECEIVING # 942157 BOOK: 704 PAGE: 557 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER. WY ----------------------Above this Line for Official Use Onl --------------------- LIEN STATEMENT (Wyo. Stat. §29-2-106) COMES NOW, Jesse J. Cancelmo, as a representative of Howe-Baker Engineers, Ltd. ("Howe-Baker"), a Texas corporation which has performed work or furnished materials for the improvement of the below-described property, and would state as follows: 1. Howe-Baker is the person placing a lien upon the below-described real property and any interest related to the real property (including leases, easements, rights- of-way, or any other interest in or to the real property) to the full extent permitted by law, as well as any improvements or appurtenances thereto. 2. Howe-Baker is due and owed $10.672.152.92 for the work and materials furnished for the improvement of the below-described real property. \ 1)\ 3. Howe- Baker is owed the above sum from Enterprise Products Operating L.P. Enterprise Products Operating L.P.'s address is: \). L, '; ~) ; Enterprise Products Operating L.P. P.O. Box 4324 Houston, Texas 77210-4324 4. Upon information and belief, the following entities may also have an interest in the property which may be affected by the lien: Enterprise Products Operating L.P. C/O The Corporate Trust Co. 1209 Orange Street Wilmington, Delaware 19801 Enterprise Gas Processing, LLC P.O. Box 4324 Houston, Texas 77210-4324 Enterprise Gas Processing, LLC C/O C T Corporation System 350 N. St. Paul Street Dallas, Texas 75201 Enterprise Products Partners L.P. 1100 Louisiana Street Houston, Texas 77002 Union Pacific Land Resources Corp. P.O. Box 1330 Houston, Texas 77251-7725 Enterprise Products Partners L.P. P.O, Box 4324 Houston, Texas 77002-4324 éO~'55a Bureau of Land Management Kemmerer Field Office Attn: Jeff Brown 312 Highway 189 North Kemmerer, Wyoming 83101-9711 Union Pacific Land Resources Corp. C/O C T Corporation System 350 N. St. Paul Street Dallas, Texas 75201 5. A true and conect copy of the parties' contract is attached hereto as Exhibit A. 6. Attached hereto as Exhibits B-K are true and COlTect copies of the invoice summaries for the amounts due and owed to Howe-Baker which itemize the materials and work provided for the improvement of the below-described real property. These summaries and hundreds of pages of supporting documents have previously been sent to Enterprise Products Operating L.P. 7. June 18, 2008, was the last day that services were last rendered for the improvement of the below-described property pursuant to the parties' contract. 8. The real property where Howe-Baker fumished materials and labor is the cryogenic gas plant at or near Opal, Wyoming, which is commonly refened to as the Pioneer Plant. The legal description of that real property is, upon information or belief: 1241 Wyoming State Highway 240 Opal, WY 83124 and/or Township: 21 North Range: 114 West Sections: 15 & 22 Lincoln County, WY The undersigned hereby claims a lien against the above-described property in the amount of ~1 0,672.152.92. This the ,;l ç. day of August, 2008. (:0\.'" '559 ;:t.CJG^Jl 0 " J? o:Y'C-YA-rh;~s - 2 RI."-"'-w f+J Title c-?1 h- 'S.. Corporation SUBSCRIBED TO AND SWORN before me on this';¿ ¿. day of August, 2008. jJ~~ .J f)~~ Notary Public - State of Texas ~,\"V~I~:",., "1i,,~)',,,,"~~ l~l' ··t~ ~,,*. ...~§ ~':"¡iF;'"1..'~ 11"..."" DEBORAH S. DAVIS Notary Public, State of Texas My Commission Expires Au.~ust 09,2009 My commission expires: (9 ~ -() ~ - éJ <; , j " I I ¡ ¡ I \ [ ! I i I I I , 1 I JU.-18-20ØS æ=æ em:.RPRlSE PRODUCTS 2813654573 P.02/42 ) . ENTERPRISE PRODUCTS OPERATING L.P. SERVICE AGREEMENT 1ftIv. OMIJ ..".p éO ." 5 ....OWORK cONTRAcr NO. 4390 uti ORIGINATOR MICHAEL WALSH THlS CONTRACT is entered. into this ~d dq or J\U1e, 2005, in th4" ~ of HoustOlJ. Hama Count)', Taaa. between SNTERPRlSE PRODUCTS OPERATING L.P., a D~ Umtted partnmlbjp, P. O. Box 4324, Houet.m, ~. 77210-~~ C"ConweJ1J'1. and: 1hII~"..... HOWE-BAJŒR ~QINEERS. LTD. ~ TeusLlmitac1 pannersb.ip~_.....__n.-q¡ ~ 98(10 Cmtro Parkway, S\Ùtc 700 p;II I HauIlUlJ1. Texu 77036-8211 ,... IØfI IN CONSIDERATIOti' of the mutual pro¡¡úDe$ ÌD thic Ccr1tract and othar &QOdand wluable consfderatlon,. the partie8ðgfH .. tollows: . L AP~D CO~1\L1~ Upon eaeuDon oltht. C9n~ bý Ccmb'8C1:orAQd CcQpazw, Ccmtrac:tor MAll be áac1ucled QJ1 Comp~. Approv4d Contractor Uet, h:1dbtån& CoDtractOC"'a eJiSibiUty to perfOrm Work £or Com.pe.ay; and Company WId Conuac:tor a¡ree tbaU tbfs ContRct .baJl TcmaiÞ in war until œnrünated. as p%'l)~ by ite t~ fI~' '" . '~~1t*'~t'an4.~~~WOdtonJér·~~~aw '. ..., .', ·Iii·'·' .'." ·!~P'-~šTø;~··';br~~~d",;~;ii(Y+_.' , ·;...r.:,.eëí' 'tò'tJë"" ". ' .üï4í\aniâhcdbi~I81d#'thia~àiÏd'~"~ii'~. ',' , J:t·~~~~~~r~,~WOf1f'~"~~~.¡.¡Y:'$r~~1ž~.~-=. ~¡I..f!mI. t;I.oGa,.~f+~, ,III, , ' . . " _......~\I....._ .. .,. -..-", . ti\iiI~(¢þé~1Ø 'iûij'~~ ~t!íIi'~. ." '·CoDtt8t:t.œ-~8e1lU ud warrants thaUtahaJ1 buble to fuími an of kl obUption. \mE an, 1ipemoi1t w11b. DD'dclradiÖOI) ill Ffonnanca dUe to the caI8ndar cbanp trcnn 1909 to 2000 and. bc,yand Jan.12eJy I, :2000. . IV. JNI:I~NDmr CONl'RAcT08 ConlnCt01' ra ~ì:I shall be an indA!pead.eut; contnu:tor with nlBpeC1: to Work. and neither Co.ntractØ" no: its c:m~ø or aubcÞnttKtors oc their cm.pJøycca ahaU be dc:cmcd., fill' öan>' purpose, to be fbe empJoyce, agant, ~t. w ¡'~tstiY4 OrComp~iD the psrtånÐol.Dcø-oI'Work. Com~ ahall haver.QQ dinletîon orcontrO.l oftbe ~ orb =pJøyeü an4 .":lu" øcepc .in the mm1ts to be obt8in~d. WatIc shaJ1 CO:X1fðtm with all applbblc apðcili('tdons and meet the approval or c-t'opaø,y u.d shal1 be subjec:1: tb the general rl&b-c or fnapec:tl.on by or lor CotÐpaøy. The Al:tUal pextmnaru:c and .uperinœud.ence at. Work ahaJ1 be b1 ConIZ'aCtOr, but Compmur or iUs repr'.e$eDtatM:: tbaU b Wf: u~ecI acœu to Con'tn.ctor·s capen¡dw11 to dsœTm1Dc wbothcr Work f. beia& pentIinIIe4 by Corrtnu;:toc Úl aeCClrdaJlCl! wim tbe Contract. v. ~PlnYMI!:NTCON'l'RIBtJTfONS AND ~ Comracto1" qrea to IICC»pttWl and 1:XClu.m: JiabiJity[Qrtbe povmcnt 01 aDd 10 pq WIleD due any and aJ1 praDiuma. CO:IUt'D:IUtion. and taXB. 1br Wor1œÞ' Competl8AtÌon Insutanc.e. and tJøc:mpJø,yment , Insurance and far old qç peoo.~s. 8.CU1Wties and orbc::r retirement bc:nc.liÚJ inIpo$edby or ,purauant to ~aJ or StUe law and 'lUcu\.\n:<I by tIi-= wGCPr .BlÐñe:t or athsr nmunendioa ~d W persons e:mployec1 by Contractør; ø.nd Contx'actOr Iurthu a¡rec:s to inà~ and hold Company 1wm1us qafntt an;t 1Uc~ fAt any such premiums, taxes or co¡¡trlbu tions wNch rn.B1 be: 83SCoscd apfnat Com.pany With :teapec:t to Contractor, iLl emp1oy6ea or subcon~.. VI. TJ.XES AND FEES Contractor agrcc:a to ,a¡;CI:pI: CuD and exc1ueLvc IiabW\y 1br tho payment ot ØDd to ptq when due aU taxea, lil'.:lm&e* acdCee. bDstdllpN: (1,) tlltw&¡CSJIId w.nesplid to CoutnlC1Ml e:q>"ya~ fotservice Ni4ered1lJJdcnhi.c-aac:t,(ü) the J'lOISprofil$ amccl by CollU'al:rDr. .. (ûi) Íú:Inu r.cllølla3ed duriq ~n wI1fch do noUx:como a pan olrhv .ihR1íIk.c~ J1IÒIS 8*1in '~s'1U &r Sold wbicJ.. Sold øeJ taX )IF Solei oØiGII s~~ fcsvieå or ~ by eny pémmentaJ aps:u:y on Colltractor in copnc:cti(Jn with or lncidèl1t to 1h1: ~~. or- the· ÐorlttKt,·-· 0øiárut0r·'~· fit ,~.1ht,,&QIOe'.'éo~'t of.··4J2d ·Ù'e··Uabk~Í$'" '1IØ',1··biteaeb',·øN...·by·,·iu . ~béOQ~ra.. Contractor a&feee to rdmburoc ~1 OQ dem.ant1~ on SUCb.IDCa1, ~atc qr (~ta¡œa« govemmc:nbl.l çh¡¡rges. wbit.;b ~mpazor mlQ" be required to pilJ' on 8QCwœ of einpJ,ayees or Can1actør or it1J S\\bc=~s, (X Campa%),)' mZ'\1. dl:clUct ouch pe¡yr:u.tnta &om acy II\1ZU which ma,y be 01' boc:ome WI: to ContTac:~ from CQ¡¡¡panr. Contractor qrea to fum~ Compo,py with 1Ímc:Jy, 1N1fic:im¡t and. 4Cc:E11'aU intormatfDn tQ xnaIœ $\Ic:b repørta and to pay such taDs ønd ¡ovcmmtrotal c:harps Jl requc~ 'by CoInpany. ~~~~n:~~nr:ftU~~~~~~"~~,~"..~~':iÞ~:ìi'iJ j.;;:¡~ â:øT~ o:r'åðY kmd Ìòbì¡ ~ liCafnit thè jjiòj;c:i1;). oiCom.p~ or the FOpert,j oj o~ '. r.· ", . -, ..., "¡,' ' ¡ ..I j ¡ I t , ' ) JtL-1e-200S 09103 ENTERPRISE PRODUCTS 2813S545?3' P.Ø3/42 ;~~::=~=::~:~~;:I=,:á,r:u:,r~t~,~;~~~~,"(~J4 ~ Coat1~!rom aad apiDat an $ueh ~ w1ier1,õ ¡u¡d. Cònl;tf.ctccr ~ì.~. witlwu1: ~ oh:iO" ~'~!or:' niitledZel'l ue:üabIe tø ~. my auma due tv ContradOr lro~ COmpuay hcrcUnd.i:rmll,Y be withheld. and e,pp1!ad bj CCDij)my to\Vani tha: r.iiech..-¡o ót' pe,yrtI¢I1t or u\y INch cJltb:u ot )ie.oa. vtD. PAY1IŒNTFOR WORK ~t 1br WorkahaU. be as pnmded in ExhibItU Oft uprovideclœA;Ry~Otd«. ~ lor Wor'k performed CIII1 aralmbursab1è-cøst basfa aha11 be'DUlde b,y Company to Coœra.c:œr 1ra accordance wnb ConUACtor'. tJw1-aurent. rate schedule; Contraetar shall tumilh Ccmpany its rete: sc:hedule pdarto ~dn¡ UU' r.ucl1. WMk QJ1d nodfyCotnpaxJ.y in Writing of ~ d1an¡N in the rate acb.eduk. Nci.thar paymmt (or Doruae of Work .IQ whole or In part by Cornpaoy 8ha1l COl1ISUtI1œ accaptðlilCS of "'7 Wodc or T!la1œia1s whít;:h do not contoIm to Cont:ra.ct terms and spedftcad~ or sm1ement of anyunsett1ed cI.a1nu, UabWdc$. cN.f:Í ;.t, 1ic:Qð Q¡' othçr c:AC\lmbranœa. CouÙ1llCtQr abaIlJœGp aa:arlllw boob and. recorda of aJ1 Work. cd. withlø two ~ ~ m:- tMo coœ~ of WDdt uMet . patdc:QIat A¡reemect or rhe te¡"m:....Ht,)t\ 01 thia Coatnct, whidte.er is earJfer. COdl~ or ~ t'lpI'UInaWve shaJl be... t!lfI apt to ~ copY md audit, durùsg Coatra.ctGt". ~~ bu.silsè.. boLtn, ita books and. ~s reIatI:a¡ to tm:I Work pe&"f'œmecl 01:1. a relmbunabl.lM:oet baù 1br the purpose Gf ~iDg the accuracy o(aø,yCbar¡liØ. c1aÎIDs or den.. NJatiagtø mob Work. CoJ:\traøtor'$ m:.aic:ea ¡~ ha:rsImder aha!1 be HpDnitcd ÍD.tD Il1iWIriats and er¡uipmltIlt æ1d ~ tor tø pœpoeçs. 'ibis CG11trac:t i.a mtended to bç . .cpatatc: C011tract uDder Tccaa rax lawu. IX.. CQMPUANCf Durin¡ !:he ~ofen WOC'k, Com:ra.dtIr ropteaenfa tJ:w it aDd na aubcontra.d«S shall QODI.Wwftb aU appUca~ stannes. o:r'lI'''It'¢''..... tu1ø au4 n¡¡WaUons. 1Ð..c:IUdiDg but.DoØt Um1ted. to tho.. ..tmf"!5tend b1 tba U.s. OCCUpu1OUIÜ 8aCm;yau4 Ree1th~aâDnr the U.s. ~ Ptotcc:tfan~. the u.s. Department of~ f1)011 And.tate apnoea ~g CIn1CUm:nt I;JI" IdmiJfIJ" juriecUc:tiGn¡ ud Coa~ 8beIl Jnå~ u¡d bole! harml... ~ ftorn UìI" aDd. all d.IJ.(Qs or demBnda at a peel nature or civil penalties wbld1 IDA)' ariRe A'nm 'IioJadon or auc;1'.I statutes, øtd1nanœs. IUlea and nca1atioAs by CODU'aCUIr Q1' m19 subCÐntrac:tœ eDlptoyed by It. X. CO),f~ PREMISES Contrllctor lhaU amfbJ'Cl and shall TCqUirc its c:mJ>loyccs. aa=tt ad subcaDtraeWrt: to C011f'cras,. wJWe OD. Mrf Compo)'~. to al1 ntq\111'_=ta at Campa1lY, indu.diD& ~t not Umitri to. Comp..ay'. TUJ4II œ cœaduC%, aat"el\Y .rWea, contr~ l8Ce~pWdea. ~ae*oriø.f"86aað.e¡reu and olhènequUellUnts ro.-1.be pro~ oIpetSODa orpropen;y. Shoukt such råquJr~ ChatI¡e dUrin, the pedOØWII1.Ce tsl th. WDÙ. aø.d such change C&Wilea an increase in t!Ia Co.I1tractør'a eo. or .cb.edu1e 10 complete the Work. Cotauac:tor.haD be ¡nmtcd & Cbanl8 Order. Contracrol' shaU pnnrJde cd take all sa£c1;rprc:eattdons whfcb the nature of the Work ma,y requirc or indtCCltc' ilnd kœp the Work JocadoG h4 6'vm accLtD1u1atlona ofwutr: and ~bbLsh. UpoA com.plctioø of ;sI1such W or.k, Contta£:~or .h.n ~ up ucJ ~ a1I wallte and tubblm pnenttcd by It or Its auQeoDlnlatMa. collect uuueed tueteT1al bdon¡ln~ to it or it' I$UÒÇQnu.çtot.. aud r$On: the 10catkm to U cleM and order]¡ya conditiot¡.. .maud prior 1'0 comDlec:u:cmeD\ Dfth.! Wøzok. ) Xl. ACÇ1DrmT REPORTS Contractor sbaJl report to Company in W'ti'tiua, as soon as prac:ticaÞIc. all acQc:IeøCa (¡It occv.rrana. . rcaWDn¡ in bodily bI,j\Uy. includin¡ death. or daluqe to or deatt\1cdon of'propcrt;y arlsina (lilt or or dUtiðg the coutee or performance of the: Work and. upaQ n:quut. sIutU i\nniab CQTDp8rJ1 with cop~ of aU ~ made ~ Contractor to COQlr'OICtol". inaunr or tD odJ.scs or ~c:b. t.cddenta and occunenct:a. XII. DRUQ.FREE WORKP.LAC~ A. Contractor aMea.chofttnubcoDa'actDrS perfonnin8WCII'k atuv-Oper.donAl F~ ~ astabUah and IIDfœ'cç within iU orpniza.tion aD mtklrus praFam to M8UJ"C a dtutf'tec worlcp1acc. CorItraaor'. aøti-druS rrrogram IIh~U ioc11.4de provilÍOtIe CQT the lI.1tdit!Ds: by CPQtœctòt' of ita Mlbc:antrÇtgn' øati.dn.lC Pt08tAJD.. "Ope:ratkmal Faclli1;y" œeáDS the stire pAmiaes or Mcl\ CtlmpllAy pr~1ISiD¡ pJmt. terminal, 1oad1n¡ rack, plpe1IDe, StC1'qð tacl1ity. warehoulG, pnI :. $hop, amsøu:ctIollo JøcatIoD aDd tleIc1 workstte. . B. Contntc:tGr rc:prcacin, th8,t 4L ~ Ü$ auÒéOntr1l~ lIha11 aR¥ip and IIl10w to work at 0pera%fœW Ji"aciIides acly ~ployeeø who hava ~ ueptive d.n1ø $Ø'~ rea¡¡ha \IDde.r their arspJoter'a anU.dtu¡ p1'Ol1'am. A c:utrent rnult is cmc based on the moat recent ~I sc:rem. perfcrmed ...sebm 12 ~W of & dao7 on w1úch Work !a to be pcI1'armecL. C. Before per1Om\ing Work IU at1'f Opuatlow F~. Cl:ul.ltàI::tor lÙ1e1llW'nfsh and cauar: each of its GUbc:ontral:1On tG IQmi.$h Company with d.ocumenta:t!on of thafr respective and-dru¡ fnçaJDa danoDluadn¡ that cacb program J»Aet8 or exceeds the requiremenUl of CompanY'1I Drug, Alcohol and ßleplltems Policy anached hento as Exhibit In and mects oe ~eds the J'equiremonta ol8Þ,)' app1fcahk Jawor regu.\aHoa. Complete recorda olt.be anti-drullpro¡r;nuD aball be ~ at ~åor. md eadlsubcol1tracmr's homl o:flic8, reçectivel.y. and be IMIiIÑllo for audit by Company clurln, rep_ o~ kQ~ FaUure or rdUsa1 by Contractln' or a ðubc:A:!ntTactor to est.abH.$h anll m/iljnbrin a ~ ¡¡ntf-drus S-"IJoIA.... kwp adcquaIA teCOtds or It, or ptamit CcJmplU1Y to .udit aomp1ianœ wilh it aha.U be sround& fer In....~;..r~ ausp$CSÍOn of COþ.IX'aCWJ"& àQc1 ita subcontractor's aI1thOnzadOD to proœed with WOI:k 010" tenDlnation of this Contract. P. ,~. )ooO'Io,..~.W6l16_.8n)1I,()¡)era~,hcilit;r,,~·aadreat:b·,~·~ GØtIt)t.. CompBD,Y In a writing sign04 by au authodzec1represenwivl!I o!the employer thE each empl.ayc8 (i<1entl1ied by DAme. SoeW Scr:urily Number or empæye. 1.D. Ilumber and date of druB scnen result) who will perl'orm Work at the Opera¡¡ooaI FadJity haa a CWTent negative dt\lg IICTeeJT rewJt ~"deT the cm.~'a auti-dnt¡ prosra=. Such Ccri:ilkatiAm shaI1 be kept CIlØes:1t thIoucbout 1be duration or the WœJc, aJ1d tIOtioe or any change in 1!111 ~pJoyee's certifled Statu. sban be ¡iV8.Q. by the tmployer to Company in writing Jmmedfatdy. Company mq exclude from operational FacI1tiea a:ay Contractor or aubaontractor employee who doeR not have a cunent c:ertì:ficatlon. and any dclq in the pcrfomumc:e 01 Work due to tack of propc:rbt ce1tißt:d empJayee& wiU b$!or the a.oc:ount of ContractDl'. E. On aD::I pi;p,1ine or otber DOT·regulated work, Contractor and its aub::Gntra¢tOr$ ~ a1so t'unùsb Compao,y 'lllith written çen fication of each r:mpl~C:'15 nr:¡ative dru& ~ re3Wt:. UJ1dç DOT regwa!.ioQ$. ¡ ¡ ! I I í I(J I I , Jll. -18-2Ø1i5 æ: 134 EN'TERPRlSE PROIlJCTS 281385'4573 P.04/42 (:Oû562 XIII, INSU.s..yqC~ Å. CØG~, at ibJ own expcasc, sheJ1 provide and œaiDtam i4 tarce w.ltb .iD.cul'lUIce com'mU~a a.c;çGpœbh: to CompazQr the klnda offnlW"aDC8 and amo ]ntaoíeovCtr. set twtÞ. (n parqrapÞ a. below, to œverlO$smc1~ for dlUØa¡Þon acco\W% o{bodUy~, m..l'14ftlgdeath, and dal:l:l.aptø or deatnlcåon ofpropcJtyc&u.ed byonriSÍD,lIrom UU'liU3d all ~cs aaried OD or any ønc1 all Work performed. UDder IIQY AKrummt.. Coatractor.