HomeMy WebLinkAbout943069 STATEMENT OF CLAIM FOR MECHANIC'S AND MATERIALSMAN'S LIEN ú00497 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Standard Drywall, Inc., P.O. Box 7439, Jackson, Wyoming, 83002 did contract to furnish and did fumish to Grand Teton Building at P.O. Box 1080 Thayne, Wyoming 83127, certain labor and materials for construction of improvements on real property, on the following described real property, to the extent allowed by law, to-wit: Lot 22 of the Star Valley Ranch Plot 8, a subdivision of Lincoln County, Wyoming, further described as East yz of Section 30 Township 35 North Range 118 West, according to that Plat recorded as Plat No. 180. State Parcel ID No.: 35-18-30-10-2-10-500 The said labor and supplies being as shown on the job invoice which is attached hereto and marked as Exhibit "A" for reference, all said services, labor and supplies being ordered and/or used at or on behalf of the land aforesaid, and with all just credit being given, there is now due and owing a total sum of Eleven Thousand Three Hundred Sixty Two Dollars and No Cents ($11,362.00), together with interest accruing at the contract rate of twelve percent (12%) per almwn from July 8, 2008, along with costs and expenses associated with filing this lien statement, including reasonable attorney's fees, to the extent permitted by law. The said services, labor and materials were fumished under written and oral contracts between Standard Drywall, Inc. and Grand Teton Building, the written contract attached hereto as "Exhibit B." The owners or the reputed owners of the above-described land upon which the labor and materials were fumished are William D. Cooney and Regina Cooney at P.O. Box 1080 Thayne, Wyoming 83127. THEREFORE, Standard Drywall, Inc. claims the benefits of the Statutes of the State of Wyoming relating to mechanic's and materialman's liens on the real estate and improvements thereon, said real estate being hereinabove described, to the extent of the amount of property allowed by the laws of the State of Wyoming, for the payment of, Eleven Thousand Three Hundred Sixty Two Donars and No Cents ($11,362.00), together with interest accruing at the contract rate of twelve percent (12%) per annwn from July 8, 2008 against the above-nalTIed individuals and against other persons who may claim an adverse interest therein, along with costs and expenses associated with filing this lien statement, including reasonable attomey's fees, to the extent permitted by law. RECEIVED 10/22/2008 at 10:09 AM RECEIVING # 943069 BOOK: 707 PAGE: 497 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY STATEMENT OF CLAIM FOR MECHANIC'S AND MATERIALMAN'S LIEN 1 000498 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Bret F. King, counsel for Standard Drywall, Inc., being first duly sworn, deposes and says the he has read the foregoing Statement of Claim for Mechanic's aJ.1d Materialman's Lien and to his knowledge knows that the facts therein stated are true and conect. STATE OF WYOMING ) ) ss. COUNTY OF TETON ) -" Subscribed and sworn to before me this \ y+" day of October, 2008, by Bret F. King. WITNESS my hand and official se~¿ &&&tJ, Notary P , lic My commission expires: S - S \ - ¿cx:l:'L ANN SCHROEDER Wyoming Notary Public. County of Teton My Commission Expires March 31. 2012 STATEMENT OF CLAIM FOR MECHANIC'S AND MATERIALMAN'S LIEN 2 Standard Drywall, Inc PO Box 7439 Jackson, WY 83002 û0049~ Invoice Date Invoice # 7/3112008 Pay App 1 Bill To Grand Teton Building PO Box 1080 Thayne, WY 83127 P.O. No. Terms Project WY 4060- Cooney Spec House Description Qty Rate Amount Base Bid 1 11,362.00 11,362.00 .... I Total $11,362.00 Payments/Cred its $0.00 Balance Due $11,362.00 Phone # Fax # E-mail Web Site 307-732-0144 307-732-0158 mterry@standarddrywaIl.com www.standarddrywall.com .. II Ex h, \0\+ A , I~, " 2~'¡ 288? 