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RECEIVED 9/17/2001 D:OO AM
RECEIVING # 942308
BOOK: 705 PAGE: 95
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that Jim W. Stoker, does
hereby certify that a certain Mortgage bearing the date of, August 19, 2006
made and executed by Bret W. Merica and Debbie A. Merica, a Mortgage
conveying a lien on certain real estate therein described as security for the
payment of $42,000.00 which Mortgage was recorded in the office of the
County Clerk and Ex-Officio Register of Deeds of Lincoln County, State of
Wyoming, on the 22 day of August, 2006 in Book 631 PR of Mortgages, at
Page 209 as document #000209 and # 000210 and pertaining to the following
described real estate in said County to-wit:
See Attached Exhibit "A"
The note secured thereby and the aforementioned debt is partially paid
($15,400.00), satisfied, released and discharged and in consideration thereof
said mortgagee does hereby release Lot #3 located in the Merica Addition to the
Town of Thayne being a portion of the NEl/4 of Section 23, T34N, Rl19W of
the 6th P.M., Town of Thayne, Lincoln County, Wyoming. Plat map registered
í.1 8/28/2007, #932561 at Lincoln County Recorders Office and quitclaim unto the
.i~ said mortgagors the premises thereby conveyed and mortgaged.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Jim W. Stoker has caused the partial release of
real estate Mortgage to be signed by Jim W. Stoker as Mortgagee.
STAW OF yoming )
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COUNTY OF Lincoln )
On thi$ ;).l- d day of 1:%.>1. (r:2008, before me personally appear~ ~
and acknowledged said instru nt to be the free act and deed of said
My commission expires: /-) 7- J-P/V·
Notary Publi~~~i!~J
The land referred to in this document is situated in the State of Wyoming, County of
Lincoln and is described as follows:
The Merica property, as referred to in the Deed recorded in book 628, on page 755,
and a portion of the Tract 2 of the Jim Stoker property, as referred to in the Deed
recorded in Book 541PR, on page 581, with the office of the Clerk of Lincoln
County, Wyoming, within the East Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 23,
T34N, R119 W, of the 6th P.M., Town of Thayne, Lincoln County, Wyoming, the
metes and bounds being more particularly described as follows:
BEGINNING at the Lloyd B. Baker PEILS 698, 1995 location for the Northeast
Corner of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 23; thence North 88 degrees 36' 10"
West, along the North line of said Southeast Quarter, 60.00 feet to the Southeast
corner of the Lennon property, as referred to in the Deed recorded in Book 193PR,
on page 641 and corrected with an affidavit recorded in Book 522PR, on page 180,
with said office;
Thence North 1 degree, 08' 17" East, along the East line ofsaid Lennon property,
and the Northerly prolongation thereof, 353.33 feet;
Thence North 88 degrees 36' 10" West, parallel with said North line, 172.52 feet;
Thence North 1 degree, 08' 54" East to and along the East line of the Lincoln
County School District #2 property, as referred to in the Deed recorded in Book
380PR, on Page 227, with said office, 467.97 feet.
Thence South 88 degrees, 51' 43" East, perpendicular to the West line of the NW1/4
of Section 24, of said township 34N, R119W, 232.43 feet to a point in said West line;
Thence South 1 degree, 08' 17" West, along said west line, 822.35 feet, to the point of
Less and except the land contained in Quit Claim Deed recorded August 3"\ 2006 in
Book 628PR, Page 755 of the Lincoln County Public Record.