-ball Qt."$(: its iniNtU' to nama CertJ4œ.t'4 Holde:¡- as aD add.itiocallciN.~ oa itt Auto, Oc:neral.nct ExccN LIabI11I;r ir.1l1W'8Dœ pol1åll& to the extet.U. 8XJ'1 c:WøJ ~ Q~ to the Coøtnlc:tor'$ n"81ipoce &Ad gratlL Coniflc:c: fIolder a WfÒveJ' 9f ~in'o¡atÍQD on Ib WOIkerI' COmpeœadon 1nSUt'lUJœ poUcy. -Cl!:rtific:aœ Holder- sb.aJl høe the ~¡ .P'øvi~.in tbe Cer1iúca\e Holder t>c&úUOn in ExhibltIV. If CoQU'QC:un' fails or mUA_ to carry out aD)" o! the prO'riaioøs of ChJa Atúc1e xm, ~pany 8baD. in additfo(\ 10 any ziaht to recover d.mIaps or obtain oIher rdier, haw: the 1'i8tn to $uspcd Contnu:tot'S AI1t1wriz'adœ1 to proœcd \llid1 Work or tcImIJDatc: t:hfs Contract, B, 1) WORKERS COI4P'ENSAnON JDdudíq Occ:upatirmalDfIlCUC) &u:I.Ci EMPLOYER'S t..IABILrIY lNSURANCE. Con~r'. Workc'n CompÞ:l.lat:lon ItQd Employer's t.Iabilú;y c:overa¡euh.n apply to aU otø:P1oyçcs, inc:JucUnl b"....A¢d 1ICJVUJt8, in s=o&'dbnce with the bcmçfit& aBorded by the Øtutoty W'Grlr.er'. Com.p.....a..ti~ ~ta. USL & R IJU1d MarltinJe Ada applicable to the;: Star6, Te:rriÚll)' or Diatricrt or hire, e\\~ ar plaar of ~rf"'t1t, ^ wllÍ.!lt 9i fVbro&1iot), In ~~te HnJdcr ~ f1IQUi~ Pol.ic;y liøúUJ a1IaI1 be: Worker's Compe:nlQ~ Statlltol7 LimiU.. EmplOJ1t'II UabiUty: $500,000, oac:b acc:id=.t; &500,000 Dlecuc. polic:,y Umk; $500,000 ~. each IrDIp¡oy.., 2) COMMBRClALGENEJW.L1ABlLm' INSURANCE, asprizxla1y~oyer aIlotl1era, eoverint~ ~ producta au4 œmp~ opetadorla. ixadepeadt:nt. con~, and b1anket ~Uabllity, Tho J'OUcY.shaD c:ovar aD. &'abfHtíaa arisiD¡ Ollt of c:xp1osiOD. colJapa8 and unc1er¡rauD4 rxctJ1 hataa'da. The policy abaD be endorlad 10 I'M'iI1t bro;v:f..tonn· þ]"open;y ~. iøol\l=S complctCld QpeI'aUcms, c:.ownp:. An -addIt1ona) 1n¡¡pe~ l!:h~1IemCnt nanrinlZ CortWCIßC l10lctcr illJ T'!:1IU1n:d. PoÖl1Y IImiø iIWI be; . Bod:ib'I1\tu¡y: $500,090 per: occurre.n=, $1 nriDioa agrqatc. Prøpert;y t1M1a¡c: $500,000 ,per oQWrrauClt, '1 mœiøI1 ."\.e. OR Combined Sinlle I.Jmft (csq 01 $1 milUcm per oc:c:unmce. $2 øûJIion ~. 3) COMPREHENSIVE-AUTOMOBILE LIASn.l'l'Y INSURANCE, as primary 9Olic;y over aD otbørs, covøùnc an ownod, hired 1I!IØd,¡¡04-owncd "".ConIotfve equi¡rmmt. An -ødditfnrtal irlsured" IEf.!n"-"'-'huuniJllf Cm:ifiCII.tC Holder is rmuin:d. Policy Jmúts sha11 be: ' Bod1J,y ~ ~500,OOO per pc:nICm, $500.000 per occurrðnëe/accid.ent. Prop«n;y Damap: $500,000 I*' oecI.Im:r.ICC. O~ Combmed Sin¡Je Lùz1it 0($1 mIIIIIm ~ ocaun:nc:c. 4) EXCBSS/UMBREW UABJU1'Y INSURANCE, to bs pr;\.IDiUy ÞCCsa over .It otbas: _ ,_ None: _$1 rcWiex¡. _;2 nú1lioll_ _ ~31XWU0Z10 .... .X_ $5 ø.iIli.on. _ Otbcr. S 51 J\dctitjoual m.wrl.D.eð and wret;y lim!Þ: a X CRANE COVEAAGE - UP'J'ZR'S IJAB1.U'JY .POUCY \!lith limits oC $1,Doo,OOO CSt.. b) X PROFESSIONAL WBILl'l"Y' INSURA.NCE c:o'ft.ZÙI, ~, arrora,. aaUaaions, ma1pract:iI:a. .. ap~ò1á. potcmtlally arialnlftDØLorpe¡uju. Dltð ~Work to Þ.:pcrlbrmed byContraC1:OS', UI emp1OJ1'1I1S, a¡ena or $Ubcontnœtora; po&;y ~ than be$l,OOO,aoo pe. oeeum=a:; OR in feu of web fnaurance. ConulICtor II:I.I\YtumIsh.'lrdrrnoca1*1cua- etfQ'Ccütinfofm and.a.mOW1t an.c1 witÅ aniaauer aaCisf.ød.œ;yto Campany. C. Con1.nctot'$ msurance p101Jcles shaD be endorwed u foUows and 1n accordance with state law: Worker'. CoQ1~tion gaJ.icr. 1) Blankat waiv., or subl'opdon, OR ~) "The IDIJUI'L':t's hereby waive their ri¡bu o( subrogat1on a¡aJnst Ccrtiñcatc Rolder and MY ~ftrm. or c~tlóJ}, their subl!d1arlea. factors or assignsforwhom or lllith wbom the ~I'c;d III.,. be wor.kìD¡.- , ¡ I ~ 9"~ f'outo ~d ~ LI'\~I.v.~D~S: ' j: >00__" .. Y-'~"'D:-"" ~~- ........ or caused to be i\J~d tea Cotnpan,y \'In œiginaJ. current ccdfkate o! Ü1IA¡r~cc 013 f4:ll1n1l Atœptabla tò Compauy [moat rllCO'll1: ~~~ 1) 'The kinds iIII4 amounts' of 1r.\sura.Iu:e rlf<)Ulrcd ø.bovc. 2) 'I'he mlQU'aDCC c:.ompa:n¡y rn' com.pamea <:æ'IYiDiI the raquJt,r:d COIler8&C:a.. I 3 ( ( , ) .' JlL-1S-.æøs 99104 ENTERPRISE PRODu::TS 2813S545?3 P.ØS/42 (:Ov563 31 'tile poUcy number and the drc~tive IiIJ1d expiration data of' each poHçy. 4J Tlut,t Certificate Holder will be given thtr\Y (30)-œy prlo2' writ.teø. 110tiçe 0( tmø!na.tion of 8.I:IY policy. S) "!'bat a tR'I1lver or lfU'btOsati.on UAder Contrac:tor's Wcrrbr'$ Compensation polSc.y hA.t been i¡sauad. to CèttitJcaœ Holder. . 6} That Ccn:ific~ HoJdu has been named as aD "AddiEion.olInwrcdÞ on Coø.ÞdOr'. primar,r Auto &. Get-era! 1..LIIhttit)' po1i=.a ~ ExœufVmbtcUa pglicies a$ required above. 71 1'bat th~ Broa4 Form Property Da:a:II~se aJS4 XCU Co~ Endoraamentl h.vc beeø. a.tœcbsd to all II.ppbblc po1icles. SJ The ~ limit, of an po1iciea. 9) That the -aar~pta· as; rllportllQ in the po1k:y limits in the Ce:Wic:aw or m$UJ'lUIce. has not been c;¡cpostd or u.sad up by prJO'r O¡" peo~ c:laim.. 10) A Ceni!catc Holder notation reading as J)1own In the Fœm DC CertIficate: Holdsr Natation in Esh1bit tV. E _ A11 ,poIiciCSlSh.aIl prov1de th.t tb~ maurance company wi11 natltÿ CtrtiIicate Holder DoL lc:sa than thirty (30) \b)la prior to the ~nninado11 of.ny poUq' and. bdore «DY clw1gea are made which ~tric:t or ~eduœ the covtnce ~d4d below that requitel! baœunåcr or c:h¡œge 1M %WI1a of th~ mllUted. F. ContraCtor ~nta that inaw'ancc pOJlc:iee 'IIi.tb. tne COYerq:CII ~1I1imiœ requfrçd ú this Con.tta~ b_ bc:øn i.eoucd to Cœtrac:tor and. eb8JJ mzuW1 in. run loc('.ll;: end ~cQt ðQrlD¡ the œ:rm oftbiå Conuact me! that none of 'Cbese poJkic:s shall be ~ or chlUlPCi.1O U to clump the nam. of the Q8DW1inwred OJ' reauict or~\lce the insu:mœ r;:øvw:raps~'b,ythia COnUflct and. desmibc4 by Coølfac:tlOr's certltTcatc or inlJUtaAa. WUbout thirt3r (30"'~ priœ ~tten l10tfœ oC .neb canc:c:11adøn or chan.. bœiDa dcUvcrcd by Coa:a~ to Cc:rdficata HoLder at the ~ .hoYm. ÎD. the Vonn oC O:rtiðéáte Holder Notation m !:xh1l>1t IV. a. CQntractol' sba11 n;quirc ~ at ita. snbcont:ractora 1:0 povide thð f'orer,om& c:ovc:ta8l'. an 'to be CAdaned. with the al)oye-spedfied w«f,,,er or auÞroPt1on &N1 1114didoDal insured ~ IIJ1/1 ~ dcs&::ictJc;y to u'o coverqcs, poJicy limits or eodoncmenta U 1"I:(!uircd of said. IlUbc:on.t1'w;taa hareu.nd.c'r will be tho eol. tespons¡bilit;y ot Con2raCmr. H. It is unck:rStOOd aDd SIRed by COQC.taØOt' and Compmy that the awet:lps granted ~ the cardfteùc Holder ....4...ti.....'9Il mwr.4· In CoI1tr1'!ctoa'& pa11cies of tn~ as required in tbØ ~tr.çt are 10 apply on a primaty basill OWl' an other: va11d aøIf1 coUœtibJo inlß&t'aaçe owne4 by tInÒ or avaDab1e to 111c -addftiODll.I i:ruM'ed.. It is ÌLuth~ undersUlod. acd agreed by Conrrac:tor' IIDl1 CotzI.PQY tbJú auch covctaps provided by Contnu:tor to the "addibonaI .insured· are app1\cab1e to liahWty a4ta0ciaU:d. w.iÙ\ t'be opora&nð, ptaducu, com¡œtcd opçraticno. pramacB, eq,QÌpment and or ve.blclcs contcmplated by thi3 ContràCt to the cmca' atW çWm ia due to the Cootrao:or's D.~e4œ. Contractor abaØ be sole1Y rcSPCll1stble ¡or OAf dedudibk or IItU·i.ø:suJ'Çd I'~te:ø.tlon aaacc:iated wIth m.e CO"IC'nIgIfS sra.n1ed to the addttional insured. ' 1. BuQdeIS AU lQsk ~ JbaJ1cmy or c:Kwie: tø be""ll'rlItp;nodSuildcn AnRiak Coverage j,nap JlmDlmtcx¡ual to the full repJt~CDtc:ostoftbe projeçt, Con1nctor aba11 ba providod . waiver of subrøpdon and øamed as additkmaI iDsufed on Company's Bv.iJdeB AI11\isk Covcra¡c. ~tDnp:oA IioptcWÍde aotïc.to COl.!1paoypri.or1o makiDs1lD.Y claimW1der S'\Jch covaasc. Compay aJ1ð. Co1l1z'láoX agree tQaatuaJ C'XIpf"""'i'lttn:in the fi).jq aud raolutiœa of St c:b c:1;dms .md luttbot agreo to tirne1y comml1lÛCatlon of aU mtiviâos relaœci to such c1aim. XIV. tN[)KMNrrY EXc:v't AS EXPRBSSLY LIMITED .IN TØ1S COm'RA01\ COß'tRACTOR SIIALL INDBJIIID"Y, :cw.l}1Q) AND HOW HAlUII.ESS COMPANY. ITS :ÞUŒCTORS, O:rncøs, AGmrrS Am> JWPLOYBES AND Tø:nt SUCCII:SSORS, IŒIR8 AND ASSIGn ("INJ)Bl!rDU'ŒJ) J'.ARTJJi:S") .rR.OK Am> .AGAIJIS'r A.1fY ..A1(þ ALJ:, ct.AIMS, LOSSBS, DAJ\Uœw, CAUSES OF ACTION, SUITS, AV.D LIABILITY OF JS;Y,If;RY KDID dD CIURACTSa (DfC1r'OJ>1HG. BUT NOT LJK1"rJm) TO, ALL COSTS OF nøENSB, ~ A1ID .RJCASO:N.AJJLE A'l"l'ORNBY'S FDS» ("CL4tU$M) '1'0 THa BX1'U1' ~t1SBÐ BY ~. BBQI.IØBJJCS OR W1LLFUL msCOlU)tTC'J' OF CONTRAC1'OR. AlQ) JUl2.A1'J1tG TO, Apn;nlQ. O'OT OJ' 0.' IlfCIDBl'iTAX. TO .utY A~ OR 8BRV1CBS 'TO ø PltOV1DBn UJmBR AW ~ ~ OF ';;¡""''''''-IIJIIMCJI8AR11- OJ< '!<rt ~ OH:!!;Q{I8 '1'8" ~. ..'.~ . '..~J!t!= ~~:~~.-r~._çy;' 9~ =~~~"...- '. ~:, . ...,_".~ ',.",., !!JIIiII!.Fõ~ . RS, ~C1'O , '. ," ~ THIS DUTY OP mDEJ4N'D1CA'110N DlCLUDBS, BUT IS NOT :LIMITED TO. CL..U¥S 1ŒLA'I'Dfa TO OR.ARJSING DOT OJ' BlŒACHOFCONTRAC'1'. DEATH., PmRSOHAJ" INJURy. .PROPEaTYD.AM.\.G&ORLOSS, AllY "tJØORY' 07 STRICT JiIABJLl'1"Y. Am> .A1IIY CIVIL OR. Clm/IIR'AL J'UŒS OR PENALTIBS 1ŒLA'l'ING 1'0 OR ~DlG 'l:JNÐBa J(l!'(fr ct.AIM. WIf.1ÐR1!: A CLAD4' IS THB JœS'OLT OF TSB 1oI011fT oa COS.dÐRRING 1ŒGI;I~.,:..Q.'J1. ..:,~....AI1ID....·'.AH....~.....p...A.aTY.;.·.·.,~.Qa:$..,··,.Qm< -~ DQ)BBmD"1CATIOIf AS SBT FORTH IN '.eBIS AB,TICLB XlV SBAI.t. BE IN PR.OPORTION TO ITS ALLOCABLE S!UlŒ OF Stl'0H JODtt 01il CONCURRING JIŒGL1GDCB. YY. PATENTS AND UCE\'f§ES A. Contractor J'epteMnts and wa.rrant3 that the use or C»fI.UUction of any and an tools. t;qQiprlumt and p¡:'Oecncs !um;shed by ContIKtor 811d used in azq Work. (exœpt those Jtems spcc(fic:4 by Corl1paQY) doe4 not and shaD DOt Jnfrin&c 011 any u~ at puent wbkb hU !)eon Isauc:d 0"" applied £ori and. I,n edditiMl. tel an oth4t tnðe~&, pt"ø¥ilrioas 4 I ! ! j 1 ¡ I \, { , JlL-1B-æøs la9H35 ENTERPRISE PROIU:TS 2813854573 P.øe;.....42 \ ) ccm.œmed In Uúa CoQ.~. COntractDr asroes to tn~, detetll1 and hold Company ~ from any anct all cJlIinuJ, dlßDa-nda. met CI.1¡1$P or aaion of. t.fVt:tY kind IU\cJ ~ ja' {avor ot or mad~ b,y U1)1 pa,t8Q~t. ItcøR« 01' claJmant or 1t7JY right or pnQrit;Y to .ucb tøo1,. equJpmel1t or proœsa. 01" the u. fit CO.dstnl.c:tion thereof, which D1a1 rew1t ii'om or arÏ$c out of {unWlh!.n¡ or use o[ ~ ,uc:h ~. equ!pIX1oct, ar proœ.. by Contraetar. (:00564 XVL SURvtVAL AI. part of the consId~n for this Cam;raçt. the parties agree that pravisìø.Qs COAÇ~ ín4emnìty. warraD.t1'. waM:r car subroprion. 1i11Jjtatfoc. ofliAblUty ~d. ~edies, and patent iJ:a1iinpment IIh.aIl ecte.a4 to and be ~aU'orccabk: by ~ stWl ia.\h'e to the beneiit of æq owner, joint 0IIftI.er. co..,au:urer. oper8tOJ' Qf nOD~))aatOr for which CampMY is acting {pnIvi.r1ec! Company has provided ConlnClOt'wtth wrlttc1l ~odce ot such m..tÎonahip prior to tho c:onu:l1ðncemmt oithe aŒeçteC1 WorJç} IU'1d shan aurvivó coœp1e:tion or &D7 Work aM. Ehe møiMTiotI. of t:b1a Contract. XVTL 9UI!IOONTRACTJNG A. No wbcomnct may be awarded by Contrac:tcn' UtlMa approved ja advancc by Company in wdånlr whJc:h approval wjJI not be uméaoopably withheld. Contraemr &ha11 Þc and remain primarily 1ia.b1e for all. øblipdoØ8 assumed by ConUllCtOr under tbie CoD.U'act. Contnu:tør"1 wbcontractÎ1'll or tUr3 portion r:Jtbe WOdt abaLtnot release or rd1evc C )nu~tor from en"f ob1fpt:icÞ or ~ under any Apem.mt. 00ntn.1:tor shaD lur.Diah CoJDpatl)' IIñtb. .. true ~ com~1ete unpriœd copy of' cllCh subcoo~ awatdec1 by ~r within fiwc: (5) da,ys litter ~ch 8'\tbøonU'Ut i. ~ted.. CónttactOT'.shell ov~ and be l'Ç~e for the ~ c1'b subcontradD1't ø.nd keep acøuate books, records and acICOW1ta and fu.mIsh such non-.6rI.andaJ ~ 8Xid~OD a. Compeny IMoY rt.qUest re1atm: to $Ubcoo1U'ACU. :a. Ccmtractør~ems IIZ1CI waniUØ (tw. ,priottoen11y ot1 Compants premiae& 1) ead1 aUbcol1U'actw ~ be ~ " cop)' orùús Con~ IØ1d IUI,Y r~~ Agrees:uDt (p~dcd, bowever. Contlw;tOr may str1Iœ out tIf 4eletC ~ions ~ to 1t.a ~...1:i'm~1. 2) eaob IlUÞcoQ.uactCJ', sJW1 be (QmJ.Uar with eadl ContraA:t tmø .uJ, COI1didon, IIftd 3) e.u:b aubc:oInractor IhaU qree, to C. ç¡rton~ or .Ita rc~~ pœtlor3$ of the Work. to peñorm ruu, c:ach appJ1œblQ CoDLt'IIa: te;rm and conditioa. XVDI.nmrAULT U'~ brG:aebe"anyw~con~j,cL9~~,,1f,W,oICoGbUtOr'8 rc N'eSðBwt.oml coAtaiAed.in q;y ~t sha11 be found to betNsc. ar ft~:~~~~WMJ~~~,t4,~ \b¢ ptOJl'O~ ,8~t torthiD. 1,Y~.orfai1aw suwtndabt1:dul!scwhiià4ûe ortliØtö ., L-·äQýót'Íhö'~CQX)èútúmufotoóti~ ~cd~ II.Z\Y ~ ::~ðCIOD1eS tDsoIwnt, or if IIIU' .:o1u:ntæy or åivo1untaJ:y PfOccedUlp are m6titutdd by Ot' ftgain" CoatnaCtor' .In bankru.pu::y 01' lcllOll:vCAC;y:. or if" ~.~ ~1It4I: o~ ~.".~~~ m.., ~ r~(&:!{~dI1ol., ~~~,. l-;'~~.~lD«f'ault"). Co~mq, Jf1t·Coellt~..\¥riIrØ1IOIiêcià Chj¡;.~'·Ífí jhiii~''''i~'oiJþOriiInil)' 1D.~i" ~:f~ ~thout ~ to any otber ri¡b.U or rancdic8 it may hereunder: ' 1) a\J&pend. Contra.Çtor'lI auœori:liaúou to ~ with Work., 2) tU:IO'- Contnr,c~ from Company. Approved Con~ Uat,. 3) œrm1naœ tJri.. Contract or MY Aøreement, . 4) eullpCDd ~iD'\IIIhole orlo pan: under" ar¡¡y ^¡ceemmfuntiJ tIw J:vertt ofDsfau1t halJbee.t1 remedied'. ånd/ôc, S) take !be Work rcnlaicdqU) be com¡Hcted whGlJ:v orpardf outo£the ~ oCContnctM or anyotner petlOZI. ùt who" baøda at posseuio¡:¡ the War.k: or any part øfit ma,y be, in wbich fNent Com~ may award such Work to another contnctor. Contrac:tw in aueh IIV~t. in th~ ~er ADd III th~ œtcnl ãinc:œd by ComP*l1Y. and onI1 to web extent. &hall a8. tq Company a]l of the ~~o! Ç,QØ~ und.et ito WQrIc ~~...~~~.t. ~ subcontractS rei;stlns lO the Work. ~u"l bcpd6 Jbt WOt.' p~ prior 1I11A1~ tcnrIÚRItÏn _..., ~tòofIW.' , XJJ(. ¡;q;~MINATIOK EIt1WrJ!u\tm~ termfnatIC ttWs CoI1t%8Ct~ Ii~th.other ~'#iV(3òl~dAt.priar ~ Dóåœ. bat nci~ 'P~ shd, by the tcmImaUou at this Contract, be retilmXf of ita! Rspecdve obBsadona and 1!abUítìC$ arielils from t# jnd_taI tQ W01'.k: pl!lJiormcd prior to teanlnatJon. keþt u uprCllJl,y p¡:cwided In this ContrGCt. i~ma,y not be tl<n:o.1DGted during the patIormancc of this Conttaa. xx. FaRCB MAo1J;\JR! If dthe:r pan;yis tendert:è ~~ wboUt g('ÎI1 part, by fore. ml¡ wn!. ~o t:arr! out it. ðbHglUion. under tbJa Couttat%, then on such p8X1¡y iÞiDInotkc and fIlI1 particu1ara or llUoh force. ~c:\I.re in wridn, to the other pan}' as soen as ~bIe aAer tho oe~ of the cau," relied on, theJ:l the oblipti.ol:l of tU party gMn, suc:b nodee, fO &.r and on];y Înmlar as II11ieccad by web f~ ø8JeW'O, s1JaI1 b~ auapendeC1 during the continuance of IUSY ÚUlbiUt;y so cauøed. but for nD longer period. and sucb'cau...ba.IJ be reœediec1 with I\IJl T'l!8AOnable d1lpatc:h. "Fon:e mliÛcmc· mcØ*:õ\,CU otQod. strikes. lockouts In' labot d.isputt:& Ú1'1blvia& a ~ I1Oppa¡c 01 Work QJ1 the Job. d9fI ðfllWtbsnce, military action. rulas, ragulations. orders at acts or sovemmcnw wtbœi1¡y. ot otbU' sfDù1ar ~IeS ~ond the control or Company or ConlrBc:roc. The rCq1.