1:1!: 31:. 'J fJ n;!.\\ 1 , (: :;I /-I1'II,iMI\J. ¡'I, ; WMl.....' ; - I ....,...,'- ÔO\ìsoo PROPOSAL l)"',,,:iætWl 1'Q: nRAND 'rr:,TON B'.lj¡..nr~(! ATr."ó; ~'3-F.N" C(X)NJ-:Y .103 ~Åt\18. SEt\1\ cnONEY $PF'i~ HCV~!:: .lQ8 !\DDRI'\$S: ST:~R V.\LU::\ ~~ANCH STAR 'ý:\L,l..i~Y.. wVOMr. 0 'f"ïS~'H;u>ns¡" l. EtV'ñiñ ljNLESS .,,<::n:rTEO W Tln~nnR.TV DA'rS 'We pt'f" '1Mt 10 \ì. ",I~h al ¡¡Ih¡" r-. ",~H.·Ij .:~ t,1 p....rfr'rm (Ii, fcllv...i~I!' Sf.'('T'O~ : (~n\!:Il;J~ d!"Y"'iil.U. Han~ .nll Fiuitlh 'Ban Bid: ~-bin tHH"C: $10ß81.00 Æanlfj;\;. ~..:603.ÐO AiternalcrAdd f)tl'l~Ann(Þ.r În (haWef atCM' Add: $450.00 G-~ r h()t,L"~ .. j-- ~ r- ~ -$1 \ ,.,r,?-.c;O G~n~nl Qu~U.f'ication5: G,r D S\lpply ¡¡dt'1ql.:at( power, wakr, ¡¡~hrjf\g (II"; utilili.,.5 :¡a :rcqu,,"ed h~;ati,)ns tr.. C'"TlI)I,~te;l1l pha:c;c:s. of '......'1'~, at 1\<7 :.\>~\ \f: 50L Ellvironmental çond ilions to) be m¡ ,inta ìn~d by generai c(J"tr~, : tor ^\ iI tlQor<s lO be $(:;ap"J arid I~ft broonl ç\(.M'J Qn1)·. No wol1i' t'I( ~I'¡r'f.. O( grir,ding I~f f'\"IQf is ¡"dudr.:<i in thl:,\ bid. D'J,'npSler, l,rC tQ be: fJ~l)\'¡.dl:!d at TN I:Ost to SOl. . Fini~Ì1;~ flg\lfl:d !i1l ¡! Me;fìum ,..,,;p lmwcl !3uI11,,;¡!;e beM i!; r'E,urç,1 Shirrun in~ of ~tuds i! ,'xcluded ·Ìfr:.m this b¡ò . 1;'\!\ulatn:m is n~.,: io..:\¡~d\)å j'1 tÞ!¡:; hid Payment upon ccrrpkt 1m' 1 fl'aym~nt i'i 110t t~G':'lvçd ;" a il!Il~')' t'1aT1 J¢r. .'ðfll.;g.nl c;.1;1~t1 n:" rec~WCry 11l1d j"t~rt~1 :~; 2% will be çhl\rg~d If Yl"JU I¡:l\'c <In)' qllc!\':.ior~ plcl1~f, h1d t,ee '\,~ caìl. i'i' 1>:¡tc·,~1" ,. \19_~ lJ} , ~,-_.~ DO' .1f/ ......--~...----_..--.._-- :;;m.îA~t~L'"".. j;:;;;;;;;. -WY ß3¿i(iï:td3ü7 ·732.0144 r.. 301· 73 2·015 ß · WW ".SUlndyddl) w>ticO" Ofiite'S I0c3tf:cl in O)t'O:'Ill, CA' S:m Di.J:'gCl, CA. Sal~ L,h Cll:!. tJ'f· Jacksotl, WY . I ,\,1$ Vl!.~"~, h \' ., _._ ...." .n-'" .....r.. \,~n':': \JI/f ~.t.!.~'7 n~.11 Jlt~:J A1:ft 1. tí4A.z l:T-II S7:\271.f>-~~OI IT' 1:t>(K...^iV\..~·.1 '1h,4T.1 E ~\t1.\ le',+- ß rF_@ ~ STANDAßD DRYWAI.I. INt. ÚOÛ501 PROPOSAL Date:4/28/2008 To: GRAND TETON BUILDING A TTN: SEAN COONEY éJ9B N~SEAN COONEY SPEC HOUSE ~A~URESS: STAR VALLEY RANCH; STAR VALLEY, WYOMING THIS PROPOSAL IS VOID UNLESS ACCEPTED WITHIN THIRTY DAYS We propose to furnish all labor & materials to perform the following: SECTION: Gypsum drywall: Hang and Finish Base Bid: ... '.". '~.'-"'-- --...-,...........-...-.... Main house: $10,882.00 Garage: $2603.00 . .... Altërlläte:-AddDëllsArmóur iriíheWëfareas-óf house' - Add: $480.00 __ "'_...___n_ .._..,,_..__.,_..,......__~.._.,... General Qualifications: · G.C. to supply adequate power, water, lighting and utilities at required locations to complete all phases of work, at no cost to SDI. · Environmental conditions to be maintained by general contractor. · All floors to be scraped and left broom clean only. No wetting, mopping, or grinding of floor is included in this bid. · Dumpsters are to be provided at no cost to SDI. · Finish is figured as a Medium skip trowel · Bull nose bead is figured · Shimming of studs is excluded from this bid · Insulation is not included in this bid · Payment upon completion · If payment is not received in a timely manner, all legal costs for recovery and interest @ 12% will be charged If you have any questions please feel free to call. Date:4/28/2008 By: Date: 3975 S. Antelope Lane, Jackson, WY 83001· tel 307-732-0144 · fax 307-732-0158 · www.standarddrywal1.com Offices located in Corona, CA · San Diego, CA · Salt Lake City, UT · Jackson, WY · Las Vegas, NV CA# 444328 NV# 40785 NM# 85263 HI# 24487 OR# 111655 AZ# 127644-8 UT# 5732716-5501 ill 13666-AAA-4(1,26,47)