HomeMy WebLinkAbout943172 RECORDATION REQUESTED BY: fIm 5_ I18nk of ,1rIeIMIe ",0.110".,. PMcIIIIe. WY laM1 ¥A- ~~ . WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: fint SllltlllI8nk of Plntdllt P.O. 80x 1111. PInIcYIt. WY 12841 _T~TD' Plttt of PInIdIII P.O. Box 6 - 000734 AÞA~ AMW nÐ~ UNI; It FOR "~ORr:UMt. ~II! ONLV MORTGAfðE MAXIMUM UEN. The lien of this Mortgl Je Ihahot exceed It MV one Um. $136.IKIO.OO. THIS MORTGAGE dated Octob", 22, 2008, .. made ...d exeout8d betw.-¡ Michael J. Migliore and Karen PIIrroff, Joint T........~ wl1h Rlghla of Survlvonhlp, who.. acid,... .. 7901 North Look. Road, V_vlRe, CA 915688 (weferred to below _ "g,entor-' and Flret State Benk of PInedale. who.. acid..... .. P.O. Box 1S18. PInedale, WY 82941 Crtfwred 10 below.. -Lender-'. GRANT OF MORTGAGE. For vaIueIIIt _Iftndian. IiIrllltVllMfIt.... lIIII_ye to Lende. III of G.lII1lor's rlgbt. dtle, Ind Inlerat In end to 1he following delCl1bed ..at property. ID III/IIIr with all .xI41Il1Q or ,u.lC uemly ,røctlld o. Iffbced bulldlngl. lMptov.m'n1I .nd fll\1Ufta; all ...øment.. r/ohtI of W'V. ønd e~; "'I wmr. w.tar rlghl8, wallrcou..... and ditch I1ght. Ilncludlng _o~ In utllltIeI with dl1ch Of I"'9111On rtghGl: ønd .11 oth4lr rig,.." rOY1lltlte. Ind prof/II tlll\l!'Q to the ....1 plVperty. lnoIudInu. wllhout HmItøtIon ell mlnllt.la. 011. gu. geothenn.lend almller møtte". (th. R8øI Propeny-lloRlted In LInooIn COuirty. Stat, of Wyoming; Lot Threo C3J of Stonefly R4KICh ,..,.. II. UnGOln County, yv'yomb1g .. deecribed on the off1e181 J!lat røoorded September 7, 2007 _ dOoument number 9328211 In ~he OffIce of tIHt Clerk, LlnOQln Co\ll1W, Wyoming The RHI Property or Ite Iddr... II commonly known II . Lot 3, 8tOl1øfty Ranch Ph,,1 II, Stoc1efly Drive. Etnl. WY 8311$. Granto' ,......"tlV .llp to LandI, "I of G.entør·, ñg/It, title, and InterNt In .nd to ell p~ønt and future 1_ of tII. Prope!'tV Ind III III"" from the I'roøe,ty. In IIddItlon, GfI'*' g.."" to Lendar . UnKomI Comm.tOi.1 Cod. 1I0ur!tv int_t In the Pe_nll PIO",,!'tV .nd Renllo. THIS MORTOAOL INClUDING THIi ASSIO...INT 0' RØfI'S AMP 111& SiCURITY IRTIIIE8T IN THE liens AND PERSONAL PflOPERn'. IS GIV!N TO SECURE IAI PAVMM OP TM!! INDEBTEDNISS AND (II PIRFOIIMANCIõ Of AK'I AND AU OILIGATIONS UNDIII THI NOts. THE RaATa) goCUMINT8. AND TtIIS MOIITGAGI. nfle MOII'1'OAGE 18 GIVEN AND ACC!PTID ON THI fOLLOWING tERMS: I'A YMINT AND PERFORMANCI. ExotPl II othørwiM provided In thle Mongø ll. 0._ shall pay to L.nder III amounu IIOUrad by thle Monu.ge .. they become due end .hIIl atrlctly parfotlll .11 of Grlntør'l obIlgltlonl uncle' ttit MOtIgegl. P08SU81ON AND MAINTlNANCI Of Till! PROPERTY, O..ntor 89.... ~at Grantor', po_.lon .nd UII 01 the Property eh.11 be OOverned by tile f\l11ow1r1 proYÖllOn" Pot_Icon n U... Until the oooU/TIn~ 01 .n EvIInt of Dlfault. :Orlntor m.v m remain In pocu..lon and conl/ol of the Property: (2' "'-. OJ*a. or managa the ProPll1Y: Ind 131 coIIIct till II."te from the Propørty. Duty to~. Granto. lhell m.lmtln tilt f'IopeRy In good condition ~ promptlv perform BlllBp.i", repl.cemen1l, .nd malnunanoe _new to prlHMllIc v.I.... CompIluJae Willi I!nwlronment.Ilaws. QrBnlor rep¡esenl8 and w./Tlln,. to Lendlr tho!: (1) D1.ortng tilt period 01 Granto.'. owne"hlp of thl Prop~. there he. bean no W.. gtMlaIion. mønuløcture. .torag.. treltment. dlsposøl, releue o. thr..tlnad ..I.... of InV Haza.douø Substanc. by any tl1on on, undør, eOOut or !rom till Pl'Operty; 121 Grantor hu no knowled~ of. 0. rae.on to believe thet there "- been. "'...pt .. prevlovaly dlcoloaed to end acknowlldged by Lende' In writtng, I" .ny brBaeh o. I/Iolalllln Or eny Envl~nmfntal LBWI. Ibl III1V UM. ga",,,lIon, m.nuflcture. .tol'llla. treftment. dlI )OHI. reIe_ or tIv.~.ntd ..Ie... of .ny H.zørdoua Subatlnce on, unde., about or from the Propt!'tV by any prtor 0_' or OOOU Inte of 1he Propeny, o. Ie) .ny ICItIJaI or thr....nee! 11I1g.tlon or clalRII 01 øny kind by ony p....on ret.dng to .uch matt.....; end 13) eM.PI 118 prøvlou&ly dl.elO4ltd to and 'oknowledged by Lende. In writing. (II ".Ithar G..._r nar .ny tan.nt. conttlotor. agent or other .uIhorlzed u.... of the PJope!'tV wll val, gane.el.. menul,ctu'.. &tol1l. t..et. dl.po.. 01 or ....... .ny HazardoUl Sub.llnea on. Undlll. .bout or from the Property: Ind (b) Illy tllOh aOtlvity .h.1I be conduct.d In compliance with .11 aHllgeble 11nIø1B1, .tete. .nd Iooet l.wI. IBguledon. .nd ordlnano... Inoludlng WIthout IImlt.lIon all Envlronmantll I.Iw., Grantor lutI1olit.. lind... end'" egfnta tg entat upon the I'ropet1y to mlk,\llueh Inspee1lo... end _ta, .t Grentor', e¡cponse. os Lender mev dllltll opproprlata '10 cletlrmlmo compliance of the ProPl!ttV wtth thIa ..ctIon 01 tha MottQl9t. Any IntpIGlIont o. tlltl mede by Lender ehlll be 10, I.Ind.... PUI KI'" only and 8h111 not b. oonstl\led to cr..t. any re.pon.lblllty or IItbIIIty on the pan olllndlll' to Grantor gr to any othe. pe_n. Th4I n op__ttgn. end wo".ntlta OOntelntd herein lIB baNd on Gramot', due amOanoe In Investlgeling the Propenv lor HIZ'rdoua SubttllnOes, GlllUot hI,eby (1' rele.... Ind waI..1 9ny fvwre oil'"" lIIelnlt Lender lor Ind.mnity 01 OO/ItfIbutlon In tile lvent G.entor ~ lieble for cleenup or oth.r _IS under .nv .uch lawl; and (2) ao_ to Indemnify, c .t.nd. and hold hermle.. Lend.. II\IIlnll any and .11 Olllml. 