HomeMy WebLinkAbout943098 · u..';EIVED 10/23/2008 at 12:03 PM RECEIVING # 943098 BOOK: 101 PAGE: 568 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY QUIT CLAIM DEED OOô56S FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION RECEIVED, Clarence L. and Dorothy I. Reinhart husband and wife, the Grantors, of Lincoln County, Wyoming, for a good and valuable consideration the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do remise, release and forever quitclaim unto Alpine Fire Department Inc., the Grantees, whose current address is P.O. Box 3204 Alpine, Wyoming 83128, the following described real estate situated in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, to wit: Beginning at a point that is N89°24'37"W 215.41 feet from the Southeast Comer of Lot 134, Nordic Ranches Division No.8, part of the NW 1/4 Section 26, Township 36 North, Range 119 West of the 6TH P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming and running thence N89°24'37"W 357.23 feet; thence N9°23'35"W 113.25 feet; thence N46°31'07"W 37.76 feet; thence S89°24'37"E 315.55 feet to a point of curve having a radius of 170.00 feet and a chord that bears S73°37'47"E 92.46 feet; thence to the right along said curve 93,64 feet through a central angle of31 °33'40"; thence S0035'23"W 112.09 feet to the Point of Beginning, containing 1.15 acres. ALSO: An easement of25 feet in width is reserved along the North side of the West 70.00 feet of the above described property for an entrance sign and roadway. The Grantee shall maintain all of Lot 134 free of all weeds in a well kept condition. STATE OF LVyò ) )S.S. COUNTY OF L.A CD I v1 ) On thisÃday of ~t, 2001, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared Clarence L. Reinhart and Dorothy 1. Reinhar'lthusband and wife, known to me or identified to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the sarne. IN WI1NESS WH~REOF, I have helf1'ltQ;,~tJnyhand-andaffi){~d.m¥,~fti~-¥!J: seal the day and year first above wntten....~::_;l/¡fi';,,;<.;"',.,' ... ::J _0· I; _A..... U^/'t u'J L;?'- DIANA MEPRP '\", '·;',HY PUBLIC _ ~ r y t ~ W"" County of Stale tJl ~:.~: Notary Public for the State of W ýo c:'· liflcol!1 ' Wyt!lryng ~~=:st~n ~;:;o: Date: 10 f1t ! 0 " ~. My Cool""",,"" Exp¡res.l£.1£æ.2 \îÌilk~ ...- -, _ .~.-'¡;;~~:'>¡¡;:;,i:.¡~,.".,,¿,· ,.'. ", --'f'