\ÎZ'tmàtlt that events or {orca m~c:ute be Teœ.edJ£d. with aU feuonàhte dispatch ah...u not requJre the scttlement or labor m~ttet$ when au.ch (;Ol1:rs.!: is inadvisable in the Jnd.gment Qt the p8r1¡)' bø..vinC The cI1fticulty. . XXl. ENTmI!: A.GREEMENT 1'hJ." ~ and 8nywcrrk ord.err~ tbe emq,tï~~ 01 the ponJo.. 'No provision or ~ ~.ti¢kt;..,1ftVöIr:I!t \W ·ot1it:t·m.tN'Di\l:ltt·uarød'1tf·~ m-~I·C1TW',lß'k·sh.lh'l.tpers:ede"t!æ·Fó1listoDS'·'O'f·un~ contract. Th~ tenu at this Contr~ ah.n ømraB ~ conQicùng mms at U11 woœ ~ø· ' XXII. InœDtionaJ]y leA bbu1k.. 5 I ¡ ¡ : ì ' ¡( , ' JU..-1a-2005 æ:06 ENTERPR r SE PROIO:TS 2aJ¥4573 P.07/42 l:Uù565 ,) ! XXIII. NON-WAIVER No e1ect1on by C4n1pass.)' or Conttactorundl:r dú8 CoDtnu:t Iha11 c:xm.stitUtI: A '\W8Ì~oratl,YotW ris1"'. (8 râD~ avaJlablc to it ax taw or 1D equity. NeLther waiver by Ca=pø.ny or Contnàor DOl' IUJ1 ammdment of III\Y or d1e terma, ~ OJ' œmUtionlS ot tbts Co.nI:ract sbaIl be e1lecttve WlJess In .'wdtinf; Add ¥iurn:d by m autbò1'lzcd repraW1tati~ oh1'J.~ plUiy. xxrv. nO'nCES AU notices to be givçn with respect to this Contract and an)' worlc: ~ e.ø.u be ¡ivtm tea Cømpany aZI4 to ~, reapeetivd¡y, at ~ IIddrca fir~ abave wr{ttçn ød sba11 be.ln Wri'åÞ3, PC»tate 0It delivery c1uL1:p. ~ AU Mácea ~ be emsctilre u~ at:a¡A! recôpt Ot' "AlII$! 01 dc1M:ry by the party to whom ¡iven. AU &UmII d.ue to Contt'8CtOr under any work o:r:dØ" s.IuI11 be p"IYable At 2727 North ~ WeeIt, HO\UilOC, flarria Co~ty. TQM 17()O3. "ION. ASSIG~ME1'f't T:hJs Contract 8b.a.U .inure to the beDdt oCthe parties, thc:ir' 8Uc=Morund -1118. No a~dmen\ ar an,y pay=~t ac~ UDder it la ~....,....hIa by Comra.cr.or, nor fQ4Y it be pledged by Con\1'aotor at ~ty witho~t the prior wriuen c:OAtent of Compev. XXVI. QOVERN1NO [AW ThJ& Contract and all WQtk orders &r$ and s.baU be deem~ to ta. .. an4 deI1\rer.d in Hame CounQl, ~ and shlll1 be 8G9Cffied by and,çonW\.ic:d in ~ with the law o!tJ:¡¡: ~,gri'iì:ïis. Wbbout I"Dþ1d far i~,'~ ~. otœaøiera of JaM¡" Ñtf Jcsal~,,' ariein, uadltl' tJúiI Coa~ 8bjU b6- ~i\ tb¡~"tb4! S¢IIieëOlTiiíêí.Ö&'ôftlJit"oL}, U~ __ forfhe Southern Dimktat'Ir:ccaa.,HAusmaa ÞiWaiaD, cø wbich _ue 8J::d ~~ each JIoIItI¥ fX~ tt ~. tot tuelt aD4 m. røpect orb ~for.all þW'pOte'. XXVU. DISfUTES It Compao,y fUJt1 Con'tJw:tor have .. díapute un.def tbà Can11'aCft ~ bo~ 'u~dert:ake to cçJorc, in s904: ~,..,1\rt:IoQ of * d:Î8p\\1Þ tbrw¡b DCFtiatioø, Rar:ðíation or ~ a.1tcma1m: di.lpqte rcaoh.1doa t:ccbniqU.,. prier co mïnä t{dpdò» U IW)' lUipdou 01" other' .formal JX'ÐCI'JediAg must be 1D4d. by efUIer party to pt-=neits rights \UlClla'a stature ofl.llD.lWlona or otbet 1ep1 deadline cSutms thl ~~ OraDY al1ernati'ie d.lapute raoh1tbs œclmiquo!. thepatt;y wm¡ such accion1riJ1not I1:quåre the uthet partY 1O·aa.-r lit suc:h ~ w permitteeS by app.Ucab¡e""l an4 WiIlcSo all matm o~ PccatIIUY to $II&)' the acEioD until A1œmatm.re"~ tcI~ ¡.......... ~~J . . - __.- ..' '. 1=bJJj~~ft~~~do.aøt;~/_ ',. ' ,·=:·fP.',,· , , ~ IØ'C unabktø~ ea,ydi.pulo.e' by £be IIJr~.~t.~ ~~ ~...~ id1ow:a.ocl dtff : . . - w1th If1ip'i-. 'dIa IoI!DI' pø.I:IJ abaIl par' Q:iìI PCøaD1ilí' þitcyi ius~ ~ ~ 1:10* iøid n~ . ill addItiIm ta rIØ¥ 1WlI8I that iL cwn ~ p'U1t. ,,' XXVJU. AUTHOR~ RItPRESJENl'ATIVE On.wac:tðt' 1't1W8I!!I.t& tJ:tu tM ))trSM eacw:fngtIWI Contract IU1d any WMx order on bduùf of Contnu;:Wr ¡. a ctu1;y ~t.harized rep'esmtacive of Cow:racEOr and ill geSUld with In11 authadT;Y to binci Con\l'IIctót. ( . XXIX.. çglmPE~lAL INYClUCATlON A. A11mtonDadon cøaCltmingthe b1uínteAI, C\1$oaJtn. prodUd.&" processes !lAd uacIe ¡ Iectet iI1CotmÐ.don alCOØLJ: ~ rCoDfl.dential.1ntøn:na.1ÌoI)1 wbicà mq come mto the po~ oCCoÐtr'ac1»rdurln4i tb& CGUr'$C of the ne,pd.adoA or ~ 01. thb Contt1tCt or au,. work order r. <XIDåd_tial t.ó O:na.p-r. sbaIl be used by ec.nttw:torfOT tb~ IiOW purpoM af'P"O'ridJn¡ xnic:œ to Company uncler tbið ~t mad. 6haD ~ot be ~d by CotIotn1c::tœ'to 0tJY third party without tbe prior...mtcn conacnt 01 Company. All ~1ia1húormadon shaD becama iIiUlrema1n the :propm;yol Company and aha11 be delmcd to h.øo been cn1&'Uøted to ContraA:toron1y rœ 1he,límitðð. 'Øurpoees or ~ Conuact.1UUI Oo.ntracto.wiU lIot, wi!hOUt tb$ prior Ylrincn coaSCl1t of' CQmPMY UM. :cpJ'OdUQe Q " copy, or peml1t tho UN, repro4uctíon or c:opyiq 1)i'1JØ."f Coœldel1tie1 rnrot~on, ¡mMd<td, h~, Con.trac:tur mil)" make adequate tðpt0r1Uat1oA8 uut copic. fot the purpoøe of CWt)'in& òUt the Work. All CoDftd~âal lf1fcmaat1oa t'e~el.v04 or created Ø.Y Conùaœor and an;r repraGuc;.tio=. 01' r:opí~ the.-eol made ày Cœuractor ,MJ} be datívond. to Compa.nf at any tI.m.~ f.Uior to termlnsotl..... oltbls Contra~t at the I"Itqllulof CaJnpeny and. SIbaIl be dè1ìnrrJd to Company immedi4tet' UpoA t.nt'tnladon or tbiI Contraot.. NoW"; canUl.Íl1ed. in rha Conrract Dr In NI\Y d1sclosu1u maÂÐ by Co=pacy under it shall be ooDmued 1:0 ¡nu¡t to Coa.tradvr 8'Þ1 Hefll1Bl!l tW othu t.l¡hts otCr:lmpagy in or to ¢oDfideptia\ 11'IIotmatlðn or under any ~l O't patent wbJcJ1 n.. beea or mtq tø. cbe J\1ture be issued with respect to CoØidwa1:ÏaHnform.adcm. B, ContractorwiU DOt be:: buund by the prtwiSiana of tb1s Art1cle XXJX with rœpc:c:t to iDCormiWøn wb!l:b: (It wac available 1.0 the P\lhI1c prior to ~ or au.cb iøCormaúon by Contractor pur~anl to &1Y work order; or (21 bccomee ...a.b1è tþ t!Kt -public subsaqu,ent to reçaipt of au<:b Inlonøation þy Concractor pursall1\~ to MnY WQrk ørdt:r and. Ihronch no fault of CoÐ.t:ractor. or (3) was aJready in Contrat:tQ1"~ pO&IIeMoÏOn and not acqu!1'!!d, eUher dJrectJY or ind!rect]y, from COlDpany UI1Ù&" an obJl¡atlon or oonftdcn~ty. or (.oJ} 5u,b.sc:qucntly is abtaiDtd from a third. PBl1Y wbo is la.w!u.Uy in ~QØ oC aucl1 information IUId who is not 1U1der a çon~&1 or fiducWy obliga&n to Compa:qy or another peraan with rellpect to such informaDQn. xxx. TENSE. GENDER Am) lJTJMtI&:.R UNII55 ~e:s1l.11 proYide<! OÙl.vwise, the u.~ m this COtlttact ø! tho put, pnI8\I'D~ or 1I.tture tense &ball inç1b4e th¢ otbåra. the: ma.',·"Iit\"', ~e or I1sutcr gcndcr 8h1Ù13nc1ude the. others, and. Ú1e ~øg\llat or phrraI . "number tb.1J:'brr:bJœ:thIr··~..·.. ...".. ,....."''h',, "... ....',.,.. ..~.. ..,....~,... ..............' ...,....."........ ...... v,·..,··.,..,,·,.~-'.···.·.,w,·....·.'... '., , ¡ .. .i XXXI HEADINGS The titles to tM articles of tbi.a Contract SIre for the convenience of the parties, only; they are not a part of the Contract aDd shaJ1 have DO drçct in the: èC~tnll:tjgn or inu:rpreta:tlon of it. . >eorn T.JM1T,,"ON 01 UAAlLI1Y. iXCLUDING OOmRACIOR.'S OBLIGATIONS UND'Qk AAlICLB V .- .BMP:L.OYMENr CONTRmt1I'IONS ANI> B!N!.Frl"S AN[) MTJC~ VII -l.AOOllAND ðtA.TEJUA.L. CONT1I.AÇIOR'S TOT....I. UABIUTY ARISJNO ovr Of O. 6 JL i , ! ¡ } ¡ . ¡( , ! ¡ ¡ I I I I ! ( JlJ...-1S-2I2J05 139:06 ~lSE PRODUCTS PI 0 . Jl/ P.BEY42 /fI1f ,,".. "0 2813854S'?3 \ J é0053S ~, ~~AÎt~:4ó~=,' , ' , ~.'~. ',·,ß.^,·O, ~~~~=,...~C,1~T(" REaWLESiOfTHB·.aA!r$ OY~èLA(al~~Dt~:~ài~AítJ'rl!.:, ., Or-~'tHÈØ~ = (JNç¡.uDJ)\K3.1It1T NO'r 1.lldI'rEÞ TO, "Oil! .8Q..\CH 01 mt LSGAt.biïiY OR nil FAULT. NOGUGBN, O.RSTRJCr UABJLlTY OP 8ITHER. IAJtm ..' XXXIII In n~ GYeI1t, _haD. CoDtr~ or Cøøt~ be Hable: to the other [9" any 10.. or ~m. OJ" mtlcipaœd profits CU' lo..s ot 11~ or eq,UÌ¡Jmenl Ot'~, otfDdircct, ~ ooa",qD_~ ~çnw. =ce~pbq. at p¡m,jtIve cWauae" <:aUocd by~ a:riRDg fa:'nm Mia IDY'"IY Mated to t:bc ~~,o(Work~ thJs ~ HÖ'W2YJiRT$UAIl4It.MAYAArRWHS'J'HER IN CONTRAcr, TO*'1, S"l'A.'nm!:, EQurJY OR O1'HlSRTHEORY OFLA.W' ØNètOPtNO. ButNO'1' w.m'BDTO, THE BRtACH OF NN 1EG.AL DUTY OR TH8 FAtJL.T. NEGUG21'lCS OR S'I'Rrcr lJABt.U'rY OF El'l'HER PAmY. XXXII EXHIBlTS The: ~ checkçd below anda~ed to I:hJs Con'tJ'Kt ar. iccGrparatcd in and made a. part o.rit Cor aU pIIT'pOIMS: -X- Exlùbit I .JL Exhibit U _~ :!:dùbtt m ..:t.- &arib1t w .l!:xh1"bit V E:d1fbit vt .JC.. ExhJbìl vn J:- E:dU'bft WI EJthibit IX Sco~ otWCI"k Pnœ&~ ' Drug, Alcob4l 8& Wepllteas PoLic,y ~ ~ Dratlriap & Attachments Gcmm.) Requireme.nra OOJ1llU1C1u1t T8m1& & CondtUou III the evon~ o~ ..my co~llQ't blil~W8en t.he ~Or8goiD.9 I:.~rms ot· tbb ConuAt:t: and the 1!: cbibiu, I:b. £orogoinc¡ t:Qrm& sl:lall pr..vd,l. ZNTBRI'IUSa PJtODt1CT8 Ol"nA.1'mG 1..2". By El1fCrprise Producu OLPQp. Inc., ita JþJW'al Partnw ~QWB-JS.IUŒK DODDiZl'fS, Lm.. By Howo-a.rMaDqesncnt LLC., its geamù partner COIn'JUC'J'OR ~ ~~.~ ? Luke SCQ~aone By: ~~. '-1 \ L.e. p~~~ ~ ntle; ~flIsid.m, TltJe: $mtVICIi1 ~.ØCIC . I ' . .. . ~ . - . ., 7 i :( ( JlL-1g...200S øs: 06 ENTERPRISE PRODUCTS 28138S4S?3 P.B9/42 ~) ./ EXm8.IT J $COa OF 'WORK CoD1ZlmDr". Wotk wül b$! éOv5S7 ÞrrMde engineering dMlgn. ptOCIU'emðnt, c:ons1n.JcÜOn tna .' lI Jøment aCId c:oneInJdI'an se/Vlces fer thelnslallBtion of gas ptoce$Iing 1açjlitIN ...... ........ ............. r I ( { ", " " / --- JUL-la-æøs 09= ~ ENTERPRI SE PROIX.CTS 2813854S73 P. lliV42 ~. f!rice & Invob éOûsse The rates contained in the attached Schedule A 'Contractor Proposal are provided for Work in the United States and subject to revìew, adjustment and approvaJ annually. A formal request is required of the Contractor for adjustment . . " ..r".... .~. ~.f . . . - Promptfy on FiJlc!J Completion of Work, Contractor will pre.~en.t çompany with an Invck:e mal1<ecI. MF"mai Invoice" along with a waiver of Den (when Qþpllcable) in a foan a<:œptabl. to Company from each sub~Contractor and supplier associated wJth the Work"" ,In thIr1Y d~Y$.~'r~(~~lpt.. CQ1T1D\ : Ç9p.~açtp,(~,. ' ~ J I .' '.. "~"M"'·'·"~J;r'·"""C·14f·"'Á";··' ..'...'.,..'~¡,..'.. .,,,,1(::, ,·":·';;,.·.:"'à".;l:~~' rlna nVQIÇ$,Q" ;',..,: )'L,".~,,, ", ,."I~.., .' ,"," ~I".: r.JŒ'" "tðf~" <-;:ø~f·~Þ C."..·:FJd·'1..·" '" .;,'.. ""1I$tlif" ~\.,:,,,,....,~::,;,, ,$u.-þ" ...'...a" ØlJþ,..· ,~'...". ,,', ...,'.~.~. Contractor waives all claims for payment upon Company's payment of final Payment. except those Items identlfled in writing and submitted with the Final InVOice. Company's payment of Ffnal 'InvOice shall not release Contractor from any unperformed obligations under this COf1tract InvoIces are to be sent 10: . EnterpriSe' Products Operating LP. c/o Invoice Processing i ¡ I Invoice Documentation Requirements P~o) of4 06130105 I i I J , I i ' ~( . , ) .-..." J t JUL-18-2œ5 09=Ø? 281:3854573 ? .11/42 ENTERPRISE Pf\DDOCTS · Payroll charges are to be suPported by a "Labor ~2~~§n~eport" which identiffes each employee, job classitlcation. actual salary rate, hours charged and extension. ' · Third party expenditure supported by third party invoice. The third party Invoice should include material receipt, prfce, quantity, payment terms, freight. fa)(es. time and material retention. · Telephone charges supported by copy of expense statement. · MfsceUaneous' charges SUpported by third party Invoice. · Overtay oharges require no ¡¡additional supporting documentatJon. · Overtime supported by Company approved time sheets if greater than B hours per week per person or a Company approved overtime authorization request. · COl71puterJreproduction charges wilJ be bUled lump sum basis expended hours. A_ìtì.i:n.. to ~~~~.Ød by Çontra~,,' ';;' .- ... \..... . '. . '. ..¡ The Contractor is to maintain a complete Payable file containing: · ThIrd party invoices. · Receiving reports. · Bills of Lading. .. . Copies of checks. · "Pay CopY' of Purchase Order. The Contractor is to malntëilin a complete PrOCllrement tile containing: · Company approved SUpplier's list. · rnquiry. · Proposals. . aid Tab$. II Purchase Order/Alterations. · Vendor Correspondence. The Contractor Is to maintain complete records on Home Office. salaries containing: . j .I I · Chacko regis.ter.s identifying emproyees paid. , .....-HÐf.1II$. .'.. ..... .... . ., ...... ..... -.. · Rates. · CopIes of paychecks or direct deposit advìœ. · Approved time sheets. . . . , -' "..... -. ~ . -.. ".'. " . ."." .... . Pase20'4 I I OðIJOIOj , { '( r "../ ( JUl.-19-2æS æ:W7 ENTERPRJ SE PmDUCTS 28138545'73 P.l2/42 Contractor Travel Policy ('O~570 Company expects the following to accompany travel Invoices: · Air travel should be economy class. · Car rentals should be shared and refueled prior to return to the rental Company whenev.er practioal. · Entertainment is not reimbursable unless specIfIcally authorized by Company. . Hotel receIpts. · Méals receipts. Project Commitment Guidelines · Firm price purchase orders I subcontracts are to be committed when issued. · Blanket purçhase orders I subcontracts are to be committed when releases are Issued. · Co$t plus purohase orders are to be committed as Wor~ is performed. · Comml1ments for long lead equipment should reflect the total purchase order amount. Budget Adjustments · A "Project Variance Farm" will be used to reflect ohanges in the budget. · The Contractor will originate each variance and dlstrlbuta to Company for approval. · The Contractor is to assign sequential numbers to each varian~e form transmitted. · The Contractor is to maIntain a variance log for aU approved and pending variances. ... ... ..... ..... Pago 30(4 06ßOIO,S I I ¡ i I I ' 1../ ¡~ I I I I I \ i / \ J\.L-18-:æø5 æ:ø? ENTERPR [SE PRODUCTS 2813SS45'?3 P.13/42 TAXES . é00571 The consideration paid in the CorTb1tct ;nofudee reImbursement for aJl costs of such labor, materia/.s, suppJies. and equipment (including rentals), but excludes all apprtcable sales or use tax thereon. However, Contractor shall be fully responsible for and pay all applIcable sales or use tax and malntafn a separate renort (described below' of such taxes. UPfjL.~~OfšÙdì~Æ.rid ,.J':-;"" :-. detå'f COnï In', wiD rebnbume ~'kír' ·áCtüaf.~·· taX ~m.~· ~ ID the WOFUC-íl!t~1iërií/íìY··_ report. supporting detail and associated invoice shall be submitted each month along with the progress paym ent ,"voices. Company may apply for Enterprise Zone and rndustriaJ Property Tax Exemption programs for Work on indIvidual projects executed under this Contract. To enable Company to comply with state and local requirements to obtain these exemptions, Conttador agrees to provide Company with a quarterly report (computer spreadsheet) of purchases. This report shalf incJude separate schedules for Louisiana and non-Loulsfana labor/purchases with the vendor name. address, date of purchase, description of aD labor, permanent material or aqulpment Item, cost of item (excluding taxes), and state and parish sales or USe taxes paid. A priced copy of aJl invoices for labor, equipment and material items purchased ($15,000 and greater) by Contractor that are associated with the WORK must be Included as supportIng detail for each report. Contractor shaD attend a tax coordination meeting after award of Contract. Company's receipt of the above described reports and supporting detalf Is a precondltfon to payment of retention to Contractor. Contractor shall pay all sales. use. excise. and other taxe$ and related govemmental charges Imposed on. or with respect to, or measured by the good(s) êU1d/or servfœ(a} soJd hereunder or the compensation paid to persons emploYed in connection with performance hereunder. and Contractor shaD Indemnify Company against any liabIlity and expense by reason of Conlracto(s faUure to pay sam$. . .. ........... , .. -.' .' ~. . . .......... .... . PI1&C4 Qf4 06130105 ¡ I I t I . I( ( \, JLL-1a-2005 09:07 ENTERPRISE PROru:TS 2813854573 000572 1 ) ;' Exhibit .II - Schedule A to Service Agreement Dated By and Between Enterprise Products Operating LP. and Howe-Baker Engineers, Ltd. EJlÛU'Dris. Gas :rroi~ COSTRElMBURSA"8LE BASIS FOR CONTRACI': P,14/42 Date': Juø, Is.. 200S Rtlv:' :l The roUowina describes the basis for the cost reimbursable services to be supplied by Contractor (CBl Howe-Saker) in COIÚ- - .... proj.... ...1_, time wh", dIodofini!ivo _1I1d _ of tile prp¡oo;t~, ~ nlW1 ' .mfffr~~d Sn1crprisc aJ1"t~~nll.tttl~t~~~!