1_. n.blUtIa., damlgtl, penlltlel. end .xpenen which lInder mev dlreotly 0' Indlreotlv .ustoln o. suff.r ....uItIng from a bnøch 01 thI$ .eotIon of the Monu.ge 01 I' I OIJnetau.not of .ny IIIt.e_lIIon. m.nuflCtUl1I, atorage, dilpoe.l, rel.8I1 or threa.,*, ...1_ CIOOUlTÌng prior to arento". ownel8bip o. Inle.llt In tho Property. whather or not the lime WII o. .hould hive baen Icnown to Grentor. The provlelOlll of 11111 .ectlon oltlll'Mol'tgege, Inoludlng !hi obll¡etlon to Ind.mnify .nd d.t.nd. .hall eurvlve the pøyment of the Inciebtednea and the .Iti"",,on end ",o0rMIYenee oltha IiIn of !ilia Morcg.g. and .b.11 not be Iff1IctBd by Lendlr'. .eql,ll,ldon of Inv IntBnlat In the Property, whelhe. by fo..ao.ure or othatwl... Nlllnnoe. w..... Grantor sh.11 not oaUlt. ooncluot or parmlt anv nuisance nor commit. permit, or .uffer .ny ltIipplng or or wiatt on Ot to the PlllPØrty or any ponIon of the Property. WIthout limiting tIIIgtntran\y of the tolB Cllng. GlBntør wUI not ttIIIOve. Ot orant to anV other party the rtght to remov.. any timber. mllllltela ØnoIIldJIIQ on end gill. coal. CloV. _rll. loll, gtfYtI O' rook prodllOtI without Lender'. prior wrlttln C9l'lfI't. R.movaI of __I. Ortntør .hell n~ dtmOlith or ...tnOVI any ImplVVllment8 from the Ileal ProPlrtv without Lender's prior wtittBn 0_111. Aa. condition 10 the _I 01 .ny Improl/lllllma, linder m.v ..qull1l Grentor to mike ""ngemem. aad'ftlctory to Landllt to repleca luc/llmprov.menta with Il/I /OVBrnanta of at ....t _I vetw. LInder'11IIt/It to linter. ~ and Lendør'. B llltland rep....niallvel ""V anter uøon tba R.aI Propøny al an l1I8IOI1eÞle tlm.. to .nand to LancIet', I"""",.nd to lnapøc:t till R..I ProDtrty lOr purpoøeø of Grlntor', complllnce with the terma and conditione of tNI MOtttIIO" Compll_ with ø-~ Rtc IIi.--, (¡,antor IhllI promptly oomplv with elllawe, ordllNlllCll., end ..guletlon.. now Of I1eraatra, In efhoot, of eU govtmmlltltal .uthor""" .ppJlcaÞle to the UIt or ocçuptnoy of the Property. G.antor mlV cont..t In good felth Iny ,uc:h lew, ordin.nee. or "8u1*n .nd withhold compflanee during any rOcNCIIng. lnoludlng ap l'Optlltt .ppø.... 10 long a. GÆ1tOr /In notified Lender In writing prtor to doing IG .nd .0 10119 ,". In lAnd...·. .01. opinion. Lend."a 1nta....1I In the Property are not eoPltdlud. Lender mav"qul,. G,amor to poIt adaquatt 1t000ItV or IIU/tt'( bond. rae.onlblV ..tlaf.ctory to Lender. to protact L.ndlr'. Inwut, Duty to PrvIiIGt. Gramor agrøalllither to I~"ndon 01' /eM \ll'l8ttendad tile Prvpønv, O"ntor aIIIll do BII other .cre. In eddItIon to Ihou leta HI forth above In thIe aacllon. whlçh lrom the characllr .nd un of the PI'OPIltV 118 ....aonablv _.ary to protacl and p,...... tho PI'OPlrty. DUE ON BALE . COfI8ENT IV LiNDIiR. Lander m.y, .t Londør', oPtIon. dIGle.. ImmedJmty due Ind PlYlb11 all ouma ..ourad by mi. Mono. U On the .." or tranefer, without L8ndar', prlo. wrfttlln -lit, 01 all or.ny part ollila Reel Propeny, or Iny Int....t In the A"I Prope!'tV. A "..Ie or tr~r· ,",,",!hi convey.not of Rill Property or any right, tftIt or Int....1t In the Rea' Property; whether Itgal. betMIflclel Or equitable; whet.... veluntary or inwhlnt.ry¡ whe1her bv outright llle. deed. Insl.llment ..Ie contract, land contt.ot, contrIGt for deed, RECEIVED 10/27/2008 at 2:16 PM RECEIVING # 943172 BOOK: 101 PAGE: 134 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY Loøn No: 1 1 ..,y" , ....1""I'iiI.. (Continued) Pegl 2 IIII..hoIcIltrc_t with a term grutar thlll tin. 131 YNra. l-.oøtIon con1rlct. or by Ale. ..slonment, or transfer of any ben.lldallntarest In or to IIIIV lend truet hcIIdlng 1111. to the III" Property. or by Iny other I\1llhod of convey_ 0' an ¡_..." in the Real Ptopt/tf. How_r, thlt oPtIon lhell not be ~ by Lendef If auch eKm:1ae .. proNbIIIId by '-derallaw or by Wyoming lew. T AJ(Ø AND UENS. The following provIaIooa relltln to UIe t_ and IIUII on the I'rtJpeny .. Plrt of Ihls Mort¡¡age: P8yment. GrIntO!' shel pey when due lend In "I ~e pIIor to delinquency) l1li ....... payroll _s. specIal tIOOI', a_, w.ter ohetgw Ir1d ..- lIMoe 0lil".. levied -eelnet or on 1ICC0unt of the P/opertv, end ...... p.., when due .8 01.... for work done on or for unriae& render9d or III81I/rllI fumI'h8d to the ~rty, O...mor l1li1 melntaln the Propeny fr.. of Iny lima hIVIng priority over or equel to the Inte_t of Lender under thII Moneave. except for thoA Ylns epeclfloally IgIIItd 10 In writing by I.endIr, and _pt for the Ben of wr..s end 11_'mtrrIt IIOt dUe .a flintier lpeolflad In .,. FII$ht to Contlllt per.lph. RIgId to eom.t. G_ may wl\hl1Old PtYII*It 0' any tax, I_ment. Or 0II1m In con~ with a good f8IIh ditpute over the obligation to pay. $0 long II Landllt'. Ir1cer.n '" the PIoptrty la not /IOPItdimd. If a I.., Wee or 18 flied II a relult of nol'l )lyrnam. Gr.ntor .....1 within fifteen (18) daya ."., \fie Rln IriMe 01'. If a lien Is flied. whhft fIhoen (111 dava after Grlll10r h.. notice of the tiling. HOure the diacharge of the lien, or If req\llllU!d by Landtr, deposIt,wlth LancIer 0IIh or llIIffloIent cotpOr'IIte tutetv bond or otha, 'Iourity Atlmnøry to Lender In In .1ftO\Iftt .uffIoIent to dIsahaItIe1he lien P/UI any COII18 and ....OIIIIIH IIIIOmeya' re.. or other chargtølllal could 1- I' I ..ault 01. foreclosura or ., ~r I'" lien. In lilY oonewt, GnInIDr Ihll d111end lewlf and Lendar and Ih.n NtIIfy Iny Idvlil. iudslment befo... Inforoement IgllInat the Property. GrflllOr"'''' nlme Landw II In IddhIonal obligee under any .umy bond fuml."'d In .. _at proceedInoa. ~ of P8y!M1It. Gr_ IIhtIII upon dllmand fuMiah '10 ~ lltitf1¡O\<IIy evldeno, of payment of the texea or _tmO/'Rl end ahan llIIf1orll, the I )proprl" gowmmelltll otIIoIlI to dellwr to "'ndar at IIIV "me . wrlnl/\ """""" Of t~ t_ llId "',","ntI IUelnet thl PIOPe/tf. : Noan of ConetAlO1lon. Grlntor IheII ncnlfy L.nder It lellt IIfteen 11111 dava before .ny work III commenced, .ny ..1ViOIIa ....1umIehed. or eny mltlKlIII are S\IPPØ9d to "" Prvpeny, If UIY mecll",'o', 1tIIn, materlelmen'e lien. or otr.. lien oould be ~ on account of tlla work, urvloel, or meterleb. Orentor will upon '*1_ of LendIIr furrûll'lO I..ender IdvI/lCl ...ur,noea mlfflO\OtY '10 lAndti' ~ a...nwr OIn alld INII fJtIY ØIe ooat of .uoh Im II'D_"'. PROPERTY DAMAGE 11ISURANC&. Tha following PfO\IitiOna rellling to ìneuring the Property "' . pert of thl8 MortgAl~: M81-.... 