HomeMy WebLinkAbout943231 RIGHT OF WAY EASEMENT Ü00841 KNOW ALL MEN BY THIS INSTRUMENT, that the undersigned, Loren W. and Karen M. Ricks, husband and wife, grantors, of the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, for and in consideration ofTEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, GRANT to Robert M. and Nola C. Longhurst, trustees of the Robert and Nola Longhurst Family Trust dated 8 May 1996, husband and wife, grantees, of the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, and their heirs, successors and assigns, a perpetual right- of-way easement over, across and along the existing road and bearing north to the north boundary of the property for ingress and egress to access the Longhurst property located immediately adjacent to the north as follows: A tract of real estate situated in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, as described herein and as shown on the attached Exhibit A. Located within the SE y.¡ if the SE y.¡ of Section 17, T30N, R118W described as follows: Starting at the NW corner of the NE y.¡ of the NE y.¡ of Section 20, T30N, R118W, thence: N89°59.4'E a distance of 48.69' to the intersection of the East Right of Way line of US Highway 89 and the North Section line of said Section 20 and said point being the True Point of Beginning, thence: N66°44'46"E a distance of 182.53', thence: S8Io35'25'W a distance of 173.71' more or less to a point on the east Right of Way line of US Highway 89, thence: southerly along said east Right of way line a distance of 46.84' more or less to the True Point of Beginning. Said description encompassing an area of. 081 acre. /'''i ;v Grantees are hereby granted the right to construct and maintain a road over, across and along the above described right-of-way easement. It is understood that a condition for the granting of this easement is that a gate will be provided across the access easement along the common north boundary line in conjunction with the construction of any access road by the grantees for the protection of livestock operations and that grantees will maintain the road in good condition. Grantees, by their acceptance and recording of this easement, agree for themselves and their heirs, successors and assigns to the conditions specified herein. WI1NESSmYhandthiS~daYOfDlr)¡'~ ~ RECEIVED 10/28/2008 at 12:04 PM BY: --- II' ~ RECEIVING # 943231 L REN W. RICKS r BOOK: 707 PAGE: 841 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY ~7/7l&£' N M. RICKS STATE OF WYOMING ) ) SS COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) .J'!1ÿ1'0regoing inst~ent was acknowledged before me by Loren W. and Karen M. Ricks this ~dayof {fJ oW 2008. WITNESS my hand and official seal. ~~f~ N''''''AÙV 111''1''rlN,....·-- Qi!AA\il [':,\:J'QµP-·NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires: :JcJ'1 ::)f v c)olo COW"'1/ Df :,:lìC\.ÌÕ; State of Wyoming '.. "·';".5;on ExpirüS ,-'uly 21, 2010 ",..... :,~".~ ..1'·-1"'\".i'''...þi'~,~t,~V}".;'-..!r~~·'~4;,C~~I#'\(~J: ._~ k ') , ~ ~ Iii <II~ l~ k Lu \Q ¡-~ J: ~~ ~~ J ~~ -¡- '-..\ -L~ X~ ~ W~ W Z I--t -.J >- <[(1'\ :30) l.J....>- D<[ :3 f-I IL:J L:JI--t I--tI æ: V? f-:::J V? <[l.J.... WD ~ ~ W "':3 V?~O) T-t l.J....Z~ DO I--t "' ~f-Z Uo WWM V?V?f- -0 Z '-'O\ìS42 $.... f- Z W L: W V? <[ W ~ËS I--t Wf- Zu W WV? I f-~:3 l.J.... 0) D~::::: æ:Wæ: Wz "' z Z æ:Wo DIM Uf-f- L:J Z f-I--t ZZ I--tZ DI--t o.....L:J W WP=1 :::J æ:l.J.... f-D US HIGH'w' A Y 89 "' Z o M ~f- W "' z~ u...z DD ~~:3 u~ WWT-t zV?æ: