HomeMy WebLinkAbout942177 I'~"'~I V L..U .." I 1'.e.VVV ItA'" 1.0..1\.1 I File No.: 6010816695 RECEIVING # 942177 BOOK: 704 PAGE: 663 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY CORRECTIVE WARRANTY DEED Deloy R. Barrus and Ruth S. Barrus, Husbaod and Wife, grantor(s) of Provo; State of Utah, for and in consideration ofTen Dollars and Other Good and Valuable Consideration, in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged. do(es) Convey and Warrant To C00663 Sage Land Development Company, Inc., a Wyoming Corporation grantee(s), whose address is: P.O. Box 4158 Jackson. WY, 83001 the following described real estate, situate in Lincoln County and State of Wyoming, to wit: That part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 35 and that part of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of SecdOIl 36, Township 31 North, Range 119 West, Lincoln County, Wyoming, being part of that trad of record In the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County In Book 440 of Photostatic Records on page 196, described as follows: BEGINNING at the Northeast corner of said Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter; thence South 89°46'10" West, 847.79 feet, along the North line of said Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, to an intersection with the centerline of Bitter Creek County Road No. 12-140; thence coursing said centerline as follows: South 31 °18'20" East, 437.62 feet, to PC 337+41.20; Southeasterly, 172.93 feet, along the arc of a circular curve to the right, through a central angle of 06°59'27", with a radJus of 1417.29 feet and a chord bearing South 27°48'36" East, 172.82 feet, to the Northwest spike of that tract of record in said Office In Book 420 of Photostati\: Re\:ords on page 17, and leave said centerllne; thence North 89°46'10" East, 946.2 feet, more or less, along the North Hne of said tract in Book 420 and the easterly extension thereof, to the thread of Salt River Canal; thence coursing said thread as follows: North 37°33'42" West, 72.0 feet, more or less; North 50°58'25" West, 245.4 feet, more or less; North 07°29'40" West, 107.2 more or less; North 22°01'02" East, 123.6 feet, more or less; North 15°44'54" West, 99.2 feet, more or less, to the North line of said Northwest Quarter of the Nortbwest Quarter; thence South 89°31 '52" West, 177.4 feet, more or less, along said North Hne, to the CORNER OF BEGINNING. If j It{ Hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming. VIlitness my/our hand(s) thlS .~~ f{ J3~ Deloy R arms 1'~YOf s""~~, Ja.~ Ruth BI1mI8 State of ,'At- I R"d2.í\.A 'V1 -'"') 55. County of Prj1è...6I0 The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this by Dejoy R Barrus and Ruth S Barrus. é~ Ç] day of September, 2008, WItness my hand and official seaL e'" ~ ATh'l ~::::;-- l!it"1-."~'? <"/k 'JC--¿-' _. t l.'J¿::'~.f é¡·:). v /lfT'<'-,' . _., My COmnl1SSlOn exp~~es: C~.It-'Ì1 Ie. fE; /...-:::...~~...<? ..../7" n1/iv¡ t'''Í ,J6 ~ ð- L .-;./ ,. . . ,/ ,//) C, ( Notary Públic /. // Œ) StreamLme Deed - WarrenI)' WY ~ Rev. 9/412008 000664 NOTE: THIS SERVES TO CORRECT THE GRANTEE AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION IN WARRANTY DEED RECORDED MAY 27,2008 IN BOOK 695PR ON PAGE 530 OF THE LINCOLN COUNTY PUBLIC RECORDS. . . CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT «.ç<'~-ë<'.Ç('.ë<'.ç<'-ë<'.Ç('-ë<'.<X'.ë<'.Ç('.Ç('.Ç('.ë<'-ë<'.ç<'.ç<'.ç<'.ç<'-<;<'.ë<'-ë<'.e<>(x'.e<'.ë<'.ë<'.Ç('-ë<'ß.e<'ß-ë<'.ç<'.Ç(',ç('-ë<'-ë<'-ë<'-ë<'.ç¢.Ç('.Ç('.Ç(',ë( State of California } û00665 County of Placer On '1/ Z;;/06 Dale before me, Holly A. Roye. Notary Public Here Jnsert Name and Title 01 the Officer \/ \'----::J "'}',' c L ? ~ L . ". k.., ¿-C'.:J @ . U I '\ Name(s) 01 Signer( ) s ~ r"' I~: ~ z..L~:) personally appeared }. ct . A . . . A ~~L~Y AA~ ;o~; & A A f : ... Commlulon # 1798433 j ;~. _. Notary Public· California ~ Z - Placer County . JT T T T . T ~~.~~~1~,~~ J who proved t~~ on the basis .~,. 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