~!?~:~ ~çO~~~~~r~,i~irf , í~, / Panlmetu' t\~"l!ItJD.ßt Valne Enm~ Bn¡incerin¡ Man-hour Rate, $ Desl¡u Maø-Ho'lr Rate, $ SectewiaJ Man·hour Rate, $ BfecttoQfc D.Qa Pr~s¡jn¡ & CAD Chm¡e. $ EDgineerin. Subcol'rtl'8Cts Mark-up % , bocuremcmt ~tMan-hour Rate, $ SeçretariaJ Man-hour Ra~ $ Equipment Mark-up, % Mar.eriars Mark·up, % . F.pricatfðn &. Assemblx Shop Man-hour Rate, S S\lbeo,nracu Mark-up, % $ Per Attached List 2, 3 $ POI' Ana.çhed List 2. J $ Per Attached List :2 $ 6.65 per biJIable hOllr Included Ù'I Overhead Cœt &. Pee $ Per Attached .List 2, 3 $ Per Anached List 2 IncJoded in Ovorhead Cost & F.9 JnçJuded in Overhead COIIt' & p~ $37.00 1,2tJ lncl1.ldod fn Overhead Cost & Foe Construct.iQO CODSQ'uction MaC1Kgement Man·hour Rate., S l"Jold Subcontracts Mark-up, % $ Cost + Statutory 2.3.4 Included in O\tchead Cost &. Fcc Contract Tòta! ,Contractor Overltead Cost, % Contractor Foe, % 7.00% 7.00% 6, 1 8 AODJfeable Notes: tlor. N'ó'tø T: Shop man-bour rates arC! 8J; If ¡ ¡'m:lu:¡ive liUe including welding/gas col1$umables. small wOls, utilities, power equipment, shop f~lgl1t equipment cost.~ and shop craDl:age. , ., .. ., ~ . . . . ." . ",.......... , .,. '.'.' .................,........ .... Note 2; Oywtime (hollrs in exce$S uf 40 per week) w;U be reimbursed at J .2$ times th~ listed rate for t\on.ex.empt personnel, as listed on the nr:rached matrl~ for engineering, procuremen~ fabrication, and field personnel. ~pr ,¡)$rsol1nel w/JI be charged al the standard rate for any overtimo work in excess of 40 bours per week, Noto 3; All trovel 'Ind living CO¡¡t$ \\ ill be billed illto tilC project at a¢tual cost_ ¡ ( . \ I , . ../' (, JLL-1S-2æS 09:œ ENTERPRISE PRIJDl..CTS 2B13854573 P.1S/42 00&573 Exhibit U - ScheduJe A to Service Agreement Dated By and Between Enterprise Products Operating L.P. aud Howe~Baker Engineers, Ltd. Noto 4: Living and subsistence costs ft)r pernonnc I assigned to tho field jobsite for ex1elIded periods of time wit I be handled on a per..cJiem basis. PCJ'-úíem will bo mutual I)' estabJi&hed during the field ex~ution phase of the project. ThC$CJ pc:r..dietn ratC$ will be biU-ed to the projcçt atfhc tlûe agreed. Ncte 5: Saht)' equipment for all home office and shop Contractor personnol hIS been included in the above raCIl$. Nota 6; COatractor Overhead Cost ¡ne lud~ all ca$U associated witb Contractur telephone, maillna. reproduction equip¡nent supplits, utilities i.:xoçutivo. legAl. administrative and accounting serviçes, etc. In the event courier SQl'Vi~. 8t8 u£ed they "hall bo handled as a line itt:mjob ~ Note 1: Tho Contractor Overhead COSt is calculated as a petceutago of total cost per the above agreement val lie for the .followins hems: - All engineering. design. s~taria~ procuretnent., shop, as.nd construction costs - Any equipment and malel-iaJ, purcha!;ed and paid for by Contractor - AU sbop subc:ontntots - Any fj¡::ld subcontract pllrcJ1ased an<f paid for by the Contractor Note 8: The Contractor fee is calctJ laœd lIS a percent<'ge 011 th~ total cost per the above agreement valu~ for the foHewing ¡~Im1.s: A.U cn,gincering. dc.c¡i~rn. ~l:cretari..J, pJ'ocurement. slIop. and (:QnsCtuction cons - An)' equipmen¡ IU1d mt1\t:riøls purçhlued and ptsid·for by Contraotor ' - Any equipment and matl:rÏ;tls purchued by Contrac:lor 8$ aFnc for Company but paid for by Cumpany - All shop contract$ - Any fiold subcontrac ,:¡ purchased and paid for by the Contractor - Contractor Ove.rbead c..:o:tt Note 9; AU treigbt c:ost5. not included as part ortf1c vendor supplied equiprnent and materials, lI$SOCiated with the work wiU be billed to the: rruject as a line item job cost. The-only associated costs wiU be Contractor Qverbead Cost and ree. . ........,.. . i i , ( ,.' ( JUL-18-20Ø$ 89:08 \ , ) , _tapr1se ~tu ..1'\1Q*. 1'. ~Ii :RaY. I ENTERPRISE PRCIDI.X:TS 28138S45?3 P.16/42 Exbibitn-Schedn1eB ÚO&574 to . Service Agreement Dated By and Betwcen Enterprise Produets Operating L.P. and Howe-Baker Enginetrs, Ltd. ENTERPRISE REIMBURSABLE RAT§ FOR ENGI!ŒERING SERVICES .. ...... .. ..,. .,. ......................... .-....-...... ................. 1 :/ (' :; ,- ( .TLIL. -lS-æøs Ø9: 08 PosItion EN'fERPRlSE PROIU:TS 2813BS4S73 P.17/42 Exhibit II - Schedule B COG57S to Service Agreement Dated By and Between Enterprise Products Operating L.1'. and Howe-.Baker Engineers, Ltd. 1.0 Projeot ~gemeDt 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Senior Proj.ct. Dirq:c:tor Project Dir~Þ:lr Senior Projltc:t Manager Projeçt Manager Project Ma.nagcment Cl~rlcaI ~.o hojeot ÞaiBCImna 2.1 2,2 2.3 2.4 Principal Projeçt Engineer ~or Prqjecl Englnl.'t!I' Prqfect Engioéer Projt;c:t E:ngin~ng Clerlœl 3.0 Proceas EDøiu8edng 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.S 3.6 3.7 Senior PfOce~ Director Prú:1çipaJ Procesa ETJginecr Senior Process En~ne¢J' Pro ceS.!l ~ t1(Øncc:r SenJor Tcchnical S¢TVjçe Representative Tec1uúcAl Service Repr".entative ProC".ees Cltmcal 4.0 1'henoaJ ~Werln, 4.1 4.2 4,3 4.4 4.5 . 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12 .terrprl.a~ ~q. JIm. IS. 200fiI Ray.} Thermal Engineerlns Manager Principal 'rhl!rm~ PrI>CeS8 Engineer Senior Them14J Process Ensineer Prindpal Th.arma1 MçchaIùca1 Engineer Senior Thrnnal Mcchani~ Engineer Principal Thermal Structural Engineer Se-nior Thermal Structural Ensineer Thermal Design SupertisÐr Senior TbC!n1'lal Deégncr 'T'hennaJ Designer SC1'.ÚOT T11(1rma! Shop/Field Service Representative ThermaJ Group CJcri~~ '0' 0" ..._. ....... ... ....... ..a .....,.... 2 KomI,. Bi11hag Rate $ nI_ nJa 90.00 85.00 ... 25.00 $ 87.00 85.00 80.00 · 25.00 $ 95.oq. . 87.00 85.00 83.00 80.00 is. 00 .. 25.00 . $ 95.00 85.00 80.00 70.00 65.00 75.00 70.00 75.00 70.00 65.00 70.00 25.00 . . .' w, ......... .... ._.,. ....... .........,.... Jl1..-1B-;zæs 139:00 ENTERPRISE PRDIO:TS 2813S54573 P.18/42 ( '¡ , , Exhibit n - Schedule B to Service Agreement Dated , . By and Rðtween Enterprise Products Operating L.P. and Howe-Baker Engineerst Ltd. COûS?6 Positloa :Rate Houz1y B~ 5.0 CiYi1lMocharùca1 Eagmco%iDC 5.1 Civil Engineering Projeçt Lead $ 85.00 5.2 Mechanical Engineering Project Lead 85.00 . 5.3 PrintipaJ Civ:11 Engineer 75.00 , 5.4 Senior Civil Engineer 75.00 S.S Civil En~ 70.00 5.6' . Principal Mechanical Engineer 80.00 5,7 Senior Mechanicø.1 Engineer 75.00 5.8 Mechanic4Ù Engineer 70.00 5.9 Vessel Engineer 70.00 5.10 Reform~ Engi:nðCI' n/a 5.11 Pip~g '€ngiOf'.er 80.00 5.12 Civj)/Mechanjeal Clerica . 25.00 6.0 Ù15t1'UmentjE1ea'trlca1 EøgineetÍDg t 6.1 lnstrument 1:;!1y.lneerin¡ Proja:ct Lead $ 85.00 6.2 Eleotrical Engineering Projéc:t Lead 85.00 6,3 Princi-pal.E1cçtrlca1 B:ng1Dcer 85.00 6.4 SenIor Electrical Engineer 83.00 6.5 E1cc:trical EngineèT 80.00 6.6 Senior 1natn.uncnt ~pgin~ 80.00 6.7 In.strummt E.ngineer 70.00 6.8 PSC Engineer 70.00 6.8 Inetrument Engineering Technician 05.00 6..9 Instrumentl Elcçtrlcal Cl~ . 25.00 7.0 Purchaatø.g ~rvlc.s 7.1 P~rçhuing Serviccs Project Bu;y«r $ 85.00 7.2 Senior B ~cr 55.00 1.3 BU;9 er 55,00 7.4 Traffic &. FT~ight Coordinator 55.00 7.5 Senior Expeditor 47.00 7.6 Expeditor 4'1.00 7.'1 Senior ]n8pcct¡~;· 65.00 7.8 Inspectot" 65.00 7.9 DocUment Control Courdinator . 40.00 7.10 Documcnt Control C}~rk II 3.0..00 . .............. '.'~' ~ 7.ll Pürcliä.sing Clé'riêär' . It 25.00 , ¡ , . imtetprJde :Rates 3 i f ,)-. 15, 200S I ~.1 JI.L -18-20Ø5 09: 09 ( ) PoldtiOD RIde ENTERPRISE PROtlJCTS 2813854573 P.1S/42 Exhibit II - Schedule B œ 00&577 Service Ag)"eement Da ttd By and Between Enterprise Products Operating L.P. and Howe-Baker Engbleel"$~. Ltd. Baudy .8tt1hsg 8.0 CoAstructtcm and PJ-oject D.veJopment Suvices 8.1 $.2 8.3 8." 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 8.10 8.11 8.12 8.13 8.14 8.15 . Senior Ccm3truction MMager Project Development Manager Senior Cc>n.stntction Coordinator Construction CoordinatOr Senior. Cost £:øgineer Coat Engineer Senior Estimator Estimator Sanior PJanner / Scheduler P1..nner / ,5çhedu1cr Site Managet Senior Field En&in~ Field Entcïneer QJtI QC &ngineer Clerical $ 95.00 $ 90.00 80.00 70.00 78.00 76.00 78.00 70.00 78.00 75.00 &tOO 78.00 73.00 82.00 · 28.00 \, 9.0 Dos. Diaft:lng ( 9.] 9.2 9,3 9.4- 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 9.10 9.]1 9.~ 9.13 9.14 9.15 Drafting SUp£:rví8or Project Drafting LeacJer Senior Piping Designer Piping Designet Senior Mec:hani.::¡! 'De1rigntT R.eIormer D$si8ner V~$"l Design ør Senior Ci\ril/Struc:tural Designer Civil! Stnu:tu rat Designer Senior ElccLrÏ<:a.1 Designer Electrical DC5igl1cr Senior Instr\lme.nt Designer Instrument Oe$lgm."T General CAD Draftaman Cleric a) · $ 18.00 ... 77.00 · 67.00 · 65.00 It 65.00 · 67.00 67.00 " 61.00 65.00 · 65.00 " 63.00 " 65.00 · 65.00 · 60.00 It 28.00 · These positions ,ue not.H:xc=mpt. O....rtime (bOUR in execp of 40 ~ week) will be reimbW"tled at 1.25 'Ù.!'QU8 the listed rute. .te;pri&c Bat., .Jae lSf 200S ~". 1 .. . . ~, .. . ., ......... .... ...... ........ .... ... ...... 4 i ! I· "\ r ) i L ! i I ! JUL.-1S-2ØØ$ a9H~9 II!! i JJ () il ! 1 .a; 1:: ~ i ¡ , u c§. : I ¡ t J! ð. I: . 8 i 2 ¡:r;i f'~ o w:J Co) . =i '1: "$ :. p-t!! ~ æ ( .,.:. ;1. 'Og j ~t f ..J tf 2 ~ ¡·SIi!.=I !,,! :; o....ca J! .fa) .!Ie CI'- jl! .11 i (J ~ m z W d 0.. <Z: 0...... ......'. :: ... Õ if! 4IjJ I Q i :I Ihr a < GI U ~ III CI:I II! ~ISE PROW:TS ! I ; i I I I I I · ~ !2:R' ~, f ~ :! ~ ~ g'~' .. á ~ ~ .,; ... ! ~ ! ~ .8 ~ ! ! ~ § 8 ß ~ ! ! J J J j J ï J ~C5 5(5ð~~õõð ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ ~ # J 8 ~ ~ ~ ! j .£.,..... .. 'if § i ! 1 î J .. ! i j ~ ."... .!, î ! i ti u 0 .! i u :¡ I ~ ~ ð : ~ ~ ~ ~ = : ~ ã I § ~- . ( í ~Î It CIJ šl 10. , ...: 'II 8 liI l ~ å 'õ # I § ~ i J ~ U IE ] : J 0 J Ik ¡ j à jJ i J I sl ...... - 2S136S4S'73 P.20/42 OOÔS?B ~ .... ; o f '~ i .. . ¡ } Ii i c: j .! J § ~ ,- ! i I J ! i' I j I J Q 'I s;:.! J gi J i I ! i: B ii J ,: .....!..,ll........,. II - '1:1 I ~I : ) i I ;I J! E .." I ,¡: ~ o ""... .,.: ,.¡... ð I 'Ø it- ~ z Ii';; li- !&' :ë .j .s:Q. :l.. ò;æ ·11 ~i· 30· 8ul g5f ~) 005 (,J o J . I . i ii LII ( ( í \ JU.-18-2a05 09:09 ENTERPRISE PRlJIX.ICTS 2813854573 P.21/42 ) ÜOûS79 ~·.rm ~ l'RD:DvctS OJrUATŒ'O I._P. POLICY ILJ..ECW. AND UNAUTHORJZBt) ITEMS AT OPERA'rl0NAL FACtLlJ'Œ$ AND IN OPERATIONAL VEHICLES Entc::r:prjø is cosmnit,cd to pltn/Ìl:lÜ:1& a 114f.;: worJcing 4I1VÚ"OGmcn; for it$ employeea, vtGitor't and wntr&:t perscmzLOl. TØB POS8B8SION. VSB, s.u.z, 'J:'RAXSI"D., JtECBDT' OR.PJœSEZICB.AIm BDG 'œO)D 'I'D I.Ii1'J'UŒN(!J: OF tWrG£ROU8 DRUGS ORCOlrrJtOtoLJim StDSTAlfC1:8 tp.:I.'CZM' ASLA,:wrUu"y1'RBSCRØiP lOR 1111rpDSOlf J1I' J'~,s:rO!r dD :D.fSCLOØD .B1" A J'B'ISJCIAR'S ADV1S01U' J'OU). .DRUG p~ OR. ALCOBOUC ~ ARB J'ORSDJD1Dt "''1'. mo. OR. \1lTBDI' ~OJ"DA.TIOJIL\LJ'ACILl1'1'B8 A1W 0PSJt.Ut0JrAl. VBJDc¡ø. o~ 'edJbi... inçl~ç the Ul.tite pn:=íae. ot all' tenWMJa, 1'........B8ÎnI p1anœ, loadin¡ radcs. pipdiac:s. stotap, warehoQM, prqea. shopi', çdnstructJo».. kIcatiorIa aod ftek1 W01'~ OpentiolDal VåIJC:1es úsdUdc: aD YdUclc. (tr¥tor&, traUor&. tl'lU1Spo'tt$ IIUId pfckttp'¡ ~ aD atcma1 ~ øame. lo¡o. U'ade DaIII." ttadamatk or p1aœnL D&qef'OU8 drup fn~ .n dru.p md c:!.aviø!a¥ which arc prohibUec1 by FeckraJ or Stare 1a.. from being dRapcMeC1 ~\n. ~ptiOÐ. CODtroUoð IN~ include: coc::a1nc, marIi~ tl8«atiC6 mid aU other drup Qþd~9Ib1ch an: cCllauolle4 uncIetP'ed.e:a1 or State laW. DrngpamphcrDa1ia 1rI.ctw:1esroacÄclip.. FIIØI cù:. and aø.:Y øthcrpropen,y or ~tcri.l 'lWhk:.b..E.Ju:arpri1O deem. fa Intended tw 11.. 'bcc¡¡ I!da,ptøi or rwxWIe4 fÞI" ch1I& 1.1._ A1cOhGUcbevenap&iDc1u4e1fqUør, bnraA4wi1Je, ø:xcoptliqltw. bcermd wiDe atonð.b1 pa"'e'D¡er~"UDder the inf1ucuct- meanl having tktectable Iew:1$ ól d4DprouI drvp, Ç( ntroUed su'osr.øncea at aJeobol'ÌD the b100d or udne. :&:mp1oyees \\IÐ1:nDt be pmninac1 tø wœk whiJl; unðer the inßUCDI:C of cIr\lg't or alcobcl. lxulividua1s wbD aw-r tQ be unfit for c1u\'Y. œ I1:lcascd from c1af¥ a:ød may be subject to "pbylllcal t:XBIJWIatioD at. de5ign.œ medical1ad1ir;y, ~_ to compJ,y with . fitnt;....ror.dut,y c:; f.....,..,:II~"n ma,. ref\llt In disciplinary ac:tioI1 up to md indudin¡¡ DISCRAROa. AnyempJoyu who UNS or Ja found 10 be In POl!,,""'~ 01:' undor1he iWlUenœ orthCSl: Wøgø1 or unauthOttœd itl!Clè at. upon or wltb:b1 these Esuerprlae t'ac1.UtI.. OS' VfIhidq win be .r:ellDVad !n=. du~ immediateJy Mil tubj¢Ct to d311dp11aa1:y acåDn up to and tncludinr CI'SOHARO!i. Ot!\CfS who uee OC' :Ire føuacl to be in po..eaiCID or ønder Ù1e i:nflwrocc ot web itl#lU 4t. upqn or witbirr the.. Ente:ptl.ae /'s,ciJiùc. or 'fthlc1ea wül bel' tcønoved from Kntarpñ.se'Sõ velUole. m4 Au:Ditle. aPd d.enie<1 CUuue ~Nkm to Itnwpise pl'Øpc:rV. Zaurpt.iea n:ø:rves the righL to ecarçb" inspecl aDd ..."bcùt to z.boraQ; Q'~1Stin& persons ;wd ~ round No upon or 'Within JE;oIl:l'priec f.lcWtú:SOI'vWc:Jc:... BnU'Y oa.to øpcr1Itima1~ or~ con..ro.œa C04SeOt to ~ or inepc:r::tioDa. Any employee who ftfuM$ tq ~bmU: hila ~ orproplltty to ae~ inllpClctibn or tl!lSt1nJ or wbo reft1... to coøønt to the rck:a# or medicø1 informat1oø. in eonnccdoo with a <:om.~ pby~ aaM~..ri..... or reùrlAISI. La 81U' accIdeøt, ill.j~ry' or inci4em: bWDMnc tha ~ JU1d T~ladnl; to me a:aEety, bClllth or we.Ifan: ole. employee, othç employees ~ the pubUcwID. be ~ from dUtY iœmt&tcJy and subject tø diaciptinaryac:t:iOD'uP to Mc1 mc1\tdiDs DISCKAROJ:¡ ~ at. "pm. or within Enterprl.u W::iHtiø or vdJidaa wbo re.tuar 1:0 mbøaiT thcfr pet'8on1 or propan;v to ~rcb, inspac:tiøø or ~ÛDKwJIl be removed .ð'om an4 denied CutQTC Mlz¡iasklt¡ to E.I1œtpria;e propert;y. Olf-thal-job U1.~. ~ fC which cou1d advcrec~ af1'8c:t all. emp!~'IIJob perfotm8.n"orwåSchcouk1Jeopat'CIiœ Ule 1il&teE;V of Qther cmployM8, the pQbI1c. 0: comp8I\Y fac:Wtlea, otwbotrc web uap adverseb' aft'ccbl1he publk: uusrJø. tho am11ty of 1be çørn1*\Y UI can')' out its rupoaslbi1ltiea. i. æso CQ.1:Ise tor d*=tplf:muy BCtÌ0n. up to and tndudfnr; DISCHAROE. Em.P1D;}"cc:e who IU'1t aaeated b off-th6-Job ctn1g e.cttri17 IDa,)' be c:onsldc:n:d In v1ohWon or this poHc;y. 