HomeMy WebLinkAbout943040 Pile No.: 6010716141 CORRECTIVE WARRANTY DEED (;0,,392 Bob Jacobson and Vieky JaeobSOD, H1IIband and Wjr., grantors of LaBU'Je, State of WyominC, for and in consideration of Ten Dollars and Other Good and Valuable Consideration, in hand paid, receipt whereofjs hereby acknowledged, do(c:s) Convey and Warrant To Treve:r Wesley and Meghan Wesley, Husband and Wife. grantees. whose address is: General Delivery LaBarge, WY, 83123 the following descn'bed rea) estate, situate in Uneoln County and State ofWyomJn:. to wit: That part oftbe South Half of the SoutbelSt Quarter of tbe Southwest Quarter or Section 6, TOWDIblp 26 Nortb, Range 111 West. of the ~ P.M., LincolD COUDty, WYOmlDg described OD attached Exblbit A prepared by Paul N. Scberbellabeled "Description from Bobby A. JacobSOD Ind Vicky L. Jacobson, hubaDd and wife" for WYOmlDI Real Estate so~ dated 26 November, 2007". NOTE: TIaI. Ien'U to allTect tile ducriptloa of 1IIal m1aI. COITeCIIve Warruty Deed rec:orded Mardi %6, 200810 Book 690 110 pap 489 of tile record. of tb lJøeo(a Co.aty Clerk. Hereby releasing and waiving all rights UDder and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming. . Witness my/our hand(s) this / '/i/ .~~~~ Bob JacobBáÍ œ.YOfil~ ¡/ ;~~) Vicky Jaco n State ofWyondng ) ) ss. County ofLtncoJn ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 11M day of Or inn 1J..l by Bob Jacobson and Vicky Jacobson. ,20.Iti Witness my hand and official seal. MISlY REED COUNTY OF ¡.~~ STATE OF LINCOLN t.~~ WYOMING MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JULY 11,2012 My commission expires: \,/} €.i.\9 S-';'.Dn4. wunIIIy WYOltn. 1110008 RECEIVED 10/21/2008 at 10:13 AM RECEIVING # 943040 BOOK: 707 PAGE: 392 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY IWIIBIT A DESCRIPTION FROM BOBB\' A. JACOBSON AND VICKY L. JACOBSON. busband and wife FOR WYOMING REAL ESTATE SOURCE To-wit:- That pm of Ihe S!l.zSEY.SW~ of Section 6, T26N. R.112W wilhin tb¡: inçoJPOratçd limits of the Town ofLaBargc, Lincoln County, Wyoming and purt oftbat tract ofreçgnl in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 598 of Photostatic Records on page 97 and also part of Lot 1 of the VlU:4tod M8J')t Addition to the Town of LaBarge of record ·w said Offioc as Plat No. 201 and described. as follows: úOû393 BEGINNING at a marker for the 8oulhout of said Lot J. on Ib.c cast line of said S~BV.SW", NOOD-OB'E, !be base bearing for this survey, 283.50 feel. trom the south ono-quarter comcr of said S"tion 6; . thence N89D-59'.30"W, 220.56 feet, along the south line of said Lot 1 to a point; thence NOOD-OB'E. 226.09 feet, tQ a point South, 0.8 feet of a chain-link fence for the ROO Rcsoun:es Well Çbimney Bu1tc Unit No. CpoS and soul~eas'crly, 4.4 feet from the fence comer; thence S86D-S7.S'E, 220.84 fcet. parallel with said fenco line, to II. point on the east line of said S~SEX.SWV., SOO"-OB'W. 161.9 feet flom the northeast corner of said S!1.SßV.SWY4 and nurtheast comer ofsaid Lot I; thence SOOD-08'W, 214.40 fcet, along said east line to th-: MARKER OF BEGINNING; ENCOMPASSING an area of 1.12 acres, more ur less; each poiDt marked with a 518,,24 ins. steel reinforcing roO with an aluminum cap inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD PLS 164 2007 BIO P1NP.Y wr and appropriate details. eacl1 corner found as dcscribed in the COIner Record file.1 in said Offioc; each marker is a sted T-shaped slake 24 ins. long witb metal cap inscribed, "SURVEY POINT DO NOT DISTURB RLS 164"; SUBJECT tQ an easement for an oil/gas pipt:line of record in SKid Office in Bouk 550 of Photostatic Records on page 246; SUDJECf 10 an easement for an anchor for an extant cleclrical power line located S000.OS'W. 59 feet and S89°·S9.S'E, 23 feet, from Ut~ northwest comer ofthi$ tract; TOGETHER with an. easement with width of twenty (20) fi;e;t with tbe center-line; described. u foUows for electrical power set"Vice: BEGINNING at a point on the wcst line of tho forcgoiog described tract, SOO".OS'W, S9 feel tiom the northwest point or this tract; thence N89D-S9.S'W, l5.s feet to au electrical power pole and continuing N89D-S9.S'W, 25 feet for an anchor; 002 t·iI.; JACØb~n-wn.nS Des. on 1. any way or the roregolng deacnption terminates liability of Ihe surveyor"