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~... kndl1tle ~(9mp4ny SINCE 1904 RECEIVED 10/30/2008 at 10:40 AM RECEIVING # 943282 BOOK: 708 PAGE: 81 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY &~9,9/ 000081. St:'le IIr W)'()II1II1~ Space Above This Line For Recordln!;: Data JVIORTGAGE (With Future Auvance Clause) 1. DATE AND l'ARTIES. The uate ,iI'this M!1rtgage (Security Instrument) is ..10:2.1:29.08.. The parties ami their aduresses an.:: .............................................. . MORTGAGOR: M. KEVIN VOYLES, TRUSTEE OF THE M. KEVIN VOYLES LIVING REVOCABLE TRUST DATED APRIL 10,2003 POBOX 820 THAYNE. WY 83127 o If checkl'u. 1-.: fe r to the a(l¡lcheu Auuelldull1 incurporatcU herein, for auditional Mortgagors, their signatures and ack 0' Iwlcdgmcnts. LENDEI~: THE BANK OF ST AR VALLEY ORGANIZED ANO EXISTING UNDER THE LA WS OF THE ST A TE OF WYOMING 384 WASHINGTON STREET PO BOX 8007 AFTON, WY 83110 2. CONVEYANCE. F:or gOIJd anu vii/uable cOllsidnatioll, the receipt anu sutTiciency of which is acknowledged, and to secure the Secured Deh¡ (defined below) anu Mortgagur's perfO!1llanCe under this Seeurity Instrument, Mortgagor grants, bargains, conveys, JllOrlgages and W¡¡ITaI1lS [0 Lender, with power of s¡¡le, the following uescribeu property: SEE EXHIBIT 'A' ATTACHED HERE TO ¡\NO MADE A PART HERE OF The pn'peny is h,c¡¡tcd in .LI.NC9.LN......................... .................. ((l1L1I1lY) THAYNE ..............................................................., ...................................................., .............. ... at .J3.~~'yCo.~R.lY.E............................... (/\lidr~ss) (Cil)') Wyoming . ?~.1.~?................ (ZIP Còde) Togclher wilh all rights, Glsemcllts, appurtemlllces, '(Iyallie~, millcfiI! rigllts, oil ¡¡nu g,IS rights, all water and riparian rights, ditches, anu water stock and all existing anu future improvements, structures, fixtures, and replacements that may now, or at any time in the future, be part of ¡he real eslate described above (all referred to as "Property"). 3. MAXIMUM OllLIGATION LIMIT. The total principal alllount secured by this Security lnstrument at anyone time shall not exceed $ .!~.o,o.qo..qq........................................ . 'fhis lilllit¡¡tioo of ¡¡mount uoes not include interest and other fees and charges v¡ilidly made pursuant II) tllis Security 11I~lrumenl. /\I~o, (hi~ Jimitalion does lIot apply to advances made under the terms oj" Ihis Sccurity Inslrullleln I() pnltcc[ Lemler's security ¡fI1U to pcrlorm ¡¡ny (~I' Llle covenants contained in this Security Instrument. 4. SECURED DEBT AND FUTURE ADVANCES. Thc !L'I'm "'secureu Debt" i.~ uelïned as follow~: ^. Debt incurreu under the tcrms 1)1' ¡ill promiss()!j n()te(s), CO/ltri¡ct(s), guaranty(ìes) or other evidence of debt described below and all their extensions, renewals, modifications or substitutions. (Yoll II/Ust specifically identify the debt(s) secllred and YOll shollld inclllde ¡he '/ÙIUI IJ}u{urÌly dale of sllch debt (5).) ONE PROMISSORY NOTE DA TE OCTOBER 21, 2008 IN THE AMOUNT OF $140,000.00 WYOMING - HOME EQUITY LINE OF CREDIT MORTGAGE (>JOT FOR FNMA, FHLMC. FHA OR \fA USE) (page 1 of 4) ~'!J. k·3rs Sysh:tms. In,:., 51. c:Joud, ~1!1N Form OCp·REMTG-WY 000082 ß. All future advances from Lender to Ivlortgagor or other future obI igations of Mortgagor to Lender under any promissory note, contract, guaranty, or other evidcnce of debt executed by Mortgagor in favor of