01 ...u........ Gtlntor .hl" procunl and lIIIIntaln po/ialte Of fire lnavtenoe wi1h atlndtn extIIndIId coverage endoßlemenbl on a reølaoement bula for the tulllnaurabla v..... cov8flng III ImptO__ on the fI.II Property In In 8/IIooot IlUfflcI.nt to avoid .pplloollon 01 eny colnelM'8tlGt otaus., .nd with a l'tIndanl mortgegee cflUle In favor 01 LlfKl8r. Poll_ e!WI be wrlttan by I\IÇh In'utlnee cornplnlel end In _h form 81 mev be relllOnllbly Iccep18b1e to LInder, G;'/ItDr 8hel1 dll_ to landar ClftlflcØIaI of COV\II'e EI from l.eII insurer comein/ng . atlpuidon th.at cov.... wll not be oancllled or dlmlrllshOd without I minimum of ten (101 clava' prior wrtttlll notice to Lender IIIICI ncn OOmeinlng Iny diaottirntr I/f the lnaurar'. lIobIllty for failure to give .ooh notice. Each Insurance policy abel ,h.B Includ. an tndllfl8lnent providing thlt _"' II1n "vor of Lender wnl not be /mpeJNd In any w.., by ....y *Of. ami.ion I/r slofault 1/1 G"ntelr or .ny olhar~. Should the R..I Proparty be loc.tad In an ...... "-Iø_ by 1he DinIotor 0' the Fedlr.1 Emergency M....gemenf Agenoy " a epeelll ftood h.qrd .... Grllllfllr IIJr_ to obtIin and /1\8itJlIin Faderll Flood lnauranol. if .vallable. for the full unpaid prInoIpel beI_e of the IotIn and Iny prior IIenII on 1he property _urlng the loin. lIP to !tit I'/MIlIlmum /IJ11vy IlmItw lit uncIer the NltIonal Rood IIIIurance Program, or oe od1etwlu required by Llhder. and to melnÞln auell 'lnaußlnOl for the tem Of If1e Io.n. A~ of I'rooae<b. Orantor ,hall promptly notify Lender of eny Ion or damage to \hi Property. lAnder mey make proof of loss If Grenll)r f.Ue to do 80 wf1h n tïmtn n 51 dllya 01 the caaually, Whather Or not Lendar'* seourity Is Impllred. Lender may. at Lend.'. elecdon. rvoelve Ind rablJn Ute I'OOtfde 011/1)' Inlurance and ellP./Y till prooHde to till rtdl.lOthJn of the Indebted",.., plyment of any Aen tffIOting the Property, or 1he ~ Ir1d rapeir 0' till Proptrtj.; If Lendar I!IIcIs to apply the prIJCHdS to rntaratlon and r'/IIIt. Gnu1\OI' '''aI'",pe/r Dr repl_ till damlgad or dllatnJyed Improwmenw In e mal1f1er eatlsfactOry to Lender. Lender shan, u /IJn setl".ctory proof of luch expendltwe, pay or ....mbum Gr.ntor hm the pré)Caedl for Iht ....on.bIt COlt Of ...palr or ....corallon II Grentor ill not /n delllAlt under thil M~ Any plVCMdl which have ncn ~ dleburstd within 180 dava .1'bIr 1heIr _!pi and whIah Lender hu not oommltted to the rtøaIt or _toration of the PIOpItIy IhIII bl lIIed fIrat to pey any amount owing to Lender under mil MoI1ll.. thin to pay aCC1'UlClIntere8t. Ind the ..malnder, II.nv, .l1li, be applied to the PrInciPII bellnce of the IndIIlltldneu. If Lendar hoIdII Iny proceed. .fter lIaymem In fun 0' the Ind....ckMo... luch prooNda .hIII be paid ro G_ 81 0............ __ may _If. LENDIiR'S I!XPI!NDITVRES. If GI'II1tOt 1aII, fA! to qep the Property ".. of III tax... 111111. UCUrlly Intereaa, enoumbllncea. end otr.. clllm., III to provfclt¡ tIIIV IIquirtd lnturlnCa on the Property, 01' ICI to make raPllÙlIO the PIoper1y then Lender may do 80. If.ny acdon or pro«*ldlng Ie oomllMl/lOlld thIIt would II\f\IrI.11y Itf80t Lender'. Intlrwte In the I'Ivperty, then lAnder on Grlntor'l behllf mey. bul II IIOt requiNd to, ..rc. any action that Landar beII._ 10 be ep lV lt'18 to prolllOt Lencitr', lmertltl. ..1..- Incurred or peld by Lander for 'UCh IIrpotM wØlthen belr 1ntI...1 It .,. r'8I1I ohdrged urad... tha Notl from the dl1a incurNd or paid by IJIndar to the date of repaymant by G..nror. AII.ach .xpet'IMI wlU beoorne e pen of 1I1e 1nc/ebUad.-. end, at Laftder'a option, wit fA! be III"'" on dematI\I; 8 be IIddlld to Iht beltnot of the Note end be IPPOrtioned -'U tnd be payeble with any 11II1II1Imant paytnIIrIta to become due durfng either n the tarm of ""y fpp lo8ÞIe InN'IIIIIII IKllIoV: or 121 !tit r'lIIIIlr*1ø 18nn of the Nelli; or ICI be truIIICI . a baIoon paymant which wRl be due Ind payable at the NotI'I mltllllty. The Mort ll e "-0 wlllllOUrt payment of the.. amounœ. The 11ght. pnlvIdIIcI for In tI1I, NI1'8 I'.pto IhIIl be In ~tIon II) .ny olhar rlgllt. or eny ......... to which Lender may be ..,1ItIed on _ of ....1' Hfault. Atr¡ auch action by Lender .hal not be conatrll.å II curing the d.f.ult 10 ... to bel' Lender fItIm eny remedy thet It otherwllll would hew had. WARfIANTY: DEFENSE Of TITLE. rlw foIkJwlrv provlliona ...Iatirv to Ownaf!Jhip of the Property ere a pert of /hie MorIgaøe= TItle. G_tor Wlrrelltl1het: /I) Grantor hoIdI good ItICI Mll'IuIf8b1e flU. 0' reœtd to ilia Propany IrI ,.. aimp e, frM end oloer of In n_ and ancumbf-. Othat \fIen 1host lilt forth In the "'" Propany deaorIptIon or In any title InaInnoe pollov, Iltle rapO/'t, or final lIda opinion leGued in favor of. end Icceptad by, Landar In connection with this Mortuaoa..1Id (b Gr_r hu the full right, power. end aU1horlty to llIICUtl .nd diu.- III" Mo"$IIII1O Llndtr. ~ of TI1Ie. SuÞject to the axcepdon In the /llregrap/llboV't, Grantor w'ß'ana Ind wMI forever defend UIe title to the P/oPtrty ",lnst the lawful clalma of all...-. In"-....nt.ny action or prcIC Mdlng Is oolYl-.cl tI'IIt que...... Gr__a title or thelm.reat 0' Lender under IhIB Mor1¡¡a¡¡o. Gßllltor shill .ftnd &h. ec:tion It Grlntor'a expense. Oßlnror may be the nominal party In .uoh Ø/'OCIIdltl , but Lender .".0 be IntItIed to JWtfclpate In \fie ProclllCllng IInd to be flprl8tt1lld In the IV_dfng by 8O\InHI of ...nd..