HomeMy WebLinkAbout942429 Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service Form 668{Y) (Rev. 10-1999) OOû420 Notice of Federal Tax Lien Serial Number For Optional Use by Recording Office Small Business/Self Employed Area: 06 As provided by sections 6321, 6322, and 6323 of the Internal Revenue Code, we are giving a notice that taxes (including interest and penalties) have been assessed against the following-named taxpayer. We have made a demand for payment of this liability, but it remains unpaId. Therefore, there is a lien in favor of the United States on all property and rights to property belonging to this taxpayer for the amount of these taxes, and additional penalties, interest, and costs that may accrue. Name of Taxpayer Kimball Strickland (XXX-XX-6905), Kimball Roofing LC (87-0528359), Hidden Creek LC, K & S Properties LC, Kimball Roofing Energy & Maintenance LLC (41-2219798) Kimball Roofing Energy & Maintenance Inc (68-0585716), Kimball Roofing Energy & Maintenance (20-1756916) and Hawaii Tanning (20- 5651695), as Alter-Ego, Nominee, Agent or Transferee of Kimball Construction Company LLC Residence 161 W 4500 South Murray, UT 84107 IMPORTANT RELEASE INFORMATION: For each assessment listed below, unless notice of lien is refiled by the date given in column (e), this notice shall, on the day following such date, ooerate as a certificate of release as defined in IRC 6325(a). . Date of Assessment (d) 06-18-2007 04-03-2006 07-03-2006 09-18-2006 06-18-2007 06-18-2007 01-29-2007 06-25-2007 11-19-2007 01-07-2008 01-07-2008 Last Day for Refi Ii ng (e) 07-18-2017 05-03-2016 08-02-2016 10-18-2016 07-18-2016 07-18-2016 03-02-2017 07-25-2017 12-19-2017 02-06-2018 02-06-2018 Unpaid Balance of Assessment (f) $17,060.49 $46,947.97 $12,857.07 $8,257.94 $35,014.30 $56,341.91 $193.28 $2,831.78 $29,795.96 $500.00 $100.00 Kind of Tax (a) Tax Period Ended (b) 09-30-2005 12-31-2005 03-31-2006 06-30-2006 12-31-2006 . 03-31-2007 12-31-2004 12-31-2006 06-30-2007 12-31-2005 12-31-2006 Identifying Number (c) 941 941 941 941 941 941 1065 940 941 1065 1065 77-0603985 77-0603985 77-0603985 77-0603985 77-0603985 77-0603985 77-0603985 77-0603985 77-0603985 77-0603985 77-0603985 RECEIVED 9/24/2008 at 10:14 AM RECEIVING # 942429 BOOK: 705 PAGE: 420 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY RECEIVED 9/24/2008 at 10:13 AM RECEIVING # 942427 BOOK: 4 PAGE: 405 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY Place of Filing $209,900.70 Lincoln County Recorders Office Kemmerer, WY 83101 . This notice was prepared and signed at Salt Lake City, Utah, on this, the 4th day of SeDtember . 2008 . S' ~ I n (72- . P1. )(J,IØ/~ De Ica iIIard Employee # - 87< 111); itie Revenue Officer, Phone # - 801-799-6702 (NOTE: Certificate of officer authorized by law to take acknowledgements is not essential to the validity of NotIce of Federal Tax lien Rev. Rul. 71-466, 1971-2 C.B. 409) Part 1 - Recording Office Form 668(Y) (Rev. 10-19 (;'; i ¡ 00i1421 The real property located in Thayne, Wyoming. This property is owned by Hidden Lake LC. It is Parcel # 34191130000600, legal description: That Part of the SEll 4SW1I 4 of Section 11, T34N, R119W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, it being the intent to more correctly describe that tract of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 384 of Photostatic Records on Page 768, as follows: BEGINNING at a pipe OÌ1 the south line of said SEll 4DW1/ 4, N89°50'06"E, 349.83 feet from the southwest corner of said SEll 4SW11 4; Thence NOl °06' 44"W, 198.03 feet to a point; Thence S89°50'06"W, 337.06 feet, along a line parallel with said south line, to a point on the easterly right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 89;, Thence NOo034'33"W, 140.25 feet, along said right-of-way line to a point; Thence N89°50'06"E, 1226.98 feet, along a line parallel with said south line of said SEll 4SW1I 4, to a point on the toe of the west bank of the East Side Canal; Thence coursing the toe of said west bank as follows; S09°24'32"E, 24.59 fee to a point; S21°32'19"E, 45.79 feet to a point; S03°20'28"E, 119.34 feet to a point; S07°34' 43"E, 153.46 feet, to a point on the south line of said SEll 4SW11 4, S89°50'06"W 19.33 feet from the southeast corner of said SEll 4SW11 4; Thence S89°50'06"W, 932.70 feet to the PIPE OF BEGINNING Subject to any easements, reservations, restrictions or right-of-ways of record of sight or in use.