Lender after this Security Instrument whether or nOI this Security Instrument is specilïcally referenced. II' more than one persall signs this Security Instrument, eilch Mortgagor agrees that this Security Instrument will secure all future advances and future obligations tbat are given to or incurred hy anyone or Illore IVlorlg<lgor, or any olle or more Mortgagor aod others. All future <ldv;¡IICCS ;IIIU other I'ulure ohlig,lliolls ;Ire sL'cured hy Ihis SecurilY InSlrulllell1 even ¡hough all or p<lrl may not yet be adv;llIccd, !\II i'ulure <ldvallces ,I lid flthL'r rUlure ohlig<lli(),~ <Ire secured <IS if m<lde on the uilte of' this Security Instrument. NI)thillg in this SecurilY IlIstrulllent sh;1I1 cfllIstitUIC a comlllillllenl to lIl<lke addition¡¡1 or future loans or advaoces in any <lIlHlUIIl, Any such cllmlllillllclltlllllst he <lgreed tll in;1 sepanlle writing, C. All o(her obligatioos Mortgagor owes 10 Lcnder, which Ill<lY I<lter mise, to the extent Ilot prohibited by law, including, but not limited to, liabilities for overdrafts relating to allY ueposit account <lgreement between Mortgagor and Lender. D. A II addi¡ ional sums advanccd and expenses illcurred by Lender for insuring, preserving or otherwise protecting the Propeny <ind its value and any other SUIllS advauceu and expenses incurred by Lender under the terms of this Security I nstrull1enL In the event Ih;lt I.enuer Llils to pilJVide ;IIIY required 1I)lice 01' the right or rescissioll, Lellder waives any subsequent security interL'S[ in IhL' i'dt,rlg;lgm's prillcip;1I J\\'cllillg lliitl is cre;iIed hy Ihis Security InslrUnlenl. 5. MORTGAGE COVENANTS. i'VIt1rtg;lgor :Igrees II¡¡II [he CIJVen;IIIIS ill this seclioll ,Ire lIlalerial obligations under tbe Secured Debt and this Security InSlrUlIJelll, If IVlorlgaglH' breaches any covemlllt ill this section, Lender may refuse to make additional extensions of credit and reduce ¡he credit limit. By Ilot exercising either remedy 011 Mortgagor's breach, Lender does not waive Lender's right 10 later consider Lllc event a hre,lch if itlwppells again, Payments. Mortgagor agrees that ¡¡II payments unuer tbe Secureu Debt will be p<iid whell due anu in accordance with the tenus of the Secured Deht and this Seeurity ] nSlrumcnt. Prior Security Interests. With reg;¡rd to any other mortgage, deed of trust, security agreement or other lien document that created a prior securily interest or encumbrance on the IJroperty, !vIortgilgor agrees to make ¡¡II payments when due and to perform or COlli ply with all covellallts, Morlg;lgtJr ,dso agrees not to allow any Illodilïcation or extension of, oor to request any future advilnces under any nOIL' or a,!reell1elll secured by Ihe lien dOCUllle1l1 wiU]()ul Lemler's priolo wriuen approval. CI:lims Against Tit Ie. ¡\'lol,tgagt)r will pay all laxes, ;lsseSSlllenlS, liens, encumbrance,~, lease payments, ground rents, utilities, allu other charges relating to Ihe Properly when due. Lender milY require Mortgagor to proviue to Lender copies of all notices that such amounts are due aod the receipts evidencing Mortgagor's payment. Mortgagor will uefelld title to the Property agaillst allY clailIlS Ih;¡t would impair the lien of [his Security Instrumellt. Mortgagor agrees to assign to Lender, as requested hy Lender, allY rights, claims or defenses Mortgagor may have against parties who supply labor or materials to maintain or improve the Property, Properly Condilion, Alterations and Inspection. tvlortgagor will keep Ihe Property in good condition <ind make all repairs that are rcastJllahly necessary. !vlortgagor shall not commit or ;¡llow any waste, impairmeot, or deterioration of the Property, Mortgagor agrees Ihat Ihe !l:Iture of ¡he Occupilncy ;Ind use will not substantially change without Lender's prior written cunsent. !