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When recorded return to:
Melven E. Smith
Smith Knowles, P.C.
4723 Harrison Blvd., #200
Ogden, Utah 84403
RECEIVED 9/12/2008 at 10:09 AM
RECEIVING # 942210
BOOK: 704 PAGE: 703
In accordance with Wyoming Statutes Annotated, §34-4- J 04, the undersigned hereby requests that a copy of any Notice of
Default, Notice of Sale or any pending action involving the Mortgage dated November 10,2006, and executed by SALT LAKE
EXCHANGE ACCOMODATION 299, L.L.C., a Utah Limited Liability Company, as "Mortgagor"; with BANK OF UTAH, as
"Mortgagee", which Mortgage was recorded November 15, 2006, in Book 640PR, at Page 364, in the Official Records of the Lincoln
County's Recorder Office, Wyoming, describing land therein situated in Lincoln County, Wyoming, and more particularly as follows:
Commencing at a point on the West right-of-way line of US Highway 89 North where said West right-of-way line
intersects the North bank ofthe Salt River West of the highway bridge, said beginning point being
approximately North 29° 20' East, 1730 feet, more or less, from the Southwest Corner of Section 12, T33 N.R
119 W, 6th P.M., Wyoming, and thence following around the North bank of Salt River to the West boundary line
of said Section 12 (said North bank of Salt River being described as running North 38° 10' West, 445 feet; thence
North 82° 30' West, 264 feet; thence South 48° 0' West, 252 feet; thence South 86° 30' West, 125 feet, more or
less, to the West boundary line of said Section 12), thence North 0° 0' West, 573 feet, more or less, to a point 21
rods South of the Northwest Corner of the SW Y. of said Section 12, thence running North 90° 0' East parallel to
the North boundary line of said SW y., 41 rods, more or less, to the West Right-of-Way boundary of old U.S. 89
Highway; thence Northerly along said West Highway right-of-way boundary, 21.33 rods, more or less, to a point
on the North boundary line of said SW Y. of said Section 12 which is 42.5 rods, more or less, East of the West
boundary line of said Section 12; thence running North 90° 0' East, 265 feet, more or less, to the West boundary
line ofthe new U.S. Highway 89; thence Southerly along the said West right-of-way boundary 1168 feet, more or
less, to the point of beginning.
Beginning at a point on the East R.O.W. of U.S. 89 Highway that is North 36° 40' West 2840 West, 2840 West,
2840 feet from the S Y. Corner of Section 12, T33N, RI19W, 6th P.M., Wyoming, and running thence North 1°
35' East, 114.33 feet, thence North 89° 30' East, 709.0 feet; thence South 20° 30' West, 122.0 feet; thence South
89° 30' West, 690.0 feet to the point of beginning, and containing 1.77 acres, more or less, also known as Tract E
on the plat thereof prepared by Ivan L. Call, P.E. & L.S. No. 274, as of May 1977, for remaining "Ted Hale lands
on Willow Creek and Salt River;
\ ,f,f
Together with all buildings and improvements situate thereon and all easements and appurtenances belonging
thereto and all fixtures attached thereto.
Subject to all restrictions, reservations, easements, and rights-of-way and covenants of record, of sight, or in use.
Together with all water, water rights, water wells; water permits, ditches, ditch rights, reservoirs appurtenant to
and applicable to said real property, and any and all other appurtenances to said real property.
Together with all coal, oil, gas, uranium, fissionable and fusionable materials and all other minerals and mineral
rights, royalties and royalty rights of every kind and character as owned or hereafter acquired by Seller
contained in and underlying the above-described lands together with the right to enter thereon for the purpose of
drilling for, exploring, mining (by underground, surface, strip, open pit, solution or any other mining method
Requestfor Notice of Default Page 1 of2
SoDerby, LLC
now or hereafter known) the above described minerals and the right to use as much of the surface as may be
necessary for such purposes, provided the owner ofthe surface is reasonably compensated for any damage done
be sent to:
SoDerby, LLC, a Utah Limited Liability Company
Attn: Duane D. Johnson, Mgr
2951 North Fairfield Road
Layton, UT 84041
DATED this
day of
6pnfeJJJ bèY
Melven E. Smith
Attorney for SoDerby, LLC
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me on this 'l'ld- day of L~)tJlI ,"'m)Ji! J/' , 20 L> r
ß¿JJhJ/iJ¿ ~flu
Residing at:
My Commission Expires:
Request for Notice of Default
SoDerby, LLC
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