HomeMy WebLinkAbout942570 DEED (;00866 Dixie Moser, grantor of the County of Lincoln, and State of Wyoming, for and in consideration ofTEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, CONVEYS AND WARRANTS to Paul Ray Moser and Dixie Moser, husband and wife, as tenants by the entireties, grantees of County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, the following described real estate situated in County of Lincoln and State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State, to-wit: See description in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Together with all water rights, mineral rights, improvements and appurtenances thereon situate or in anywise appertaining thereunto. Subject, however, to all reservations, restrictions, exceptions, easements and rights-of-way of record or in use. WITNESS my hand this à. q day of September, 2008. ~~~~ Dixie Moser STATE OF WYOMING ) ) SS. COUNTI OF LINCOLN) %.. THE FOREGOING instrument was acknowledged before me by Dixie Moser, dated thiaday of Septernber, 2008. WITNESS rny hand and official seal. rJj¿J. ~~ì~ NO UBLIC ( My commit.?Sóges: H8DI BROWN - NOTARY PUBUO County of State of Uncaln WyomIng My Commission Expires August 5, 2009 RECEIVED 9/30/2008 at 2:25 PM RECEIVING # 942570 BOOK: 705 PAGE: 866 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK. KEMMERER, WY =á3"& 1 U3 1 . . BegInning at a polnt1he Southwest Corner of Section Thirty-two, Township Thirty-one North, Range Orie Hundred Eighteen, West of the' 61h P.M., . Wyoming, and running thenc~ North Twenty-three Rods and Four feet; thence Ea~t Ten Rods and Seven and one-half fest; thence North Twelve f:Oû867 'Rods; thßnce East Eight Rods and Three feet; thence in a Southeasterly direction meandering' along the middle ,of the Channel. 9f C9ttonwood Creek, Thirty-five Rods and Four feet; thenoe West Twenty-seven Rods to. the place of beginning. . EXCEPTING 'THERREFROM: BEGI.NNING on the south boUndary line of Section 32; Township 31 North, Range 1'10 West, Llnooln County, Wyoming, at a point which is East 180.00 feet from the Southwest Corner of said Section 32;, and running ! THENCE Ea.~t, along section lins, 208.71 feel; THENCE North 241.71 feel; THENCE,West 208.7'1 feet; THENCE South 241 :11 feet to the place of beginning; ENCLOSING.an area of 1.158 acres, more or less, located entirely within the SW1/4SW1/4 of-said Section 32, Township 31 North, Range 118 West. , ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFHOM: That part of the SW1/4ßW1/4 of Section 32, T31 N, R 118W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, being part of that traot of record in the Office of the Clerk of LIncoln County in Bool< 112, Photosl~tic Reoords on page 445,88 ~more particularly desoribed on the attached . "Description foj' R.obert Gordon and Louise P. WariFlg." . ex HLß,J:- -r A r~IX~>:'{'; " 08790~:f'3 '"'U,ID'tfllM..'..'....',,,· PIIIII N, ,c"vrlrrl II!!.II"I"." 1'4.. 164 Slnl ""'"h·r~1 ..,, JlI~II"1I Pi... JI" "u,Jn..". A. Sdtt!Ihl! , " "1.'¡I"'~lIð" ""c. 51(;11 ,uftv[v",," ' IanlOn. \ TO. I'II'rI"""w,,,mI,,..n;IIU ,uhlt''' wYIII..,lnll"ØOf ""un, WI"""lntC '" lid ,"~ . . /:~:!}~~ IilX1ITI!.JT "1\" 1.93 287 DEaaRIP~ION FOR nOÐ~RT GORDON AND LOUIBE.~. WAØING TO-\'1it:-- That pa~t of thm SW~SW~ o~ Section 32, TJ1N, Rl1BWr Lincoln county, wyoming, being þart of that tract of reoord in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln county in BooK 112 of photostat- ic Records .on p~ge 445, described as follows: .. COMHaNCINQ at the southwest aorne~ of said SW~6W~, found as døÐcriÞed in the certified Land Corn9r RGcordation certificate fj,led in said OfHce¡ thenoe NOOo-~7,1'W, ~63,50 feÐt, aldng the ~aßt line of said sw~sw~, to the northwe~t corner of that traot of r~cord in said Office in Bock lJ~ of Photo~tatio Records on p~~e 546, marked by a spiko; thenoe NB90~24.0'E, t6.40 feet, along the north line of ~aid traot in Book 132 to the northeast point thereof, the poINT OF ÐEQIKNX~G, on the east rig4t-of-way line' or u.s. Highway B9; thence continuing ND9"-24,~'E, 15G.60 teet, along a no~th linG of saia tract in aoak 112, to a point; t119nce SOQo-47.:I.,'E, 138.24 reet, parallel with the BQst linG of said ~W%SW~, to a point; thQnce 5890-24.0IW, 159,52 feet, pa~ollBl with said north line, to a point on Baid øðat right-or-way line; thence NOOa-oo.7IE, 136.25 f@et, along ~a1d east ~i9ht~of-way U.nm to the POIN'.I.' OF BEGINN::tNG¡ ENCOMPASSJ.NG an area of 0.50 acre, ~orø or lesSI the BASE BEARING tor thiD survey is the scutÞ line of the SW~SW~ of section 3~, TJ1N, RllBW, Lincoln Oounty, ~yoming, being NB90-24.0IE: êach "point" lnat'K,ed. by a 5/B" x 24" ste91 reinforcing rod '~ith a 2" e.h\1!I.i.num cap inscribed "S011.VE'iOR SCHERBEL, LTD. BIG PINEY, WI PLS 536B", with nppropriate dGtail$1 all in accordance with the plat .praparÐd to be fi18~ in the Office of the Clerk of J.i11.001n county titled "PATRICIO 9. SAINZ¡ AND ROBERT GORDON WARING PLAT OF TRACTS WI~HIN THE SW~5W~ SEc~ioN 32 TJ1N Rl16W LINCOLN cOUNTY, WYoMING", datQd 24 June 19!1J· "Modilic,allrJl1 In any wOY o( the ¡oregoin6 dc~C(¡pUon lerm'n~te~ IlalJUlly or Ihe ~u,ve1'or" OOó868