\'Iurt~agor will lIot perl1lil any cliange ill ;Iny license, restrictive covenilnt or e;lsernent without Lender's prior written consenl. Mortgagor will lIotiry Lellder tJf all demands, proceedings, claims ,Ind actions ilgainst Mortgagor, and of any loss or u;¡lIlagc to llie ['ft1peny, Lender or Lender's agents may, ilt Lender's oplion, ellieI' the Property at any reasOJ1,Ible time for the purpose of inspecting the Property. Lender sli¡¡lI give Mortg;lgor wlice at tlie limc of or hefore an inspeclion specifyiog a reasonable purpose for the inspcction, Any iospection of the Property shall be entirely for Lcnder's benefit alld Mortg<igor will in no way rely on Lender's inspection. Authority to Perform. If Mortgagor fails to perform any duty or any of the covenants contained in this Security Instrument, Lender may, wilhout Jwtice, perform tJr cause llielll to be performed, Mortgagor appoints Lender as attorney in fact to sign Mortgagor's llilll1e or pay any ¡¡mount neeessary for performance. Lender's right 10 perform for Mortg¡¡gor shall not create an oblig¡¡tion to perform, anu Lenuer's i'ailure to perform will not preclude Lenuer from exereising any of Lender's other rights unuer the I¡¡w ur this Security Inslrulllent, Leaseholds; Condominiums: Plannp(/ Unit Dcvelopmellts. lVIortgagt)r agrces It, cl)mply with the prOVlSIOUS of auy lease if tbis Security Inslrument is Oil a le;lselwld, If the ProperlY includes ,I unil in a condominium or a planned unit development, Mortgagor will perform all or Mortgagor's duties ulluer the covenants, by-laws, or regulations of the condominium or planned unit development. Condemnation. Mortgagor will give Lenuer prompt notice of any penuing or threatened action, by private or public entities to purchase or take aoy or all of the Property through condemnation, eminent dom,tÎn, or any other means. Mortgagor authorizes Lender to intervenc in MortgagtJr's name in any of the abt)ve described actions or claims, Mortgagor assigns to Lender the proceeds of any award or cl;¡im for damagcs connected with a condelllmltion or other taking of all or any part of the Property, Such pwceeus shall be consiucred payments and will he <ipplied as proviued in this Security I nstrument. This assignment of proceeds is suhject to the tcnl1S 01' any prior Illortgage, deed 01' trust, securitv agreement or other lien documeot. Insurance. MOllga/;!or shall keep )roperty insured Hg;¡in~t loss by rire, l1ood, therl and otlu:;r haz.ards and risks reasonably associated with the I)ropeny due to its type and [ociltion. This insur<ince shall be maintained in the amounts and for the periods th<it I_endcr requires. 