HomeMy WebLinkAbout942164 Kt:L=I-IVI-U ~IIII¿VVO i::H 0.">.1 /"IIVI ..___.VING # 942164 BOOK: 704 PAGE: 634 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY WYOMING AFFIDAVIT OF COLLECTION OF ESTATE ASSETS In accordance with Wyo. Stat. Ann. §§ 2-1-201 and 2-1-202 . A copy of this affidavit must first be filed with the county clerk of a Wyoming court of competent Jurisdiction with a certified copy attached to this affidavit. This affidavit form is offered to be used In connection with .- 40lelyas a convenience. Wells Fargo employees are not authorized to advise or assist individuals in completing this Affidavit. Questions or concerns should be directed to an independent legal counsel. To: Certified Copy of Decedent's Death Certificate to be attached to this Affidavit/Declaration STATE OF WYOMING "t ~ COUNTYOF.~ ) ) SS. _",- t,.!:{ - /3 - ö~9'3 ) ~nd~~;s~~~e: 1. I am the claiming successor of the decedent because I am the decedent. . 2. Name of the decedent: ~7t¡~~ 3. Date of death: b -.1 0 ;¡" 4. State of decedent's residenc~ at date of death: W Lj 5. Place of death: Ro..LlJ-eL.n..a ,IA/ Y (city and state) 6. The value of the entire estate, wherever located, less liens and encumbrances, does not exceed $150,000. 7. At least thirty (30) days have elapsed since the death of the decedent as shown in a certified or authenticated copy of the decedent's death certificate attached to the affidavit. 8. There are no other distributees of the decedent having a right to succeed to the property under probate proceedings. 9. No application or petition for the appointment of a personal representative is pending or has been granted in any jurisdiction. 10. I am entitled by law to payment or delivery of the property, and I request that the following described property be paid, ~ : ~k..J3 -U-. "lu ,l,ÀA /lnLt'ÃiïC"1-y¡1f-:; ::J.(,If.sA.... 11. e . in 11irs' a'ffida re'1fcre ~d~~~false statement may subject the persoll or persons herein claiming to penalties relating to pe~ury under the laws of the State of Wyoming and any other applicable law. (Name of person signing this affidavit) the -'~ / . (describe relationship to decedent) of the Signature of Affiant making the above statements \..54\NðRA. In-ARIE.. Wl)iT¡V~i NjI T1e (typ~ or print) LP tjt'1 ~ I (,,&ð Adsit . ..J:TØP-ío IV LV ~ 'fi:~ 1/ cJ City, state, zip Subseri ed and swom to before me on the day 0 \ r- ,20 D'b . ~ QUINE CRNKOVICH - NOTARY PUBLIC County ot State of Lincoln Wyoming My Commission Expires Aug. 1, 20-12 Notary Seal State of Wyoming Affidavit of Collection where Estate does not exceed $150,000 ) '" t" T" E'" ( ·F"'" WV"\:' "" 0,,' M·'·' .,' N'·' G'L SÄqQ"'.. " "',".,.' ,', ',..,.., ,DEPARTMENT OF HEAL1"H .. .. ." .. . DEATH CERTIFICATE ..... .... ..".... . -" . .. .. ., . · .. . . ' , .,' , · . ., ". ' . . . . .'. " .. . · ',', '" .. :-: " ," " . " . , COÛ635 , , .'. ,.... ,',' .':'" '," .. .,' , , , Decedent: Name: 'qGender:q .' bate cJf Elirth: ' Angelique Marie Deniz ,qFemaleq ',q' lvIar¿g07, 1963 .::;..........::;:; \:' '}.... ....::;.. ./ ","; ,.," ......>::.. {' Stite¥iI~NJm6er: 200S-001eb2 , Social$eclJrÎW Nµrrb~r:" -" ~ge atthe l\~m~ o~Deat~; 45 yef:!rs Date and Place of Death: f~:~r:~~;~~:.··. ','..~~~i~~ð~~~d~i:.~rô·~'gjê:("'. .....' ,',.,,' , "AdditiórÎal;Ôeèede~t. ït.fbrmáti(;n :t\·q~" ,'.," qPlace Of Birth: San Bernardlno;,CaliforMia Residence: / Rawlins,Wyoming'·..,,'..,,: ':, ~r%i~~~~~ð~~:~~?rce1"."i ':,{;} ".\ Name ofFáther:' .~ié:hard AWhitney'·. .,j' Maiden Name o~, Motber:' Sandra M. Huggard H!nforrTJáht"S¡;Indt¡;¡ M.VYhltl1~ý\ ' ÇÖ4nty ofpe¡ath: qárbolJ .... H . '. ~.. .' . -,>:;. . .,' . - .: .~.:.: . , '; Disposition: . :" M~thod 9fQispositioq: Pläse ofDi~po~itior:r ~,?~ra~tigfte'tl~tiori'JR;Wlih~,··'W&~'Ti~¡ , Funeral Home or Facility:i, , '" ..": ,I .' .'...,. .,.. '\ p'facility:PiP/'Pl ',.." Rostfld~ort~aty,'R~w!jns, VVYOh1irg\ .. --:!;." ~ ;.;" .;> " ":'. ,'" - . .::::;;' . Cause of Death:·. '....'.,. ',. . .,:: .' , . . ' The immediatecaqse.Js /iste.donthe. ,fir.st1ine..fçJ/lowfJdby,anýuqderjying causes. ~L~:i¡~~~!:n~!gitiq~~~~O:'~:J~:d; ... .....;, .. .. plnteryal: . ,,", .' ,Nòt R¢cordeq "} "';":;'; ,/" ..;." ".... . (pMannêrof Óeath:~Natural Death ,) \ Þ~ilil za~~få;:',~8toA~fY;. ,',' Box 6, Råwlins;Wycih1in~ YJpnep9, 2098 Certifier:H Näh:1è:( Address: :time òf De.,9,-th:Q€3:00f\pprQ)<imate 'i'." _ .,~.: , PDate rpiled:< '-.. .... .... ," ",. ','." , ",', ....... H '. P ',', .. " P .. .... . '" \', ·':'3' ¡.,' 9"3:"'·4' 8·, , . .. .. .. .... . .. ...... ., ' ',' , ",' , , · .. -.. .. - - -. -. · . - ". ",. · .. ".. .... ·'r··'··'·'>· :{ '"":: .:". ..,>:' :U .;? :~\ {:.,,( &~, ,} GI~dys K. Br~~den ( D~p~1y Stat~ Registrar '} This Is a tru~ certification of the document on file in the office of Vital Records Services, Cheyenne, Wyoming. '.. ....... ... ",. .... ".- .-., ,. .... . ......... .' -' '.' '.', .'. .... ','. - .-.' '..... ÔATE ¡~sûEq:4Úne 2Q¡20QS\ -', ,