·. own clloI04l. snd Grontor will dea-, or C8U11 to b. døIIwred. to Lander IIUCIt I~ II linder may raquøt from time to time to permit auch particlpe1ion. ~ WIth '-. Orantor warrontl that the PIopertv Ind OrlnlOr'. UN of !hi Property com llea with all eJdatlng .ppIIc.bfe I.w., ordÌIIIllOl., Ind .........0... I/f vovemmentel .uthørftioM, ' 8urvMoi of PromIaea. AU prom.... .Nements. .nd stelilmlll1ls Qr_ h.. made In this Mor/otot "'an lurvIw tha aøeutlon .nd dellv.1V of \hit 1I.!Ot'tø.. .hell '" ool'ltlnulng In IIItI/rt ond 1111. rtmtfn In fv I fOlOt end al'lllct until auch time .. G_'I Inc/abteclnelllll Ie paid In fuU. CONPEMNATlON. The following pnlvI5lon1 flitting to condemnation prtJOIIIdinga .... . Plrt of this Mortgage: ~. If Iny I/OœId1ng In COndemnation II fIIec . GIWntOr ....... prompdy notify Lander In wrlllng, .nd Oronror ."." promptly taM Iuch etIIpa oe may be -rv tel defend the action and obtaiÓ the ..anI. Gl'tntOI'may be !hi nominal pany In .\IOh P/'Ootedlng, but Lander .",n be lftIItIed '10 pa~ In the ItOØ18dIng .nd to bl reprnented In the prooetdfng by OOWIMI of Ita own chole" end Gllntor wUI dlliv8r or cea.. to be deIIvwod to Lender IIIICh IIIIVumentl end dooumentatIon IS mey be requeltad by I.Mdet from time to lime to panntc IUCh pal'llolpallon. ApøloeGoft of NIt PIøottda. If all or eny PIn 01 the Property " ooncIeInrIed by eminent dom.lfI proÇMaldlnga or by any p.-dlng or puroh... In IlIIu of COIIdIImnatIon, Lender may It III aleotion rtq\Ilrt th;t 1111 or Iny ponton ot the net proceeds 0' the Iw.1d b, IP Jied to the Indabtad..... I/r the ..... or ronoretton of !tit Property. The lilt prooeedl of the award ,heN mean &he .-N.rd .lter p.ymem of 811 ßleaoneblt 1/0$. expense,. end attorneya' '-Incmod by LendIIt In OO/InIotlon with the condlmndon. IMPOSITION Of TAXES. Fe "'III) CHARGI!B BY GOVERNMENTAL AUTIfORITIES. The foIIOWI/Ig provt8Jona relating II) 9O_lntal wr..s, ftts lnet Ohll/'8lllre I )Irt of UlII Mortgage: CIIIrMt T_. Fe.. end awv- Upon ~""t by lAnder, Grantor .hell 'ICIIIWW auch doOlll'llent. In adlldon to \hie MoI1Vl e .nd take w,"--r 0"* IIGtIon .. req_d by Land... to perfect .nd oontlnue Lender', len on the AuI P/opertv. Grantor shan ralmbur" Llneser for III tIXH, oe deacribed below, to ether with all IX llßlII IncuImI In recordiðO, plrfecllng or oomlnulng 1hIa Mortgtg., including without limitation ell taxet, feel, cIOoutnenÞtY IUImpe, and other 0htIgte for rfÇORllng or reglttetlng th/C Mortgage, 006735 --. ...-. . ...-.-. .. T...... The following .h.n eonetltute _. to whloh thI. 18Odon appIle6: (II . speoiftc tax upon thll type of Mortgage or uøon .11 or eny pert of 1ht Indebted",.. leçured by this Mortgl e; (2) I .peclfic TAl ( on Grantor whloh O'....,or I, aulhoriud or rsqulred 10 daduat fro'" pa'fmtlltll an tI1II Indelltllcln_ lIICured by 1tU IYP8 at Mongage; (31 8 t8K on tNI IVPI Of Mongage cherguble ag81nn thll.enø.r or tI1II hQlder of the Note;.nd 141 . I I8Oiflo tax on .n or .ny portton of the Indebt8dnue or on peyment8 of princlPtI acid In\8te.t midi by Orentor. ' 8uba.quent T..... If any _ to whloh ". MCtIon appllee Ia .naoted lUbHquent to \he daTAl of thI8 Mortglge, thl8 .".ftI Ihln haw the ume effect .. .n EvIInt of Def.utt Ind lJIndlf mlY exit.""" or In 0' Its IValllllle r_dlal tor ,n Gv'"t 0' Default .. plOYIded below unless Qrantor ahher (11 peya the 1111 bet01l1t bacomee dellnq~. or (2) oontelU till tIX 'I provided lbove In the T_I .nd Lie", Notion Ind depoelu with lJIndal aelh 01 I aufftclent COtpOl.te au"ny bond 01 other llIOlKlty utiolf_1Y to Landa,. SECURI1Y AGREEMENT: FINANCING STATEM8II'T8. The following provl8ÓOne ,.Ied"" to this MaIlOI08 II a HCtI'\ty agreellWtt .ra , pert of 1111. Mortgag.: S4IOUII\y A..-n. ThlI InetNment ehall CONItltulll a Security Aøl1lllment to the IIItInt any of th. PlOperty çOIIftltut.. IJJIUn, and Lend.r el1lll hive .N at the tightS at . .8OUI'8CI party WIde' 1111 Uniform Commercial Coda Itll!llndcd from time to time. 8eourIty 1nIera.t. Upon NqUelt by lJIndar, Grantor IhIIIl !.IleAl whataver action II requa,tad by Lendar to perlaot and oomInue Lender'l _utItv itIttrUt In thl Ptrwonll Propatty. In Iddition to I1ICOrding thll MOrtgag. In the /III ptOperty reOOtds, lJInder mey. .t eny tlma and without further .uthollallon from Gt8n~. IRI ....O~ IIOUn..,,-, oaplal or N lflldUOllonl of 11111 Martglga U . fI/IIInctng st.tement. Otllntor lhan relmburw Lender for .11 upenl.lncurred In perfectll19 or contlnull19 thIa security mlllt. Upon deflull. G/lntor ,hall not IllmoV., _ or dItIch thl PI_I PtOpe~ from the PlOpe~. Vøon defaúlt, GreMOr .hell ....mtJI. any P.rlonal Property not a'fixed to "'. Pro lllrty In . m.nner Ind st . pllce _nellly oanvenllrn to Orantor Ind lJInd. .nd make It II¥8IIIIb" to Lend.r within thr.. (31 days Ifœr receipt or written demlnd from Lender to the ,>CItnt penilltted by applloabl. I.w. Addno_. The mining edd....... 01 Gr.nlOt (cIIbtorllnd LInde' I880UIeCI PlrtyJ from which Informatton _mlng the ..curitv Inter..t grimed by till. Mor1O'9I lMy be obtained 1.8Oh .. required by the UnUonn Commerclll Codal 1111 II mild on tho first PIl1lI or 11111 Mong. II. PURTHER AS8URANCU ATTORNEY.IN-I'ACT. The tollowil'g ptOvl8lÓnt !'tIlting to further _...no.. 8nd au_y.ln-feot elt , Hit 0' thIt MOI!QI1II: : FurIhar "--. At any tlma. acid frc m time to dme. upon lequelt of I..IIndtIr, Clrentor wRl make. execute and deliver. or will e.use to be mid.. _UUId or dellv'red. tII lJInder or to lJInWa dtsIOnet, Ind when rtquwecl by Lender, ceuse to be filed. raootdtd, ,afiltd. or IIAlCon:ItIcI, .1 tI1II 08.. may III. tt IUOh timH .nd fn luch offiCII and pilCH II lJIndll m.y daem .ppraprlltl. any end an .uch mortgll ll.. deeds of vu.t. aecuritv deed.. HCWIty agreemantl, fln811Clng Im,",en~. continuation _meRtl. In.vum.n~ of tvnhar ...ur.nct, Clrtlfiatt4l8. Ind other d_ II may, In the eola opinion o'leÍ1der. be nBC88Ilry or d8llrtbl. In order to .ff.otuIN. camplet., perlact. oortUnue. or presl",. 