'v"hat I.ender requires pursll;1111 10 tlte pl'Cceding Iwo scnlenccs can ch;-¡nge during (he term of the Secured Debt. The insunlncL: carrier prllviding the insurance shall be cltosen by Mortgagor subject to Lender's approval, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. If 1\lortgagur rails 10 mailllain the coverage described ahove, Lender may, at Lender's option, obtain cuverage to protect Lender's rights in {he Propcrty according to the terms of this Security lnstrument. All insurance policies ilnd renewals shall be acceptable 10 Lender anu shall include a ~tandard "mortgage clause" and, where applicable, "loss payee cI;luse," MOrlgagl)r sball immediately notiry Lender or c<incellation or tennination of the insurance, Lender shalJ have the right to hold the policies anu renewals. II' Lender requires, Mortgagor shall iJlli11ediately give to Lender all receipts or paid premiulTls and rellewal notices, Upon loss, Mortgagor sh<i1J give immediate notice to the insurance carrier and Lender. Lender may make proof of loss if notlll;lde immeuiately by Mortgagor. Unless otherwise agreeu in wfltlng, ;111 insulëlnce proceeds sl¡¡¡11 be applied to tile restoration or repair of the Properly tJr 10 the Secured Deht, whether or not then uue, al Lender's option. Any application of proceeds to (page 2 of 4J Ex:(5e?è!f' r2'1994 Bankors Sy>toms. Inc., St. Cloud. MN Form OCP-REMTG-WY 5/11/2005 600083 principal sh,11I nul extend or postpune the Juc d,ltc ur the scheduled paymcnt nur ehange tbe ¡¡mount of any payment. Any excess will he paid to thc Mortgagor. I f the Jroperty is acquired by Lenuer, Mortg¡¡gor's rigbt to any insurance policies and proceeus resulling from uamage to the Properly bcl'ore the acquisilioll shall pass to Lender to the extent of the Secured Debt immediately bcl'ore the acquisition. Financial Reports and Additiollal Docllmellts. Ivfortg'lgor will provide to Lcnuer upon rcquest, any financial statement or information Lendcr 1ll;IY dcelll reilsonahly llceessary. MOrlgagor agrees to sign, deliver, and file any additional documents or certifications Ih,lt Lenuer may consiuer necessary to perrect, continue, and preserve Mortgagor's obligations under this Securily Instrulllenl and Lcnder's licn status ()n tlte Property. 6. DUE ON Sf\LE. I.endcr IlIay, ;II it S 'II'I it III. IkcLlrl' tll": l'lll irl' h;d;il1ce III' tlte Sl'cuml D..:bt to be immediately due and payable upon the creatlull or, or cOl1tr¡¡ct for Ihe cre;¡liolt ur, ;1 tl,lJlslÚ or s;¡le or all or any part III' tlte Property. This right is subject to the restrictions illlposed hy feder;d J¡IW (12 C.F.R. 51)1). as applicahk. 7. DEFAULT. tvlortgagor will be in uerault il' any or Ihe rollowing occur: Fraud. Any ConsUlner 130rrower elH!ilf.!,CS in fnlUd or material misrepresentation in cunnection with the Secured Debt that is an open enu home equity plan, ~ ~ Payments. Any Consumer Borrower on ,Iny Secureu Debt that is an open end home equity plan fails to make a payment when due. Properly. 1\ ny ¡¡etilll1 or in;¡cl iOIl hy (he ]jorrllwcr or 1\'lnrlg;¡gor occurs Ibal ;¡dvcrsely 11ITcc(s the Property or Lender's rights in the I'roperty. This includes, hut is not lilllileu tn. tit..: r,)lIlIwillg: (<I) M(1rtgagor rails 10 IJl<lin(ain required iosuraoce on the ProperlY; (b) tvJ¡)rtgagur tr;¡ns!crs tlte Property; (e) Morlg;¡gor cOmlJlilS w¡¡ste or otherwise destructively uses or fails to maintain the Property such that the action or illacti,1I1 ;Idversely <lfTeclS Lender's seeurity; (d) Mortgagor fails to pay taxes on the Propeny or otherwise rails to act and thereby c;¡uses a lien to be riled against the Property that is scnior to the lien of this Security Instrument: (e) a sole Mortgagor dies; (I) if morc than one Mortgagor, any Mortgagor dies and Lender's security is adversely ¡¡fleeted; (g) the Property is taken through eminent domaio: (h) a judgment is filed against Mortgagor and subjects Mortgagor and the Property