HomeMy WebLinkAbout942898 I ..\('Or 10Ô118 I THE STATE OF WYOMING ) If U_ oJ""L \oJ, "''-'n· ,,~'--.I I )55 THE COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) AFFIDA vrr Caroline B. Kuehn, being of lawful age a.nd first duly sworn according to law, upon my oath, depose and state: ¡. That Fredrick ¡. Kuehn, Sr. died onä-.~ 'í;2>.dn .,j ";11.,'.,«/. iT. 7 A Certificate of Title for a 1999 Brookfield Manufactured Home. VIN 1 DFLX04A22394BF13 was dul:¡ filed for record in the Office of the Lincofn Count}! Clerk on July 16, 1999, with owners as Fredrick j. Kuehn, Sr. and Caroline 8. Kuehn. 3. That by reason of the said title, Fredrick J. Kuehn, 5r. and Caroline B. Kuehn bt'!Glme the owners of the property as joint ~enan~5 and title thereto vested in them continuously {rom said date of filing, until the date of death of Fredrick }. Kuehn.. Sr. on /~ -.:) 5 -.1 r-:>n Q at which time ~jtle to the above described properw vested abso/vrely in Caroline 8. Kuehn in accordance with the provisions of §2-9-102, WS, (1980). 4. Affiant avers and certifies that deceased is the identical party named with Affiant in the aforementioned title whose death terminated his interest, titre and estate in the said property; and Affia.nt attaches hereto and makes a part of this Affidavit a copy of the official cel1.ificate oi death of decedent, duly certified by the public authority in which said death certificate is a matter of record. Datedth 5~ of -~;¡P--1o.J ~'~4~L roline B. Kuehn , , State 01 Wru~ )1, ~./ -- -' - , Counry of _ ~~~ The foregoing instrument was subscribed and sworn to me bv Caro/me B. Kuehn chis 5 ~ day o{ ~n+U??&r ~8 ' - , r Witness my hand and official seal. 0¿"~bIiC My Commission Expires; 3~ iô ~C>15 RECEIVED 10/15/2008 at 3:38 PM RECEIVING # 942898 BOOK: 707 PAGE: 118 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY L.ISA TETLOFF Notary Public, Saginaw County, MId1Igan ActIn; In Seglnaw County My Comrnieeb1 ExpII'II MII'WI1 0, 2015 c 69~9'oN 10J)G3 rUB a ¡!_ SJuel IV V¡dt'~: : r ~. '" ... dUL< , des 2000-2337 ~ 00&£:1;9 LF STATE OF MICHIGAN OEPAATIotENT OF COMMUNITY HEAlTH STATE FILE NUMBER TYP[¡PRINf \J IN Pt:RMANENT t.. BLAC" 'N" .. 'q .... ~ ~ "< \)8 ª !Z! w~ Su u- ~i ~:; ...~ 23 ~... I' CF CERTIFICATE OF DEATH 1701626 iP? 4b. UND£R 1 "'EAR MONTHS I OAV5 I J DArE Of O[ATH'::(I\'øn'~.ß"y. Yt.(r.-.-:.-.-. De'CEl'f4'e (j'Z~ 200<;> OfCEDl.NT'S NAM[ (Fltl/. M ckl ~. L"t) Frederick . Kuehn Sr. ... AGE - L.,' SlfthCI"r (r."s, 4c UNDER I OAY HOUAS I h.t'NuTES I 71, LOCATION 0' OtÀTH (Enl" piau oflici.llr pronounced d.ad in 71, 7Þ, 7,.) HOSPfTAL OR OTHER INSTITUTION - fåm. (It 1101 In ,"lItl, ".., ,'tHI .ftd num~/J CovE.o.lÁf\IT" . ' <::$0 H bt J1I I,.IQ L SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER CITV. VILLAGE. OR TOWNSH'P OF DEATH SÅMIIII4"J t!../7'Y S'A4,w,."", II. BlRrHPlACE (C~. MId Sr,t, Of fo'~ CDunrry) 10<, LOCALITY (Choca on< /lor "'" .".<'~) o INSIOE Cm OR VILLAGE or Ii TWP, or Saginaw Foundry lOcI STRHT AND NUMaER 10. CURRENT RESIDENCE - lOb COUNTY STArE "'1 100, ZIP cOO! ':fits r:-tllE 0"1('5 ()~ '1r603 Saginaw, MI U MARITAL STArus - M.med. 13, SURVIVING SPOUSE """It Miltit'd. WldoWf'd. i" WlI" "V, lI"m, ~IOIr ItlSt m""~) OI...,ed ISpoa~ A~~ Caroline West 19 MOTHER'S t-IAM( (rU", MI4Ø". SuI",,,.,. brIm.. ,.'" 