111 G"ntor', obl¡g.tJo", under the Note. thll Mortgag., and thI 118IItld Documentl. Ind 121 1I1e 1111"" Ind uourfty Interesa crested by thll Mortg8 ll .. 11'-' acid pilot lie", on the Property. whether now awned or her.-fter acqulr.d by G/lntor. UnlN' plOhlbltld by I... at Ltnder .a..... to the aontrllY in writing. Grentar ahall reirnblnt Lender lor In calta and .K Mn_ InclATld In oOllntodon with tI14I mlllllttl r.'amId to In \hie Pfl'891"Ph. . Attomeyon-PHt. It Gllntor fltll to do any 01 the thlnga 1Itl8l,,", to In the ...-dll19 per.gr,pn, Lend,r mey do 10 for acid In the neme of Gtllntor and .t Grentor'l IIXpe.... For suah <I1poM1. Grantor ,........, Irrevoaebly Ippolnlll.ender II Clrentor'l .ttornay.IrÞfact for the pur_e 01 meklng, llIIOUtItIg. deu".,lIlI\I. flUng. reOOtcltng. Ind doing III other thinol 81 mey be I'l1O....,., or deeirabl.. In Lender'a .olt opinion. to acoompUth the matt.ra refemICI to In thI pnlceclno peragt8 lh. PULL PERFORMANCE. If Grantor peya III the Indebteclrl8ls when due. and otherwise performI all the OÞllgltlona Impoced upon Grantor under thI. MOf198t I, lendot Ihen ._ute Ind claIIvw 10 Gr.ntor I .uitlblo H1I.tectlon of "'Ie MoI'IIJI08 end luitebfe IIt8t.mtn~ of termination ol...y IInanolng Itlltlmltnt on fII. avtdanclng Lender'e _utity Intttllt In tilt RentI Ind tI1II Pareonel Property, Gr.ntor will PlY. It permitted by .ppQoeble law. eny _eanlbll \annlnedon te. e. *-"I1NId by lender from tlml to time. !VENTS OF ÞEFAUL T. At Lend...·. option. O"ntor wlU be In detøult under thI8 Martgsa- IIlny of thI folowlng happen: ....,."." o.t.uIt. Grantor 'ell. to mlleAl Iny peymenc when due und... tlMo Indelltadn.... DafeuIt on Other Paymena. F.llur. of Gr.ntar within the tI..... required by this MO"D~. to ....k. any paym.nt lor teMI or lnaurane.. or any other !IIYIMnt ntctl8l1Y 10 p(tvtnt filino at or to affac:t dlechalf ll of .ny lien. lreale Other PromINa. Grlntor brttke any ptOmlee made to Lender or fenl to perfonn promptly II the time and striçdy In the IIUInner provided In "'I. MoI'IIJ.Qt or In .ny egraement /II1.1Id to thIS MongaQt. DrrIauIt In I'aYor of ThIrd ,.-.. Should Or.ntor dltaLft u~ .ny la.n. ex"ntlon of Oledlt. eeourlty '9r"me"" pUfO/IaU or ..,.. 'fjrtement. or any other .g_ment. In IellOr of any other creditor or perlOl1 that mlY mllllrlllly IfI.et Iny of Gllnw', property or Grantor'. lbill1v to r_y 1118 Indtlltldn... or Gr.ntor'e Bbalty;to perfoml Orentor'. obli9ll1'QrIJ uncIar "'i. MoI!Q~. or Iny rellted doau"",nt. ,.... 8MMmenta. ÀII'f 11t I....lIIIItIan Of a_mint mlda or f."'d to Lsndtt by Otlnto, 0' on Oramor', b.haIf under thl. Mongage or the Refetld )goumenllla IlllIre or misleading In .ny _riel ...pecl. alther now or at tho tlma made or tumlahed. o.raotIft CoIataraIrdon. TNI M~ or .ny 0' the AetlltAld Dooumena ce_" to be In full forc. and affect IIncludlng IIIIIUIe of .ny ooUa""¡ dooUlMm to cr_ . valid .nd perfeotlarl _ty In,.,..., or Usn! .t any tI.... .nd tor .ny ,,,101\, DeII\tI or 1naoIW/IOy. The d.et!I 01 OrenlQr. the InlOlvenoy 01 Gr.ntor. the Ippolnunem 01. NCIIYer lor .ny part of Grantor'. property. env ".Ion"",nt frw the benefit 01 Credltoll. any type 01 creditor warlcout. or the commenc....ent of any proceeding under Iny benkrupW'l or IneoIYenCy lawa by at Ig8lnet Grentor. TWdng of till PratMnY. Any crediCOr or oowrMItIMII 'Øtn~ 1rièa to tlk. any of the Prop.rty or any other of Orentor'. prop.rty in whloh Lander h.. a lien. ~ 1IlOl_ liking of. gaml8hfnf 01 or levying on GNntor·. IOCOunte with Landlr. HoWlVlt. if GNntor diaputIIe in goad 1.1th whether the cleim on which the Dldng 01 the Propsny Ie bleed la v"iII or _oonebIe, end If Grantor glY.. llndar wrlttan notIo. or the clllm .nd f\lMleh.. Lender with monle. or I surety bond littafaçto,., to lander to NlIlIy thI cl.lm. then tI1II d.fault provilJon wßI not apOly. Bruch of Other AQlMmem. Any breach by Gllntor under the _ 0' any other egrHl1lent be1:WMn Glltntol .nd L.nder II1lt I. not remedied within Iny gr.... p.rIod provided the/ll", lnoIudl"" without limitation Iny ~"'_nt çonoemlng any Indebtednese or other oÞllgl'don of OrenlOt to LenMr, whllthar axkltJng now or lIter. ' livellll AthefIng 0......... Atry of till pr80lCllng eventS ovaura willi relp.at to .ny guarentor, Indoller. I_tV. or .ooommocfltlon pe"y of ony of tho IndeÞtldnen or ....., gustlntor. endor..r. aUl1lty. or .coommadstlon p.rty dial or beoo"'.. Inoompet8ft1, 01 rlvow or dilputllthe "elidlty of, or .eblllty under. .ny OUlllllnty of the Indebted...... In the .Vlm 01 I death, lender. at fa option. may. but shall not be reqUired to. perrnlt the guannlOr'l Istl. to a..\lßle unoonditlonelly till obllgltlo'" .rl,lng und.r the g....lIn! ! In I m.nnar utl.faCtory to Lend.r. .nd, In doirog 10. cur. any Event of Þetøult. R/ 1It 10 CUre. If .nv default. other than a delllult In P'ytnllllt II curable .nd If Oramo, h.. not been given. nodce of a breach of the ..me pmYlSlon of 11111 Monallll within till prac:edJng MIMI (121 mGntha, it mey be cur.d If Gllntor, sfUr f8C1MI19 written notlc. from lender demanding GIn of 8UOI1IMteult; 111 cure. the d.leult within fI1tIen (151 dlYl: or {21 If thI cure IIqul"a more then fllmn IHII d.Y', Immedlllllly InltiaTAll 8IIIPf which lend., datm. In land,,', lOll dJaçrltlon 10 In Iutflclant CO CUll thllMfllult end the/lllflllr continues 100 compfet. .n IIUOntble Ind ne~ry .tlps sufficient to pcoc uoe oompllance u lOon I' lluon.bly practlc.l. RIGHTS AND REMI!DII!