to action that ildversely affects Lelluer's interest; or (i) a prior lienholder forecloses on the Properly and as a result, Lender's interest is adversely affected. Executive Ofticcrs. Any l3orrower is ao exeeulive officer of Lender or an affiliate and such Borrower becomes indebted to Lendcr lJ/' anolller Icnuer in an aggregate alllounl greater th¡¡n the ilmoUlil permitted under !'cuerallaws and regulations. S. REMEIHES ON DEFAULT. In ;Iuditiotl to any other rentedy iwail:tble under Ihe lerms of this Security Instrument, Lender may ;Icc.:elerilte the Secured Deht and 'oreclosc tllis SecurilY fllSII'ulllenl in a 11I<Inller [JI'()vided hy law if Mortgagor is in default. In some inSlilllc:es, !'cunal allu stale litW will rcquire I.clld..:r II! I)'()vide Mong;¡gor wilh nUlicc of tbe rigllt to eure, or other notices and llIay establish time schedules for 'orec.:losur..: ileliolls, At the oplioll of tile Lenuer, ,ill Ill' allY part 01' Ihe agrecu fees aud c.:harges, ilcerued interest and principal shall become immediately due anJ paYélble, a/'ter giving notic.:e il' required by law, UPOIl the occurrence of a default or anytime thereafter. Lender shall be eutilled to, witlwutlimitation, (be power [0 sell the Prorerty. The acc.:eptance by Lender or any sum in paYll1ell1 or parti,¡ payment 00 the Secured Debt after the balance is due or is accelerateu or after foreclosure proc.:eedings are riled shall not constitute a waiver of Lender's right to require complete cure of any existillg default. By not exercising any lTlnedy on fvllJrlgagor's debult, Lender does not waive Lender's right to later consiJer tile evcnl a del'ilult if itllappens again. 9. EXPENSES: ADVANCES ON COVENANTS; ATTORNEYS' FEES; COLLECTION COSTS. If Mortgagor breaches any covenant in this Seeurity Instrument, Mortgélgor ,Igrces to pay all expenses Lender illcurs in perfonning such covenants or protecting its security interest in ¡hc Propeny, Such ..:xpenses incluJe, but are nOI lirnited to, fecs incurred for inspecting, preserving. ()r olherwise protecting the Property and Lemler's security interest. These expeoses are payable on demand and will bear iOlerest fron! the dale of p¡¡ymcnt unlil p¡¡id in full al the highest rate of interest in effect as provided in the terms of the Secured Debt. tvlorlgagor agrees !o pay all costs ,Ind expenses incurred by Lender in collecting, enforcing or protecting Lender's rights and remeuies unda this Security Instrument. This amount may include, but is not limited to, reasonable attorney~' fecs, court cost~, and other legal expenses. This amount does not include iltlorncys' fees for a salaried employee of lhe Lender. '1'(1 (he extent pennilleu by the United Slates 13ankruptcy Code, Mortgagor agrees to pay the reasonable attorneys' i'ees Lcnuer incurs to Cl>llect the Secured Debt as awarued by any court exercising jurisdiction under the Bankruptcy Code. Tbis Securily Instrumcnt shall remain in elleel until releaseu. tv!orlg¡¡gl)r agrees to pay for any recordation costs of such release, 10. ENVIRON.MENTAL LAWS AND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES. As used in this seetion, (1) EnviroJlluental Law means, withoul limitalion, tbe Comprehensive l~nvirollll1enlal Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA, 42 D.S.C. 9601 et seq,), ~Inu all olher kueral. Slale ;Ind It)C;¡ laws, regulations, tJrdill<tllces, toun orders, attorney general opinions or interpretivc fetlers cnnccJïling tlte public