'ø deddù1a wb4t ad:i.on to take, thAI ~ W1"U taJœ into ccmlidm&âon tbA Mtute of the: chvps, the an~I:·. presrmt U$i;mnent ADe! record with the COD1p8Dy, and. the =paet øl the cmpløyee's ArR.t upon the çøodUct ot the CQD\pan,y'a 'buaí.a.q.. I!:mp1O)'e:e~ who wish UI report drul 01' aJooboJ UIIe in 'Vio1ation of this PODc.1 should contact the appropriate Ví(~ Prea1deøt in charp ofthcir .IJ"I\1p or the VJo!¡ Prøident .. Humù. Ruo\lc·cu. d1recr.l,y. Thr: r:ampuly win make 8VU1 efl'Qrt to pnn:1tIX aøouymtty. and mch infOJ"llUWoD wiD ~ Ú'cated .in C'OCJid~çc. _ _.. , .. , , . .'. .,. '.~ ...". .' ." . .... ," .. .. ...... '.,. ." ................,., . .... . En~1C require. that an ~pùo" aDd ovc:r-the-COU1UI#I' ~cdidnr:a at E.I1Ut'prisc øperaUonalfadlUi.. aød iø ~tarpris4 ~ vehidc. be: in ori¡tDa1 COJItaIDera. w.lch prc.criptiona shQ~ the name md doctor of tba pU$OD IJ1 1'0"-00. Any emp1~ ot aD. ope:nationaJ facWq 01:' dri¥\tr or In opuaUonal ve:hkk who ie ~g a prc«:rlptWn dNl muot furn!SÀ his StlpcnilOt, before rcportlDc I:Þ d:uIiY, with _ Pbyoiclan's Adv1aoly fora idc:aâfyiq the d~and ~tth.t. bIkeD. as diteetcd. itwil1 DOt impair the œmployee't ph,ysieal qwaW1cationa tð pertGtm bi. dutio. and m~ cury with bJm whBe 0S1 dUty a copy of ~ Physician's .Advisary '!Qtm actDow1edpd by 11.ls .U~lGr. . JLl.-1B-2ØØ5 09: 10 ENTERPRISE PRODU:TS 2813854573 P.22/42 j ;' ( '¡Ø\llO_\N;II\IIC8\a_ Ok. I'I'GI l. ~ca.t~ Holder .QeRntdott -Ce:rtifiœu ¡iolder" sba11 MQq1 Enu:.rpri8c: Product$. Partnets r.p., &uez¡nise Produec. Opn-arinS L.P.. J;;nwp:i$c: 'Product ; GP. .LLC,. Bntotpri.:se ProduCtS OtX)l", Inc.. KPCO, Ine., BeMw Emito.tUDe12ta1 Fuels', Sabine Propylenc PJpcIIne. l-P.. .8It.tOn Rouge PipeI.ú1e, u..c" BeIJ. RolIC }O OL Pípe jnc. .IJ.C.. ChunMnla Pipe.line Co.1npao;:r, LLC. Propylene P.ipcllnc Parto~tp. LoP., CaJun Plpe1ù:1t CozI'\pany. u.c, fiSC .Pípe1inc PutD.erthip, !..P., SOl'f\:D.W Pl,pe.1luCl Company, u.c, !:n1erpri3c: Proliuc:t$ Tc;øs Op8l'UiaS LoP., EPUC au UCJ1.Iicls 'LLC, EP1K: TmninaJin¡ L.P., Sat;ol1 Rouge FractiDnaton LLC. Sa~on Ro"gç Propylene Cozu:curatot', LLC. Eatœ'prise Gaa Proœssfq LLC. Enteqlrlse NGL Pipelines u.c. ItntcrpÑf: NO!' }>rtvatl!l LiDca & StoraF u..c. Entel"pl'jlrc ~donatfQl1lLC, Ente¡priM NOt'co l.LC;, ~tClpli_ LOt1-1EX Propy1cnc Pipeline r...p.. Enterpria¢ LOtFrEX NGL PlpeJiae L..P.; Orand.J:slc pjpeHne LtC., Mld-Amerlca Pipetine Compltny LLC, s.mh\ole: ~e Company, WIlprùIc: PipeJiQe CompaDT LLC, CIIdI. oI'th.rir pumt. aLlbefdúuy ~ aftWaœd companies, plilTtQeø aøc1joint vcnturtn. end each owner or joint ownc:r of any eqWpmOQ" or fa.ciltq OPe1'lImi by Z:ateIpriM Ptod'ut:ta Operating L.P. 1i:X8IB1't .rv Df81JR.4Jf<:B ()OOSSO 2. Fønu at. Additiana11mu1'l!d EDdorsem«¡ú It is a¡reccl tbat IUch in$urinu 1\$ ï. dbtded o.r t1us póIfq .ball apply to Ente1'pliac:: frgdacra Pwtnt:J'ð L.P.. E21terprise Producu OpcraqL.P., Rntørp11ae'Prod\C.Cbl OPt u.C, Enl:elpriec .Prod.uCQI OLPOP.1nc.. BPCO, Jnc., Bel1lÌlnl Sn\lÙ'cmmOQ~ .F\\oJ.8t, S~ Propytene Pipcl:lne, L..P., Baton RoV8111 Pipe!iAe. u.c., BeDe ReI_ HGL Pí¡Jolinc. LLC., ~ncbu.la Pip!!ina Com~. I..LC. Propyle.ae PipeUDe Partn~ L.P.. ~ ~ Compa¡ur. IJ.C. HSC Pipe1iAo PanlUlnbip, L.P., SorreAto' Pipc]ú¡. Coøapat¡y. JJ.C. EntCI'pIÛIC ProdUct. Tau ~11I L.P.,EPIJ( Gø LIqWd& u..c.IPUC TemùrJlIUs:IC t..1'., Batoa Ro'Qp Fr-.c:tlODatora u.c. SaWA Rou¡p: Propy!ane CaoccutracDr, u.c, EntefPliae 0.. Processm. LLC, EAwtptiJlll! HOL l"Jpetio.ea LLC. El1œrprilSe HOL Private un.. III $torap LLC. IQtcrpr1sa Frac:tJonatloJ1 LLC, Erltespr1111e Norco u..c. E~ LOU-TBX l'ropyletw PipeúDe L.P., intapNe LOU·1'BX HGL PipcUnc L.P.. Grmd l$lc PSpelIne UC., MId-America ~pdine Compac.y LLO, Seminole PipcJine COmPUlY, WUpriao Pipc:.line Campùlý LLC, each of their parent, sqbœdWy uå aßDiated comp4ØÌlt., pan:Mta aDd jOÙlt vlIDturer.. 1Wd r:ad1 owner or JoJnt ~ of EUI¥!iQciJity operated by Otla or more orthem. Þ their ÌD.1U'esna XDayappea&', to whom the.oamed lneured la o'tl1iptcd by QOJUr·~t to provide su.ch Jnsuranl:e, bQf.cmly m the extå1l. or çoyenp req~ircd by INch contracrs as nJlpeCts oper:u:fcn. PÇlÍQI'mIId in ~on witb the IDauted In)d only it such. C:OIIUa.:t WI!UI agn;c:4 to in WriÙDß or oralJ,y by t.b~ Damcd fD.sured or b18/lts tepr~\tat1vea prior I.v Ulc ()ÇCWTet:lce or!IÞY Joss under sue;b contt.a. 3. Form of Cen:iII~1;e Holder Notation Enterprise Produeta p~ L..P.. &nt.erpl'Šllc iTod.uçta ope1'lltiui L.P., Entetpriac PrOdUŒ8 GP. LLC, Eßte7;prÎS. P&oc1~cw. OU'OP, IDG., EPCO, lD.ç., BelvùN EÐviroDJ:QeDt81 F!.I.cI.e', Sablne PtvpyJC11ð P1pdine. l-P.. Baton Rou!e Pipdfnc, LJ.C,. Belle RO&C NGLPipe1int:. LLC., Cbuør.tudli PJpdine~, LLC, PropyItlftc ~ Pat~ip. L.P., C=rJUD Pipelfne Comp~. u.c. H2C P1peI.iDa PaJ'tDmIJUp. L.P.. Sommto PipeUnt: CompaD,y, LtC, Enr.aprise Products Tcql Operaún, L.P.,EPDC Oas Liqu:ida LLC. ErUC Toturlll8.lms x...P.. 81!.U1C RoulC P'raI:tionatn.... u.c. Ba.u:m Roup Propylel1. Coøcc:nU'ator, LLC. EDtItI'pIiu au Procc..mgt.LC. Enterpriac NGt.1'fpellnOll LLC. En~ NOL Private LInea & Storace LLC, Entetpriae F~nationLLC. Enterpriu Ncm::CI 1.I.C, EntotpriSl: J.oU-T.BX Propyknc f'lpe1iDa L.P., l!:o.tçrprise LOU-TEX JIICL Pi~11nt £..P., Gr.nd lale pjpc:Jine LLC., Wid-Amœica Pfpelb1lt Company u.c. SestUnoJe 1'1pellno. Company, Wi1prise Pipeline Company u.c. e.cñ caltheir pateDt, øubeldlAry øad aCdliIued <:ompWco, partDcts and jomt veDturerl, and each owner or jøi1'Jt owner or All,)' tadlity , opuatéQ by one or mtItn of than, AS their mtcrcst:l1nliY apEiC&r, arlalnC ftom the wo:k to be J*'fOutlcd ùndú oral or Wriwm c:on"t.nla. P. O. Box S7a Manx BeJvtcu. Texas 77580 .Attention: P\U'l:hasb:J¡ 4. Adclitionlll Terma. for Work to be Perfonned m Louisiana !ø aJ1 cases wbðre ConlX'lICtor'a emplo,ycte (ddiDcd tQ include Contractol'1!t dttCo'ct. borrowed, çll:CieJ or .tatu~øty CJI1p Q,,~) are COVII~ by the LouÏSi*D& Worker'. CoC'lpcnlSation Ñ;L, Ù1. R.B. 23:1021 fit seq.. Company and C~tractor agnre thaI all Wo.rJr. and operationspeñoane4 by C<n1t1"&CCOl' DI1Cl It&~punuant to the Conuac:u.re udnregra1 pan orand.rc: eaaentJal TO tb.~ abiUIy oI Cornpøny to g~a&e Comp8Qy'1 gocd.a. product.S and services tar purposes or La.. .R.$. 23:]Oðl(A}(lJ. Furthermore. Company IU\d ConcractC)J' ~ tbat Company is the: ptÙ1dplÙ or atatutory employer 0' Coli trac.tar's cmplo;yees: for purpo~ o£l..a. .R.s. :l3:1061(A (3). Thia ~n ilalnc1u4t;d for th$ sole purpo~ or cstabUahin¡ a Slatu tol}' cmploy.r T~I..rinncJ>ip tD ga.tn the bendta cxpreuc:d. in LILR.S_ ~3:10S 1 ancIIÃ.R.S. 23:1061(al, md it is not inteDde4 to c:reate aA t:C.plo~çmpløyae tl:latlousbip for ~f ~~~J?~~'" r~~~. 9..{~.9fU'!f_~,!5.~. tAA:$~.4:JIII!lC\T.Ct.~çe¡~ ðl:tI;þ1ðÿG''(Ö'(fd'fried tlì'I:.ä. ~$', :i3~1á3ì('>J)' ò('(.oQutradòr's emplgyccø, Contrattar ~I TcmaJn primarAY n8pol'l8iblc for the payment orLo"isianl1. Worlœr's C<lmpçncatioD. be%le5t.~ to Its empJoyc.es, a:nd. shall not be f:I1tit]~d to seek contrJ.b1luOi) (or an,y $Ucb p&,ymenUl Íf'otQ Company. This $ectiøn 4 applIeS to the cxrent, an4 cm1,y l'O the extent, lha.t the laws of the Stat.e otLoulsiana are applia.ò1c to aDY Work cooduc~ under the term~ @d pnlvistons Q(~ Contract. bl tl.¡rtbo:r eonsiduatiðJ'1, of the amounts or othø CðnlõÌdenltion to be J'8QI.I.ved. by ContraCtor pursu ant to the Catù.ra.ct. ~y an.d. Ccnb'ad.ar qree that Coutr'ac:tor el1eJ1 be reaponsiblet CM" thr: paJ'mÇQt of all ~penAt1on bentii1$ paid by CðJ'1tn1etor &.rJd./or ~tor'.. underwriters. Conb'utw stipulates and. a&rect$ that Company sbaJJ hi: n4U11cd as an alternate cmployeruadcr any an4 all WOJ:'~r':s cOUJpt.QntiDnÌÞSUtani:e ¢Ovçra¡e ( JU..-1B-2eØS 09& 1121 ENTERPRISE PROro:TS 28138545'73 P.23/42 \ .J ,ª~hfblt VII GENERAL REÇlUlREMENTS ØOû581 1. DEFINITIONS Mechanical Completion As used In this Con1ract. "Mechanical Completion- means the Job Scope of Work has been accepted 'In writing by Company as having m,t aO of the foUowing conditions: A The Job Scope of Work is in a state of mechanlcaJ readiness; ready for Company's commissioning activitfes 10 begin and ready for safe start up, occupation. operàtion, and use. . 8. The Job Scope of Work has suffIcient paJnt and insuJatfon fnstal ed to assure process Integrity and all rubbish and construction materials sAall be removed from pipes and equjpment C. All piping. electrical, îns1nJmentation, and other systems are Installed to the design specifications. D. All systems have been inspected and fest~d for compliance with the design spøcJflcations. all pAtssurs testfng is complete, a~d all instrument loop checking is complete. . , E. MachinelY is properly aligned and rotates according to applicable vendor or Company specifications. . At Mechanical Completion, some minor tasks may remain to be completed such as touch up paintîng. final gradIng, incidental: clean up, and other minor punch üst Items that do not affect Company's commerclat utilIzatIon or safe operation. If any defects or deficiencies are noted in the Job Scope of Work during the inspection and testing, Contractor must make the required corrections before the Job Scope of Work will be accepted by Company as having achieved Mechanical Completion. ..... -..... ... .. . ....... .. ...... .. ... .'.......... ........... .......... ,," ....... " Rnal Completion As used In this Contract, "Final Completion- means that the Job Scope of Work is complete and accepted by Company. This occurs when Contractor has delivered to Paso 1 of 19 6/3012005 ( t JUL-18-2005 09:10 ENTERFRlSE PRODUCTS 2813854513 P.24/42 '. i t /" eOôSS2 Company a Notice of Final Completion of the Job Scope of· Work and unless Company advises Contractor otherwise I has thirty (30) days thereafter inspected for compliance as specJfied In the Scope of Work. Warranty Period As used in this Contract, 'WM~oty PeJiocf', roe~s· a period of twelve ÇCJn$(iiCUtive months beginning on thé date of F=lnal CòñiPI~rt. ,." ' ' ;.;. Performance Failure As used in thfs. C~ra~ a ..~~ Fâ!Jüre: means'the faJJl; ,ra!Ì! tþt_~~·to ~..Ç9nstructec1.~Þmt of ~ ~~p ~~r;!¡ï' $.fWòfff'tG·l1"Jéet the ·prodt¡tc:ti.oRëa~~ 4 fndM, dual. n~'tr+ '1fu~i'i';:~'¡;'i11l'iiti" sðt forth ··ftt(·mfí!'~ií'¡ìiiiiCJ1 fûanlntiie·.èXhlbìiøro;~job'Sè:åpé'·ofW~ .." , .. Job Scope of Work As used In thls'Contract, the· "Job Scope of Wort: attached to any purchase order or release referencing thfs çontrac:t means the set of specifications definIng the project design and performance requirements. ñ any, for the specific purchase order or release. These requirements are In addItion to those set forth in this Contract. Change Order As used In this Contract, "Chang a Order" means a document which sets forth adjustments to the Job Scope of Work or to the Contract Price andJòr the scheduled compJetJon date. Work Site As used In this Contract, Work Site" means the work location described In the Job Scope of Work and other sites made available by Company 10 Contractor for constructlon-related activities. 2. COMPLETION AND TeSTING ~ ,a .... . . . ., . ... .. .................... -.. ...... ... . .. ~ . .. Upon MechanìcaJ CompleUon. Company wiD assume care, çu$tOdy, and control of the Job SCope of Work and snair start the facilities equipment that have been constructed and begin appropriate commissioning and acceptance testing to ensure compliance wtth the åpplicable specifiCations. Such testing shan begin within th1rty Page 2 of19 613012005 ! i : (" I I I i i ! i i JU.-18-2005 09111 ENTERPRISE PR.OIU:TS ;?813854573 P.2St"42 ) ,. COOS83 , , . (30) days of ~echanlcaJ Completion. It~y defects or deffciencles are nöted~uØ~9~ "'~;~' the commisslOofng. and acceptance ~tfng of the Job SCOpe àf Work. Cöritràctõf shall promptly make requIred correcUoris. Within thirty {30) days after successful completion of acceptance tests and final correction of any defects or deflcleo9!.~., contr~r WIn deliver to Company a Neb of Final Completio.n at th~ Work. SfØû(" the testjng not begin withIn 30 d$ys following Mechanical ComplétfOn the tlnJt wfJf bö deemed acaepfètJt . 3. ENGINEERING WARRANTY Contractor warrants that it will perform aU Work In accordanCe with recognized and generally accepted engineering standards In the industry and with the project specifications. Should the Company discover during the Warranty Period that the Work materially faDs to meet these standards or specifications, 'tþen thè Company shaJl notffy Contractor promptty in writing and Contractor shall, at ifs soIè cost ~ expense. provide Company with corrected design drawings and specffications~' ' In the event Contractor fans to remady and COlTect such defects wJttJJn a reasonable period of time. Company may correct the same at Contractors cost and expense; 4. PROCeSS and MECHANICAL WARRANTY Contractor warrants that the facllftfes and equipment to be constructed as part of the Work shaJl meet the performance standards JdentlfJ~ .m"ttut P!!tfo11'fl4llCS ~rantÐtt.; . exhibit Tn the Job Scope of Work. It at any time dùrfnþ'th& Wãrranty Period a·· Performance Faflure occurs and Is attributable to Contractor's defective engineering. design or construction (IIContractors Fault") and is not attributable to equipment failure {other than an equipment faUure attributable to Contractor's defective engineering design}, thðn Contractor shalf promptly corrl;JCt any such deficiencies at CorTb'actor's'sole cost and expense, including but not limited to engineering and consb1Jctlon costs. In case of a Performance Failure not due to Contractor's Fautt. Company and Contractor shall estabUsh mutually agreed upón modifications or add~ions to the Job Scope of WOIX until the facilities to be constructed are capable of fulfIJUng the performance specified in the Scope af Work. Work performed In such cases shaD be considered and paid for as extra work in accordance with the terms of the Contract. Cçf1tra~r' ~. J.t~b.! !tY I:'Og~J ~l~ p'~Ç~$ ~nç!..M~~~f1~~. W~~!Y.~ª",.~ !f!.11!~J9.,..,... . correcting deficiencies due to Contractor's Fault and may be limited in each Job Scope of Work and specifically excludes any liability for Joss of production or use at the facDities, or the cost of excessive consumption of fuel and u1i1Jt1es. P8.ge 3 of19 6130/2005 ( ... .~ l ..,' ( .JlL-18-2œS 09: 11 ENTERPRISE PROrO:TS 2813854573 P. 26/42 ÜOGS84 5. MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT WARRÞNfY subcontractor's - Scope of We end 'b) from every· au mishJng , or assemblages of material and equipment, for which an operating performance guafilntee Is customarily given or can be obtained appropriate performance warranties. All such warranties shall expressly run to Company's benefit and shall' be fully documented in Contractor's contracts and purchase orders wfth its subcontractors and vendors. ¡". ;~ '. 6. WORKMANSHIP WARRANTY Contractor wacrants that Its and its subcontractors' wol1<rnanshjp will be in accordance with applicable' codes and recognized standards of good practIce. If Company discovers any defect(s) in WOrkmanship within one year after Final CompleUon. Contractor, at Its cost and expense, will promptly correct, repair, or replace defect(s). .... - .... . ... ... .., .... ....... ......