Ø ON DI!fIAULT. Uøon the O_B 01 an Event 0' Delllult Ind It Itry time thllI.lter. landlr. III LancIar'l OptIOn. may OIIIr.. .ny one or mora 0' the Iollowll19 right. end ramedlN. In edclitlon to Iny ather rlgh" or r.medl.. pIO\II(Ied by lew: Aooelanlhllndeblllclnal.. Lender shill have the right illite optlon'wlthOut noli" to Grtntor to d.ol.ra 1I1e entll8 Indolltldnnelmmtdlst.Jy dut.nd pey'bI., ""ol\llllng..,., preP.vmtnt penalty that Grantor would be leqUIred to pey. uee Remedies. With ..Ipeot to aU or eny pert of the Perianal Property. Lender shall heya aN the rightS Ind remedies 01 0 .eoured percy r.Mder till Uniform Commerclll Code. CoIIIOt RemII. Lender shen hive tho right. without nod" to G/lntor, to tlke 08Iallion of the f'topetty, itICllldll19 during the peI1dtnOy of fo...ololu.... whell1ll Judloi,l or non- udlciei, and colleat the Rantl. InolUdlng a",o~n\8 paat dUll Ind unp.ld. .nd Ipply till net proceeds, over .nd .bove Lender'l COati, agel"'t the Indtbtedne.., In furt'*':lnce or this right, Lender may IIIquiN Iny tenent or othtt U$It 0' the -----------~- 000736 ...--. - ------ Loen No: 11( (Continued. Page 4 Property to make pavmen!l of rent or uee feu direotly 10 Lendet. If the Rents ate eoUeoted by lender. then Orl/ltor Irrevocably delignetllS Lendet .. GrIIItOr'8 IIttORlly*fllCt to tlldorea IlItt/U1!1ent9 ~ Ì1I P'Vl'IItnt \heI1of In the I'MIIIIf ot Grantor and 10 negotlttt the ..PIt and collect the prollMå. Payments by tenama or othar 11181'& ID .LInder In N8 IOII.a ID LRndor's dtmand IhaU N1I1ofy tha obllllatlonl for which !he paymenta .... mlH. whed1er or not any proptf grounds for the damllld exlrtad. linder m.v exarcIH III rights under this I~øh ,1tÞIr In ptI8OI1, by 1I tIIt, or 1IIrDuøh I 1'I000vwr. . Appoint Rftll¥llr. Lanclllr __ IItvt tilt tight tv heve I ,.œll/er appointed ID Ulkl posl88.lon or all or IOV part of the Property, wltlllt1e pOwer to protect ~ prnlMl tilt 1'Ioperty, ID opente tha Property preceding fvntcIoaure or .1Ie, and to collect the Rents from 1he Ptopeny and 8PfIIY the ØI'OOMdl, over andlllxml1ho coat of 1ho recel_ahip, ~I tha I~a. The _eMor mil'( _ without bond If permitted by "w, I.tnder', tight to the I JpØimment or .. receiver ehIØ ... whetlllr or nol1he IPP8l'lnl value of "" Property axeaedl the Indebtednaa by a tublUlnÞla",OUI'It. EmpIoynMllt Þy Lendt,IhII not cllaquaUfy a peraon trom NtYIng88 a 1'ICe11ltr. JudidIII FareoIolIA. Lender may obtain 8 Udlçltl deer81/ foreol08lnj¡ Grantor's IntIIRlSlln all or anv part of Ih8 Property. Non ucIIoIa '" Lender mil'( fonIoIoea Ol'llltOl"alntlll'llt In aU or In any plrt of 1he Property by non-Judtclal ..... and speclfIotlly by ·powar or ..... or .td¥IIrti88lM11t and Hie· foraalo8uq .. provided bY ....1IIe. tItfioieMy J.......-. If pennltled by appllaeble law, Lendor !'My obtain a ~ lor any defIoIaMy remaining In "" IncIebt8dnee8 due to Lender after applla4l\lOn of .. IImOIIII1Il8OIl¥Id from 1ho eX8td~ of 1111 rlgllts prøvlclld In 1NI 'ICtlon. TIIIIIII1Cy at ~". If GrW1IDI' remaIn8 In JlC*8881on of 11\9 Propttty ,It,r 11\9 Prop8rt'f It IOICI .. prollldtd above or I$ndtIt otMrwl.. """mea enll1led to ~n Of 1he Propar1Y upO/l derault or Omllor, Orantor IhIIll becomII a ten_ It auffenoOCM of Lender or me pun:llu. Of U. Property Ind wll, al Lender'. option, aIIhIr n I pay I ie_nibil ""","I for the .... or !lie Property, or 121 vacele IhII Property ImmedIIOlly upon !lie dIIrnend of lAnder, , OIlIer lIMned... LeDC tt ShelII hIM! all other rtglna Ind remadlea provlcled In thl. Mongage or !he Note or availabte at law or In equity. lei. of the Property. To U. e~ pen'nIttsd by appllcabllllaw, Grantor harlllly welvea anv and an rI In to hIM! tI1ø Proper1Y marsh.I\ed. In .xeroil/tlo Ita rlg/rt:l Ind ramldlu, Lendar .hell be free to ... all or Illy Pttt of the I'roøerty toeethar or aaøarattl\l, In one ..18 or by 18 I¥R18...... Landar shall be ,n" to bid IIUIlY puÞIII: llle on aU or Inv ponlOn or the Property, NOla of..... Lander wKI IW GIInUIf IQ_bIe nO\l09 of 'lilt ,1m. In<l plio. ot any pubUo .." of th, PwsoIll1 p~ or Of \:IKI time after which anv prlvnllII. or other ImendIId dIapos/Iton of the 'atlOnal Property . to be madt, R._nabll nota shen maen nollce olven at...., tan 1101 dIyt bIfon 1he time or IhII aaIe or dÎllposltion. Any..1I of !lie PIIf.tOnel ProPlr1Y may be madt In \XII1UnC:IiOn with anv laIe of "'I Rael Propany. EIMaon or RemadIef. Allot l.enœr·, rlghta IRd IIIßHIdiII wUI be oumuIativt tIId mey be IJC8rOIstd "- or _the/'. An e~lon by lInd8r to Ohooae aov on. NIII4Idy wW not bat Llndtr from using lIlY Dther mnecIy. If Lender decide. toapend monay or ID parform anv 01 Grlnlllr'1 obll ltÍOlll \Indtr tide Mvngra¡ e, I1'IIIt Orantor'l failure ID do .to, 1hat deoltlOn by Lender win not ,lf1Iat Ltnde,'a right to cIeolll,. Gremor In d.f1IuIt end to txtroltt LInd...·. relllldltl, Attorneya· ....;~. If Lfncler illtlltulee any lull or IIctkm ~ anforca any of 1111 tsrmI or thIa Mon a e, I.Itnder .hall IIIlIIdtlld to recover .uch IUrTI I' the œurt may adjudge 1QIO/IIb/. 11$ atID/IWyI' fees el !till and upon any 1p NI'" WIlt.... or not any ooun aodon " InYolwd, and to It1e ....nl not prohìbitied by Ilw. ell r-.blt expanaø LInder Ì/lours that In L.IIncIet'a opinion .... _aary It any lime for the ptOWotIon of Its III1I/nIat or !lie anforølMM of IU I1ghtit ,hall btooMt . p,,, of the I~.. payable on _m.ncf ancf IhaD balr IntenIat at the Note rate from 1he d8III of 1he IIX IIIndllIR unlll rWpald. Ex JerWa' COVlred by thI. paragraph Include, without IImlullJoo. IIowIvtt eubîeot to anv will undar ØPIIIIoabte ...... Lender's raaeoo:osble attomevI' ,.. and Lend...