HomeMy WebLinkAbout942371 RECEIVING # 942371 BOOK: 705 PAGE: 298 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY AFFIDAVIT ESTABLISHING SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE STATE OF UTAH ss. OOô298 County of Cache ROBERT L. BROWN being first duly sworn and on oath deposes and says: 1. He is a resident of pocatello, Idaho over the age of twenty-one (21) years and is competent by personal knowledge to state and swear to the things hereinafter contained. 2. He is the son of CLARA M. BROWN who died in Logan, Utah on September 29, 2006. The death of CLARA M. BROWN in evidenced by State of Utah Certificate of death State File Number 2006012156 a copy of which is attached to this Affidavit and by this reference made a part hereof. CLARA MAE CROSSWHITE BROWN named in the attached certificate of death is one and of the same person as CLARA M. BROWN who is the subject of this Affidavit. 3. On October 4, 1976 CLARA M. BROWN created the CLARA M. BROWN Family Intervivos Revocable Trust ("Trust"), declared herself the Trustee thereof while living and upon her death, designated Affiant as successor trustee of the Trust. 4. On October 11, 1977 CLARA M. Quit Claim Deed to herself as trustee of following described real property in Wyoming: BROWN executed a the Trust to the Lincoln County, Lot 303 in LAKEVIEW ESTATES INCORPORATED, Tract "B", a subdivision in the South one Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 29, Township 37 North, Range 118 West, of the 6th P.M. Wyoming, together with all improvements thereon. Lincoln County, Wyoming. Said Quit Claim Deed was recorded October 13, 1977 as Filing No. 499507 in the records of the County Recorder of Lincoln County, Wyoming. 000299 5. Said Lot 303 in said subdivision is now Lot 726 Lakeview Estates, 12th Edition. 6. On October 13, 1976 Affiant signed Acceptance of Trusteeship of the Trust. A Acceptance is attached to this Affidavit reference made a part hereof. in writing an copy of such and by this 7. By the express terms of the Trust and by reason of the death of CLARA M. BROWN and the Acceptance of Trusteeship signed by Affiant, Affiant has become and now is the Trustee of the Trust and the owner as Trustee of the real property described in paragraph 4 of this Affidavit as renumbered pursuant to paragraph 5 of this Affidavit. WITNESS my hand this 11th day of September, 2008. ~~-L-' W (t-h€ÇÇ l~-fJ- Ã~ Robert L. Brown SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me on this 11th day of September, 2008. C~tf/7T' , I,BH/lm J:\LBH\estate\Brown, Clara\Borwn.Clara Affidavit N-325B.6 s. ~d';~t""'"' " "~iâ;;;';lty PUBLIC .'~~l\. ',... ¡:$!:':iENT HOGGAN &"(.. '~~\, Mv Gr"mmlaslon Expires iil ~ 'f' . iJ6-15-2011 '}. ~ . . bi} 1 an ::Ì(¡ul.i1 Main, Suite 200 '(~~.:_. (,""J L'>3, i3l1 IJ. tuh 84321 "8~,;r snfl"WHT.4H II·'''' ---.mI'."¡:~'f.tllWWt~A-w.~ CERTIFICATE OF DEATH State,File Number: 2006012156 Clara Mae Crosswhite Brown DECEDENT INFORMATION ..... . Date of Death: Septembér29;2Ö06 '. City of Death: Logan' Social Security Number: Date of Birth: Sex: Marital Status: Usual Occupation: Education: Father's Name: . Place of Death Type: July 5,1923 Female Divor'éed Property Manager High School or GED Ike Crosswhite· Nursing Home/Assisted Livi~g -Time of Death: County of Death: Age: Place of Birth: Armed Services: Spouse's Name: Industry/Business: Rèntal Residence: Logan, Utah Mother's Name: Clara Maude McCune ·····FaciHtyor~~cIress: SunshiheTerrace Fòündåtion 22:15' Caché 83 '. Charleston, West Virginia No INFORMANT INFORMATION Name: . Robert LBrown·¡:l .' . ". .... Relationship: Mailing Address: 1450 JunipeE,HnLRq.ad, Pocatello,Idahöß3204 . .', . :l - ,,-··,::~';t,; "~~.: DISPOSITION INFORMATION './\ /,,~. :1~~.:'." Method ofDispositiÒì1: Cremation .": _ '. :.,Date 0.fDisposition:October'ŽiZ006 Place of Dispositión: Utab~FunerâL[)i~~.ctOrs Crem~tionCenter, South Jordan" Utah". ·,c. ,,. FUNERAL HOME INFORMATION,-,." Funeral Home: Allen-HallMoctuary .' Address: . 34 Easrèenter Streê$, I.ogan,Utahß4321...... . Funeral Director: Jason RAUen! 'i:," ...- -, ~ ~. ( MEDICAL CERTIFICATION '. ..-i ..... i..·.··.... . . . .. Certifying Physician: .Agne.~'A §;~punar MD., }350North,500 East, Logan, Ut¡jI1,8~~41 CAUSE OF DEATH Pneumonia COPD Malnutrition Tobaccð· Use: Non-USèr .,-·F Medical Examiner Contacted:::ioJO "Autôpsy pérformed:'No ;~' :,' :.;. / DÅTE ISSUED: October 6, 2006 AMENDMENT HISTORY 10/05/Z006 Conditions Contributing to Dea,{rom (blank) to Malnutrition I . _.' I ! This is an exactreproduction of the document registered in the State Office of.VitaIStatistics/ Security features of this official document include: Intaglio Border, V &.R Images ¡ntop cycloids, ultra violet fibers and hologram Image of a hawk over the w9rd valid. This document displays the date, seâl and signature of the State Registrar and the County/DistrictHealth Officer. Updated -Utah State Seal replaces hawk over valid for authènticity. ....... > . ~ê",-+ II~Ullmml~lm~1 . L~- Barry E. Nangle, State Registrar * 0 6 1. 1. 6 6 1. 4 8 * Director/Health Officer Office of Vital Statistics County/District l;iealth Department