-..,... 7. NOTICES Company wlll notify Contractor promptly on discovering that any part of the completed Job Scope of Work does not comply with the warranties. .:ii 'f Page 4 of 19 6130/2005 / ) <. ( J\..L-1a-2005 09:11 ENTERPRISE PRODUCTS ~n'~AC~ D ??/A? -" .." 00&585 If at any time during the Warranty Period, Company discovers any defect in materials or workmanship as determined by generally accepted Industry standards. then Contractor shall upon written notice from Company correct such defects to the reasonable satisfactfon of Company by repairing or replacing the defective materials or re-performlng the field workmanship at Contractor's expense. 8. LIMITATION ON WARRANTIES Notwithstanding anything to the contrary. Contractor does not warranty the Work against the ¢fects of normai corrosion aM wear or operation outside the speciflcations. 9. DISCLAIMER OP IMPLIED WARRANTIES THE ONLY WARRANTIES APPLICABLE TO THE WORK PERFORMED PURSUANT TO THIS CONTRACT ARE THOSE SeT FORTH IN THIS EXHIBIT VI/. THERE ARE NO IMPUED WARRANTIES APPUCASLE TO .THE WORK, INCLUDING aUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY JMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR MERCHANTABILITY. THE REMEDIES FOR BREACH OF WARRANTY ARE LIMITED TO THOSE REMEDIES DeSCRIBED IN THIS CONTRACT. 10. PROJECT MANAGEMENT BY CONTRACTOR Contractor Project Manager for all Work shall be' the person mutually designated by ConUa~randCompan~ 11. DOCUMENTATION a. Project Files (flUng System) Any documents released to Company or a vendor are to be distributed to Company per 1he Document DIstribution list dS$cribed In Section 15. The Company Project Manager's secretary (or ·other mutually agreeable party) will maintain a II Company Filing System". This system is shown in Volume ( of the 5ntei.prJse,s.~$.çiflca.Uøns. ..... ......,....... .....'.... .", .. ..........-.. ..." ............ b. enterprise Approvals All Contractor prepared drawings and speciflcations are to Indicate that they are , Company Confidential arid Propñetary Material and are not to be reproduced and · · ¡ · i i ( Pag' S 0(19 6130/2005 , " :( , \ " ~A',-. '. \ ) .__J~' ( " JI.J..-l9-æes 09: 12 ENTERPRISE PROtu:TS 2813854573 P. 29/42 dIstributed without written authorization from Company. úOûS86 Company wfll provide comments on all drawings, specfffcations, spec books, and similar materials within 10 working days. c. Drawings The Contractor will use th~ drawing checkout and return procedure established in the Enterprise CAD User's Guide. All Contractor prepared drawings shall be prepared in accordance with Company standard practice and numbering systems. Company drawing format. title block and drawing numbers shaJl be used. The Co~pany drawing number Is to appear in the Company tJUe block. A copy of this materJar win be transmitted to you. d. Photographs All photographs of the Job'Scope of Work are to be kept under lock and key by Contractor. At the compJetlon' of the job they are to be turned over to the Company. Depending upon the Company location visited, a speáal permtt may be required to take photographs. This may take 3 days to complete so advance notice is. required. . 8. Computer Flies and Documentation for Closure At the completIon of the project, Contractor shan transmit all document and drawing flIes fer the Work to the Company in electronic format (AutoCAD R/14 or later) plus 5 paper copies. f. SIgning of As..buJlt Documents At the completion of the Work.. the Contractor may be asked to have aU as-bunt ~óttá%þ:~n~:;rr:d!bri;'$ed Pro~I~~1 ~n9!~.~r..~r..~~ ~t¡3.~~.I1]..~J}!~~.~h~.....,.:· Page 6 of19 6/3012005 JU.-1B-2005 09: 12 ENTERf'RISE' PROIU:TS 28138S45?3 P.29/42 / í ../ ( / -" 00&587 12. COST MANAGEMENT A. Project Requirements When requested by the Company, the Contractor will be responsible for establishIng and maIntaIning :a Project Cost Reporting System for the duration of the project. The cost report VVUI Include aU aspects of the project cost Including equipment, materials, engineering. subo-contracts and Company costs. The Company will provide Company costs. l \ B. Estimate RequIrements When asked to prepare a cost estimate, Contractor shall prepare the estimate In such a manner that costs can be summarized by: engineered equipment, bulks. labor, engineering, construction management. taxes, Incentives, escalation, Company staff costs elnd allowances. 13.MATERrAL. SERVICES AND rtlFOf\MATrON BY COMPAN"( A. Company shall arrange for access to and make all provisions for Contraçtor to enter upon private propérty as required for Contractor to perfonn the Work and shall oÞtaln, at Company's expense, aU approvaJs, consents and permIts from governmental author1tfes. or others. necessary for completion 01 the Work relative to the project site, unless such /s required to be obtained in Contractor's name. Additionally. Company Is to supply all matenal and services described in the Contract documents to be provided by "Purchaser'" or "Company'" In the manner and on the dates, if any. described therein_ B. Company shall provide Contractor aU Information. data, and reports relevant to .. ~~n&ae:~;~a;~~'í1~h;~~'ä~~ra~~~~ïiP$~tê~~~Trffi!t~~ifJ¡';;à~"""" of the Work. Such data shall include, but not bEl limited to, the following: 1. Data prepared by others, such as, explorations and tests of subsurface Page 7 of19 6/3012005 ( ) /) ( JlL-la-æøs 09: 12 ENTERPRISE PROIO:TS 2813BS45'T.3 p. 3Ø/ 42 conditions at or contiguous to the project site, ~r2ßbiSJlJ physIcal conditIons in or related to existing sur1ace or subsurface structures at or contiguous to the site. and/O( hydrographic surveys; and 2. Field surveys for design purposes and property, boundary, easement, riglrt·of~way. topographJc and utility surveys and data. including relevant referét\ce points. . .. ..~..,.. . . ..-.. .... ,".... '., . ... ... ,... .' .. . .. . .............,. .., ........ -.....,.......-........,.............................. Page 8 of 19 . i j J 613012005 ( ( ...... JU.-1a-2æS 09:12 ENTERPRISE PRODlJCTS 281385457.3 P.3V42 ) I ûOôS89 The complete estimate should Include the following budget categories: fæJect Bugaet Summarv ~ N _- WI' BOT w. 111' 1113 .,1 . fl_ fIIlN . 111 ." .- t'QI - IZt - S2It . . AQ N'I HI lID II 1134 sa na MIl - :M;& .... .. Mr .....CoM ICIII ., LMD 8M HI 1œNJ"~ In lID iii IN DEPT. AlIIHJT. 11M 1M H7 - .. .~~ . . . ... .......... , . .... "" ... .. " .. .... ....,. . IIIt1 ~ 'WI 1tJTAU Page 9 ofl9 I I 6/3012005 (" (' JUL-18-20Ø5 09:13 ENTERPRISE PRODU::TS 2813854573 P.32/42 , . ¡ The Estimate RevIew BOOk Format should be: OOû590 · Table of Contents. · Scope Of Work. As a minimum this secUon should include the design premises and the equipment list. · E$timatlng Method: Drrect M..terial taks-off, scaling, equipment and matertal costs from bids and PO's, direct man-hour estimates. etc. · Plot Plans. . · P&J [)Ia. e Schedule (the most detaUed schedule avaHabfe). · Sub-a:»ntract strategy. · Equfpment Pricing. . · Bulk Materiaf Priàng. · Direct labor rata development/productivity. · Shutdown & Overtime premiums. · Engineering Including charges for HAZOPS. Team · SUlldlng, Value Engineering, etc. · Field Indlrects ,Including Construction Management and · Field Team Building. · Sales Taxes. · Incentives. · Escalation. · . Company Costs. · Unknowns, special situations. · Contingencies/Allowance$. Contractor contingencies for known but undefined elemef)Í$ of the desJgn should be accounted for here. .The contIngency also should account for tile base estimate methodology. Obviously, screening estå'nates wUl have higt:¡er contingencies. · DemoIJtJon Costs, f.e. removal ofcontamlnatèd soU (If any). (Expensed). ..... ........... .Page 10 of19 613012005 I i (' , .\ ../ ( JUL-16-20BS 09=13 ENTERPRISE f'RODUCTS 2S138S45'i'3 P. 33/42 c. Cost RepOrts. Pro]ec:rtlons, and Trend AnalysIs ØOû59j. During the project the Contractor may be asked to provide a monthly cost report. IncJuded in thla report are to be the for/owing, · A Cost report showing the origmal project budget, approved variances, revised budget; pending variances. forecast. commitments this month, commitments to date, expendJtures thIs month, expenditures to date · Cost-to-date fnvoiced · Cost-to-date accrued · Cœt Projection. A COmparison between cost-to-date accrued and the projected expendfture curve. . Variance List This list is to fndude all changes from the budgets Identifying where the funds wßl come 1rom. D. Variance Procedure and Controls A variance control program will be utili~ to Identify, quantify and take appropriate action on any project variance or scope change. Any variance for scope change or deviations In tho'expendIture projection curve will requlra written notification to the Company Project Manager within 5 working days. In general the changes will r.»ot be Implemented until approved by the Company. . '" ... . ~... ..,.... ............... '.' .. Page 11 of19 613012005 ( ( " JtL-la-æøs rag: 13 ENTEF<PRI5E PRODUCTS 2813854573 P. 34/42 " I 13. PURCHASING 00D592 When requested by the Company, the Contractor shall be responsIble for the foUowlng Prolect Purchasing ActMties: proçurement Contractor shall procure and furnish material and equipment to be Incorporated into the Job Scope 0' Work. Contraotor shall perform aJl checks and approvals of drawings and speciffcations submitted by the vendors and shaD perform all expediting, Inspection, and receMng functions. ~ . Procurement by Contractor shari be in accordance with generally accepted standards of good pracUce and in accordance with Contractor's standard procedures. Contractor wDl consult Company during preparation of as jOb procedures and shall Incorporate all of Company's reasonable requests. As the various sections of the job procectures ate completed, each will be presented to Company for review and comment. Contractor's procurement procedures shall appfy to- the Work except Jf there are Inconsistencies with this Contract In which case, the provisions of this Contract wilJ govern. Company may have committed (by letter of intent, Company purchase order, or contract) for certain material. equipment. or subcontracts required by the Job Scope of Work. If so, Company's specificatJons ;n exhibIts '1, Scope of Work, attached to the release against thfs Contract, will Identify the items or subcontracts so GOmmitted and to whom th" commitments were made and wlJl enclose 'the tei9vant documents. At Company's request, Contreot shaJl promptly take assignment of the management of such commitments from Company and shall thereafter be sofely responsible for the management of such material, equipment. and subcontracts on behalf of Company. Contractor is expected to patronize busIness firms who are local to 1#1. Work site insofar as consistent with· minimizing Work costs and maintaining Work quality requirements. To this end, Contractor shall survey the local area and Identify quallffad vendors and subcontractors. Contractor shall award to them when they are cost oompetitive and can meet aU requirements for the Work. During the survey, Contractor may request Company's assistance. Upon completing the survey, Contractor shalf present to Company a llsting of the local 1irms that have been qualffled together with a descriptfon of the portion of the Work for which each is being considered. ..... ...... ....... ... .-. -.',& . .... ........,........... · · · I ¡ r I I During procurement. Contractor shaD obtain {as appropriate for each item and to the e~t obtalnab[e} Installation, operation, maintenance and repair information, instnJctions. and other similar data and documents for aU material and equipment to be instaJled In the Work and shall furnish to Company as received (but not later than Page 12 of 19 613012005 , ¡ ;( ... '\ .j (, JlL -18-æ0S B9¡ 13 ENTERPRISE PRfJJX.X:TS 28138S4S73 P. 35/42 COGS93 sixty days before Mechanical Completion) in the number of copies reasonably requested . Contractor shall procure and furnish to Company not later than sIxty days before Mechanical Completion all spare parts Identif1ed by Company. AU Installation. operation. mafntenance and repair tools, ~nd sp8rÐ parts that are not consumed during construction shall be Identffled and tagged to the equipment or material to which It is associated and delivered by Contractor to Company before Mechanical Completion. . ExP8~iting When requested by Company, ihe Contractor shall expedite all purchased equipment, materials; sutJ..contracts and vendor suppDed documents to meet the project schedule and shall prepare an expediting plan to establish expediting pr10ritIes consistent with the overall project schedule. All costs and expenses for such expediting shan be to Company's account unltJS$ Company can show that the Contractor cannot otherwise meet the scheduled Mechanical Completion date. Contractor shall issue a monthly expediting report containing at a minimum the equipment number, description. intended order date, order date. vendor, contact. expedJtlng $taÞ.Js. phone numbers, etc. Vendor Docutnent ContrQI The Contractor shalt maintain and control all vendor documents thru a project' documeót control clerk who shall be responsible for document distribution in accordance with the Document Distrfbutlon Matrbc. Contractor will be responsible for vertfying that all vendor documents have the proper EngJneering review and approval. inspection When requested by Company, Contractor shaJJ be responslbJa for all Shop and Field Inspections and shall developed a project plan at the beginning of the procurement phase of the Job Scope of Work to 1d~r:!~!Y. t~~ .1~Y~!..~...9.~~~.i!...ºf. [n~p~çm~!'L.... 'r~( IJlfé'ð. ." ......., ..... , , ' ,........" . Inspection reports are to be issued for each shop vIsit and distrlbutfon will be. in accordance with the Document Distribution Mabix. Page 13 of 19 6130/2005 i '" ~ J ,( ( JUL-18-2Ø05 09=14 ENTERPR [$; PRODUCTS 2813854573 P. 36/42 Company may elect to participate on certain inspections. 000594 14.PROGRESS REPORTS Monthly F:'rogress Report When justified by the size of the Project. typIcally greater than ($1.000.000), or when requested by the Company, the Contractor wllllseue a Monthly Progress Report. whIch wm summarize the status of the followfng in the order shown: · Project Highlights. · Project Safety & Environmental Summary. · Engineering Summary · Monthly Cost Summa¡y and Report . Monthly Purchasing Summary and Report · Monthly QC Summaty . · Monthly ConatnsctJOIt SUmmary · Monthly Safety and environmental Control Report Monthly Cost Summary and Report · Onglnal Budget · VarIances · Current Budget · Commitments · ExpendIture Projection · Cash Flow ProJè~on Monthly Purchasing Summary and Report · Component Schedule · Material Progress Log · Expediting Log · Subcontract Log MøntbfY'QC"'Sol't1mät't Réþö}t· ~ - ".