1N,,,.rlI Frances Gricar 1< WAS OEC[QENI EVER IN US AIIMED rORCES' ,$p«Jfy rtS: Ø1 NoJ Yes J 5. ANCUTRV - Melltan, Puar10 AlGIn. OJ..". Cuttll or South AIntftcatI. Cltana. athlr HdpanlC. AfIG-Nnencan, Alab, E_, fltnell, rln...... tic, (Sp«>~ below) German II FATHER'S NAME (f",'. M_. ¡..,) Hubert Kuehn 16 R4C(.. Am.flun Induln. 8b1Ck, Wht., ,tc It MUIn, p, nlhon..lv I.. Chinen. FilipinO, À$Uln Inc:liln. ~c (5p« fy beJøIt) \NH I Te -- 20. INfORMANT'S NAME a",./ptllt') Ca.roline Kuehn 11, METHOO OF DISPOSITION - au"'l. Cltmlllon. Rønov.l. Don,tion, Otnt, (IIWC'/Y) 2Ob. MAIliNG i\OOR[SS (Sf'Nt and Nuwdwt ., Rut.., Rout. Num_. City øt VII.. 51.'., lIP CoiI.J #5 Five Oaks Drive. Saginaw, Michigan 48603 221. PlACE 0' DISPOSITaoN (N~MI 0' CtIN,.,,,. Cr#fftl'O'Y. ØI Ø(ftrt pUe.) 22b. ~OCATION - CII.. or VtlylÞ. State St. Andrews Cemetery Saginaw, MI 2~ NAME AND AODRESS or , ACILlTV W.L. Case & Company 4480 Mackinaw Road, Saginaw, 2<. LICENSE NUMBER (øf LternSH) b 00 .!!!!! InU, (h. mod, 01 "'IRI. Jueh .II, ",tchac Of ,",p1fllory I ~:::=W~~¡¡¡~··-: I Onsel M~':::9;'lh I/~~e.f~~ I I I I I IMMEO'ATE CAUSE (f..., dlMlM Of candlhaft --Þo ,."'",'" ." _ath) .. Atl.)"TÇ' /I1'lOC,i1fl,bC 11'- ,~F,t,.e.crt~ DUE TO (OR AS A CONS£QUENCE or). $eql.ltt"11otIIt '''' condlllON, { "MilO Imrnldl.le ~~N\",., (;tOERl YING Þ CAU$[ (Ctl"" 01 .n uty ,. lhit aNt...cd evtnll rftuhtrll In de.th) lAST d, PART II Olh,1 '.."'fQnl condlliOf\l tonl'lblltl"l '0 Halt\, but not relultl", In I'" ""dlrty'"l tauN IIVI'" In P.11 I DUE TO (OR AS A CONS£QuENC~ Of) DUE TO (OR AS A CONSEQuENCE Or) 271 WAS AN AurOPSY P!AFORMED! IY" '" N.) Ub WERE.,~!JTOPSY,JINOINGS AVAlLABLEPAIORIO COI,!PlUION or CAUSE 0' OEArH' ('''.' No) NO 21. 31to..tlt 0 TN UN ,.",inld Ind dttttmaned not 10 ~ . m,d"" "'IIW'ÞI"S m.. ::~'" 0 Oft..... bu61 at ftMrIN\thon Md of inwe&tlpttOf'l, 1ft ... op,,"øn death occur1ecl T' .t Ih. "tN, dil. ,nd ptlu Ind due 10 the c.USI(&) and INnnø K.ttd. lª !i1 þE~lttt,(1 2S' 2GIOO tj ~0cI. NAME 0' ATTENDING PHYSICIAN IF OTHER THAN CERTlFt[R (r....., "''''') '1>/l. l-E"STEI?- t.J r:B ß IUI. .tWJ T,U. ~ 31b It. ... (Mo. o.r, V, J J h CASE NuuØtR 310 PRONOUNCED DEAD 1M.,. 0.., V, J I. TIME or DEATH ON lot STATE O&:~A COUNTYOP8M!/NA I ~~~!!ebyf "'CInlfylrfaT1hTiJ.lï In exact reproduction of the OCt "~I' or the penson named therein 81 It now appears In the permanent records of the Saginaw County Clerk's Offfce ThIs record Is not valid without the rall8Cf seal of the departinent. S~p 0 4: 2008 ~~.A\ "-s-;~ SagInaw COllfìty Clerk " JJo.ACC ~ICIOE, 110M.. NATURAL , OR Pt:HOING INVEST. (s.c,/Y) ¡...f'A: INJURV AT WORK fS-./Y Y.. .. NoI J~Þ DAlE Of INJURY fM.. CIa., V'I Uc:, TIME Of INJURY M Jh. NAME AND ADDRESS Of P£ASON WHO COMPLETED CAUSE Of DEATH (ITEI,! 26) I''''' '" """') 'A (.!.I'..(l..:,/ ~6fLl c..¡L. 'J:>, ð ' '1 (Jo f!..J:¡ OP61l. £-;1 ~A-G. ( /oJ ¡µ1) JJci 331. PLACE or INJURY - AI "....., "'m. 'trill. ''''0'1, . ollie. budc:h"l. .Ie (S(I«lfr) 331 LOCATION· SIIII' ., R r 0 N. Cdy. VIII,p or T..p St.,. ]oIÞ, OATE FILED I_'". Clay, Ya,) DECEMBER 28.