HomeMy WebLinkAbout943383 - -. - - ~- -- NTL-2002 PATRICK GOEBEL 14 TANNER LAN BIG PINEY, WY 83113 RECEIVED 11/3/2008 at 3:54 PM RECEIVING # 943383 BOOK: 708 PAGE: 414 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY WARRANTY DEED 00041.4 ROGER LINDE, AS SOLE OWNER, Grantor(s) of LABARGE, County of LINCOLN, State ofWY, hereby CONVEY AND WARRANTto PATRICK GOEBEL and MANDl GOEBEL, HUSBAND AND WIFE, Grantee(s) of LABARGE, County of LINCOLN, State ofWY for the sum oftEN DOLLARS AND OTHER GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, the following described tract of land in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming, to wit: SOUTH EIGHT (8) FEET OF LOT 21, LOT 22 AND LOT 23 OF TIlE EIDEN ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF LABARGE, LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING AS DESCRIBED ON THE OFFICIAL PLAT OF THE SCHMID ADDmON AND EIDEN ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF LABARGE, LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING, RECORDED JULY 6, 1993 AS MAP NUMBER 276·A AND DOCUMENT NUMBER 767481, IN THE OFFICE OF TIlE CLERK, LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING, Subject to easements, restrictions and rights of way of record, and taxes for the year 2008 and thereafter. t;tJ:-- Witness, -the hand(s) of said Grantor(s), this OCTOBER 2ß . 2008, ,~ ROGE LINDE Sta10 of U..::)..~. ÇVvu~\ ) County of ·~-Ual:\e._~ On OCTOBER 2:P.., .2008, personally appeared before me ROGER LINDE the signer(s) of the within instrument, who duly acknowledged to me that they executed the same, L/^,-~o Md ,_ L~lL~ Q)c..) Notarial Officer Residing: ~\..\ctett( Expires: - -'~ÅF~\'LC) L<:::, -- WENDY ROHRER - NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF STATE OF SUBLETTE WYOMING My Commission Expires 03/15/2010 Oct 29 2008 12:05 POOd/018 NTL-2104 , STANLEY!CDARDIS SHÄRON A. .DARDIS . 926; WEDGEWOOD DRIvE WOODBURY, MN 55125 WARRANTY:DEED, 00'" ... r- v4:"",-;;:::; WJW HOLDINGS. LLLP, A NOTRH DAKOTA LIMITBD LWULlTY LIMrrBD PARTNERSHIP AND ALPINB VILLAGE PROPERTIES, !.LC, A'WYOMING LOOTED LIAmUTY COMPANY, ' Orantor(s) ofPAROO, County ofCASS, State ofND, hereby CONflEY AND WARR.4NTto STANLBY K. DARDIS and SHARON A, DARDIS, HUSBAND AND WIFE, Grantee(s) of WOODBURY, Coimty oiWASHINGTON, Stats ofMN . . foUhe, Stan ,ofTEN ~OLLAR8 ~,OTH;ER. GQOD'AND V~UABLB CONSIDERATION, the following ,described tract:oflån4,In,LINCO~ Coimty; Statc'ofWycïmißg, . hereby releasing and waiving 1111 rights under and 'by,virtùe oftfu;'ho~estèad exemption 'laws oft1ic ,Stab! of Wyoming, to Wit: : LOT ,96 ALPiNE'VIi'..L,ð.GB' SUBDMSIÒN' NO.1 FLAT:2:AMEN'I:IBD-12TH FILING RECORDBD ON JULY 11,2007 AT DOêUIviEN¡. NUMBER 931149, IN THE OFPICE OF THE cLERK. LINCOLN COUNTY, wyoMÎNG:;' , ' , 'Subject to wements, reStrictions and ~igb~s or'way ofrecotd, arid taxel for the year 2008 and thereafter. . . . I~~ Witness, the hånd(9)'o~said'Orantor(8):' this ,.'ì--&--, ' , , RECEIVED 11/3/2008 at 3:58 PM .. .:..c\~~þ ALPINE'VlLLAGE P PERTIE, LLC RECEIVING# 943384 ",~y:'~@~ BOOK: 708 PAGE: 415 ' ~,. ' , . JEANNE WAGNER ,WJWHOLDINGSLLLp:" R wy By: JIM·BULLIS LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERE . ' Stateor~..· ~ ' ,,' . v County of ' , , . , \ O~ Drt 7Cì \ 7 .))0(. pçriC;)I1~lY, app~ b~rox:e:~e 'JIM BtiuiS, who. being by m~ duly swom, did say ~ hi ii,the ~åg~lM~er of AI?IÞqt VILI..AGB P:ROPBRTIHS, LLC,AND WJW HOLDINGS, ILLP"and that th,e',s~ä:'instroment wus'iigned in beh81f of llaid Limited Liability Company by the authority of its Articles Qf Organization and 'Operating Agrc'emèzÌt,' Bnd the aforesåid lndi'Vidualacknowledged to me that ' 91!Jd CompanY executed the s~e. " ,',' , Residing: , Expires: ~)J/ÕI<-. ~~ otarial Offiçer , ' , , TERESA KUZNIA Notary Public ' State of North Dakota My Commission Expires Sept. 24,2P1 p .,...~ , ..,~