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File No.: 6010817020
CaroHne B. Kuehn, a single woman,
grantor(s) of Saginaw, State of Michigan, for and in consideration of Ten DoUars and Othcr
Good and Valuable Consideration (-$10.00-), in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby
acknowledged, hereby Convey(s) and Quitc1aim(s) To
Frederick J. Kuehn, Jr. a married man,
grantee(s), whose address is; P.O. Box 737, Jackson, W):oming 83002 all interest in the
fol1owingdescribed real property, situate in Lincoln County and State of Wyoming, to wit:
That part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 26, Township 36
North, Range 119 West, Lincoln County, Wyoming, being part 01 that tract of record in the
Office oftbe Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 248 of Photostatic Records on page 310,
described as follows:
1, ~
Beginning at the Southwest spike of that tract of record in said Office in Book 344 of
Photostatic Records on page 165, on the South line of said Southeast Quarter of the Southwest
Quarter, North 8~37.S' West, 195.00 feet from the Southeast corner of said Southeast Quarter
of the Southwest Quarter;
thence North 00°09.9' West, 472.56 feet along the West line of said tract, to the Northwest
point thereof;
thence North 82°40.2' West 696.12 feet to the Northeast point of that tract ofrecord in said
Office In Book 353 of Photostatic Records on page 593;
thence South 00°09.9' East 556.86 feet along the East line of said tract in Book 353. to the
Southeast spike thereof, on the South line of said Southeast Quarter of the Southwest
thence South 89°37.5' East, 690.20 feet, along said South line, to tbe Point of Beginning.
Hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption taws of
the State of Wyoming,
Witness my/our hand(s) this ?-d day of September, 2008.
/) ~~/ L~
~1eB.Kuehn ~
State of ~
County ~f . .. )
This Instrument was acknowledged before me on 5 day of September, 2008
By Caroline B. Kuehn.
RECEIVED 9/17/2008 at 3:06 PM
RECEIVING # 942314
BOOK: 705 PAGE: 118
My Commission Expires;....-
3--/0 '626/2)
Notary PubHc, Saginaw CocJnty, MIctigœ1
AoIing In Saginaw County
My CbmmlNion ExpIree March 10. 2016
Page 1 of3
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