HomeMy WebLinkAbout942378 AFFIDAVIT OF SURVIVORSHIP (.Oû308 RECEIVED 9/22/2008 at 11 :37 AM RECEIVING # 942378 BOOK: 705 PAGE: 308 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY Dixie Moser, being first duly sworn upon his oath, deposes and states as follows: 1. On or about the 8th day of July, 2005, my husband, Dennis W. Wolfley, died as is evidenced by the official certificate of death attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by this reference. 2. At the time of his death he jointly owned an interest in certain real property with me, said real property being located in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, and more particularly described as follows: THE STATE OF WYOMING ) ) ) COUNTY OF LINCOLN See description in Quitclaim Deed attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated herein by this reference. 3. Said real property interest was conveyed to Dennis W. Wolfley and Dixie Wolfley, husband and wife, as tenants by the entireties, with right of survivorship, by a Quitclaim Deed dated February 7, 2002, and recorded February 8, 2002, in the Office of the Lincoln County Clerk and Ex-Officio Register of Deeds in Book 483 of P.R., Page 191. 4. By reason of my husband's death, I am entitled to sole ownership of the interest in and to the above-mentioned real property. DATED this E day of September, 2008. ./ ~; 'J}to5/-r Dixie Moser STATE OF WYOMING ) ) SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) . I. q~l. Theforegoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Dixie Moser thIS .... day of September, 2008. WITNESS my hand and official seal. My commission expires: Bowers Law Office P.e. Post Office Box 1550 Afton, Wyoming 83110 HEIDI BROWN - NOTARY PUBUQ County of State of Uncoln Wyoming ~. ,F. -- ..r. 1 -My Commis-'9lon Expires August 5, 2009 ..33138'ufl3lj =u3'& (f3 f..d.';':;~'II~""""" .1 I ~ i I ~ ji ~ I ~ , I ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ i ~í " ~ ~ ~. I, BegInning at a point .1he Southwest Corner or Section Thirty-two, Township Thirty-ons North, Range One Hundred Eighteen, West of the' 61h P.M., . Wyoming, and running thellc~ North Twenty-three Rods and Four feet; thence Ea~t Ten Rods and Seven and one-half feet; thence North Twelve 'Rods; thßncé East Eight Rods and Three feet; thence in a Southeasterly ~';Ov310 direction meandering: along the middle .of the Channel, of Cottonwood Creek, Thirty-five Rods and Foul' feet; thenoe West Twenty-seven Rods to, the place of beginning. . EXCEPTING' THERREFROM: BEGI,NNING on the south boundary lilla of Section 32; Township 31 North, Range 1'16 West, Linooln County, Wyoming, at a point which is East 180.00 feet from the Southwest Corner of said Section 32;: and running THENCE Ea.~t, along section line, 200.71 feet; THENCE North 241.71 feel; THENCE ,West 208.71 feet; THENCE South 241.71 feet to the place of beginning; ENCLOSING..an area of 1.158 acres, more or less, located entirely within the SW1/4SW1/4 of. said Section 32, Township 31 North, Range 118 West. , ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM: That part of the SW1/4$W1/4 of Section 32, T31 N, R118W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, being part of that tract of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Boo ( 112, Photostatic Records on page 445,88 ~more partloularly desoribed on the attached . "Description (oj' R,obert Gordon and Louise P. WariAg." . ~ HLß.1:-í ß 09/15/21 :25 i~~Ki1:·;:·~~ '; , '/, .... ~'R Ol:r¡90?3 PlDlr"lnn.1 LM" htlW!TI'" r'll' N. 'chv,frtl """WI.".,la,, He. 164 Senff l\i ~th·rh:1 ..nIU1,.,I"" Nit. JI'" ~u,In..., "- Sdlt:,bf! 1 .' p"lthIrlIIIOIl No. , :'II;n !luftv[VOIt "~'IIRDU. \TI), "I II rw"W'1"",,,,,""I.1 III(h",,, Wrflttd"ø Ø~{lOI ....'nm.WI'V"""'tIl1 IO 13078773101 LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK t-'A(jt. tJ,j/tJ'I '1 .'. ,J. ((}~~ ûOv:111 m:mIl!JT. ")\" 1.93 287 pmSCRIPTION FOR nOB~RT GORDON AND LOUIBE.~, H~ING To-wit:-- That pa~t of the SW~SW~ o~ Section 32, TJ1N, Rl1BWr Lincoln county, wyoming, being part of that tract of record in the Offic~ of the Clerk of, Linooln county in Book 112 of photostat- io RecotQS on page 445, descriÞed as follows: .. COMMENCING at the. southwest corner of anid SW~SW~, found as ð~soribed in the certified Land CarnÐr Recordation certificate r:l.latl in said Off1ce¡ thenoe NOO'-47.1'W, JBJ.50 feÐt, alóng the eaßt line of said aw~sw~, to the nor~hwest corner of that traot of ~ecor~ in said Offioe in Book 132 of Photostatic Reoords gn p~,e 546, m~rk9d Þy a apikø; thenoe N890-24.0'E, 16.40 feet, nlang the north line of ~aid traot in Book lJ2·to the northeast point tþereof, the iO¡~T OP BEQXNNx~a, on the enst right-or-wny line'of u.s. Highway 89; thence continuing NIJ9"-24.0,'E, 156"';0 feet, along a noJ,"th line of said tract in aook 112, to a point; t119nce sooo-47.1,IE, 138.24 !aet, petrallel with the eQst line of said ~w%SW~, to a point; thGnce SB9'-24~OIW, 15~.52 feat, parallel with auld north line, to a point on said Gðet right-of-way line; thence NOO.~oo.7IE, 136.25 føct, along ~aid east ~ight-of-way li)ll!\, to the POIN'.!.' of BEGINNXijij¡ ENcoMPASS¡'NG an aren of 0.50 acre, more or ¡eBB; the BABE BEARING tor thib surV9Y is the so~tþ linQ of th~ SW~sw~ of section 32, TJ1N, RllBW, Lincoln county, Wyoming, being NB9·-24.0IEI ench "point" mark.ed by a 5/B" x 24" steel reinforcing rod \·,ith a 2" alund,num cap inscribed "SU1\VEYOR eCUERBEL, LTD. BIG PINJi:Y, WY PLS 536B", with ðppropriate detailS, all in accordance with the plat .p'repareu to ba filSQ in the Offit:ê D:C the clerk of J_111001n oounty titled I'PATRXCIO 9. SAINZ AND ROBERT GORDON WARING PLAT. OF ~RACTS WITHIN THE SW~SW~ SEc~ioN 32 T31N Rll6W LINCOLN cOUNTY, WYoMINGI', datQd 24 June 1993. "Mudifit;allrJl1 In any w~y of the ¡oresoin6 des~rlptlon lermlml!e5 IJsulflly of \he wrveyor"