HomeMy WebLinkAbout943237 ;t.. t:::: (.:;. f,1 2j rl> ;.,', ~ ~ f_, ::'?,,:.~ ~ ;:;- ':; tn ':';'~ Ð> 6' i" g [:,; ,:,:'grantor(s) of COW1ty of Lincoln, State of Wyoming for and in consideration of Ten Dollars and Other Good ~ ¡~ ,~,'and Valuable Consideration (-$10.00-), in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hereby .!f ~ ';J Convey(s) and Quitclaim(s) To ö ¿'5' ~ ,,~. ,~.~ ':< ~: Sf ~!. ,,:. grantee(s), whose address is P.O. Box 284, Thayne, WY 83127, all interest in the following described real 1t',1 fd, ot¡ ¿.: property, situate in Lincoln COW1ty and State of Wyoming, to wit: ~...~ h QUITCLAIM DEED 000863 Rex K. Radford and Linda P. Radford, Husband and Wife Anderson Lazy A. Ranch Ltd., a Utah Limited Partnership .. All of the west one-half of the land described on the attached Exhibit "A" SUBJECT, however, to all restrictions, reservations, easements and rights-of-way of record, of sight or in use. Hereby releasing and waIVing all rights W1der and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming. Witness my/our hand(s) t:þis _ day of October, 2008 _7 ¿ tit. f1 . -., .: .JD ;;;i. ¡{¡ÓfO~= d;' /. ~ord '~<.: ¡, State of Wyoming ) ) ss. COW1ty of Lincoln ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ¿day of October, 2008, by Rex K. Radford and Linda P. Radford. :.-......~~ ~ LAYNA HADER~:!_- NOTARY PUBLIC ~ County {If·t State of ~ Lincoln Wyoming , My Commission Expires February 26, 2012 ;".}! Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: ~ 2.;/2-IJ/2-, RECEIVED 10/28/2008 at 12:20 PM RECEIVING # 943237 BOOK: 707 PAGE: 863 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY Page 1 of6 ~ StreamLme Deed· Quit Claim WY C Rev. 101212008 Pm'....... tJInd _,.,.. Paul N. Sdwrbol _-_No. IlK Sc:oI1 A. SchocboI fI<vI._ No,~IIØ' Merto.v. A. Sdwrb.e ".,.1......IJOntto.,l3Ie SUFM!YO/l SCH1!ABEL, L TO. IIôg I'IMJ. Wromma 03113 -. \YyømIng '3001 ^"... Wyominv 113110 EXHI~IT "A" DEQCRXP'1':ION POR BAILEY B. DMSON AND PB'1'ER BUR'1'NESS ûOû864 'rRACT B To-wit:-- That part of the W; of section 1, T35N, Rl19W, Lincoln county, Wyoming, being a part of those tracts of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 301 of Photostatic Records on page 331; in Book 300 of Photostatic Records on page 638; in Book 80 of' Photostatic Records on page 125; in Book 184 of Photostatic Records on page 128, described as follows: BEGIHN:IHQ at'the west one-quarter corner of said section 1 established by Marlowe A. Scherbel, PLS 5368, as described in the certified Land Corner Recordation Certificate to be filed in said Office; thence NOoo-59.9'E, 62.11 £eet along the west line of said section 1 to a point on the centerline of Thompson County Road No. 12-199; thence S89°-1S.6'E 1323.15 feet along said centerline to a point; thence sooa-04.8'W,. 30¡00 fQet to a point on the south right-of-way line of said County Road No. 12-199; thence continuing sooa-04.B'W, 64.24 feet along an existing fence to a point on the north line ot that tract of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln county in Book 177 of Photostatic Records on page 240; thence N8Ba-32.8'W, 1324.38 feet along said north line to a brass cap set by Lloyd B. Baker PE/LS 69~, marked "1/4 5,2/5.1", found aø demoribed in ~he C.r~ifi.d Land Corn.r Recordation Certificåte filed ,in the said Office; I thence Nooa-OO.OIE, 15.67 feet along the west line of said section 1 to the CORNER OF BEGINNING; ENCOMPASSING an area of 2.61 acr~s, more or less; SUBJECT to an easement for the Thompson county Road No. 12-199 and the East Etna county Road No. 12-110; each "point" marked by a 5/8" x 24'1 steel reinforcing rod with a 2" aluminum cap inscribed "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD. BIG PINEY, WYO. PLS 536BIt; the base bearing is the west line of the SW% of said section 1, being NOoo-OO.O'E; in the T35N The above described land segment, encompassing, 2.61 acres, is declared for non-buildable Agricultural use.