HomeMy WebLinkAbout943178 RELEASE OF MORTGAGE ÜOû760 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That The Jackson State Bank and Trust I hereby releases Marianne Schmitt Hellauer, Trustee of The 2000 Mortensen Family Resource Trust U/A DTD 09/15/2000 , from that certain Mortgage dated the 12th day of January, 2004, by and between Marianne Schmitt Hellauer, Trustee of The 2000 Mortensen Family Resource Trust U/A DTD 09/15/2000 and The Jackson State Bank and Trust I said Mortgage being recorded in the Office of the Lincoln County Clerk on January 23, 2004, Doc 896816, Book 546, Page 646. The Jackson State Bank and Trust hereby releases any and all right, title and interest it might have in the following described premises: See "Exhibit A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand this CZ·~ day of ctflk:z.tr, 2008. ~11 /)1 ill J:: ;r~~~-; BENZ NOTARY PUBLIC . '.' COUNTY OF ~ STATE OF '. rnl'N ~ WYOMING ·.;1~~:::';~~~~~~~RESJAN. 6.2010 By: v ACKNOWLEDGMENT: State of Wyoming, County of Teton ss. This, instrument was ackn9~ledged 97fore me this ~ 17 Lh be/ I 2008 by ¥tLf1\llL1l t:;)£~~ day of My Corrunission Expires: 'I b(VI D ~ (.9 / ø . Nota ubI' ~ RECEIVED 10/27/2008 at 2:22 PM RECEIVING # 943178 BOOK: 101 PAGE: 160 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY 1 tIi ;¿,ji ;¿I::JI::JH 1 .., ~ I::J i ::JD 77399590 P.ð~K OF JACKSON HOLE DAo'::r::- 08/15 . . ,'. , . . .. ." . .. · . ~ '~::'. ':'." .::;: . " . '.. ',1. ',' :: ':.. .~:.':, : . :"~. . ~ , .... . .' '.',' " · .......' · ";';'::'<:,\. ,,: .', '~<.'::.':/: ,.~,~: ': : '.. '.' '. . '. ~ ", ......... , . .':.... '::::::;'~'{" ',., ' I" ': " :. "~:..:'.' .' ',:'::~: . :' -.',.... .j:://'\: . . ; :::/;,:;.": ..' ,~~[i{ ........ . , . .~.:;:;~;i:';r·;,:;,' t' , , .. ' " ,. " . .... , , ,";'. "', . . ;.:";:!":.. ", "",,', ......,' .,' " ~', . " .' .~,~;:~.~..:. , ".;.:" 0"" ',' . .. , ." ',,: '::. . ':.', .'..';:.i,·, . " , , ., "':;":",,', : ~:. "..: : ... . ".,' . ,',' ....... . '.'.,' . ",' . . '," ~ " ..' Ò,o.{¡7~.i ..../ "',' '" ' . f·' ~ . .. ":', :: ., ' . :1. , , , .f, . . . . <.~~ -"", . . :: ..... .....:.... ", " ',' ",,, .. , . ...... . 1"' : :~:~';:':', . . .:~ ; . V::· . , " . ....... '.,: ;). " ", ',,, . ,. 03018703 OSS6816 EXHIBIT "A" 852 DESCRIPTiON FOR MARLOW BATEMAN OF WEST TRACT '0 wit: l11at part of CilO lOI 4 of Section 21 and tnai part of Ole> lots 1 and· .2 ;and p;¡rt' of Ihe W112NE1I4 of S~i?11 213/ T36N, RT19\¥, Lincoln CQunly, Wybmlng. described d$ follows: ' Beginning .:Illhe $o(Jthe~1 COffill( o(said LOI4; , , l"el]p;~,NQO,~1f:.~.'J.6,"WLJ~~8.:f!U~I~:~!Q[1g.lh~.I!ast lin~ of $:lid LOI 4, 10 Ihe notlhlla31 comer Ihereo ; , Ihl!r'1ce 589'"1O'OS"\I\I, 453,:33 feer, along Ihe north line of. said lOI 4, 10 Ihe northe¡ul point of Inallrad 'oJ record In. the Olnce of the CJerk of lIncaln COlmly In BoDie 15 or Deeds on p:!ge 525;. , ' thl!m::1! SOO'" 1 1 '11"E, 2"7.50 (eel, along Ih~ ellst line or $.:iid inc:t; thence 589" 1 D'OS"\rV¡ 264.00 rèer; along Ihe !outh line Qf SClid tract, 10 :t point 011 the we.st boundary oflhe Slille cfWyamlng; . Ih~ncl: 500·11 '.1 1 "E, 1083.88 feet, .I/ang said west 'bound:lry. 10 Ine $Dvlhwesl camer o( raid SectIon 21; Inen-:e 50001' '54"E. t~f! Ban f3earín~ for Ihi$ SUr.-ey IInd d~sCfjpIIQI1, 1238.37 (eel, :lrD"S said west boundary, to ¡¡ poìnt iI' j fence comer, . , . Ihen<:c NB6"04'.51"E. 694.3-1,·(eet, along a~ !!Xisting fence line, (0 a poinl :it.. {en¡;e com.eG, , , lomct'! SO t·, S'J5"'vY, J 16.1 0 feel, along :In e.x1J/ing fence line, 10 a pol.,t on lne tlol1h ban~ of the SaIl Rlvlli:r; 'hem;e conllnuing 501"1 S/JS"vv, 204 feef, mcrè or, less, to I~I! thread af the Salt RIver; then¿e c;[]~rsjng saId thread as {or/ows: NOl1heUlerly' 495 (~t. more or less; .' Ea~terly, 477 feër, more cr less; Northeasterly, 369 f"el, mOrÅ“ or /1m; Nonht!rly, 114& feel, More or Jess;. , , NOl'lhcrly, 56 t r~f!t, more or lê$S, to the north lìnc of said SlKllon 28 and leave said Ihread; " . " .'. Ihence S87"47'SS"vv, 214 fUI, morl! or len, :JIang s;¡jd nOr1h line 10 11i~ CORNER OF ß~GJNNINÇ; ... .... "'"-"'" ........ ..~ tUl ' Ið..W . - """ .... ..._, ..........~ ;;!II IO.Ub, LID,. " -""-""11' Il~ch "polnl" m;¡rk~ by å SIB" x 24" "el!l roin{orclng rod wlrh ; 2~ alumioum cap ¡no wibed "SURVEYOR SCHER6EL, LTO, alc prNEy, 'NY Pt.S 5J6Ð~ and appropriatl! de- 1¡¡ils. , eách "Comer" marked ;1$ de~qlbed in i3 Comer RE'Cord Oh rrle, in ~aid Office. ';¡II in :!a;:ordanc:e will-! Ina! pl~1 ¡;,epared IQ bt nIt!!;/ in ~id om!:!! filled: ."-'tARLOW AND SUSAN F. 8^TEW.~ PLAT OF TRACT WITHIN LOT 4 SEOION 21 lOT " LOT 2, W\{lNEI/4 SECTION 28 TJ6N R119W LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING", dilled 26 Stplembc:r 19%. .', .: :~'. ~'. ",,:' , 26 S~~;;;;' ' ; ubr 1996, ,~...isl!'d j 0 Seplember 19'16 ." ,11 ... ~~~t~¡~¡~!~¡~ :~;. :~ ", ~.~'';<: ~F¡!