HomeMy WebLinkAbout876655 I, Don Hager, the undersigned, hereby certify that I am the duly elected, qualified and acting Assistant Secretary of Kerr-McGee Rocky Mountain Corporation (formerly HS Resources, Inc.), a Delaware corporation, and that, in the absence of the Secretary, I maintain the corporate records and the corporate seal of said Corporation. I also certify that -' "--the'attached is a tree and correct copy of the Certificate of Name Change from HS Resources, Inc. to Kerr-McGee Rocky Mountain Corporation. : ~ .~. W~TI~E~S WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Don Hager, As~tant Secret~ STATE OF O~AHOMA ) ) SS. co.tv OF O A OMA ) On this ~ day of ~O~ , 2001, before me personally appe~ed Don Hager to me ~o~ to be the ~dividual desc~ed in ~d who executed the foregoing instrument, and he duly ac~owledged to me that he executed the sine and, being by me duly sworn, did depose ~d say that the statements therein contained are tree. [~.~o~,~si~n Expires: I, HARRIET SMITH WINDSOR,. SECRETARY OF STATE OF THE STATE OF DELAWAKE, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THE ATTACHED IS A TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF THE CERTI REsoURcES, INC · · : CItI~I~IN~ ITS KERR-MCGEE ROCKY MOUNTAIN IN TH: IRD DAY OF AU( AT P.M Ha~rietSmi~IlT~n~o~ 2115773 8100 AUTHENTICATION: 1311131 010418515 DATE: 08-23-01 ol 2 DIVISION OF ~TI~S FILED 12:00 ~ 08/23/2001 0~,.~,.~..'~.,..~., .... 010416198- 211577~ ' ' CER~FICATE OF AMENDME~ ~ 1 ~l OF RESTATED CERTIFICATE OF INCORPO~TION HS RESOURCES, INC., a corporation o~ganized and ~isUng un~r ~d by ~ES HEREBY CERTI~: FIR~: ~et the Boa~ of Oi~om ~ ea~ ~~m, by ~ u~n~us ms~lufl0n p~sing and d~ari~ ~ble ~ ~l~ng a~nd~nl to t~ RESOLVED, that the Restated Ce.~fi~ of Incorporation of H$ RESOURCES, INC. be amended by changing the first · Adicle there~W so thai, as amended, sei¢l Article shall be and read as follows: First: The name of the corp, ora~on i~: KERR-McGEE ROCKY' MoUNTAiN CORPORATION SECOND: That in lieu of a meeting and vote of stockho'lde~s, stoCkholders have given unanimous written consent to said amendrr~nt in accordan~ with the provisions of Section 228 of the (~Bneral Co~pomtion Law of tho State of Delaware, THIRD: That the afore~id amendment was duly.aclol::~e~l in accon:lanae With the applicable provisions of. sections 242 and 228 of the General Corporelion Law of the State of DelaWare. IN WI-INES~ WHEREOF. said H$ RESOURCES, INC. has Caused this certificate to b~ signed by Don Hager, its Assistant Secretary. this ~ day of H$ REE~)URCES' INC. Don Hager~ A,~tant $~oret~r~