lIe~illlI, ";lkIY, wellÚe, cnvironment or a h,l¿ardous substance'; and (2) Hazardous Substanec means any (¡)xie, radioac¡ive or bazarutJus Ill<Iteri;¡, waste, pollutant tJr contaminant which has characteristics which render the suhst;lnce dangerous or pOlellli¡¡ly dallgerous to tbe publ ic health, sid'ety, welfare or environment. The term includes, without limitation, allY sub~tances Jelïned ,IS "hazardtJus m¡¡terial," "ltJxic sub~tances," "hazardous waste" or "hazardou~ ~uhstancc" under élny EnvironIllelllal Law, fvlorlllal!or rcpresenls, warranls "nd ;'I!rces that: A~lrxcepl ;IS previously uiscl(Jsl:d~ alld aekntJwleJl!cd in Wl'ItllH.! ttJ Lender, no -Iazaruous Substance is or will be located stored or released on or in tile Propeny. This ¡':"estricLion do;~ not apply to small quantities of Hazardous Substances that are generally recogni¿ed to he appropriate I'or Ille norm;11 u~e and mailltenance or the Properly. B, Except ,IS previously disclosed and acknowledged in writing to Lender, Mortg¡'gor and every tenant have been, are, and shall remain in full Cl>IllpJi;lncc wit II any applieable Environmenlal Law, C, Ivlortg¡¡gllr shall imlneJialdy notiJ'y Lenun if <i releasc or Ihrealened release oj' a [-a¿ardous Substance occurs on, under or about the Property or there is a violation 01' any Environmental Law concerning the Property. In such an event, tvlongag()r slwll take ¡¡II necessary remedial aetion in accordance with any Environmental Law. D, Mortg;lgtJr shall imJllcdiately notify Lender in writing as SOOIl as Mortgagor has reason to believe there is any pending or tbreatened investigation, claim, or proceeuing relating to the release or threatcned rcle¡¡se of any Hazardous Substance or the violation of any Environmental Law. (page 3 of 4) ~!J ';:¡199,t Bankers Systems. In.:., 51. Cloud, MN Form OCp·REMTG·WY 5/11/2005 OOô084 11. ESCRO\V fOR TAXES AND INSURANCE. lJi¡e~s otherwi~e provided In ¡¡ separate agreement, Mortgagor will not be requil'Cd to ray tll Lender rUlllls rllr la\e~ ,llld in~lIr;il¡Cl' in cscrllw. 12. JOINT AND INDIVUJ1JAL LIAJlILIT"j CO-SIGNERS; SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS BOUND. All duties under this Security Ins! rument are joint aOlI illdividu¡iI. I I' Mortgagor signs thi.~ .security Instrument but does not sign an evidence of debt, Mortgagor does so only to mortgage rVlortg;¡gor's intcre~t in tlie Property 10 secure payment of the Secured Debt and Mortgagor does not agree to be personally liahle on the Secured Debl. If this Security Instrument secures a guaranty between Lender and Mortgagor, Mortgagor ¡¡grees to waive any riglit~ tliat may prevent Lcnder rrom bringing any aetiotl or claim agaiust Mortgagor or aoy parly inuebteu unuer the obligation. These righls m¡¡y include, but are not limited to, any anti-deficiency or one-action laws. The duties and benefits or this Security Instrumeot shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Mortgagor and Lender. 13. SEVERABILITY; INTERPRETATION. This Securily InSlrulllenl is complete ilnd fully integrated. This Security Instrument may nlll he ;llIlendcd l1I' tIlouilÏcd by mal ;lgrel'll1elll. /\ny ~ecli{)¡ in !hi~ Securily Instrumcnt. attachments, or any agreement relatcd 10 the Secun:d Debl Ihill. C!)nllict~ with ;Ippliclbk IiiII' will nOI be effective, unless that law expressly or impliedly permits the v,I!'i;llions by wriltell ;¡greemenl. II' ;IIIY seCliol¡ or this Security InSlrument cannot be cnforced according to its terms, th¡¡¡ ~eclion will hc ~evcrcu ;Ind will not ;ilTecllhc cnl'orce;¡lJiliIY IIfthc rClwlinder of this .security Instrument. Whenever used, the sillgular shall include ¡he plural and the plural the ~ingular. The captions and headings of the sections of this Security Instrument are for convenience only and arc not to be used 10 interprel or define the lerms of this Security Instrument. Time is of the essence in tHis Security Instrument. 