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GWR Construction Inc.
1373 36th Street
Ogden, Utah,84403
RECEIVED 10/17/2008 at 11:41 AM
RECEIVING # 942954
BOOK: 701 PAGE: 303
Notice is hereby given that GWR CONSTRUCTION INC. ("Claimant"), whose address is 1373
36th Street, Ogden, Utah, 84403, is seeking to enforce this lien against the following described
property ("Property"), located in Lincoln County, Wyoming: BLM Building 430 Hwy 189 N.,
Kemmerèr, Wyoming, 83101. The Property is reputed to be owned by Carotex Construction,
whose address is believed to be 112 North Hearne Street, Franklin, TX 77856. Carotex
Construction is the company responsible for payment of the services and materials.
The following labor, services, equipment and/or materials were perfonned and/or furnished by
Claimant; starting May 2008 and ending August 22, 2008, upon or concerning the Property:
. concrete work on parking lot, sidewalks, and curb and gutter ("Claim").
The Claim is in the principal amount of $226,000.00, together with interest, reasonable attorney's
fees, and other costs of collection as provided by the laws of the State of Wyoming and by the
tenns of the contract between the parties. Claimant previously demanded payment of the Claim.
The undersigned is Claimant or an authorized agent of Claimant. The undersigned has read this
notice and affInns that the statements contained in this notice are true and correct.
( r
SIGNED .this ~ay of tP~c-
by: ã~etsH~'1r~s~dent
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this ßth day of Odu\:Jex , 2008.
, 2008.
8~ W eenler
togan UI 84321
M)' Comrnl5",on E_rJlfes
J"ne 18 <'01;'
!ilATI· 01· ITAH
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Eslaibit A
FOe 6010615260 »-criptioD
The land referred to in tbiJ document is situated in lb. State of Wyoming, County of Lbaeola, IDd is
doscribed as foJlows:
A pan:eJ or laud located la a portio. orTractJ Ð aad 71, a portioa dae Soath"lIIt Quarter,
Scctioll U, aU of tile rwurvcy ofTowDlbip 11 Norda, lWIleU' W.. ,a P.M., Uacola
Conty, City or KellUllerer, WYOmiDC. Said pan:el beiac bouded 0 the Easterly ,ide by da.
Westerly rilbt ohr.y ofV.S. Bicbw.ylS'. aDd beI.1 bouded 011 da W..terty ,ide by the
Eaterly riCht oh'lrT or Wyo.iIIl State W&lnrlty 133, ud beIa. bo did aD tile Nortb by a
Clr, or Kem........ parul d.cribcd ud recorded bI Book 137, pap 63 IUId bcbac bouded OD
the Soutlalide bra particular parcel COD"e)'ed to till State Bi¡bway ommiuiOD ofWyomiq
dacribed ud recorded ill Book 119, pas.1U.. TIle pmiollll)' DOted doca.ats an OD me at
tbe LbacolD Couey COUrtbO"I. 1'bØ parcel of Iud beia¡ d.cribed on p.rtic.....1y ..
CommeaciJq: at COrDer D.mber 1 of Tract 61, oft... ....111'\'1)' or T hip 11 North, Rule 116
Wut, 6· P.M., UDcolD Couty, W18l1Ù11c. wilen II roaad a bnø,
daeace Nortla ,,.45'%1" W..t,1321.57 feet to conaer aamber 4 or..' Tract 61;
tbeacD Soutll 11-33'41" East, 576.13 feet to tb. Poblt 01 Bepaaia: or dllleriptiOD. Said
Poblt 01 BeciaDiac beiDg a poiDt oa the W..terIJ rlClat olway 01 S Jliclnr1118J aad aD
thD SOldber17 boaDda..,. ala particular parcel or_d coaveyed tbl City oIK.mmDrv,
described aad I"IICOnled In Book rJ7, pac' %63 011 m. at tII. u.c bI CODnty Coartboue,
where ù roaad a 2" allIIDIaum cap;
tIIeDce Soutla 'S-13'21" West aloDe the Sautherly boaaclal")' olsaid ity OrKemm.Af Pared,
25..73 lilt to a poiDt wb.re II rouad a 2" ahullJaum cap;
tbaee North 84"%0'33" W..t, 161.60 leet to the Sod"est conaer or aid City orK.m.....r
Parcel. Said Soath".. earlier also bcial daD Sautla...t conaer 0 a particular parcel of
laad colIYC)'ed 10 th. City oIKemme......, IaereiÞfter bOWD as K mmlrer in Parcel,
ducribed aad recorded ill book 313, paCD 209, oa me at lbe U. la Coaaty Coartboue,
when" foud a 2" alamiDalD cap;
IblDee coaaiDUÏIII Nortla 84"%0'33" West alGal till Soatlaeriy bODlld of'ald Kem.erer 1#1.
Parcel, S4.Ø reet to the Soath"est c:oMler 01 Hid Kemmerer Ð aruiaad a point oa th.
Easterly boocla..,. olWyollÚDe Statl mp"ay2J3 "laDl'D b fou d. 2" alumlaam c:ap.