·. legtll)( lDlla wheIhIIr or not thera ie I -.uit, including I'I~ """l1'l9\'I' ,... Ind eJC I8II8N '" IIIn~ruptOy IIOOMd1ng1 Ilnoludfr1g et'forW ID IIIOIIifV O' ...- Iny aU\otnatIo SUly or Injunction!. Ippea/II, Ind.any anllolpllild poat.Ju¡Igment colllotlon IINI_, the COlt of lUn:/llng rlCOtda, obrain/ng útIe reportS t1nI:Iudlng fondo..... rtPOtWI, 1I/M'fOØ' ftPOfU, Ind lPìlfl1la1 fele and tiIIt lneuranoe. ID 1111._ permlfted by IPplic.bIe Ilw. Granto. lito ww /8'( MY COW! COMa, IiIlddItIon 110 III othet 1II1II& provided by law. NOTICES. Any notiCóllllqulred to be gI-. under "* MorIQege, InoIudIng wIthout flmllMIon MY noöcre of d8",u/t and Iny notIoe of ..Ie aIIaIl be givan In wrillng, snd .... belfÑGllve wilen ootulllly delivered. when ICltulUy reoeIved by teIDfaoslmUe ,.... othetwlee reqund by IIWI, when de IOclted wl1l1 I lllIIonaJly recognlDd CMIIII/ght COII1ar, or, If IIIIllId, whll! dIpollted In the Unltld 8tIœ1I ma.. 88 1Irat 01-. o.ntllld 01 reglatsred mall postags ptlplkI, dlnreIId to the eddnl_ ahown near lhe baglnnlng of thIa Mort;agt. All ooples of notl_ of t'orIcIoIuq from d'oI holder ot any lien which hae priority oftr lIIIa Mortgage sheU III lint to Llnder'l ~, .. ehown near the beginning of l1li1 MOf\VeII. AfIV JII- may 0'-"0- Iù or IIIIr Iddran for no,,", under thlt Mqnglll lIy gMng fvnnIII ~ no1Iot wlhe other pat'IOn Dr paraON, 8 ltClfyfng that the ptJrJII*I of 1he notice " tv ohlrlga the PlISOR" addr..., For notIcI ~, OnmIDI' 80'" ID keep l.ender Informld It III 11m.. of Onmtor'e o\lll'eM acIdr8II. Unroll othorwlle proWlad or roquIrad IIV law. If there Î8 more then _ (i_Of. any nolloe olwn by I.Itnder to sny Grantor II deemed to be IlOilo, given to en GnnIDII. It win be Gl'lntot'll'IapontIbII/Iy to \eft 1M 0""'" of tilt notice from l.endar. MISCILLAN1!DU8 PRO\ll$IONS. The foll9wtng mlRallanlous prgIIIekll1f sr. . pttt of tI>Is Mlrtaao.: AmIrndIMnt8. WhIt II wrtttln In l1li. MottOIllt end In 11\9 RaIattcI DocumenÞ II Grentor'l antIre ag....mtnt with Landtr .-mIng the II1ItwrI CO\IeI'ICI by 11111 MOnveve. TO lit .rIeoIIvI, IOV Ohanga or ImIDCImant 10 lIIIa MOl1 age must be In wrllll1\ and m_ be "'-" by whoever win be bound or obIlgatllld by the otIenge or .melldmem:, Clpton HNIIngt. Clpdon headlngl In thI. Mon;eoe 8I'e lor oonvenlenoe purpcIfM only and .... not to be used to Interpnt ~ d.fine tha PfO..w- of 1l11li Mortgl ll, . ~ LIM. 11* MOI1 IIg8 wi! be goIIWIIIM by fedaq Jaw oppIIoebI. to ~ Md. 110 the _ not fIr"I'II*d by _II _. tile __ of.. 8taIII of WyomIne ........ raprd 110 l1li oonfllall of Jaw prlnllalona. Thlo Mortee\IIlI8s baeB -.pIIad by Lender in 1he ... of ~. Choice of Venua. It 11\9,.11. IIWIUIt, Grantor 1\1"" upon Lander'a reqUCIIII to IUbmlt to the urIa<llClion of 1M coutts ot Sublette County, StIIII of VVVOmlng. .: J..... _ Sev_ UllbIIty. AI obl1 atJolII or Gramor under "* M~ "'aU be oIm IIIId _I, and all mertlncea to Gremor ahaø milD aeoh end ovoery Onn1Dr. ThIll mea.. that leah Or.mr Ilgnlll\ bt~ It reeponaiblll for a' obI/gat ons II'IIhIa MortoeGe. No W,",- by Lender. Grantor undanllllncllllmler will not glvt lIP any ot Lender'a rights under this Mot1DlIII unIIIa. Lender cIoeI .to In writing. The faat that Lander doIlaye or omlta to IJ<IrcIaI any right will not meln IlIIt !.IrIdlr bee glvan up that right. If Lender dooc l1li..1 In writing to gIvt up one ot LtI1CII,'. rIghtf, that clQIS not mean a_r will not h.... ID oomply with the other provl.Jona of till. Mortgage. Gramor allo undarstands that If I.end4r dOI$ CO/WIIIt to a rlqUCl8t. that does not "".n that a",ntor wHI not ha". 10 got Lender's GOnlent again If the .nuation lIappens agmn. Grantor fvrIhet underatan<lllhat jUlt becauee Lendlr OOntellll to one or morv or Granlor', requntl. 1h1t cIoeI /lOt maan Landar wUI bR ...qulr8d to COfIIIII1I to anv Óf OrenlOl'l future r&qUIltS. G/anto. welv.. prAIa_nt, demand lor payment,. pIOIIIat, and noIie. of dishonor. Òrantor waives .ø ~óhtt or _pilon from eMOUtIOII or almJler law In tho Property, Ind Grantor egrees that the rlohts of Lender In the ProPII'tY under thil Mort¡¡lIge atl p,io, to Gramor'a rlghtl wli1e mil ""oll9'Os remalna In etreot, 8e~. It a court find. the1 any proviaion of !hia MortO*oe i& nor valid or Ihoufd not lie enforotd, that fIH:I by It8IIf win not mean thet "" rell of !hit Morf8II I wRr not III vtM 01 anfol'Old, Thlftlfore, I court WIn lII11oroe the rest of 1ho plOYislo.. of ~ Mongege wrI if e pIVvIaIon of ~ Mort;aos mey be found to bR IIIIIIIIid or unenfon:e8bll. Mergar. There allalllle no merger 01 the Interetl or satete CIQIed by thb MortgIOt wltll env 01her Inl_t or lltlte In tile Property II Iny lime held by or tor the b.nttit of I.andtt In .\1 capacity, without lilt writtan 00II8,", 01 Lender, StlooessðIS and AnI,1tS. Simjeot to II1V Imltellonl suned In l1li& Mortgage on ~ of aramo,', trItfrest, 1hIa Mortgagl ahall III binding upon end Inure to the blneflt of thI DIrtIoI, thIIr _..-. en<! Ifflg"'. If ownlr'lhlp of the Property becomes veatld in I peIIOn otlltr than O...nw, l$ndtr, withDut IIOIIcII to Grantor, mly dNl wllh an.ntor'. IIOOCI_ with rafBrence to 1hiI Mortgagllnd tlltlndll1\lldlllll by way 0' 1orboer_ or extension without relualng 0_ from the obIIgallonl of 1hIa Mortgaga or ß/lbUlty under !lie Indebr.dnes.. TIme Ie or.. 1!MIœe. TIme" or the 1_' In 1ho pcrfoonanoe of IIIiI Monglll, Wlivtr of ~ EømpIIan. G/lnlor hereby l'IIIeaIea and wBlvla 1111 riglna an<! lltnlfitI of the homutead exemption Jews or the Stata of Wyoming II 10 aIIlndebtllldnesl 81C11'td by tIII8 Mortgage, DEANmoNS. ",. foUowlng worda aha' hive the following meaninge wllln UHd In title Mortgoge: aono-. The word "Borrower· me_ MIchael J. Migliore and "'/In penoff and 1no1uc188 all 1ICHIø-s and oo-mek... signing the Note and en their _lOrt and ..aigna, COÒ737 "_ __ _" . a . - --- -.