HomeMy WebLinkAbout942300 1 LI 'It (, G 6010817043 CERTIFICATE OF DISCHARGE OOG074 This certifies that a mortgage from --6m W· \~OYn~ O\r\d}\nt ) 1). MOlv,S Mortgagors, to Wells Fargo Financial Wyoming, Inc., fì'k/a Norwest Financial Wyoming, Inc., Mortgagee, dated 6~l recorded in book of on page _\ ') 2. has been fully satisfied by the payment of the debt secured thereby, and is hereby cancelled and discharged. Wells Fargo Financial Wyoming, Inc., ~~ñ~ 1 STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF ~-twottvv ) ) ss ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by ~ M 8Jo., ~ this ~V· day of hÀ.ðV\~t '200c( . ~ l~~ Notary Public My Commission Expires: ¡VíJ/e"" 'Jr Î ~ t?....7i C MICHAEL V HAWK 7i 1 NORTH MAIN STREET LAYTON, UTAH 84041 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES NOVEMBER 8, 2008 STATE OF UTAH WY-0906-0700 RECEIVED 9/16/2008 at 3:27 PM RECEIVING # 942300 BOOK: 705 PAGE: 74 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY Prepared by: WELLSFARGOFmANC~ UTAH, me. 4085 SOUTH REDWOOD RD. SALT LAKE CITY UT 84123 Return to: WELLS FARGO FmANCML UTAH, mc. 4085 SOUTH REDWOOD RD. SALT LAKE CITY UT 84123 894050 REOEIVED llNCOLN COUNTY CLERK 03 OCT -I Pr't~: 05 .JEANNE V¥'AG.,NEB v r.·~p)\¡\I::-Rr:F: \'./Y'J;MJh'\'; ", ... '"". ,·ï- ,... I.: .~ .BOOI( 5") ~.j U t PR r':^ G"... .r.cJ.. .lj 132 000075 WYOMING REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE GLEN W. MORRIS JUNE B. MORFJS residing at 1321 SORENSENDRNE KEMMERER WY 83101 (address) to secure the payment of a promissory note of even date in the sum of $ of Payments) payable to the order of Wells Fargo Financial 4085 SOUTH REDWOOD RD. SALT LAKE CITY UT 84123 (address) a loan made by Mortgagee to Mortgagors in the principal amount of $ 76,663.95 (Amount Financed) said note is payable in monthly installments, and according to the terms thereof, payment may be made in advance in any amount at any time, and default in making any monthly payment shall, at the option of the holder of said note, and without notice or demand, render the entire unpaid balance thereof at once due and payable, less any required refund or credit of charges; hereby mortgages and warrants to Mortgagee the following described real estate: LOT 2 OF BLOCK 4 OF THE LmCOLN HEIGHTS 2ND SUBDNISION TO THE CITY OF KEMMERER, LmCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING AS DESCRIBED ON THE OFFIC~ PLAT THEREOF. , Mortgagors, 101,016.00 (Total Wyoming, Inc., Mortgagee, , and evidencing situated in LmCOLN County, State of Wyoming. Mortgagors hereby release and waive all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of this state. Mortgagors agree to pay all taxes and assessments on said premises when due and keep buildings thereon insured for maximum insurable value or such lesser sum authorized by Mortgagee in writing, during the life of this mortgage, with Mortgagee as loss payee as its interest appears. Mortgagors also agree not to sell or transfer said premises, or any part thereof, without Mortgagee's prior written consent and any such sale or transfer without Mortgagee's prior written consent shall constitute a default under the terms hereof. If default is made in payment of all or part of sums hereby secured, or in any of the covenants or agreements hereof, then at the Mortgagee's option, the whole indebtedness hereby secured shall become due and payable, and the Mortgagee may proceed, pursuant to law, to foreclose on and sell said property, and out of the proceeds of such sale, pay all sums due hereunder, together with all costs of sale and foreclosure, including reasonable attorney's fees. Witness Mortgagor's signatures on this 25TH day of SEPTEMBER 2003 ~ LV. }ì'ì~ ~ f:; 'n'(~.. ) ) ss. COUNTY OF L.\nco\Yì ) The foregoing instrument by G \, Y1 Irv. mol 1 \~ and \SlJY\(.. Õ. fYlO<f\~ was acknowledged before me this ?'5 day of â'çTIrmbt.Y"' '2003 (SEAL) (SEAL) STATE OF WYOMmG Witness my hand and official seal. (SEAL) ~.Ç2j 6. . Not~ My Commission Expires: O~I. I I '2. 'OQ4 WY-0997-0700 (ROC) NolaIy Public R Jared Bruwnlng 4085 S. ~WOOCS Rd. Sail Lake City, UT 84123 MV Commlaalon ExpIres October 01. 2004 Slale 01 Utah