HomeMy WebLinkAbout942304 Affidavit of to the Public COûOS7 I, Claire A. Sternberg, being of lawful age and duly sworn according to law, upon my oath, depose and state: That under the date of July 13, 1981, for valuable consideration, John D. Snively and Jacqueline aka Jacklyn Snively, husband and wife, by deed of that date, which deed was duly filed of record in the Office of the Lincoln County Clerk, on July 20, 1981, in Book 178PR, Page 671, conveyed to Richard E. Sternberg and Claire A. Sternberg, husband and wife, as joint tenants with full rights of survivorship, the following described land, to-wit: Lots Thirty-One (31) and Thirty-Two (32) of Block No.6 of the Townsite of Tulsa, now LaBarge, Lincoln County, Wyoming That by reason of said conveyance aforesaid, the said Richard E. Sternberg and Claire A. Sternberg, husband and wife, became the owners of said real property, and title thereto vested in them continuously from the date of said conveyance, to the date of death of Richard E. Sternberg, also known as Richard Eugene Sternberg, on the 22nd day of August, 2008. That by reason of and upon the death of Richard E. Sternberg, title to the above described real property vested in Claire A. Sternberg. Affiant avers and certifies that Richard E. Sternberg, also known as Richard Eugene Sternberg, is the identical party named with Claire A. Sternberg in the aforementioned deed, whose death terminated his interest, title and estate in said real property; and Affiant attaches hereto and makes a part of this affidavit, a copy of the Official Certificate of Death of said decedent, duly certified by the public authority in which said death certificate is a matter of record. Dated this _Ib~ day of '5i;'Vr~2008. ~(tl State of Wyoming ) ) ss. County of Lincoln ) Subscribed and sworn to before me, a notary public in and for said County and State, by Claire A. Sternberg, this Ll~ day of ~, 2008. ~JiI~O~A . Notary Public Iq t ?eLD RECEIVED 9/16/2008 at 3:56 PM RECEIVING # 942304 BOOK: 705 PAGE: 87 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY Till. Oocu"""t I. be" IWCOI'ded Þy Rocky MountaIn Tlttel""'__ Agency of LIMoIn c...,.. COUIn'Uv only .." '.' .', ',' ... ..... ..' .. . .. '.. .., .. . STATE' OF WYOMING· ( iDEPARTMElIlT OF HEALTH\ ... I ... .,. ... .. ... DEATH CERTIFICATE :::. ':r -.//:"':\:. ')j' '\........\, .{... ....:: .;:/' "'-::'<. / Ståtel=ili'Nðmber: 2008-602477 è-- Decedent: .. Name: j3ender: .... Date of Birth: '·1· 1 Date and Place of Death: . g$eb~fó~~1~~:t~~~srbî~,2qe~:~~t,~~ .·.·..'..· .,;.... .". :e.~~?~ofbê,fth: ~,incoI9 Location: [)ecedE!9t's hC>.~e, . .... ,. .,.,.,.."'..... ..'.'.'''...,. ..,"..."., \.,.,.... ....'. ...,>... ,.....':. AdditionaLDecedentlnformation;) ..i.·<> \ Place -of"Birth:" ::'Unknbwn;- Ohio" " .....,_/......;... ;-V~: ¡<:':;'" ":"'\',:::::.:¿.;;,..}." .... Residence:LaBarg~IWyoming . .. ... ........ ......... ..... ... Marital Status:. 'Married...·.·....' ";:Nal1ÏrÇ)f~~tviJiqg $p'bpse: g ~jref':¥cCanlJ .." Armed Forces:y¡;tS . .......,.,.......... . ....."..... ...?'. .... Na~e of Father: ..HarJY. Paul Sternberg.. .' .... Malden NarT)~,OfN1othE!r:·..Kathryq:··.B~rtf1019rT)E!W.. Informant: / . ..\OlaiteA StEi)rríÞE!rg ;( ....... .(\ Richard Eugene Sternberg Male \ ...... ..,.,..;' Soci~l$ec~rity Nur::rbE!r:,~ . __ ., . JÜly~8, 1927 .... 6'ge at thE! Tim, of Deatq: 81 YE!§lrs þ ~ I L I ~ ~ ~ t ~. " E E ~ < E ~ ~ ê ~ o ~ ~ < ~ :.;......... Disposition: Methodof[¡)ispos ítiot:): Plåce ofDispqêitiqn:) / ~FPG'~'~~~~,~~~ter,...áÞ'~th~9~dª6.,·.··.lJlt;....··, . .. ··...~~~i~rl...H1m.~. o.r¡:f=~Ci,I:~YkalÌ·..F~mií·~.·.Yh~'þ~i;jk~mm.efé~,~:Vyý~~ in~·...,..· Cause of Death: ___ Th(j immediatØ cati'se is 1ístedo'rth~ fírstJinefóllOW~dbYähy LJ~de~ly¡qg caus~s.i ~{h~;S~~r,rJ~~~~u¿a6~~:f¡~~~~Þr~~f~te...èancer.cor¿~a~A~e&'bi~e~se·· .\... .., Certifier: Name: Address:, ¡ :. . ':" ..-.... . ,.,,', f¡ìTIeo1''Qe~th;>ÛÒ'k~6wn Interval: 2 months \ ,. .1," ," "", _... . Manner of Death: "Natur,é3iDéåt,r·' ''',. . L -< ... .. . ..... Darcy .1),Ù'herrM;D :·x·,( ......,. . PO Boxt~O, aigPin.øy, vv'Ý81l"1inQ >.';'.'-:. " "''---,_:-,:-;'::; ·';i.,i-,;'-·;' ,.'._.'. . .Date Filed:.