--- - --. EnvIromwnllll lIIwa. Thl words "Envlronmenta' Llw." meen eny end ell ItIi~, l1Id.ral ðnd local IUltutðS. regulðtion:! ðnd ordinancu relating to the proteetJon of human hNhh or thI envtronment, Including without IImlratlon tho ~mprelltn,lv. Envtronmtnlfl R" Qntl. Compensstlon, end U.bility AOt of 1980. e, emendtd, 42 U.S.C. Stctlon 9601, at leq. (·CERCLA'I. thl Superfund Amandmenta and Aeal/thorlz,tlon Act of 1988. Pub. L No. 9~9 ("SARA"', the HæardOUl Ml1erill. TtanapOltltiotlAot, 411 U.S.C. StoVon 180'. et 111\1.. \he Re,ource Con....".tIon Ind Aecovery Act, 42 U.S.C. Sactlon 8901. 8t 88q" or other applloebkl stat. or federal lawe. ruin, or re9uletione .do~ p\nI .nt thereto. I!veIIt qf DtflKllt. The WOrdl 'Evelll 0/ Default' meðn ðny of thl ev.nta 01 dQtaull ..1 forth In this MOrtQeßtl In the event' of defautt .Ktlon of IhIt Mon".g.. 0_. The word ·G..nto,' meene Michael J. Migliore and Klran Plrroff. G_IIItY. The word 'OUlrlntv"' m8l11l 1tI8 guar.ntY from 911",nlor. endor"r, ,urety, or ICcommodltlon )IIny w LInda'. inoluding without limitlltion IIIU/lrenty 01 all or )IIn of the No.. tIezar1Ioua 1!Iubstanou. 'The worda 'HN,",O\I8 Sub'tllnt8" mMn m.terillt thlt, beoaU$1 of their Quentlty, concentration or phyllcll. qhemloel or 1nt1Cti_ ellar_rletloe. !III'( cs.... or po.e e Pfellnt Or potential hezlld to humin hellth or thl envtronment when Impropetlv ulId, tralted, nored, dl&poaec 0/. glntletld, II1Inu1801\11'ld. Ir.nlØOltad or otl1erwlllO hlndl.d. 1111 word, "Huardous $ubatlnce,' ere uMd In their very broadllt ...,.. and Include without nmltltion any Bnd "I haurdQ\If or toltlo eubst.nOil8, mmr/lls or w_ .. definld by or DI1Id o.mder thI EnvinIlVlMlnteI Law., Thl term 'Heurdous SubltenclS' 11110 Include.. without Ilmltedon. petroleum end pelt!lleunt by-prOdUD18 or anv rtlotlon thereo/ Ind ISbelIOS. Imp__. The word "Improvementa' mI,"" ," e ! ltIng and fulUrI Improvemlnta, building.. ttlUOlurn. mobile homea If/beed on the Reel Proøerty, floDitiea. additions. reøl_menø .nd other conatl'UOlIon on tilt Reall"roperty. 1ndIbttIcIMa1. The word 'lndelmldlllN' 11\......111 prlncl )lll. Inti/rut, and other em0unt8. OOltl .nd expentl, pay'ble oodGl' tho ~ or RelNd DocI.mtInts, 100Ithet with 1111 rlntwlll Of. axtell.lons of, modlllcltlOI1I of, c:onaolldftlonl or end subltltutlons lor the Not' Dr RII.,ed DeDI/menta Ind eny ,mOl,llltl ",pll1lled Dr ICIvIIlCld bv linder \0 dlsohlrge G,lntor'l otIIIglltlona or Ixpenaea ìncutrld by l.erI~r to enforce GrlntOr'l obllUetlona uncIer thIa MottQeve. toOether with In...., on such .mounta .. provided In thl, Mortg.ge. LtmI... The word 'Lend,,- mean:! FIIat StaTAl Bank of Plned,le, ItIsucce"onl.nd USlgna. The wor<fç "SUOOli&OI'8 or .sI9ns· mlln Iny perlOn or OOmpeny 'hN Icqulrl' Iny 11111'''' in the Noto, . Mortpge. The word "Mon'liI' mllna!hil Motto... between Gr,ntor and l.8ndw, NoIII. The word 'Notl' meena thl promlaWY ftOIl daled October 22. 2008. In the orlglnel principal amount of $136.600.00 from GrintO!' to Lender. tagglll8r with .n _II, 01, extll1lioN of. modlfloltlone of. rltlnlnclngt of, conaolldltlon. of, .1Id Mam..,IOI1l for thI III'OmllSory no1II Of "'""*'t. PenO/lel PropMty. The worda 'P8rsoneJ PrOperty' maan all .qulpment. /1.......... .nd othlr littler.. 01 peBonel property now or h.....fwr owned Þy Gremqr, .nd now or hlral/tlr .ltIohBd or ./fixtld to the Reel I"roperlV: logether with .n loo..llons. parra, end additions 10, .11 "pleoemlntll of. end ellaubl1ltutl_ lor, .ny of suoh PIOPlrty¡ Ind tovtltt1er wRh III PI00etd8 ~lnoIucIIng without limitation IIIIßIIII'InCII Pro~ Ind ..fund. of ptemlU/I1I) 1rom eny IIIe or other dl,poeJWn of thI Property. PrOptfty. The word 'Pro"rt,' IIItIln' col1llctiveJy tho Rlell'ropeny end the Pe/..,nel PlOpIrty, RIIII PIII IeI\y. 1'111 wonfl "R8I1 Pro )llrty' me.n the reel PIOPlrty, In....'' .nd 'Iehu. .. further de.crlbed In thl. MCIrtII-sI8, RMIW1I~. The wOrdl "Relebld Ooc:wnente' mean ,n promls.ory not... crldil '0-" lOIn 'i"'lIItIm" enVIronmental l1li-. QUerantl.., aecurity ..........,.. "'0119l1li11, delda of trust, HOIIIItV dtIe4I, aoIl'torll mortgll98l, Ind III other 11'IIO'uINI'I\I, '0- end documeme. whether now or hI",.lter ...Istl~. I (f ÇUÞtd In connection with the Indebled....... R""-, The word ·Rln.' mMftI ell "",,ent and fuue rents, revenutl. Income. lIIun. roy.ItI8., profita. and O\h... blntllta d,rlYBd fÌom the Property. eACH GRANTOR ACKNOWLiDGU HAVING RI;AO AU. THE PROVISIONS OF THIS MORTGAGE. AND EACH GRANTOR AOR!!S TO 1T8 TIIRM8. ~ MIe . e ~~ X ~\ 1- . INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT "An~ ~t COUNTY OP , 188 1 On thl. dev before me. thI underIlgnad No~ Pllbuo, per,onally lIpPIalld MiohM! J. Migliore _ K_ P8"off, w me known to 118 thl Individual' deecrlbed In end whO execuUld thl Mortgllgl. end loknowledued thlt they .Igned thI Mottgagt IS !heIr tree and voluntllly lot .nd dHd. forthl 11811 Ind PUIpOIH theNln """tton.a, Olven under my .....d IIIId otIIcIIIlIIl "* l? day of IJ ¡r P-!J'a:J:av . 20-ª.ß....., . By . Raiding., _1.iJL I 8f~..u..; My commIIIIon e.... Inø J I r I 'wo 9 ~""'-O..""".lULtNl1 ."..........................¡,..,t.7.... ",.w.-.-..... ."", 1II'CMA.....4_'''._.. --~----.... êOô738 t"Ær:....,o··n;;;;;;;- M, Tho~as-Johnson ~ GOlTlm. #1576166 d g . NorAH'! PUBLIC· CALIFORNIA :::; ~ . SOLANO COUNTY . My Cornrn. hpires May 7, 2009 ~·"'I:;7"~..··~-:"