- .. . .. ,. .... ".. ... .. . - ..... ....", .," . · Rework Report · Non--Cof1formanoe Report Page 14 of 19 613012005 I I I I i i I , , 1 \ !( ! I , ( JUL-l8-20ØS 09114 EHTERPRlSE PRODlCTS 2813SS45?3 P. J1 /42 Monthly Construction Summary 000595 Contractor will tssue a Mon1hly Constructfon Summary Report whIch will summa~e the status of any construction activities. Monthly Safety and Environmental Control Report · OSHA Recordable and Lost Time Injury Report · Aøcldent Investigation and StatUi Project Closeout and FinilJ Reportfng II Cost (Budget vs. Actus!) · Instrument ($ and ~H's) · 8ectr1caJ ($ and MH's) · Equipment ($ and MH's) 15. SCHEDULE At the disçretion of the Company, the Con1ractor may be asked to develop a Project Schedule. Where applicable. the schedule should include milestones similar to the ones listed below. 1. Completion of EngIneering for this Phase of the Project/Study: 2. COmpletion of Engineering for the Dataned Design Phase. 3. p&rO Review date. 4. I.ead times for major numbered pieces of equipment and anticipated time for bulk materials. 5. Start of construction. 6. Mechanical Completion. 7. Time allotted for commissioning. 8. End of Construction. 9. Application times necessary for any permitS. 10. Funding Rost TIme for the Detailed Design Phase. 11.PHA for Scope Phase. 12. PHA for the ·DetaUed·[:)èSigft ·PMise. Page 15 of19 6I301200S , ' JUL-19-2Ø0S Ø~:14 ENTERPRISE PROw:TS 28138S4S?J P.3SI"42 ( ,} 16.KEY COMPANY PERSONNEL 000596 During the kickoff meeting. the Company wlllldentffy which of its personnel are to be applIcable for the Job Scope of Work. The-Companys Project Manager identified In the Job Scope of Work shall have the authority to act for the Company with respect to all matters pertainIng to Work, Contractor's performance and Job Scope of Work. Communications concerning these matfeÆ received by thè Company Project Manager or hIs duly authorized representative. from Contractor, shah be deemed to have been received by Company. Position Name Phone ( Project Manager Business Representative Loca6on Representative Financial Representative Purchasing Representative Lead Process EngIneer Precess Engineering Plant Projects Coarc!. Analyzers Electrical Environmental/Nolse Heat Transfer (Exch) (BoiJ/Fum) , Instrumentatlon/CAO InsulationlPalnt Materials Pressure Equipment, Quality Assurance Reps. Rotating Equipment Safety Tax Representative Property Tax RepresentaUve General Risk Management Rep. 17. CONTRACTOR'S PROJECT MANAGER & CONSTRUCTION SUPERINTENDENT Contractor's Project Manager Constn.JcUt;Jn Supe~.~~~~~t, ~~ff, n9~.. ~.~.IJ.~~iS~_... '. öt 'glVéii 'šûpptèmériæiý' WOrt(' wftôòUt' þiiòr' WMflen àpproval of Company rrolect Manager. Contractor's Construction Superintendent $hall be located at the Work Sits during. construction of the Work. He shall represent the Contractor at the Work Site In the absence of the Contractor's Project Manager, and communications received by him from Company shall be deemed to have been received by Contractor. Page 16 ofI 9 ól301200s , ( ( JUL-18-2ØØ5 09:14 ENTERPRISE PRCOOCTS 2813B54S?J P. 39/42 . ) 18. ITEMS ARE! ROUTINELY REQUIRED FOR START ..Up 000597 This section summarizes the steps that the Corttractor can expect the Company will require as they transitJon from oon$tJ'Uct1on to operation. This Is Included 10 represent the defauJt documentation that win be required. Small projects should Identify what is required in the kickoff meeting. DOCUMENT ATlON GëNERAL. · EFD'sIP&JD's are to be updsted to reflect the as-buUt condition. · BuDd Books are to· be transmitted to the Engineering and Maintenance Organizations. · Safeguarding Document transmitted to the Engineering Organization. · Plot Pfans are to be updated to reflect the as-buUt conditIon. · Device Document that explains the cases looked at for sizing the reUef devices. Typical failure modes are electrical fallure, çOOllng waisr faJJure, IA failure, etc. · Process HAZOPS Document and folders transmitted 'to the Engineering Organization. · All equipment--purchasing files are to be transmitted 10 the Engineering Organization. · All Project Files are to be transmitted to the Engineering Organization. · An electronic drawi'ng files are to be transmitted to the engineering Organization. ELECTRfCAL · Area Classification drawings are to be updated to reflect the as-buUt condition. . Electrical One-line drawings are to be updated to reffect the as-bufft condftJon. . Electric Tracing drawings are to be updated to reflect the as-buJlt conditIon. · Electrical Underground drawings are to be updated to reflect the as-built condition. · Cause & Effect drawings are to be updated to reflect the as-built condJtJon. · e ~ Loca~ PI~n .dr:~wlng,~ ;w to b.Et \.lPd_d to @flec:t..the. ~~u.i(t. condition. , · 8ectrical J.80x drawfngs are to be updated to reflect the as-bunt condition. . '......, . Pag~ 17 of19 6/3OflOOS " ( ) ... ( JUL-1S-20ØS 09=14 ~lSE PRDDlCTS 2813854573 P. 40.'42 JNSTRUMENT 00û598 · Instn.Jment loop drawings are to be updated to reflect the as-butlt condition. .. Loop folders are to be updated and transmJtted to the Engineering and Maintenance Organizations. Specification sheef:$ are to be included tn the loop folders, · JJB drawings are to be updated to reflect the as-built condition. · Instrument Location Plan drawings are to be updated to reflect the as-buut condition. .. Gas Equipment location Plan drawings are to be updated to retlect the as-buJft condition. · Pan~ Layout drawings are to be updated to reflect the as-bullt condition. · Vendor DocumøtJtation Book Instrument SummaI}'. PRESSURE EQUIPMENT · Equipment folders are to be transmitted to the Engineering and Maintenance Organizations. · ReUef Device folders are to be transmitted to the. Engineering and Maintenance Organizations. · Safeguarding Document Is to be updated to reflect the as-buiJt condition. ROTATJNG EQUIPMENT · Equipment folders are to be transmitted to the Engineering and MaIntenance OrganIzations. PUNCH UST This is a Ust of incomplete Job scope of Work items that are required to be In compliance with the project P&JD's, equipment specftTcations, construct1on drawings, etc. CONTRACTORS INTERNAL PUNCH UST · Done by the Contraclo~s Q!:J09 c:»,ry~~t~lJçm. · UUfize¡'.f by the Contractor's field organization as a guide to the completion of work. · Sometimes the Contractor refers to this as a Þre-Pund1. · The Company expects the Contractor to prepare this list before he offers a system for completion to the Company. Page 18 of 19 613012005 ( ( JUL-18-20BS 09115 ENTERPRI SE PROIX.X:T5 2813854573 P.41/42 '\ ) .' COMPANY PUNCH UST · . Developed by the Company. 000599 · May be done as the systems or geographical areas of the project are completed. · When b.Jmed over to the Company as Mecnanlcally Complete. shouJd inctude a list of any remaining Items to be done. e Typfcally, this will be minor Items not required for operatfon such as completion of insulation, paintIng, etc. · It Is expected that the Team that develops the Company Punch Lis1 fnclude all uncompleted Work naquJred by tha drawing&. · ComplatJon of the Punch LIst Is part of the project cost and Is the responsIbility of the Company. . BUTT LIST ThIs Is a ,list of Work Items that the initiator believesßre required to. be in compJianœ with the proJed P&ID's, equipment specifications, construction drawings, etc. but for one reason or another were not Included in the original Job Scope of Work. The Company and Contractor's Project Managers will resolve issues that arise over whether the Item Is within the Project Scope or a Butt Lfst Item. · Typically this list includes temporary facilities that are: · For start-up. line flushing or blowing. ate. · Not part of the orlginat project scope. . Funded from a Start-Up Account. · UsuaUy executed by the Start-Up Team, .. .. ,- '" Pago 19 of19 613012005 lL ( ,) ( JUL-18-20Ø5 09:15 ENTERPRISE ~.DU:TS 281385457.3 P.42/42 øuúnt8meã. by ~tractor. Contractor a.dmowJed&u that the price 0:- other c:an4rid¢l'8ÙO,Q for III1d perfonnauce,. knricc, 1oW1t)c, or opera1iom mclude, an ÐmttQflt Deces.uuyiQr CoI2Ø'actar to pq tor ~m. ÍD5W'AnOCl co,,~ and Stipul.ra and .~. thar. any IQch ~ {or the Contrll¡Ctor. if' self.insured) ah~1 .ee to walYC any and *" rlghts of sumptWlt. çontribQtion Dr indc:mni1¥ apinllt Co=~ thereunder. EXHmtT IV (EPOLP 1/04 nm:arr vm ÜOÛ600 COBSOLTAHT 'TJI:IÐk8 & COWmONS A. &Jm:a f! 8lJY data, meaa\U"e¡QCUS, qlSCssmen~, tc8t RCl.dts or analylU re1a1èC! to Com~s 1adIi~ operaLiomi. aCtUal or FOpOlCd~ ("Dam., or Imyinterptetatioaa thereof atrecommenclatiou baled thereupðII are to ~ contamed ill my l4It1er, compilation. repon or other document ("Rcport1 prepared by Cos\ttac:tw lar Comparq bcmmder. CclDtnu:tor .man $11baú1 thl: !Wpm to Company in dratl. (VIm tor rmew aDd çproval ~ Company before an,y R*POrt I:a. fùuI1 *,n¡¡.Ia ~d and tuued. b)' Coratnu:tDr; and no ~po¡t 8h.IIII ~ issUed by COl1~ctor 10 ßnaJ (øna 'IPIthout web prio,r IJ)ptClVaJ. Upon the completion of a Report .In final tbrm or upœ . cktormfnlUian in Compauyas loa. dbaatiDQ that DO Re,pon shall be iall1ed b)I Coo.trut.or with rnpcçt to -7 matter, Con1ractOl' ah.U døttoyaU drdl and pnUøaioa¡y ver_u 01 suc:Ä Rc:pon. Cœnpa¡¡y and CøøU'aCtqr boteb.r c:orpre.saJ,y qrcc and acIcnow1ec1p that ~ ~ henNn4ar ~ci8c:a11r øch1.d4 the provisjon ollep:l a4\da:c to Compaay. aød Cøntractor abQJ1 rehm trvm. ~m 6nf Report c:cmduslons or oþÍDlDÐS concarninrJ~. COÐ:I~ with or vioJatioa or IÞ.'!f staNte, T8Jþ11a.&n. O~CC:. ru10 or ord1:l' of &11)' federal, st..te or loaIl ~talaumority. Cozl.I:raclDr ahaU amplo,r no m~. c:xaulmltcd, ~ 01' ~fLr""1rn"to%Y laDgu.ago m any R~ort anc1 shNl make ~1'y rea8G~., accø.tato and tr\¡thtul S'lawmcnu ø[ Cact. opinf.oa. and. profc.8Jiona1 jtldgCMl'tt. B. Confi~!Wtl.øIi~ '\ 1. Couu-actanhllI1 talc aJlre8SCn4ib1e fiepa W eafOf;UanI Contid.a:ltfallnfonuatlon ~ UDau~nrmd disdø8\.in= 4,Qcl USW'I! that the' confidc:uUallty provis ona of tbfs CCllntJact ate ~ot ~ 2. J!CoatrlldOr wishes to Uac thJrd.pan¡y Mrnœ. ~uJr1øsd1odO$U1'C: ofConØclcnda1lafwmàtku:! to that third party, RedpIcntwiDDOt(fy ComP8l1Y. rcc¡uestiDg that an appropdau confidentWity aareaDent be executed. by C4mlJanywith web tl1fnJ parr;y. CompllAy \liiU advise Contracmrm wrftIna 'Nhcn1t bAa~~ wc:h. confidc:ntúillw ~aat fU1d authcrriR dildoll\Ue Q( CøniJrùntial InronnatioA by Co~ to such thírd patty; pnMdec1. høwt:Ver. Coø1pa.ny ohatt beu;adcrno obtip.tI.oA 10 entcrlnto 8.coaIIdemfalitya¡reemeøt wiIh ~tbirdpe.tt.Yrercrrod to it by Conua.:tor. .IØ)~~'fAlll''' ¡ (''I'''t " . .... ..... .. ~ . - I ~ . __ . . . ...., . , i 1 I TOTÇL. P.42 ì HOWE-BAKER ENGINEERS, LTD. 3102 East Fifth Street, Tyler, Texas 75701, Phone: 903/597-0311 fax: 903/595-7759 To: INVOICE Invoice Number Invoice Date Paga 1 01.1 ENTERPRISE PRODUCTS OPERATION L.P. C/O INVOICE PROCESSING 2727 NORTH LOOP WEST P.O. BOX 4324 HOUSTON, TX. 77210-4324 ATTN: PAUL BROUSSARD / STEVE MARTIN PHONE: 713-880-6942 72689 8/25/2007 A Howe-Baker ~,& Technology WIRE FUNDS TO: BANK OF AMERICA 100 WEST 33RD STREET NEW YORK, NY 10001 ABA NO: 026009593 HOWE-BAKER ENGINEERS, L TD (;0 J- ACCOUNT NO. 003752192593 Tax 10 Number 75·2912742 Customer Order No CONTRACT NO, 4390 PROJECT#11063-905 ENGINEERING/CONSTRUCTION WORK RELEASE #2769 Terms NET 30 DAYS BY BANK WIRE TRANSFER Date ShioDed \Via I ShioDlna Terms IH-B Ref IJ·92153777 Item Otv Descriotlon Unit PriCt Amount ENGINEERING DESIGN, PROCUREMENT, CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND CONSTRUCTION SERVICES FOR THE INSTALLATION OF GAS PROCESSING FACILITIES FOR THE ENTERPRISE PIONEER GAS PLANT. RELEASE RETENTION $1,157,934.59 . TOTAL AMOUNT DUE THIS INVOICE $1,157,934.59 ALL WORK DONE BY THIS COMPANY IN PRODUCING THE MERCHANDISE LISTED TN THIS INVOICB AND THI> PRJCES C1IAROED ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS. SELLER ALSO REPRESENTS THAT THE GOODS OR. SERVICES COVERED BY TIDS INVOICE HAVE BEEN PRODUCED Oil RENDERED IN ACCORDANCB WITH THB PROVISIONS 01' THE FAIR LABOR STANDARDS Acr OF 1938, AS AMENDED. HOWE-BAKER ENGINEERS, L TO. 3102 East Fifth Street. Tyler, Texas 75701, Phone: 903/597-0311 fax: 903/595-7759 INVOICE Invoice Number Invoice Date Page 1 of 1 73130 8/15/2007 ~ ~ Howe-Baker -.erocess & Technology WIRE FUNDS TO: BANK OF AMERICA 100 WEST 33RD STREET NEW YORK, NY 10001 ABA NO: 026009593 000 HOWE-BAKER ENGINEERS, L TO 602 ACCOUNT NO. 003752192593 To: ENTERPRISE PRODUCTS OPERATION L.P. C/O INVOICE PROCESSING 2727 NORTH LOOP WEST P.O, BOX 4324 HOUSTON, TX. 77210-4324 ATTN: JENNIFER CLIFT / STEVE MARTIN PHONE: 713·880·6942 Tax 10 Number 75-2912742 Customer Order No CONTRACT NO. 4390 PROJECT #11063-905 ENGINEERING/CONSTRUCTION WORK RELEASE #2769 Terms NET 30 DAYS BY BANK WIRE TRANSFER Dale Shiooed ¡VI. I Shloolno Terms 111.11 Ref IJ·92153777 "cm Olv Description Unit Pdcc Amount ENGINEERING DESIGN, PROCUREMENT. CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND CONSTRUCTION SERVICES FOR'THE INSTALLATION OF GAS PROCESSING FACILITIES FOR THE ENTERPRISE PIONEER GAS PLANT. WYOMING USE TAX-MONTH OF JULY 2007 $35,716.12 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE THIS INVOICE $35,716.12 WYOMING USE TN< PREVIOUSLY INVOICED $252,938.29 WYOMING USE TN< CURRENT INVOICE $35,716.12 CUMULATIVE AMOUNT WYOMING USE TAX. $288,654.41 ALL WORK DONE BY TIllS CO~ PANY IN PRODUCING TIm Mf.RCH^NDISE LISTED IN TIllS INVOICE AND 'mE PRICES CHARGED ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOVI!RNMENT REGULATIONS. SEI.LI!R AI.sO R¡¡rR¡¡SENTS TlIAT THE GOODS OR SERVICI!S COVt:RED BY TIllS INVOICn HAVE BEEN rRODUCI!D OR RI!NDERED IN ACCORDANCE WITf{THE rnOVISIONS OF THE FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT OF 1931. AS AMENDED. ORIGINAL , HOWE-BAKER ENGINEERS, LTD. 3102 East Fifth Slreet, Tyler, Texas 75701, Phone: 903/597-0311 fax: 903/595-7759 INVOICE Invoice Number Invoice Date Page 1 of 1 73111 - t\.,& l\ 8/16/2007 A Howe-Baker .. - rœss & Technology WIRE FUNDS TO: BANK OF AMERICA 100 WEST 33RD STREET NEW YORK, NY 10001 ABA NO: 026009593 000 3 HOWE-BAKER ENGINEERS, LTD 60 ACCOUNT NO. 003752192593 To: ENTERPRISE PRODUCTS OPERATION L.P. CIO INVOICE PROCESSING 2727 NORTH LOOP WEST P.O. BOX 4324 HOUSTON. TX. 77210-4324 ATTN: JENNIFER CLIFT I STEVE MARTIN PHONE: 713-660-6942 Tax ID Number 75-2912742 Customer Order No CONTRACT NO. 4390 PROJECT ~11063-905 ENGINEERING/CONSTRUCTION WORK RELEASE #2769 Terms NET 30 DAYS BY BANK WIRE TRANSFER Dale ShlDDed IVia I ShiDDina Terms I H-B Rer I J-92153777 Item Otv Description Unit Price Amount ENGINEERING DESIGN, PROCUREMENT, CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND CONSTRUCTION SERVICES FOR THE INSTALLATION OF GAS PROCESSING FACILITIES FOR THE ENTERPRISE PIONEER GAS PLANT. ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE PERIOD FROM 07/01/07 TO 07/31/07 $798.091.01 (PER THE ATTACHED MANHOURS) ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSING & CAD CHARGE AT $6.65/MAN-HOUR. 9,512.00 $6.65/MH $63.254.90 $861,345.91 MA TERIAUEaUIPMENT/SERVICES MA TERIAUEaUIPMENT $861,630.41 SUBCONTRACT (INSPECTION) $30,767.22 MISCELLANEOUS $994.75 $913,412.38 $913412,38 $1.774.758.29 CONTRACTOR OVERHEAD COST AT 7% 7% $124.196.32 $1.898,954.61 CONTRACTOR FEE AT 7% 7% $132,889.73 EXPENSES: TRANSPORTATION EXPENSE $9,475.48 LIVING EXPENSE $4,158.10 MEALS EXPENSE $927.80 ...... MISC. EXPENSE $0.00 TOTAL EXPENSES $14.561.38 $14,561.38 SUB-TOTAL $2,046.405.75 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE THIS INVOICE $2,046,405.71 ALL WORK DONE BY THIS COMPANY IN PRODUCING THE MERCHANDISE LISTED IN THIS INVOICE AND THE PRJCES CHARGED ARE IN ACCORPANCE WITH GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS. SELLER ALSO REPRESENTS THAT THE GOODS OR SERVICES COVERED BY THIS INVOICE HAVE BEEN PRODUCED OR RENDERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THEF AIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT OF 1938. AS AMENDED. JOB FilE COpy A -::s ~ ./.' l... -. ~\o ~ HOWE·BAKER ENGINEERS, LTD. 3102 East Fifth Street. Tyler, Texas 75701, Phone: 903/597-o311 fax: 903/595-7759 INVOICE Invoice Number Invoi(:ð Date Page 1 of 1 13351 - :5\ \ 9/19/2007 ~. ~ Howe-Baker ~ - œess & Technology WIRE FUNDS TO: BANK OF AMERICA 100 WEST 33RD STREET NEW YORK. NY 10001 ABA NO: 026009593 HOWE-BAKER ENGINEERS. LTD ACCOUNT NO. oo3752192593 rI.~ilOf'" '-"' (1604 To: ENTERPRISE PRODUCTS OPERATION L.P. C/O INVOICE PROCESSING 2727 NORTH LOOP WEST P.O. BOX 4324 HOUSTON. TX. 77210-4324 ATTN: JENNIFER CLIFT / STEVE MARTIN PHONE' 713-880-6942 Tax ID Number 75-2912742 Customer Order No CONTRACT NO. 4390 PROJECT #11063-905 ENGINEERING/CONSTRUCTION WORK RELEASE #2769 Terms NET 30 DAYS BY BANK WIRE TRANSFER Date Shipped ¡Vi. I Shlooina Terms I H-B R.r I J.92153777 Ilem Otv Descriotfon Unit Price Amount ENGINEERING DESIGN, PROCUREMENT, CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND CONSTRUCTION SERVICES FOR THE INSTALLATION OF GAS PROCESSING FACILITIES FOR THE ENTERPRISE PIONEER GAS PLANT. ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE PERIOD FROM 08/01/07 TO 08/31/07 $1,056,517.75 (PER THE ATTACHED MANHOURS) AND 08104/2007 PAYROLL SPREADSHEET ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSING & CAD CHARGE AT $6.65/MAN-HOUR. 12,411.50 $6.65/MH $82.536.58 $1,139,054.33 MATERIAUEOUIPMENTlSERVICES MATERIAUEOUIPMENT $725,869.76 SUBCONTRACT (INSPECTION) $3,181.4ô MISCELLANEOUS $26,691.11 $755,748.33 $155,748,33 $1,894,802,66 CONTRACTOR OVERHEAD COST AT 1% 7% $132,636.19 $2.027,438.85 CONTRACTOR FEE AT 7% 1% $141,920.72 EXPENSES: TRANSPORTATION EXPENSE $10,437.28 LIVING EXPENSE $10,316.87 MEALS EXPENSe $563.12 MISC. EXPENSE $0.00 TOTAL EXPENSES $21,317.27 $21,317.27 SUB-TOTAL $2,190.616.84 TOTAl AMOUNT DUE THIS INVOICE $2,190,676.80 ALL WORK DONE BY THIS COMPANY IN pRODUCING THE MERCHANDISE LISTED IN THIS INVOICE AND THE pRICES CHARGED AJtE IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOVERNMENT REGULA nONS. SELLER ALSO REPRESENTS THAT THE GOODS OR SER VICES CovERED BY TIiIS INVOICE HAVE BEEN PRODUCED OR RENDERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH TIŒ PROVISIONS OF TH£ FAIR Wl80R S1 ANDARDS ACT OF 1938. AS ....MENDED. ORIGINAL /Ö?' 4< HOWE· BAKER ENGINEERS, lTD. 3102 East Fiflh Street, Tyler, Texas 75701, Phone: 903/597-0311 fax: 903/595-7759 INVOICE Invoice Number Invoice Date Page 1 of 1 73477 10/10/2007 To: ENTERPRISE PRODUCTS OPERATION L.P. C/O INVOICE PROCESSING 2727 NORTH lOOP WEST 000605 P.O. BOX 4324 HOUSTON. TX. 77210-4324 ATTN: JENNIFER CLIFT / STEVE MARTIN PHONE: 713-880-6942 T<1x ID Number 75·2912742 Customer Order No CONTRACT NO. 4390 PROJECT #11063-905 ENGINEERING/CONSTRUCTION WORK RELEASE #2769 Terms NET 30 DAYS BY BANK WIRE TRANSFER Date Shi ed Shl In Terms J·92153777 Hcm Oty Descriolion Unill'rico Amount ENGINEERING DESIGN, PROCUREMENT, CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND CONSTRUCTION SERVICES FOR THE INSTAllATION OF GAS PROCESSING FACiliTIES FOR THE ENTERPRISE PIONEER GAS PLANT. WYOMING USE TAX-MONTH OF AUGUST 2007 $39,406.59 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE THIS INVOICE $39,406.59 WYOMING USE TAX PREVIOUSLY INVOICED $266,654.41 WYOMING USE TAX CURRENT INVOICE $39,406.59 CUMULATIVE AMOUNT WYOMING USE TAX $328,061.00 ,\1.1. WORK DONE OYTIIIS ('mll't\:'<:Y IN PROI>\J('ING -rilE ~U:Rl'IIMIDISE LlS-rIiD IN nlls I:-IVO (·I:N.;n WF.I'RICF.5 lflAIWED ARE IN :\CCOIID"\NCE WIT II GOVERNMENT REGl'U 110:"05. 51:1.1.1"'. ALSO ItF.PRESF.NTS r I r..\ T flU¡ (jOO )S OR I'ERVICHS COVEllliD BY nlls INVOICE If/\VI; DEEN PRODl!('fI) OR RENDIiRW IN A('l"ORDr\I\Œ wrrn TIlE J'ROVISION$ OFTIIE FAIR I.,\DOR ST,\NI)ARDS ,Kr Of 19)K. ,\5 ,\.\IENDW. ORIGINAL · _ ..' ..... .. .. .'~ .'.1.. ,. ... ...........\...... HOWE-BAKER ENGIÑEER~, LTD. 3102 East Flilh:Slreet. Tyler, Texas 75701.'Phone: 903;69'7-0311 fax: 903/595.7759 To: INVOICE InvofCe Number InvoiCe' Oaiø P~gø 1 of ~ E,NTERPfUSE PRODUCTS OPERÀTION'L,P; C/O INVOICE P~OGESSING , '2727 NORTH lOÖPWEST P.O; BOX 4324' HOUSTON. TX. 77210-4324 ATT.N: JE~NIFER CLI.FT 1 STEVE MARTIN PHONE' 7:13-880-6942 7~!176 10/15/2001 AHowe-Bak~r \,.,. 'V"~':8fTéchnolo9Y \'VIR!:, FUNDS TO: BAN~ OF AME~IGÞ1 '" 100WE~T~3Rb'STRE.ET NEw YORK, NY 10001 000606 ABA NO: q2$OO~93 -, HOWE-BAKER ENGINEERS. L TO ACCOU~ NO, 0.03152192593 Tax ID Number ' 75-:2912742 Customer Ordér No CONTRACT'NO'.4390 PROJECT #11063-905 ENGINEERING/CONSTRUCTION WORK RELEASE #2769 Temis NET 30 DAYS BY BANK WIRE TRANSFER Dale ShlDDed ... IVii' I ShfDDlno Terms ... .. , .I1f.8,R.r IJ~92153777 , , Item: ' , '" , Dëscri lIò'1: . Unit 'Prjçe ENGJ'NEERING DESIGN. PROCUREMENT¡ C'ONSTRiJcTIOri :MANAGEMENT AND ·CONS.TROCiION SERViCES. FOR TH.Ê INs'rALLAT10J:IOF GAS PROCESSING.FACILITIES FOR THE EtffERP-RISE PIONEE~'~A~P'~T.. Amoun !:NGINEERlNG SERVICES FÖR· TH'E PERIOD, FROM,09io1/07 TO 09/30101 (PER THE ATTACHED MANHOURS):' !=LECTRONIC' DAT~ PR9CE~SING &. Cf-P CHARGE AT $6.65/MAN·HOUR. $787,118:65' 9,697.50 $6.65/MH $64'486.47 $852:207'.02' MATERIALJEQUIPMENT/S!=.RVICE~ MATERIALJEQUIPMENT SUBCONTRACT (INSPECTION)' MISCELLANEOUS ~518.210,71 $14,646'.90 $9,628,£4 $602,545.85 CONTRACTOR OVERHEAD. CO'ST AT 7% 1°,{, $602 545.85 ' $1.454,752;81 101802.11 . $1.556.,5~·94 $.108,928:3'2 CONtRACTOR FEE.AT-7% 7% EXPENSES; 'tRANSPORTATION EXPENSE LlV)NG E.XP~NSE . MEÅLS EXPENSE MISC. EXPt=NSE TOTAL EXPENSES $7,106.17 $7;264.95 $574.68 ~14,946.40 $14,9.46.4Õ $1,600,429.7.6 ' $1.680 429.16 ALL \VORK DONE BY TillS COMPANY IN fROD INO TIlIi MERCWANDISE'USTED IN THIS INVOICE AND Tllli fRICES CIIÃROIi¡) ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH <iOVIi.l\NMEm' REOuu.TIONS. SELLER ALSO REI'RESENTS T HE GOODS OR SERVICES COVÉRED BY TillS INVOICE HAVE ßliEN PRODUCED Oil RENDERED IN ACc.oal1ANCE WITHTHB PRovISIONS OFTH\! FMI!. t.A80R STANDARDS Af:r OF 193.. AS AMENDED. o RIG ¡'N A L HOWE·BAKER ENGINEERS, l TO. 3102 East Fifth Street, Tyler, Texas 75701, Phone: 903/597-0311 fax: 903/595-7759 INVOICE Invoice Number Invoice Date Page 1 of 1 73832 11/8/2007 A Howe-Baker ~.& Technology WIRE FUNDS TO: BANK OF AMERICA 100 WEST 33RD STREET NEW YORK, NY 10001 000L'07 ABA NO: 026009593 itA> HOWE-BAKER ENGINEERS, l TO ACCOUNT NO. 003752192593 To: ENTERPRISE PRODUCTS OPERATION L.P. C/O INVOICE PROCESSING 2727 NORTH LOOP WEST P.O. BOX 4324 HOUSTON, TX. 77210·4324 ATTN: JENNIFER CLIFT / STEVE MARTIN PHONE: 713-880-6942 Tax 10 Number 75-29] 2742 Customer Order No CONTRACT NO. 4390 PROJECT #11063-905 ENGINEERING/CONSTRUCTION WORK RELEASE #2769 Terms NET 30 DAYS BY BANK WIRE TRANSFER Date Shipped IVil I Shlppina Terms IH.B Ref IJ-92153777 lIem Otv DescriDtlon Unit Price Amount ENGINEERING DESIGN, PROCUREMENT, CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND CONSTRUCTION SERVICES FOR THE INSTALLATION OF GAS PROCESSING FACiliTIES FOR THE ENTERPRISE PIONEER GAS PLANT. ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE PÉRIOD FROM 10/01/07 TO 10/31/07 $549,195.13 (PER THE ATTACHED MANHOURS) ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSING & CAD CHARGE AT $6.65/MAN-HOUR. 6,763.75 S6.651MH $44 979.00 $594,174.13 MA TERIAUEQUIPMENTlSERVICES MATERIAUEQUIPMENT $825,974.61 SUBCONTRACT (INSPECTION) $4,893.44 MISCELLANEOUS $5,306.12 $836,174.17 $836,174.17 $1,430,348.30 CONTRACTOR OVERHEAD COST AT 7% 7% $100006.80 $1,530,355.10 CONTRACTOR FEE AT 7% 7% $101,007.37 EXPENSES: TRANSPORTATION EXPENSE $5,067.92 LIVING EXPENSE $9,377.72 MEALS EXPENSE $1,032.28 MISC. EXPENSE TOTAL EXPENSES $15,477.92 $15,477.92 SUB·TOTAl $1,652,840.39 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE THIS INVOICE $1,652,840.39 ALL WOJU< DONE BY THIS COM1'ANY IN PRODUClNO THE MERCHANDISE USTED IN THIS INVOICE AND THE prow CHAJlGED AU IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOVERNMENT REGU~ TIONS. SELLER ALSO REPRESENTS THAT THE GOODS OR SERVICES COVERED BY THIS INVOICE HAVE BEEN PRODUCED OR RENDERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS Of THI! FAIR UJ!OR STANDARDS ACT OF 1938, AS AMENDED. ORIGINAL HOWE·BAKER ENGINEERS, L TO. 3102 East Afth Street, Tyler, Texas 75701, Phone: 903/597·0311 rax: 903/595-7759 INVOICE Invoice Number Invoice Date Page 1 of 1 74047 12/18/2007 ~ 4.!IBJ Howe-Baker '" ~:& Technology WIRE FUNDS TO: BANK OF AMERICA 100 WEST 33RD STREET NEW YORK, NY 10001 ABA NO: 026009593 000608 HOWE·BAKER ENGINEERS; L TO ACCOU"!T NO. 003752192593 To: ENTERPRISE PRODUCTS OPERATION LP. CIO INVOICE PROCESSING . 2727 NORTH LOOP WEST P.O. BOX 4324 HOUSTON, TX. 77210-4324 A TTN: JENNIFER CUFT I STEve MARTIN PHONE' 713·880-6942 Tax 10 Number 75-2912742 Customer Order No CONTRACT NO. 4390 PROJECT #11063-905 ENGINEERINGICONSTRUCTION WORK RELEASE #2769 Term8 NET 30 DAYS BY BANK WIRE TRANSFER Date Shinned IVi. I Shlnnlno Terms (H-SRar IJ·92153777 lIem 01'1 Descrlntion (!nit Price AmoU1lt ENGINEERING DESIGN, PROCUREMENT, CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND CONSTRUCTION SERVICES FOR THE INSTALLATION OF GAS PROCESSING FACILITIES FOR THE ENTERPRISE PIONEER GAS PLANT. ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE PERIOD FROM 11/01107 TO 11130/07 $392,941.50 (PER. ~E ATTACHED MANHOURS) ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSING & CAD CHARGE AT $6.65/MAN.HOUR. 4,748.25· $6.65/MH $31 575.92 $424,517.42 MA TERIALlEQUIP~NT/SERVICES MA TERIAL/EQUIPMENT $343,757.66 SUBCONTRACT (INSPECTION) $4,775.89 MISCELLANEOUS $3,592.53 $357,126.08 $357126.08 $781,643,50 . , $54.715.05 CONTRACTOR OVERHEAD COST AT 7% 70k $836.358.56 CONTRACTOR FEE AT 7% 7% $58,535.74 EXPENSES: TRANSPORTATION EXPENSE $10,592.71 LIVING EXPENSE $10,583.42 MEALS EXPENSE $2,370.66 MISC. EXPENSE TOTAL EXPENSES $23,546.79 $23.546.79 SUB-TOTAL $918,441.08 TOTAL AMOUNT DUe THIS INVOICE $918441.09 ALL WORK DONE BY THIS COMPANY IN PRODVCINO THf; MERCHANDISE LISTED IN THIS INVOICE AND THE PRICES CHARCED AIlE IN ACCORDANCE WITH OOVEJlNMENT REGULATIONS. SELLI!It ALSO RURESENTS THAT T1iE G OR SERVICES COVERED DY THIS INVOICE HAVE BUN PRODUCED OR R.ENDE.RED IN ACCORDANCE WITH TH8 PROVISIO THE FAIR LA801l STANDARDS ACT OF 1931. A3 AMENDED. O~~;\ ORIGINAL HOWE-BAKER ENGINEERS, lTD. 3102 East Fiflh Street, Tyler, Texas 75701, Phone: 903/597-0311 fax: 903/595-7759 INVOICE Invoice Number Invoice Date Page 1 of 1 74244 1/22/2008 To: ENTERPRISE PRODUCTS OPERATION L.P. C/O INVOICE PROCESSING 2727 NORTH LOOP WEST P.O. BOX 4324 ÜOÛ609 HOUSTON, TX. 77210-4324 ATTN: JENNIFER CLIFT / STEVE MARTIN PHONE: 713-880-6942 Tax 10 Number 75.2912742 Customer Order No CONTRACT NO. 4390 PROJECT #11063·905 ENGINEERING/CONSTRUCTION WORK RELEASE #2769 Terms NET 30 DAYS BY BANK WIRE TRANSFER Dale Shi ad Shi in Terms J.92153777 Ilem OIV DescrioUon Unit Price Amounl ENGINEERING DESIGN, PROCUREMENT, CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND CONSTRUCTION SERVICES FOR THE INSTALLATION OF GAS PROCESSING FACILITIES FOR THE ENTERPRISE PIONEER GAS PLANT. WYOMING USE TAX-MONTH OF SEPTEMBER 2007 $25,901,95 WYOMING USE TAX·MONTH OF OCTOBER 2007 $26,664.68 WYOMING USE TAX-MONTH OF NOVEMBER 2007 $7,333.00 WYOMING USE TAX·MONTH OF DECEMBER 2007 $14,846.83 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE THIS INVOICE $74746.46 WYOMING USE TAX PREVIOUSLY INVOICED $328,061.00 WYOMING USE TAX CURRENT INVOICE $74,746.46 CUMULATIVE AMOUNT WYOMING USE TAX $402,607,46 ALL WORK DON ¡ BY THIS COMPANY IN PRODUCING THE MfiRCIIANDlSE J.lSTED IN THIS INVO¡CliAND THE PRICES CHARGED ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS. Sm.lJ:R ALSO RI!PRESF.NTS TllA l' THn GOODS OR SERVICES COVf:.RF.D DY THIS INVOICE "A VI: DUDI PRODUCED OR RENDIlRED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS 01' TIll! FAIR LADOR STANDARDS ACT OF 1938. AS AMENDnD. ORIGINAL HOWE-BAKER ENGINEERS, LTD. 3102 East Fifth street, Tyler, Texas 75701, Phone: 903I59?-0311 fax: 903/~95-7759 . , , INVOICE InvoiCe Number Invoice Date Page 1011 74245 1/29/2008 ~ ~Howe-Baker l l riœss:>&'-Technofogy WIRE FUNDS TO: BANK OF AMERICA 100 WEST 33RO STREET NEW YORK, NY 10001 00 ABA NO; 026009593 0610 HOWE-BAKER ENGINEERS, L TD ACCOUNT NO. 003752192593 To: ENTERPRISE PRODUCTS OPERATION LP. C/O INVOICE PROCESSING 2727 NORTH LOOP WEST . P,O. BOX 4324 HOUSTON. TX. m10-1324 ATTN: JENNIFER CUFT I STEVE MARTIN PHONE: 713-880-6942 Tax ID Number 75-2911743 Customer Order No CONTRA T NO. 4390 PROJECT 106 05 ENGINEERING Tenns NET 30 DAYS BY BANK WIRE TRANSFER Dale Shl eel Shl I Teni1s !letn Descrl lion Unit Price '." _..m.__ ..-.. "- .... .. - ..' ENGINEERING' DESIGN; PROCUREMENT, CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND CONSTRUCTION SERVICES FOR THE INSTALLATION OF GAS PROCESSING FACIUT1ES FOR THE ENTERPRISE PIONEER GAS PLANT. A mount ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE PERIOD FROM 12/01/07 TO 12/31107 (PJ;;R THE ATTACHED MANHOURS) ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSING & CAD CHARGE AT $6.65/MAN-HOUR. $397.189.25 5.029.30 $6.65/MH. $33 444.89 $430.634.14 MA TERIAlÆOlÌlPMENT/SERVlCES MATERIAlJEOUIPMENT SUBCONTRACT (INSPECTION) MISCELLANEOUS $306,808.09 $17,374.56 $1,643.22 $325,825.87 CONTRACTOR OVERHEAD COST AT 7% 7%· $325,825.87 $756,460.01 52883.71 $809.343.72 CONTRACTOR FEE AT 7% EXPENSES: TRANSPORTATION EXPENSE LIVING EXPENSe MEALS EXPENSE MISC. EXPENSE TOTAL EXPENSES SUB-TOTAL $2,972.17 $5,8"7;33' .786.61 $9,626.11 $56,585.59 $9.626.11 $875.556.42 TOTAL AMOUNT CUE THIS INVOICE 875565.41- ALL WORK DONE BY THIS COMPANY IN PRODUCINO TH£MEKC!!ANDISI! LISTED IN nlls INVOICE AND THE PIIICES C!!AIIOED AilE IN ACCORDANCE IVITH OOVERNMeNT REGULATIONS. SJ!IJ.J!K ALSO REI'RESENTST!!AT TilE GOODS ORSERVICES COVEflED BY TillS ,;"VOIC!!!AV¡¡ BEEN PkOOUCEO OR U.NDERED IN AC('ORÐANŒ IVITHTHI PROVISIONS OFTH!! FAUllABOR STANDARDS ACT OF 1931, AS AME.ND60. ORIGINAL