14. NOTICE. LJoless otherwise required by law, any notice shall be given by uelivering it or by mailing it by first class mail to tbe appropriate party's adJress on page I or this Security Instrument, or to any other ¡¡ddress desigoatcu in writing. Notice to one mortgagor will be deemed to be notice to allmorlgagors. 15. \VAIVERS. Excepl to Ihe eXlent pJ'l)hihitcd hy 1;111', Mortgagol' 1I';l!ve~ allY right regaruing the marshalling of liens and assets anJ "II hOl.lleslL'ali exempt illn rigllts rcl;il ing III Ihe 1'/'1 'pcny. 16. LINE Of CREDIT. Tile SL'Culed Debl illclulks ;1 rL'\'{,kill~ linl ,)1 Cll·clil. "\lIlIlIu)è1l i!le Secured Dcbt I1I"Y be reduced to a ¡,en) balance, tlli~ SecurilY II1S1rulnellt will rern;lin ill cJTcct Ulll'¡¡ rcle;lscd, 17. APPLICABLE LAW. This Security In~trumenl is governed by the l¡¡w~ ;IS agreeu to in the Secured Debt, except to the extent required by the laws of Ihe jurisdictilln wllere the Pl'Operly is located, anu applic~ible felierallaws and regulations. 18. RIDERS. The covenanls and al!recmenls of each of the rider.~ checked below are iocorporaled into and supplement and amend the tenns of this Sec~rity ] nstl'UJ~lenl. [Check all applicable boxes] o Assignlllcnl of I.eases and Renl~ 0 Olher..,..",........."..,....."".,.................",..,... ...',......... ......................... 19. 0 ADDITIONAL.TERI'vIS. SIGNATURES: By signil1¡2 below, lyJ¡1Iïgagm ;Igrecs III tile ICIlJ)S a ill I CIIl'l'lwlls clllllaillecJ in Ihi.~ Security Instrumeot and in any "'"hn ""' M'H"""~'S<' ,,,knowkd",, ""'I" or, wrY or ,hi., See", "y 1 'OS" no",,' "" "" d"t, "",d 0" p'g' L .~ VÒYLEŠ ~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /ok /Oi~;,,;;" is;;,,;;;,;; .. . . ...... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . ......................... ... .... {D,;;;" ACKNOWLEDGMENT: ., _..... ¡j' (1IIdividll"l) ~I:I':\ l~E OF ,YV.YOMI.~9.... 'k.... ..I' ':,'" 'I' ·1'··:·'··'··'· "1 COUN'I'f (W . ,( :-'7Ul~.... )f&'t'~'L':""'" ';j'~a';ç;'} ss. 1IS IlIstrument was ac noweugel Jelore me Ills .................... uay of' ....{J../.v .C/¡:;¿¡U,l.......L.u!!().................... bv . M:15EV.1N, Vo.YLE~, ,TRUS,~EE ,OF .TH.E [1.1, KEYIN. VOYLES. LlYI~JG I1EVqCI\BLE TRUS,T .D^ TEOAPBIL 1.0. 29.03, , . , . . . , , , . , , . . . . . , , , . . . , , , . ' . . . . , , . . . .. . Ñly cOlllmission expirest,..,¡Ît<ií ~ 09 I I} '. /) .(~ (.scal) " ) - I , .. .. .. ' , .. .. .. , .. . .. ' .. ..l.rll;., 7:1//.... ~j. .::-.................. " (N""'7 J'lliJlic) / / .' .. ( / ,-,/' ....../ ~ ANJt TAYLOR NOTARY PUBLIC STAf~ OP WYOMING J4î,: Exí5Eii'è~ ©1994 Bankers Syst.ms, Ine" St. Cloud. MN Form OCp·REMTG,WY 5/1112005 (page 4 of 4) Home Equity Policy EXHIBIT "A" 000085 Lot 5 ofRA YCO RANCH ESTATES SUBDIVISION, Lincoln County, Wyoming according to that plat filed September 7, 1995 as Instrument No. 807879 in the Office of County Clerk, Lincoln County, Wyoming, as Plat No, 366. HEP Policy - Schedule A Policy No.: M-9735-34762 Page 4 of 5 STEWART TITLE Guaranty Company