HomeMy WebLinkAbout942980 (-NTI! RECORDATION REQUESTED BY: Bank of Jackson Hole Bank of Alpine, A Branch Bank of Bank of Jackson Hole P.O. Box 7000 Jackson, WY 83002 'HithMM Iä,nd ']ìtle _C9mpany SINCE 1904 WHEN RECORDED MAil TO: Bank of Jackson Hole Bank of Alpine, A Branch Bank of Bank of Jackson Hole P.O. Box 7000 Jackson, WY 83002 SEND TAX NOTICES TO: Three Rivers Development, a Wyoming corporation P.O. Box 3773 Alpine, WY 83128 000343 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE IS FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY MODIFICATION OF MORTGAGE ","" THIS MODIFICATION OF MORTGAGE dated September 29, 2008, is made and executed between Three Rivers Development, a Wyoming Corporation, whose address is P.O. Box 3773, Alpine, WY 83128 (referred to below as "Grantor") and Bank of Jackson Hole, whose address is P.O. Box 7000, Jackson, WY 83002 (referred to below as "lender"). MORTGAGE. Lender and Grantor have entered into a Mortgage dated September 28, 2007 (the "Mortgage") which has been recorded in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, as follows: Receiving Number 933605, Book 674, Page 7. REAL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION. The Mortgage covers the following described real property located in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming: Parcel 1: See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. Parcel 2: Lot 301 of River View Meadows Third Addition to the Town of Alpine, within the Southeast Quarter of Section 30, Township 37 North, Range 118 West, Lincoln County, Wyoming, as shown on the official plat thereof filed January 21, 1994, as Receiving No. 777657, in the Office of the Clerk, Lincoln County, Wyoming, as Plat No. 264-C. The Real Property or its address is commonly known as South Highway 89 and County Road 108, Etna, WY 83112; Lot 301 River View Meadows, Alpine, WY 83128. MODIFICATION. Lender and Grantor hereby modify the Mortgage as follows: Modification of Mortgage to increase the maximum obligation to $1,253.400.00. CONTINUING VALIDITY. Except as expressly modified above, the terms of the original Mortgage shall remain unchanged and in full force and effect and are legally valid, binding, and enforceable in accordance with their respective terms. Consent by Lender to this Modification does not waive Lender's right to require strict performance of the Mortgage as changed above nor obligate Lender to make any future modifications. Nothing in this Modification shall constitute a satisfaction of the promissory note or other credit agreement secured by the Mortgage (the "Note"). It is the intention of Lender to retain as liable all parties to the Mortgage and all parties, makers and endorsers to the Note, including accommodation parties, unless a party is expressly released by Lender in writing. Any maker or endorser, including accommodation makers, shall not be released by virtue of this Modification. If any person who signed the original Mortgage does not sign this Modification, then all persons signing below acknowledge that this Modification is given conditionally, based on the represer]tation to Lender that the non-signing person consents to the changes and provisions of this Modification or otherwise will not be released by it. This waiver applies not only to any initial extension or modification, but also to all such subsequent actions. GRANTOR ACKNOWLEDGES HAVING READ ALL THE PROVISIONS OF THIS MODIFICATION OF MORTGAGE AND GRANTOR AGREES TO ITS TERMS. THIS MODIFICATION OF MORTGAGE IS DATED SEPTEMBER 29. 2008. GRANTOR: G CORPORATION Rivers LENDER: RECEIVED 10/20/2008 at 10:57 AM RECEIVING # 942980 BOOK: 707 PAGE: 343 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY Loan No: 120928 MODIFICATION OF MORTGAGE (Continued) Page 2 000344 CORPORATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of W ~Qm ¡ (\ J County of ~ This instrument was acknowledged before me on M I\i {laa 1 (date) by Shawn M. Bard, President of Three Rivers Development, a Wyoming corporation and Elmore Ray Bard, Vice President of Three Rivers Development, a Wyoming corporation. -;=~~~;~.....,....,,--.....~...-..-.~...,..,-~.....;') ~¡AR'-EN[ FISHER ,,, ~~JlITÀR:;:'F;ljßUêl¡ COUNTY OF :::mri¿ OF ¡¡ LINCOLN WYO[\iílNG \1 . MY ~~~.ISS.ION EXPIRES J!\NUARY "10. 20011 1 -~~.....~ ~f2- My commission expires: { - r 0 ~ a 9- LENDER ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of ~(? tf\'I\/\S County of Ll \1\C".Ql fI.... This instrument was acknowledged before me on 0 d. \ ~ , :2.00 t (date) by Yh ¡ t \ \ f uJ· (\W QCfY\ b ~;~,::::-;~....;;::;,---..............,.-"..__...., -,., .- ¡ MARLENE FiSHEi'~:.""~Ó~fPè;îië~ll· COUNTY OFf.!'â'r~\ ,~rATF OF liNCOLN ~i,:~R~t~~j \lvyÒr~IÌ~G MY '~f,~W:~t. . " ."",.£9~~~.