HomeMy WebLinkAbout943177 RELEASE OF MORTGAGE OOô758 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That The Jacskon State Bank and Trust, hereby releases Double L Ranch #3 LLC, a Wyoming limited liability company, from that certain Mortgage dated the 27th day of January, 2006, by and between Double L Ranch #3 LLC, a Wyoming limited liability company and The Jackson State Bank and Trust said Mortgage being recorded in the Office of the Lincoln County Clerk on February 13, 2006, Doc 9159~3, Book 612 , Page 155. The Jackson State Bank and Trust hereby releases any and all right I title and interest it might have in the following described premises: See "Exhibit A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. IN J!~~~SS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand this c:J~ day of Lr.1DQ1ý 2008. ¡ KATHLEEN BENZ NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF . STATE OF TETON WYOMING MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JAN. 6, 2010 By: ACKNOWLEDGMENT: State of Wyoming, County of Teton ss. This i. nstrument was ackIJ9"J¡.~~ed beþre me &tJr'btA..- ,2008 by W~-, ~ this !!L day of My Commission Expires: 1 V ( z;ol 0 /((:V1¡JL~ f~ Notary Public RECEIVED 10/27/2008 at 2:22 PM RECEIVING # 943177 BOOK: 701 PAGE: 158 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY It:J1 L:jl Lt:JtJl;; J!'1: tJ ( jtJ t (j':J':Jb':H:J R~NK OF JACKSON HOLE PNC;!:" 15/15 , .:;' .,~£/;:!~ .. '., .' ,f; .. ,,:' . . . ;:: ., , . ~ " ., ..... ':;:;:~//»;: :::;;:~:::.:::,C .............',..,.... .;(;;':,;:;,,;.;:::,:. . ',f ·:·",~,:>":''':.'X::·~··· . ....-:~ .)....',., .. .~:.~':~.:.:::.: :.: ~:" .;" ','. fj' <tl..,~ t;"nlf"'i : PoJ ......':wiJ.,;;;¡;....u EXHIDIT ~¡A't r· (\ 0 . 61 r.., '../ ) J. . 000759 AlI ofOLO Lot 4 of Section 21, T36N R119W, Uncoln County, Wyonring EXCEPT that tract of record in [he Office oftbc Clerk of Lil1coJn County. in Book 18 ofDecd5 On pag!! 525. AND . . Tha.tpan ofNl/2 ofSe-ction 28, 136N R119W, Lincoln County'. Wyoming, Jying and being situate wellterJyoftlte throad ofrhe Sålt River, including part oftbat tract of record in tbe Office of tile Clerk of Lim;oJn County ín Book 3951 ofPhotostatÎc Records on page 425 and all of that tract of record in Book 534 ofPhotostatlc Records on pagc 421, secondarily described as follows: '. BEGINNING at tht southeast comer of said GLO Lot 4: Thence N87·...47'.42..E. 213.4 feet, more Or less, along the north line ofthe Wl/2NEI/4 of said Section 28, to Ihe thread of the Sah River; tbence coursing said thread as follows: $11 D-47'-09'W, 116.8 (eet, more orless, to a position: S0,300-lS'-SS"E, 59.8 feet, more or Jess. to a position; S2SD.S7'.5I"E, 194.2 feet, more or less, to a position; 804 00·56' -2{j"W, 1 &2.& feet, mOJ:e or Jess, to a position; SI6D-22'.37"W. 37,7 feer, m~re or 10:\5, to a position; S13°-57' -02"E, 70:6 fcct, more: or less, to Il position; . S41D.03'.32''E, 394.9 feet, mOre orless, to n position; S53".36'-29"E, 299,7 fee~'more orIess; to apo.sition; S49D~24' -46"E, 210.4 feet, more or less, to a position; S37°-S5'-27"E, 128.7fèet, more Or less, to a position; SOO"07-'31."W, 96.5 reef¡ more or Joss, to a position; S4lo-26'-19"W, 123,1 æet, moreor1cs.., to a position; ·SB4°.36' .08"W, 282.0 feet, mOre or less, to a position; N66"-04'.25"W, 155.4 feet, more o~ le'8, to II position; N80D.36'-10·'W. 179,9 feet, mote or Ic:ss, to II. position; 867".16' -39"W, 170.6 feet, more or less, [0 II positiOil; SS3°-:21'~37"W, 168.8 feet, more or Jess, to a posítion; S26"~2g'"3(j"W, 1.52.8 feet, more Of Ie,s, to.a position; S21Q-02'.57"W, 199.3 fect, morc or leis, to a position; Sll"-03'-57"W, 94.3 feet, more or Icss, to II positioll; S27"·34'-20"E, 90.8 rect, more or ]e.S$, to A position; Sn"-35'·02"E, 82.0 fett, more Or 1eJi$, to'ft position; N85D-07'-56"E, 354.4 (eet, more: or Jess, to 8. position; S6so-4i-06"E, 202,8 feet, more Qt less, to a position; S360-01 '-12"E, 530.4 feet, more I,)r Jess, to a pOsition ON ~ SOUTH LINE OF SAID W112NE1I4 and lea.,;e said thread; . thence SS9~-Zl '·1 ¡"W, 121.1 feet, more or less, along slÌid soutb Ii~e, to a brass cap; . thenco continuing. 889°-2'] ·.11"W, 734.88 feet, along ~ajd south line, to the southwest comer. of said WII2NE 1/4; thence S89°~17'.-06';W, 128.18 feet along the SOllth line ófGLO Lot 2 ohadd Section 28, to a point on the east line ofthat tr.J.ct of record in said Office in Book 399 of Photostatic Records On page 431: thence NOoo-30' -38"W, 50.68 feel, along said east tinc, to the northeast rel;lI\r of said trllet; thence S8!)CI_4l'-O'''W, 578,13 feet, along the north line of said tract and the westerly extension thereofto B position 'on the we¡¡t Hne of said Section 28; tbence NOOD..() 1 '-32"E, 329.60 feef, a oiJg said west line, tQ the northeast comer of Section J $, T4S R46E., Bonneville County, Idalio; thence NOOD·1I '·54"W, 2201.54 feet. along said west line, to the northwest COtner of said Section 28: thence NOOI'·11 '-1 t 'W, 1083.88 feet, along the west line of said GlO Lot 4, to tbe $outhwest point of that tract of rèeord in said Office in. Book 18 of Deeds OD page 52.5; . . ·tbence N89Q-IO' -05"E, 264.00 feet, along the :SOulh line of said Incl, to the southeast position thcreOf¡ , tltmwe NOOD·l1-l! "W, 247.50 feet, along tbe east lînc of said tract, to·the n~rtheast point thereof, on: the.~north line of said OLO Lof4; thence NB9°-.10· -OS" E, 453.33 feet, along said nonh linc, to the northeast comer of said OLO .Lot 4; . . . ....... 800"-19··".... 1338.61 fioe, along the ....1 U.. of ,,¡d GLO 1014. to Ih, ÇGlINEI< OF BEGINNING. ,ø " JNmAL' ./