HomeMy WebLinkAbout943277 I Bank of the West 4321 20th Ave SW Fargo, ND 58103 -, RECEIVED 10/29/2008 at 4:03 PM RECEIVING # 943277 BOOK: 708 PAGE: 59 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY B. SEND ACKNOWLEDGMENT TO: (Name and Address) û00059 L .J THE ABOVE SPACE IS FOR FILING OFFICE USE ONLY 1. DEBTOR'S EXACT FULL LEGAL NAME - insert only one debtor name (1a or 1b) - do not abbreviate or combine names 1a, ORGANIZATION'S NAME OR 1b. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME DENT FIRST NAME SHELLY MIDDLE NAME D. SUFFIX 1c, MAILING ADDRESS PO BOX 1013 CITY KEMMERER STATE WY POSTAL CODE 83101 COUNTRY USA 1d. SEE INSTRUCTIONS 1e, TYPE OF ORGANIZATION Individual 11. JURISDICTION OF ORGANIZATION 19. ORGANIZATIONAL ID #, If any NONE 2. ADDITIONAL DEBTOR'S EXACT FULL LEGAL NAME -Insert only one debtor neme (2a or 2b) - do no! abbreviate or combine names 2e, ORGANIZATION'S NAME OR 2b, INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME SUFFIX 2c, MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE POSTAL CODE COUNTRY 2d, SEE INSTRUCTIONS 2e. TYPE OF ORGANIZATION 21. JURISDICTION OF ORGANIZATION 2g, ORGAN IZATlONALI D #, if eny NON 3, SECURED PARTY'S NAME (or NAME of TOTAL ASSIGNEE of ASSIGNOR SIP) - insert only one secured party name (3a or 3b) 3a. ORGANIZATION'S NAME BANK OF THE WEST OR 3b. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME SUFFIX 3c, MAILING ADDRESS 142 E 200 South CITY Salt Lake City STATE UT POSTAL CODE 84111 COUNTRY USA 4. Thts FINANCING STATEMENT covers the following colleteral: Modular Home by Genesis Homes of Colorado, Model #902. Approximately 1,698 square feet; whether any of the foregoing is owned now or acquired later¡ all accessions, additions, replacements, and substitutions relating to any of the foregoing; all records of any kind relating to any of the foregoing; all proceeds relating to any of the foregoing (Including insurance, general Intangibles and accounts proceeds). 5. ALTERNATIVE DESIGNATION [If applicable]: 6. s 's to e e ESTATE RECORDS. Attach Addendum 8. OPTIONAL FILER REFERENCE DATA FILING OFFICE COpy - UCC FINANCING STATEMENT (FORM UCC1) (REV, OS/22/02) Harland Financial Solutions 400 S.W. 6th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97204 UCC FINANCING STATEMENT ADDENDUM FOllOW INSTRUCTIONS front and back CAREFUllY 9. NAME OF FIRST DEBTOR (1a or 1b) ON RELATED FINANCING STATEMENT 9a, ORGANIZATION'S NAME OR 9b, INDIVIDUAl'S LAST NAME DENT FIRST NAME SHELLY MIDDLE NAME, SUFFI D. 10, MISCELLANEOUS: ûOvOSO THE ABOVE SPACE IS FOR FILING OFFICE USE ONLY 11. ADDITIONAL DEBTOR'S EXACT FULL LEGAL NAME -Insart only one name (11a or 11b) - do not abbravlate or comblna names - 11a. ORGANIZATION'S NAME OR 11b, INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME SUFFIX 11 c, MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE I POSTAL CODE COUNTRY 11d, SEE INSTRUCTIONS IADD'L INFORE 111a, TYPE OF ORGANIZATION 111, JURISDICTION OF ORGANIZATION 11g, ORGANIZATIONAL 10 #, if any ORGANIZATION n.,n.,,: DEBTOR I I I 12. ~DDITIONAl SECURED PARTY'S or I ASSIGNOR SIP'S NAME -Insart only ona nama (12a or 12b) 12a. ORGANIZATION'S NAME OR 12b, INDIVIDUAl'S LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME SUFFIX 12c, MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE rOSTAl CODE COUNTRY 13, This FINANCING STATEMENT covers Ombarto ba cut or []as-axtracted 16. Additional collataral description: collataral. or Is filed as a Dxture filing, 14. Dascrlption ofraal astate: Lot 1 of Block 1 of Mower Subdivision, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the official plat thereof. 15. Nama and address of a RECORD OWNER of abova-deSCrlbed real estata (If Debtor does not have a record Interast): 17, Check 2!2!Y If applicable and check 2!2!Y one box, Debtor Is a r1rrust or r1rrustee acting with respect to property held In trust or nDecedent's Estate 18. Check 2!2!Y if applicable and check 2!2!Y one box, _ Debtor Is a TRANSMITTING UTILITY _ lied In connection with a Manufactured·Home Transaction - effective 30 years Filed in connection with a Public-Finance Transaction - effective 30 years FILING OFFICE COpy - UCC FINANCING STATEMENT ADDENDUM (FORM UCC1Ad) (REV. OS/22/02) Harland Financial Solutions 400 S.W, 6th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97204