~~:;¿~~ ~¥- My commission expires: t ~ ~ 0 - c:Ft .r~.;i i) I. ,'·'t\.t ~. .,.... 04,,' '."":" '.~ ...... LASER PRO Lending, Ver. Copr. Harland Financial Solutions, Inc. 1997, 2008. H:\HARLAND\CFI\LPL\G201.FC TR-338 PR-17 All Rights Reserved. - Wy it tt· ,i., 'l""f::- ~ . , ~ !'~l ¡.~' " I j~.J:, i' ,¡..; ,!'>.' r ~ 41 """-u.o """"" P....Pl_ W)o·~No.tf( . ....." /IqbInoIIon No. 1C7V "'''''' Rof....... No. mo lIlY.... ~......1Ioo No. UOI! _A._I W)9.1!ooåhIoo 110._ """"........... No. .... ....." ..........,... 312m r.wI.OWfA. SClÐllEI. W)9. Itotbh... No. l13li .....,.,....." LTD. Moo. w,.nq "",.".,.. Wrwnht "-~ u.. Hal ....... "'... ~- \u ~ EXHIBIT "A" DESCRIPTION FOR ""b ~~..M. CORSI, REX M. CORSI, McMENAMY CORSI, AND ROY CORSI ~~ r·~.."" ~ REIHAINDER PARCEL - ADJUSTED To-wit: -. Ø00345 l1Jat part of the NY..SEV. of Section 27, T3(jN RlI9W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, being pact of those tracts of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 487 of Photostatic ·Records on page 61 and in. Book 467 of Photostatic Records on page 268, described as follows: . BEGINNING at the southwest poin.t of that tract of record in said Office in Book 527 of Photostatic Records on page 3, on the west line of said NYzSEV., 8000-18'-57"E, 361.15 feet, trom the northwest comer of said NYzSnv.; thence N89°·57' -28"E. 295.00 feet, along a line parallel with the north line of said W/.SEV., to the southeast point of said tract in Book 527; thence continuing N89°-57' -28"E, 295.00 fect to a point; thence NOoo-1S'.57"W, 361.15 feet, along a 1in.e parallel with said west line, to a point on the north line of said NYzSEV.; thence N89°-57'-28"E, 1937.15 feet. along said north line. to a pipe on the westerly right-Qf- way line of U.S. Highwa.y 89, at the beginning of a non-tangent circular curve to the right, whose radius point bears 8760-28' -32"W; thence southeasterly 802.31 feet, along the arc of said curve, through a central angle of 130_ 34'-07", \Vith a radius of3387.91 feet, and whose chord bears S06"-44'-24"E. 800.44 feet. to a marker at Station PC 1994+71.3250' LT, and leave said curve; thence 800°-04' -09"W, 41.23' feel:, along 'said right-of-way line, to the northeast point of that tract of record in said Office in Book 529 of Photostatic Records 011 page 449; I I· I thence S89°-55'-44''W, 695.38 feet, along the north line of said tract in Book 529, to the northwest point thereof; thence SOoo-04'-09"W. 502.64 fee~ along the west ]ine of said tract in Book 529, to the southwest point thereo~ on the north line of that tract of record in said Office in Book 470 ofPhotoBtatic Records on page 514; thence S89°-42'-40"W, 587.07 feet, along said north 1íÍ1e, to a. point at the intersection of said north line with the cast line of the SWV.SEV. of said Section 27; thence NOoo-09'-OS"W, 18.68 feet, along the east line of said SWy..sEV., to the northeast corner of said SW~SE~; /' thence S89°-55'-S9"W, 1330.65 feet, along the north line of said SWV.SEV., to the northwest come~ of sa,id SWy..sEY.; thence NOoo-18'-57"W, 962.48 feet, along the west line of said NlhSBV., to the POINT OF BEGINNING; . tho BASE BEARING for tlUs survey is the east line of the SEY4 of Section 27, T36N R119W, being NOoo-OO'-06"W; ~. I I I --I I I -----...-- - ~.._--_._~ .'. . ._._._----:-_...._-_..._....--_._--~---.. 000346 nESCRIPTION FOR DON M. CORSI, REX M. CORSI, McMENAMY CORSI, AND ROY CORSI HEMAINDER PARCEL - ADJUSTED PAGE TWO SUBJECT to a ten (10) foot irrigation easement identical with the west ten (10) feet of the above described parcel, appurtenant to said tract in Book 527; each "comer" fOWld as described in the Comer Record filed or to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County; each "point" marked by a 5/8" x 24" steel reinforcing rod with a 2" aluminum cap inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD AFfON WY PLS 5368", with appropriate details; each "pipe" marked by a I" iron pipe with yellow plastic cap inscribed, "PFlLS 698"; each "marker" marked by a 6" X 6" concrete post with brass cap inscribed, "STATE HIGHWAY DEPT. R.O.W. MARKER", with appropriate details; all in accordance with the plat prepared to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County titled. "DON M. CORSI, REX M. CORSI, McMENAMY CORSI, AND ROY CORSI PLAT OF DON CORSI TRACr WITffiN THE NYtSEY. SECTION 27 T36N RI1)/{ coz' 0",..."" 15 Au""" 2007, ",.,;,,~ 9 September 200 I· I I· ".. Pr.I..."'" Und ~ _"-_ \'/yo. ...~..... No. ,.. """ ............ No. 117. . fftho AeQklrab Met. 39tQ NIYICIa RogIIft/oo Ho.IIOS _A._ W¡o. ........... No. 31M ..............1ItIn 110._ Uto/I~No,372It' M.W.OWEA. 8C>tEIWI. \'/yo._No.53.. __LTa. - -.... ...-- - W¡oo/rIo ~HoI__ ~.- I i' I I i i. j .-----.-...--...-