Said poiDt beIa.a poiDt on a dn:alar carYe to tile ri~t, till radl poiat or .aid carve
bean SOlltll -n-:zD'54", 141%.3';
tlleaee Southerty <Mo.n leet aloDI tile an: or laid carn to the IiIht d aloallh. Euterlr ript
ol".y 01 WJo.iDe State IÐch"ay 133, tlanarlt a ceatral aap. r lroo'$.1" to the P .T. 01
said carve to th. rilhr, "here II (oaDd. .tudanllai~w.r righl f"ay marker;
tbeac. Soatll 4"2D'44" Welt, "3.41 IHI to . poiar'''IaDre II roud . Ddanlhlcbway riClat 01
".Y marker;
".aee coatialliD¡ th.lollowiac five (5) COD,.. alODe till Euterlr ri hI or"a7 01 WromiDc
State IIIgJaway D3¡
thuce Soath "-48'35" Eat, 14.4' leet to . polat "laue is loaad a .
way IIW'ker¡
kbiblt A CO.tiIIDed
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Exlú.iI Å Co.tillued
theDce South 4-18'15" West, 341.16 feet to a POÚlt wla.... II 10U.d a. .dant IúpWll7 richt or
W117 marker;
C....ce SoutJa 85"37'20" Eat" :w.a0 feet Co . polat where Ie roaad a dint hl&h"17 rilht o,f
tbuce Soutla.4-17'13" Wat, 243.0 feet 10 a poJDtwhen Is fOlaDd 1 dud JdpWll7 richt of
.,ay marlœr¡
thace South 4-17'13" Wat, 71.t3 fed to a pobat OD th. EIIterly ri t OfWYOaUDI State
Bi¡:lnray 233 ud the Northwaterl,. COraer or a particular pa of IaDd conveyed to th.
State Biebway CommJslioD ofWyomi.~, described a.d record ill Book 179, p.~e 214,
on (de at tb. UJaCOID Coaaty COllrthouee wh.n is foaad al" II am cap;
thace Soutb 63-07'4'" Eat alOD& the Northerly ballad.., of .aid S Ie II"JCh".y ComDÜllioD
of Wyomlall Parcel, 8".97 r..t to a POiDt w_.re Is rond a .ta.da bllbway ri¡lat orwa'f '
theaee cODtiDaiac Soutb 63-07'4'" Eas.. 47.00 feet to . polat eomlDO to the Easterly riglat of
WIly olWyomlac State B"a&lnra:r 233 alld the Westarlf rlcht ofw y of U.s. Bl¡lnray 18',
ortaet 87.50 feet of the ceDterlhle of U.s. RlcJaWllyl89 .. d.ODe WyolIÚIIg mEb_y
Departmeat Project DP-RRS-F 011-3(4), "ken Ie fouad a 1" alu . um cap;
thmce Nortb 1'-14'56" Eat, aloae tile Westerly rigJat or way of said .S. Bi¡lnray 189, 177:zJ
feet to a pomt "..... iI fOIlDd .1" alUlDmlllD ClIP! .
thmce Nortb 60-31'09" Wilt, 1.'2 feet to a poblt wlten II foaad .2" aluminum cap. Said
poiat beiag a poiat OD tbe Watllrly ript otway ofV.S. mp".ay 189 as deliae by
iDltralDeDt .a..ber 893358 OD me at the lhcola Cou.t Collrtbo .. wb.... is fond a %"
alullÚllum cap;
than coDda1lba, "eloUowiag Jb¡ (6) œun. aIoac tbe Watarly ri t of WIly ofU.S.lli¡bwaI
189 u cleOMd .y nld IlIItnuaeat A'8'3351. .
tJaean Nortla :za-SZ'47" Eat, IÐ.62 feet to . poiat wllere u road. ad.nI bigbway ricld or
'(ray marker. Baid polat belag the polat oCTu,..t to Bplnl (TS of. .plnl carve to the
left. The &:eDterIID. polat of TS "'n. Soutla 61-07'13" Eat, 89.8 feet. The Wett8rl1 ript
ol_y ofV.s. Biglnra:r 1., belac defiacd a . Une of ollict 19.8' feet or 10'.91 reet aDd
panUeI to tbe catarllne or.úd U.s. Hlpwa, 18' u deliDed by e followbaE. The
centvlln. data for IÙd .piral eUn'e bUDI: Total Delta = 34°3"5 ", D.lta SplraI-
4°46'%'", Total TaD...t Laa8th -779.05 r"t, Radius -IHLSO at, Sp&ra1 Leagtb _
318.08 reet, Cl.n:alar Leap. - 845%.89;
tbeDee Nordlerly from wd TS, aIDa, the Waledy riPt or way, ollie 89.8' reet to the left
(West) of .aid allCerUne. through tbe .pinl portio. orthe .pinJ an" to tbe polat or
Spiral to CII",e (SC), wh.... II fouad e .Calldard higlnra:r rlpt 0 wa,. marker. The Qord
fralD tbe TS to th. se "an Nortla 1,-:zI'12" Eut, 331.11;
than Norda 65-53' 11" Wat aloae a ndial be, %0.01 feet to Ole se f tbe spiral Curr, of'flet
from tile ccaterO.aIO'.91 feet, when Is fo..d a ....cbnl bichw right or.,ay_rIœr¡
theaee coabllla¡ "oq th. 109.91 foot om.. aDd panl'" U.e to uid allterllae or ..Id
hleb"ay the tollowiaC three (3) toanes;
tlamee 814.69 feet alODg tbe an: oftbe circular pardoD of the .pln. c: e to tbe POIDt of ClUTe'
to Spinl (CS), wb.... II fouad a .taacbnt bJelnray ril" of "I,. rker. The claonl from
the SC to tbe CS aloDg the Waterly ri¡ht ofwrq bean Nol1la II- 2'46" E..t, 808.19 C"t;
"IDa Northerly aiD., the epiral pordo. oft... .pinl cal'Ye to the po at of Spinl to Tug'Dt
(ST), wben II foad a .taadanllúcJaway rl&ht of way aaarlœr. , daont frolD the CS to
the ST aloae tlae Wateriy rlpt or wa7 b~ Nertb .-13'01" W 318.13 rut;
tbeac:e North 5"'4'7'09" Welt, 56.25 leet to the PÐlat 01 B.....Iag.
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